
A long time ago in a region of Hell a great competition was going to start, why would you tell me, quite simply, because a new Satan was going to be appointed but for that I must go earlier in the past. Satan (the lord of the Underworld) had 666 children, for a simple human this number is incredible but do not worry for Satan this is more than normal, because Satan has 666 sperm, each time he commits the sin of pulpit a sperm leaves its testicles, and with each sin of pulpit a child born, even if the report / ratio was protected because the sperm of Satan passes through the condoms and that only one of its spermatozoa could remain alive 66 days apart from Satan's testicles. Now that I have clarified to you, on the phenomenon of birth in Hell, we should continue this adventure. In hell there is not only one Satan they change about every 1600 years, unlike God who has remained the same since the dawn of time (There is only one god, but there are several deities (example: Zeus)). To know who will become the new king of the Underworld, a competition is launched between the 666 sons of Satan, beware the competition can only start when the 1st son of Satan will have reached 1100 years and that the 666th son has already been born, even if he was only one at the time of the competition, because a demon born with an adult body. Today the competition will start, it is a competition during 2 years and where the sons of Satan hurry to seek the most souls for their hell, in Hell there are 666 hell each of the Hell is ruled by one of the son of Satan, and everything is ruled by Satan. But, as you must already know 666 is the demonic number, according to legend the 666th son of Satan is the most powerful of all the brothers, although he is the youngest the 666th son is the most powerful of Satan's children (and 90% of Satans were the 666th child of their fraternities) and also the one with the most souls in his Hell, the hell of the 666th son is the one where rapists, thieves and murderers reside ( representing 34% of the souls of Hell). Compared to that the 1st son Sillmuzan had no chance against the 666th son Ozren (the Hell of Sillmuzan is that of sinners of extreme anger representing 33% of the souls of Hell), so he decided to go to his little brother Ozren to open the Konnath (this is the name given to the door between 666th Hell and the world of mortals Vinverth), and released all the damned, but to Sillmuzan's great regret only 100 escaped, but that enough to get past 1 Hell of Sillmuzan at the top of the ranking, moreover the 96 damned who escaped are the first 96 damned in history, having known all the Satan in history, so Sillmuzan alerted his brother, and this is how Ozren left for the human world. I know you wonder, how Ozren a demon could go on Vinverth quite simply, because it was born from the union between Satan and a human, in fact the children of Satan in 2 forms a 1st demonic form and a 2nd according to the race of their mother, that's why Ozren can travel on Vinverth. Arrived on Vinverth Ozren was on a valley, he descended it and arrived in a city named Llyn, he entered, the 1st thing that he saw was the place of the city surmounted by a beautiful and large fountain. He was amazed, it was the first time he saw a fountain running water, in Hell it is lava flowing to torture the damned nothing to do with it. But he took these ideas in place and left for the market place where several stands spread out as far as the eye could see, so he went around the stands he found a statuette of a divinity which he liked but when he tried to take it, he received a strange sensation, like an electrocutassion. He left the statuette decided to leave this city on the return he saw children and families, who smiled and had fun, that squared his demonic party, but excited his human party. He ran to get rid of this crowd, he found a place in a wood which seemed to him perfect for the night, although that changed from his palaces and his valets, he was resigned on the one hand because he did not want to see these smiles and above all, because he didn't have a penny in his pocket. He fell asleep hoping that the next day he would find a better city, but around midnight, howls woke him up, he said to himself "But where do these shrieks come from", he went in search of the trigger of this sound , he found himself in Llyn, surprised he continued on his way, and found himself at the town hall. Where he found the citizens of this city (the Llynais), they begged him for help, Ozren replied then "I am willing but on one condition." -Yes, whatever you want. said the Llynais. - Signed this contract and all your worries will disappear. said Ozren. -Yes, sir but we are tied up there, said the Llynais. So Özren took a knife from his bag (his bag is an endless demonic bag) and cut off a little piece of the finger from all the Llynais, so that their blood flows on contracts, that counts as a signature in hell. At that precise moment the contracts turned into a sort of green flame, these were the souls of the Llynais, Ozren put them in his bag and then Ozren understood that it was time to fight, he asked where the person who hid was hiding did that, then the Llynais told him that it was not a human, but a strange creature, he went in search of the beast all over the city, and he found it after a few minutes. Özren was shocked to know, that this famous monster was none other than the 96th damned in history Garyson Bentham, but he looked nothing like a human, before was a tall blond, with brown eyes, and d 'a great beauty. Now he was a creature with thick, grayish skin, spikes that covered his back, 1 you could barely see his head which had become only an accessory for his body and finally a horrible, big mouth on his abdomen and a torn tunic that he must have recovered from the bodies of his victims. Although his strength had increased tenfold, it was worth nothing compared to that of the 666th son of Satan Ozren. So Ozren approached and pronounced "Jog`drag kargrath Tagek", suddenly an incredibly fine laser came out of Ozren's finger, this laser pierced Garyson and detonated it, Garyson's pulpit fell everywhere it didn't take long , so that the city was covered with blood, a kind of red light of a great intensity appeared, it was the soul of Garyson, for that where Özren did not put it away, but ate it, because when a demon eats a soul, then this one will be teleported to Hell according to the working sector of the demon. Özren left for the town hall to liberate the Llynais. They acclaimed him, and said "Thank you my God", that a dialogue began. -How that I have nothing to do with God, I am a demon. said Ozren. -WHAT! said the Llynais. -But don't worry, I'm the nicest demon in the world, held this flag with my head on it it will ward off evil spirits. Also brought me your mayor and the bravest knight. said Ozren. -J. I'm Wingate Cromwell the m..m ... mayor. said Wingate in a weak voice. -And I'm Lancelot Harfing, the chief of the knights. said Lancelot dryly. -Well, I will use my power on you (all the children of Satan in one more skill than the other demons and moreover the 666th son has 2, but today, only one will be revealed to you). Valmas saglunoth orzin. Thus Lancelot and Wingate were transformed into demons, Lancelot had the power to fly and transform his body into an indestructible spade, while Wingate had the power to fly and summon the blue flames of hell. -WOW. , said the Llynais -By cons now you can never leave this city apart in case of emergency -Good, sir. said Wingate and Lancelot. -Now, who is the best innkeeper in this city? said Ozren - Me. , said the innkeeper - Give me your best room. said Ozren -Good. said the innkeeper -Who is the best cook in this town? said Ozren -Me said the cook -Make me the best meal you have, said Ozren -Good. said the cook -Who is the most beautiful woman in this city? said Ozren - Me. said a woman - Stay with me all night. , says Ozren -B..Bi..Good. , said the woman -Super, tomorrow I will leave this city, so prepare some food and clothes for me. -Yes sir. , All night long, Ozren had fun, ate and drank. The next morning around 5 am he took the Llynais business, which the Llynais had prepared for him, and left for a new adventure.