Sun Wu Kong

After leaving the village of Gnolls Ozren went to the mountains, looking like the one above. For his training Ozren decided to go to the biggest mountain in all Vinverth, the eternal summit measuring 17,890 meters (twice the amount of Mount Everest). On the way he had to do several tests, he had to beat a tribe of eternal monkeys, carry dozens of rocks to clear the way and especially he had to fight a damned the 49th fortunately for him, he was weaker than Baba Yaga, when he had reached the summit he was surprised to see a temple at its summit, he entered it and saw a monk named Anzu, he begged him to train him and he accepted, for several months he lived in a small house near a waterfall, every day the monk made him endure training, quite tiring. He had to get up at 5 a.m. to make a return trip from the mountain (returning before 6 a.m.), at 6 a.m. he had to stay 30 min under the icefall (it is a waterfall in the eternal summit which peculiarity of making water flow -100 degrees), then there had to remain 30 under the lava cascade (it is a cascade in the eternal summit which has the peculiarity of making water flow 116 degrees), at 7 hour he must beat the 101 monkeys living in the eternal jungle and drinking the eternal water (eternal water is water which makes immortal, it is kept by the chief of monkeys Sun Wu kong). Generally it takes him an hour, at 8 o'clock he had to clean the temple (which extends to 23 hectares), at 9 o'clock he had to put clothes on him (the accessories he put on him weighed 54 tonnes minimum (qu 'he must keep until 5 p.m.)) at 10 a.m. he had to improve his healing powers by cutting his limbs and drinking poison, at 11 a.m. he had to do martial arts while standing on a piece of wood the size of a building, but the delicacy of a brandy, at noon he ate only 20 grains of rice no more, at 1 p.m. he had to do 100,000 pushups, at 2 p.m. he had to do 100,000 abs, at At 3 p.m. he had to do 100,000 squats, at 4 p.m. he had to shower and finally at 5 p.m. he removed accessories weighing several tons and slept. And it went on, for 13 months to the day, meanwhile his strength increased considerably and he was close to leaving in search of the rest of the damned, during the 13 months he had time to beat several, now he only has 12 left of these twelve were the most powerful of all, their powers are 1,000,000 times more powerful than those of the damned before. One day while doing his training as usual, Ozren noticed that the monkeys had problems (since the time they had become friends). -What's wrong ? says Ozren -HahouhouhahouHHAHAH. Said the monkey Oh, excuse me you don't speak the monkey. He said that their leader Sun Wu Kong was having problems, that a man with full face scars had come, and beat him up. Without further ado Ozren went to the eternal source where to find eternal water and Sun Wu Kong. They exchanged a few words, Ozren realized that something was wrong, he saw on Sun Wu Kong's face that he wanted to die because his injuries hurt too much, so Ozren opened Sun Wu Kong's mouth placed his hand and closed his mouth while eating Ozren's hand Sun Wu Kong was healed, Ozren's hand rejected proof that this training was useful. Ozren says "I want to help you get your honor back and beat this person, but as a demon I have to get you to sign this contract first". He totally trusted Ozren, so they signed and the contracts turned into a blue soul. So they led him to this person who had the title of king at Sun Wu Kong. He found him he sat on a throne made of monkey skeleton, at this sight Ozren wanted to kill him, but he had put his guard in place, because this person still managed to beat Sun Wu Kong. Approaching Ozren understood that this person was none other than Luke Gladstone the 8th damned in history. -Well then, Ozren it's been a long time already 1 year a month, that time passes quickly. Said Luke - The monkeys GO NOW! , says Ozren Luke during his lifetime was known as a veterinarian by day, but a psychopath by night, he transplanted with animals to create chimeras with their bodies, moreover he had become one. He had scars all over his face, his arms were those of monkeys and his legs were spider legs. He came and approached Ozren, all these steps were like a horror film, Ozren got fed up and said "Tragzoxal gargrun aglannath." The flames of the Underworld came and burned the whole body of Luke was disfigured, but still saw. He approached, with a rather slow speed due to his charred legs, he was about to kill Ozren, but suddenly his head fell on the ground it seemed that the head was cut by a katana. Ozren looked up and saw his master Anzu, He was relieved, ate the red soul of Luke, and thanked his master, but Anzu did not answer him in the way in Ozren expected. -My your savior, no I just wanted to make sure that it was me who killed you Ozren, after so many years of torture me the 7th year Ozaru Imaroshi, will be able to enjoy the pleasure of killing Ozren the 666th son of Satan. said Anzu (Ozaru) -What you are the mad damned monk who was sent to Hell because he had decimated all the monks in his temple. , said Ozren -Yes, it's me, the only reason I left you alive was, because you were too weak 13 months ago, I want an exceptional fight now starting. , said Ozaru A very intense fight started between these two characters, the fight was so hard, that it destroyed the eternal mountain, it lasted 4 days, but the problem was that Ozaru was human, therefore too tired. He launched a final attack to kill, Ozren for good, but a monkey stepped in. He died the affront of the death of one of his friends, angered Ozren, he teleported Lancelot and Wingate. The three of them could beat Ozaru, but before he died Ozren went to say a few words to him. -Master, even if you tried to kill me you are my master when I go back to Hell, I promise you that me and the other demons will be more tender with you said Ozren -No bitterness, which me happens it's my fault, I'm too good a master. Said Ozaru On these words Ozaru died. Ozren sent Lancelot and Wingate back to Llyn. Ozren went to see the monkey, but it was too late. He was dead, Ozren made a nice funeral for the monkey, but he couldn't make one for his master, because he turned into a red soul he ate it to his despair. He proposed to Sun Wu Kong to become one of his demons and he accepted, the powers he had was immortality and strength, but since he already had 1 immortality, so Ozren gave him a weapon that could grow to infinity and he made it shrink so that legend, this is how the legend of Sun Wu Kong was born. Özren stayed there that night with the monkeys, and the next day he left to continue his adventure.