With The Moon By Her Side

Mu Yue only got tired but was not injured. Although the hounds had a higher spiritual level, their overall stats were weaker.

This was one of the reasons why the beast race was the most confusing. You cannot just look at the spiritual level of a beast since different subraces/type affect their strength. Also, beasts that fight in groups are normally individually weaker than the beasts that fight alone even if both have the same spiritual level.

After recovering, Mu Yue searched for her next targets. She feels that there were more than a thousand. With these numbers, it will take her a while to kill all of them and so, she needs to kill faster.

One by one, the beasts in the area were killed by her. There were some difficulties such as when she was fighting a beast of the same strength, she noticed that another target was getting close to her.

The two beasts teamed up against her and managed to terribly injure her right hand. This was her dominant hand. She can use her sword with her left hand but it will be slower and at best used for blocking.

She escaped after managing to kill her initial target with her ice ability while slowing the other one. She was not too concerned about the injury on her hand as she knows it will slowly heal back.

It was painful than she expected. She wrapped the injury with some spare clothe and consumed some pills. She was not sure if they will have an effect but there was no harm consuming them.

It only took a night for the injury to heal. She did some practice and concluded that her right hand was fully healed as there were no difficulties when she was using it.

She wondered what will happen if she gets killed. Will her real body also die or will she only fail the trial? Maybe nothing will happen but she won't take the risk.

Because of what happened, it might take around a year to finish this trial. She can try to target the weak ones but she prefers fighting those close to her strength. She wants to use this trial to train herself since if she became better at fighting, the following battles might finish even faster than slowly getting stronger killing the weaker targets.

Three months have passed. Mu Yue only rested if she needs it. She kept on fighting till she reaches her limit. She of course know which targets to kill when she was close to exhaustion.

During these months, she met some human targets. She was hesitating if she also has to kill the innocent ones even if this was just an illusion or something similar but she found out that every human here was evil or at least gave her a reason to kill them.

She met a random cultivator that was still on the Qi Condensation stage. That person was also in a group. Mu Yue planned to just ignore them but that group called her out. When she ignored them, that group attacked her.

She was confused about why these weak cultivators attacked her. She dodged their attacks but the group did not have any plans of stopping. She got angry and started killing them.

She however failed to kill the other ones as some escaped. After a day, the brother of that person wanted to kill her. Mu Yue has already reached the 6th step of the Foundation Establishment Stage but that person was already at the 9th step of the same stage.

She gave her all to fight this person. The fight lasted some time as it turned night. With the moon by her side, she easily finished off this person.

At night, her strength will get a massive boost. Her regeneration of spiritual energy also becomes fast which was so helpful since she needs a lot of energy to properly use Yin Xue. Her control over her ice ability also improves.

Not wasting the remaining night time, Mu Yue searched for more targets to kill. Human or beast she does not care. If she met a stronger enemy, she just needs to wait till it's nighttime before killing them.

One day, she was just minding her business as usual... killing her targets.

She was then interrupted by a person that introduced himself as the father of the two brothers she killed. A Core Formation Cultivator, can she kill such a strong person if it's night? She does not know.