
That night, in the hills a distance away from the Lizardmen Village, a group of humans has been scouting with lights to a minimum. Stealthy walking around the forest as if they are about to ambush prey

"Sire, that should be the Lizardmen Village." A man in brown robe said to the person behind him as his foot showed in the spotlight; as the silhouette covered his huge mass, "Didn't we have a treaty not to attack Demons?" The man in brown robe continued.

The man in the shadow used a telescope as he spied at the village who was happily having a feast, "They killed my son, they broke the treaty first." He clicked his tongue as the celebration upon their victory soaked blood on the man's head.

He spied from left to right as he saw what seemed to be a new creature, "So is that the one that killed the Brute, huh?" He muttered as his mouth smirked, as if he had something in his plan.

He turned around with his hand tied behind his back, "We attack at exactly sunrise." he announced to the man with brown rob as he went back to the shadows.

After the feast lives a little slime with the inability to sleep. He can sleep but it's entirely up to him but the reason to sleep is gone now, or is it? Even though it recovers his energy, he never felt the need to rest because he doesn't feel tired.

The little slime is currently on a house, experimenting with the powers he got. He tried using combinations of attack and transforming into a human.

What surprised him is the discovery that he does not turn into that he has eaten. He turns into a species that he ate. What it means is that Tanuki can transform into any human as long as he knows what they look like.

He turned into the fat pig but he wasn't able to turn into the Brute since his whole body was covered with armor. Surprisingly, he transformed into his own self; but as he looked at hi.self on the mirror, he gave out a negative response.

"That boy is dead." He muttered as he transformed back into a little slime and now, the ability to transform into a human became his less favorite skill to use.

Even though his transformation is incomplete, the body and the face were familiar, even with the characteristics of a green slime.

Then he remembered.

[You have met the Conditions for Evolution — Proceed? Y/N]

"Oh, there it is! There it is!" The little slime's self-esteem came back as he brightened in a green and without a thought, he clicked 'Yes' as a headache came out of nowhere.

"Argh, what's... that hurts!" — The little slime started to get dizzy as his eyesight started to blur. It went on until he apparently fainted.




[You have successfully evolved into a !]

[Due to your Evolution, you have gained the ability to Appraise and store inanimate objects.]

The little slime started to grow conscious as he saw people circling him from above.

His eyesight was still blurry but he could see the green and scaly skin.

He felt as if he was touched when he was grabbed by someone, as the pressure of being squished suddenly appeared, "You're finally awake!" It was the sound of Lag inhaling through his nose like he was back from the verge of crying.

For a big guy, he has a really big heart. But—

"Lag, I can feel... my core.. breaking!" The little slime shouted as he realized he was being hugged by the big guy.

"Oh- sorry." He said with a really dumb smile on his face as he let the little slime go.

Other than Lag, the Chief and the other Barons were there too; so were other kids that were worried.

The kids was playing with the little slime last night, a really traumatic experience for the little slime that it gave him the shudders just thinking about it.

"Oh yeah, is it just me or did you guys grow?" The little slime muttered as he looked at the others.

"No, it's not us. It's you." Espachi said as he sat while hugging his sword in the corner. He's a really silent guy but he usually takes from here to there.

"Me?" The little slime muttered as he was brought to the mirror with Lag.

"What, who is that!?" The little slime shrieked as he got startled like a cat.

He changed as his body became smaller, so was his core. He also feels more faster than before, so it's a result from the evolution?

He also remembered the "Appraisal" skill so he tried to use it on himself using the mirror.


"What kind of skill is that!" The little slime surprisingly got mad at the trashy skill. The Appraisal only gave out the name, so it was a little disappointing.

"Let's not whine about that." The little slime didn't have the moment to be upset as the skill was only sudden, so he doesn't feel the skill to be special. Also, Appraisal isn't the only thing the evolution offered.

"I have the ability to eat inanimate objects now, which I previously can't. Oh yeah, what's the limit?"


"What!" The little slime shrieked like a cat again as the Guide answered an impossible answer, "Now my body feels like a small planet." The little slime muttered.

[That's correct]

"Don't make things worse!— Wait, isn't that a little too broken!" The little slime shouted once again as the Lizardmen was confused who the little slime was talking to.

"Uhm, Master Tanuki, is there a problem?" The bewitching voice suddenly whispered upon the little slime's ears as he shrieked one last time.

"No-Nothing!" The little slime shouted as he blushingly ran out of the house and slammed the door. He ran out of the middle of the town to see the bonfire already extinguished and the villagers back to their hom. Only the litters of the party was left scattered all.

"I can finally relax." He muttered as he realized he became faster than usual as he slithered away earlier.

He suddenly saw the sun rise as he climbed to a roof to see the very first sunrise that he loves so much comes before his very eyes.