Kill or Die

'I need to escape'

Mu Yue had no chance of defeating her current opponent at daylight. She needs to hold on until it becomes night time. This was one of the drawbacks of the Lunar Cultivation Method.

Most people prefer fighting during the day since they can see clearly as well as avoid the nocturnal creatures which were normally stronger than the daylight ones. History already taught a lot of people about the disadvantages of fighting at night if they are not suited for it.

"Did you know that your children were the first to attack me? I was just defending myself." Mu Yue questioned.

"Is that so? Well... I don't care." replied the man. He then saw Mu Yue running away and laughed, "Although I alone am enough to kill you, I brought more people for the unexpected. Feel honored that I used so much effort to catch and kill you."

Mu Yue stopped running when she noticed multiple presences near her. She was always checking the distance of the other targets and was surprised when she got cornered. They were not there earlier.

She knows where each target is but only the direction. No matter how far each of them, they will all feel the same to her unless they came close. These people must have been outside the distance required for her to be able to sense their location.

"How did you know?" Mu Yue asked. She never saw or felt anyone watching her. Maybe she never sensed them but not many days have passed since she killed the two children of this man. It was impossible for them to guess her ability to track her targets.

"Hmm? About why I brought more people? Hah! You always escape when my subordinates come to rescue my children. I am not that stupid to let you escape for the third time."

This wasn't what Mu Yue wanted to know. Anyway, this illusion world or something else must've been made by a strong individual that she can converse with the people inside.

Fighting this many people, she was sure she was going to die. She wasn't scared since she knows this is an illusion. There was a high chance her real body will still be safe despite her dying here.

A life and death battle, although it does not really count as one since she will not 'die'... she hopes. She will still do everything she can to win, who knows, she might get lucky.

She quickly went towards the weak people in the group. It was best to reduce their numbers instead of going for the leader that was too strong for the current her.

Kill, kill, kill. She kept killing and felt they never decreased in numbers. It continued for some more time till she got tired. They were not just standing there as they still fight back which exhausted her.

She stared at the Core Formation Cultivator and only saw him smiling and never moving. She wanted to stop and rest but she can't since they still kept on attacking her.

With her movements slowing down, they managed to injure one of her legs. She cannot understand why she cannot recover her stamina. She has been killing them but no red thing drops from the bodies she killed.

She already forgot how long she was fighting. Her body hurts from all the injuries she took. She was now half-kneeling, too tired and too hurt to stand.

The man finally moved and walked closer to her. Mu Yue stared at him and saw him grab her at the neck. She was being choked while being lifted in the air. She thought she was gonna run out of breath but the man only gripped for her to be in pain but not too much that she can't breathe.

The man took his sword before pointing it upwards.

"Good Luck" The man muttered before slashing off Mu Yue's dominant arm.

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!" Mu Yue cried in pain. Her tears were bloody. Why hasn't this man killed her yet! The pain wasn't reduced despite being in an illusion world. She even wondered if this was the real world and she took the trial lightly.

The man threw her to the ground that added more pain to Mu Yue. Slight movements cause her pain. She stayed unmoving at the ground, her eyes looking at the skies.

But it looked like the man was not done yet. He approached Mu Yue and repeatedly stabbed her.

Mu Yue kept screaming in pain every time the sword pierced her flesh. She then lost her voice from too much shouting. Her thought process slowly went from "Please let me die" to "Kill the person in front of her".