Their Promises

"I will let that girl in while also making an Illusion that she is still outside. I cannot let the humans know that you are connected to me... at least not in a favorable way. I will act like I am forcibly taking you."

"But you are forcibly taking me." Mu Yue retorted.

"And now that girl is inside. Go do what you need to do." The dragon said as a part of the barrier opened.

"Mu Yue!" Xiao Yan runs not minding the enormous dragon on her sight. Nothing will stop the dragon from killing her, so going to Mu Yue for the remaining time she might live would be a better use of time.

Mu Yue hugged Xiao Yan when the two meet. Tearing up, she explained what happened.

"So a separation... That's fine! It was going to happen for a year anyway."

"I haven't asked how long so I might as wel-"

The dragon then spoke, "1 month to 10 years. Depending on how you do, for that is how long the other's took."

"T-ten years" Xiao Yan despaired. Although she will wait even if it was longer, she does not like being separated from Mu Yue for such a length of time.

"Don't worry, Xiao Yan. I'm sure that I can finish it quickly! I won't let you wait long, I promise."

"You better do that! I will punish you if it takes too long! Also, be sure to grow strong. I will no longer hold back as being weak means more things that will block us from being together."

"Mhm, let us grow strong, stronger than anyone else. Us two on the peak that no one will reach. It will be our place where we can spend our time together."

With all these said, Xiao Yan initiated a kiss. It was what they were saving up for the last moment of their date.

After a long kiss that Mu Yue hoped will last forever, she now has to say goodbye. "Farewell, Xiao Yan. Tell my father what happened since he also can be trusted. However, try not to tell him of my origin... maybe on the lines of the dragon is related to my true family and is just bringing me home for a while or something."

"Heh, leave that old man to me. Take care of yourself, Mu Yue. Remember, never trust others if it's not me. It might sound bias, but it's better than falling into a trap."

"Mhm, I know. And If I want to help people, I must make sure that I can easily solve the problem, and not go in a difficult situation."

With a last hug, the two separated from each other. Mu Yue went back beside the dragon while Xiao Yan went to the illusion that replaced her.

"Stand there, little girl. I will grab you using my claws but I will control my energy so that it will protect you from everything. Now to start the show."

Zhi Li was currently staring at the barrier, ready to act when it goes down.

The barrier then started to get translucent, and from the top, it slowly disappeared. Zhi Li only heard a loud roar of the dragon and felt the heavy gusts of wind. He only saw an unconscious Mu Yue on the claws of the dragon. He tried to chase but the dragon was too fast.

"Mu Yue!!!!!!" He shouted the name of his daughter, unwilling to lose her. The other Soul Formation Cultivators comforted her, telling him that it was a necessary sacrifice and nothing can be done to stop the dragon.

On the other hand, Xiao Yan kept on staring at the sky to where the dragon disappeared. Only when there isn't even a dot, which was them, visible did she remove her gaze.

"Mu Yue... don't break your promise..." It was now that tears started to fall from her eyes. In front of Mu Yue, she kept a strong front so that she will not worry. In truth, she wanted to cry... but having blurry vision with the remaining time she will see Mu Yue is unacceptable.

Mu Yue, who was on the dragon's claws was now on its back. The journey was long and the dragon will only fly at the normal speed to save energy for unexpected situations. There is always a reason why the three kingdoms seldom have guests from the other continents. Crossing the ocean, even if traveling through the sky, still has risks.