Eshu the fallen divinity

The first thing Ozren did when going down the mountain was to continue on his way. A few kilometers past, he was stopped by 3 men from a tribe who seemed African according to their clothes. They asked Ozren to follow them, because they were going to send him as an offering to the fallen God Eshu so that he would not bring famine back to their village, In normal times, Ozren would not have acquiesced, but he remembered that Eshu was the name given to the 6th damned, it was the deity of malice, but the deities who rubbed shoulders with him sealed him and sent him to Hell for having killed the whole family of King Yorubas. So Ozren followed them without connecting, their village was barely 20 minutes from where they were, they tied Ozren up, and took him to Eshu. Arrived in front of Eshu, Ozren understood that he was only an impostor, he had a face covered with white powder, he was small with a puny form, and did not have the posture that Eshu had even in Hell he played tricks on her pretty faces, but this impostor must have known something about Eshu, since it had only been a year since he had been released for 150,000 years. By looking at him more carefully Ozren realized that he was only a Sunday wizard, so Ozren broke away, and said "You little insolent, who are you?". The impostor pretended not to understand, and ordered the three men to be disposed. -Yes, I know I am not Eshu, I am Mombolo. I am a member of another village where the real Eshu lives there. I went in search of a traveler who could help me, but I got lost in my ideas. , says Mombolo (the imposter). -I understand, but I do not tolerate lies, I will tell the truth to this village. said Ozren annoyed. Ozren left in the village and explained the whole story to the Yoruba, they decided to kill the impostor, but Ozren intervened and protected Mombolo. He said, "However, the real Eshu will come to this village in a short time, so if you want me to help you against him, you will have to sign this contract. They agreed, so Ozren had to prepare to fight this adversary, he went to the village library, to learn about this famous character. Ozren remained locked up in this library for 48 hours, after that he knew enough about divinity. He went to the village of little Mombolo, the village was devastated, the huts were on fire, children and women were screaming in pain. And in the middle of this battlefield, a man standing there, was Eshu the god of cunning. He had African clothes, an amulet on his neck, several vials on his left, a mask on his right, in his right hand he had a Moyumbas scepter (tribe of Mombolo) and finally with his left hand a flame which lit his dark face. Ozren approached and said, "Me, Ozren the 666th son of Satan challenges you.", Ozren had read in a book that this god could not decline challenges. Eshu then said "You want to fight against me, son of human and Satan", and thus a dialogue began. -No, in my current form I do not yet have the potential to beat a divinity like you, but I challenge you in a competition which takes place on several tests each one being a game, Ozren. Said he had read that Eshu loves games. -Well, miserable humans, but I need stakes. said Eshu. -Let's say that if I win you go to Hell, but if you win you will have my Hell, deal ?, Said Ozren. -Haha, here is a demon who can speak, of course I accept of course. You know what if you bat me on a single test that against for your victory. said Eshu. This competition lasted 10 days. The 1st test was a test, put in members on the indicated color (it's like a Twister for you humans), but Eshu was totally invertebrate so he won, the 2nd test was a race, but Eshu is lighter than a feather, so he arrived before Ozren, the third test was an agility test, but he still won this competition in 100 tests where Eshu won without too much difficulty, in the 101st test, Ozren says "This test is the last, it's a showdown. Eshu was surprised, they positioned themselves, but suddenly the clouds cleared, and gave way to the full moon, they shook their arms and to everyone's surprise, Ozren won. Apparently he would have read, in a book that Esu became weak at the sight of the full moon, let me explain as told rather in the story, Eshu was condemned, because of the murder of the Yorubas royal family, the full moon represents the spirits of the deceased, and upon seeing it, its strength is weakened due to remorse, and the curse given by the royal family, so Ozren had only planned the date of the next full moon to win . Eshu stood up and said "T ... You cheated it doesn't count! " But before they started, they had made a oath before the Yoruba gods, saying that if only one test was won by Ozren, then Eshu would be sent to hell, then the Yoruba deities 1 again sent him to hell. After that, Ozren said to the Moyumbas, "If you want your village to be like it was before, you will have to sign this contract" they all signed it. -Mombolo, come. said Ozren. - Yes, what sir. said Mombolo. -I will make you more powerful so that you can save your village, on the other hand, you will never be able to leave it again. said Ozren -I would do anything for my nation. said Mombolo. So Ozren transformed Mombolo into a demon that could run at the speed of light and that could create earthquakes, so Mombolo used sound so that the two villages became one. Ozren stayed one more night with them, but the next day he had to hurry, because he only had 7 months left before the end of the competition. He asked the Moyumbas and the Yorubas, if they knew Atlantis, the famous submerged island, they said, to get there you would have to go 22,000 km underwater. They told him that they could lend him a water curse (it is a kind of talisman, so that its user can go as many kilometers underwater as he wants. So Ozren left for the island engulfs Atlantis