My Name is Tanuki!

The village partied like there was no tomorrow last night; and now, the little slime sat by the roof of a house as he watched the sun rise from the horizon. The events that took place and the people he has died, it only took a day.

The little slime wondered how much sacrifice he has to make in the future. The little slime was started to have mixed feelings as he remembered what happened yesterday. Maybe his humanity hasn't actually disappeared, who knows.

Although the pity quickly disappeared, "Those pieces of shits." The little slime muttered.

"Tanuki! Get down here!" Lag came out shouting from below the ground as he waved his hands for the little slime to see.

"Sure!" The little slime replied as he jumped out from the roof of the house.

The meeting that took place last night gave the little slime some really good information about this world.

It seems like the land on this planet looks like the ancient Pangaea— the land is all squished into one super continent called "Rodinia" with massive lakes from here to there, so deserts are still rare.

Unlike Earth that has a fresh water of 2.5%, looking at the map they gave me; it's way more than that—explaining the clean water from those given lakes. It also meant that this world's formation is way better than Earth.

However, like anything, it has its cons.

It is inhabited by multiple intellectual species, with Humans gaining 60% of the population. The Elves take 20% of it and the Lizardmen said they are insane environmentalists but really loves meat, which is ironic.

The cons I was talking about is the 15% of the population—which is the species called Demons.

In the novels, Demons are feared among the land. The source of mass destruction and despair that creeps to the mind of the people; but in this world, it was different.

They are slaves, using their lives for the benefit of the "rulers" of this world. The one and only—humans.

They are used for businesses—like prostitution, and work their lives as employees without pay and with a single loaf of bread per day. Given only dirty water and rooms that are filled with horse feces.

To be honest, the Demons in this world are the Humans; and it gave the little slime nothing but accepting his mission of being on the top of the Food Chain.

The little slime also asked about their current technologies. Discovering that the Humans are far more ahead, with stone houses and early versions of guns that the Chief showed me. Although guns are really expensive.

If this was Earth, this era should be in the 17th-18th Century.

This planet is so similar to the Old Earth but for one thing—Religion. Why, you ask?

Well, for one thing, their God meddles with the living beings in this world more frequently than the one on Earth. The little slime asked the Guide if it was a fact, the Guide said...

[That "God" they are describing to you, is the "God" that brought you here.]

The religion called "The Eyes of Krono" is the biggest religion in this world, that even the Elves are firm believers to it. The Elves — known for their high pride and honor, kneeling to a God.

"I see." The meeting ended with no problems as the little slime only realized that the sun was beginning to set. The slime watched the sun as it reminded him that the events that occured was only the first day; and more hell is to come.

"Hey, little benefactor." The tantalizing, smooth voice of a certain Baronet whispered upon the little slime's ears as he got startled and consciously jumped, "W-what do you want, Miss Bonet?"

Although she looks like she was in her youth, she's actually over-aged. It might be the magic that she's always conducting to have a youthful body, "a-heh heh." The little slime drooled as Miss Bonet carried him into her arms.

"Anyway little benefactor, don't you have a name?" Miss Bonet asked as the little slime just realized about it, as the excitement covered the fact about his namelessness.

"Now that you think about it, I have none." The little slime slipped his tongue as he tried to play baby with Miss Baronet.

"Aren't you cute?" Miss Baronet said as she hugged the little slime into her chest, drowning the little slime in her huge breast.

"Ah yes, I can die this way." The little slime muttered as he was ready to be taken away by a beautiful angel.

It didn't continue, however, as Miss Baronet quickly took him out of her chest as she asked with an innocent smile, "Then, what should you name yourself?"

The little slime stopped and thought for a while, "hmmm." The little slime thought as a bulb lit up and gave him an idea, "How about, Tanuki!" The little slime preferred.

Miss Bonet gave out a questionable face, "Do you know the Humans from the East?" she asked.

"Ehh?" The little slime— No, Tanuki tilted his head, "What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Your name is similar to theirs, so I thought that you knew about them." Miss Bonet said as she shrugged the question, "Nevermind, since it's your night, let's go shall we?"

"Go to where?—" Tanuki asked as he was stopped when Miss Bonet opened the gate and a huge bonfire lightened the entire village as Tanuki saw the entire villagers and the others gathered in one place.

"Let's feast, benefactor!" Lag shouted with a beer on his hand, cheeks red as though the beer he was holding wasn't his first one.

Miss Bonet rose Tanuki up as she suddenly started shouting, "This day, we mark this as a thanks to our benefactor. For saving our kind and our Chief. This day, we will grant him a title— Tanuki the Slime!" She shouted as the others started shouting.

Tanuki started to glow as he suddenly felt stronger.

[You have earned the title of "Slime". With this, you have become far stronger than a regular slime. Are you ready to Evolve? Y/N]

Tanuki's eyes widened when he saw what the Guide offered.

"What just happened?" He suddenly asked Miss Bonet with a blind idea of what's going on.

"You don't know?" Miss Bonet was surprised as she smiled, "A title is granted to those who are accepted by a certain degree of people. The more people, the stronger the title. The stronger the title, the stronger the power it will bestow unto you." She answered Tanuki with a gentle smile.

"This was one of the blessings bestowed upon our beloved God, Krono." She continued.

"I see..." Tanuki muttered as he turned towards the people that gathered here to grant him title. He smiled as the thought of people accepting him was priceless for him.

"Let the feast begin!" The Chief announced as the villagers followed. It was the beginning of Tanuki's first ever celebration. The first, including his past life.