Baba Yaga

Ozren walked for several hours, in the meantime he had time to beat and brought back several damned, he beat half, because these 50 there, are not very powerful, seeing that they are of human bases. Ozren for this feat had to go around all of Vinverth, at least the part that ordinary humans know, but in great despair the remaining 50 are 100,000 times more powerful than the first ones there, know all of Vinverth, and have the power to destroy continents. For the Ozren found to go to the other side of Vinverth, the Vinverth where the supernatural creatures live, this is where the mothers of 664 of the Ozren brothers come from, this region is 100 times larger than the basic Vinverth (for you humans you say that Vinverth and the Earth are the same size). Anyway, taking up our story, Ozren was able to teleport there, thanks to a stone that a dwarves came to earth had given him in exchange for alcohol (a dwarves is a creature resembling a human but with a reddish tattoo having the shape of an eclypse on his hand, according to legend if you remove this tattoo from a dwarves, he will change into a human and forget everything about magical creatures). Other times the two Vinverths that of humans and that of twilight (of creatures) were one, but the arrogance of humans frightened creatures and that is why two worlds appeared. Ozren continued on his way in search of the damned, but as he was about to leave in search of these damned souls, a downpour stopped him, he went to take refuge in a cave not far from where he was. Upon entering the cave, he was surprised to find Gnolls (they are kind of goblins), because they are known to be inhabited in the forests, while the nearest forest was at least 20 km from this cave (Gnolls have small feet, they can only walk 10 km per day). Ozren went to greet them, but these enchanted looking creatures looked tired and bruised. Although most of them hid when they heard Ozren, but two came to see him. -Hello my name is Vargan and this is my brother Baniz. said a Gnolls, trembling. - Hello, my name is Ozren, what happened to you? said Ozren

-Three days ago, a witch came to our village and chased us away and she imprisoned our children. I cry that his name was Baba Daba, not Baba, I don't know anymore. said Baniz. -Baba Yaga. said Ozren - Yes that's it. said Vargan. It was the name of the 46th damned in history, it was an old woman dressed in black ragged clothes and with her there was a house with chicken feet. She was known as a witch, who loved to eat children. -She cast horrible spells on us, they used us as a guinea pig, looked at the look we have now. said Vargan.

It is true that they looked grotesque now, but Ozren decided to help them. He asked them to lead him to this famous witch, so that he could bring her back to Hell, but Ozren said "I will only help you if you sign this contract." They accepted, the contracts of all the Gnolls changed into blue flame, it was their souls (there are 5 kinds of souls, the green souls representing those of humans, the red souls representing that of the damned, the blue souls representing that of the fantastic creatures, the black souls representing those of the demons and finally the white souls representing those of the angels. When there is a mixed race, then the soul will have the color of souls due to this crossbreeding.) He put these souls in his bag, and started to leave, for that he had to take Vargan on his back, otherwise it would have taken too long. Arrived in the village he put Vargan on the ground and headed for the chicken-legged house. But a child Gnoll intervened, he seemed to be quite normal, except that he had some kind of mark coming from black magic at eye level, and that he did not have the two big teeth of the gnolls (which one

could qualify as sharp fangs) which is the only way to differentiate a gnoll from a goblin, by looking at it carefully he understood that his teeth were pulled out. Ozren wanted to settle this by force, but Vargan said "Stop, you promised us, that no harm will be done to a single gnoll", with these words Ozren stopped for a few moments, the creature approached him at a speed, which ordinary humans could not have seen, although the little gnoll was trying to kill Ozren,

Ozren was only dodging his blows, this fight lasted 9 hours, and the little gnoll fell from exhaustion, it was the breach that Ozren was waiting for, he jumped, broke the roof of the house, entered and ordered Baba Yaga to return in Hell, she opposed it and so a new fight began, she took a vial with a pink liquid, lying on the table and the goal. Horns, wings and a tail grew on her body, she said "Haha! You see Ozren thanks to this vial, I became a demon, but that you must have understood by my appearance, right? ". Özren was at an impasse, his power level had increased incredibly, one cannot say, which of these two characters was the most powerful, Baba Yaga teleported behind Ozren and said "My power, is that with each blow my power increases. " Ozren wondered how she could have turned into a demon and he remembered, that the blood of the gnolls is spilled with that of the demons that explained everything, suddenly Baba Yaga struck Ozren, Özren gave him a blow in return which only strengthened her , then he decided to escape from her, he fled and Baba Yaga chased him that continued 22 hours, at the end of this time they found themselves at the top of a cliff, then Ozrens stopped, then Baba Yaga, laughed and said "My dear Ozren after torturing me for 56 years I will finally be able to give you change for your coin.". Ozren laughed in turn and said "My poor, you have not yet understood, for 22 hours running I draw on the ground a satanic star, and you find in its center you are my prisoner". At that moment, she struggled and tried to escape, but the belief did not leave her. Ozren says "To my beautiful star, this woman is a demon, you can judge by her horns and her tail, she ventured to Vinverth, now she must return to Hell.

Talmuth rernen mogmun agrozin. " At his words the star caught fire and brought Baba Yaga back to Hell, from where she will no longer be able to escape, Returning to Hell Garyson says "And a 51st more than 49.". She was imprisoned in a special demon hell in the murderers' section. Ozren left in the cave where he had left the Gnolls to bring them back to their city, arrived in their city, Ozren asked Vargan and Baniz to come, he transformed them into a demon, although he could never leave their village again Barely sent to Hell, they were happy to be able to heal the children, because the faculty they had was to be able to heal anything, so the Gnoll children were able to recover their teeth. This time Ozren couldn't stay overnight because he had wasted too much time. He did not leave to seek again the damned he left to, to strengthen himself, because his power on earth had decreased, proof if he had not made a star, he would have died for on (A demon can, die they are not immortal, they have an almost instant quick healing method, but if they are too blaised, then their wounds will be right for them, and they will be sent to hell where he worked, but this time in damned) . So Ozren went to a mountain to do Hermitage.