Wine and Freedom

Drummen looked around the desert and sighed. "So much desert. I'm looking forward to seeing some buildings." He took a swig from the wine pouch in his hand while the other hand was playing with a woman's long hair. He looked at her smiling. "Where were you all heading to before we joined up with you?"

"We were on our way to a free town stronghold hidden on one of the islands." Drummen smiled. "That's also where we were heading, we just got a little lost on the way."

He turned and looked at Cliffhopper sitting on a transport wrapping his arms around women with a big smile on his face. "Hey brother… This is the life isn't it? Bandits, wine and women. Nothing can get better than this. Hahahaha"

Drummen smiled and shook his head at Cliffhopper. "You still haven't taught me that skill yet… I've been waiting for almost a year brother you hairy brute."

"Soon… I'll teach you when we arrive. Is that captain good enough for you? I've already told you how it works. I'm sure you can figure it out already you crazy barefoot monk."

Drummen looked down at his feet and smiled he punched the air as a small ball of sand and rock hit Cliffhopper in the face and laughed as he fell backwards cursing.

"Hahahahaha. You deserve it. Enjoy eating that dirt."

"The both of you are really brothers. Just you're the more handsome one with a brain."

Drummen looked at the woman next to him and smiled. "Yes… I'm the older brother, he's just a big bag of muscles and hair." He turned to the cursing Cliffhopper. "You heard that, didn't you?"

He looked at the other travelers chuckling and laughing to themselves. He lifted his wine pouch and threw it to a nearby driver who looked at him smiling. "We should be reaching the coastline soon. From there we find some boats to take us across to the free towns."

"That's great news. We've been trying to get here for a long time. I'm really getting tired of just seeing sand."

"I know what you mean. Come sit up here so we can talk."

Drummen nodded and kissed the neck of the woman walking next to him. "I'll be back… I won't be too long."

He climbed up the transport and sat next to the driver taking another swig from the wine pouch.

"Good wine. Looking forward to some more, as this one is almost out."

He looked at the driver. "How will we find some boats to cross?"

"There are always boats, it's just we have to pay our way… Do you have coin for the trip?"

Drummen looked serious. "Coin? How much are we talking about?"

"Depends on the captain and how we're able to sweet talk them… If we don't have enough we'll have to let the captain spend some time with a few of the women, but that is something we don't want."

Drummen nodded. "With my brother and I here, they won't be touching any of them."

"That's good to hear… So about the coin? Did you get any from the bandits when you stopped them?"

Drummen cursed and nodded. "Yes… I got coin…"

"Is it going to be enough for the entire caravan?"

Drummen looked at him in surprise. "Are you telling me you don't have any coin?"

"Hahaha… We haven't had a chance to trade with anyone being in the desert and all. Once we trade we'll have enough."

Drummen cursed and looked behind him at the caravan. "Will the transports be able to fit on the boats?"

"Nope… They'll be traded as well. You'll see how we survive soon. Look over there in the distance. Can you see the black spot?"

Drummen stood up in the transport and looked towards the line of blue coming into view as well as a black spot on the horizon. He sat. "Yes. Is that the city we're heading too?"

"Yes. That's it. We'll be there in a few days. Soon we'll be trading our wares and, on a boat, away from the desert."

Drummen nodded. "Where exactly are we? I've always been stuck in the dome and haven't seen the world."

"We're on the large island chains to the west of the Capital. Far to the east is the capital and the dome where you have been."

Drummen opened his eyes as they glittered. "Aren't there pirates around here in the seas?"

He looked at the driver nodding. "Yes, there is also the Firelands not far from here. That place is always heavily guarded."

Drummen looked at the black dot in the distance. "By any chance do you think the Nebi would be there?"

"Ahhh. You know the Nebi and its famous crew?"

Drummen smiled. "My brother knows the crew well, but for myself I just know the captain."

"Sli… We've got people on our tail… Their dust cloud is high. It looks like they're moving fast. I have already told Granny... She told me to tell you."

Drummen stood up and looked behind him at the dust cloud frowning. "That's not from people… That's a huge storm heading our way."

He turned towards Sli. "We need to find shelter quickly, before the storm hits."

"Monk look around you… We're in the open desert there's no place to hide…"

Drummen cursed and looked at Cliffhopper who was also staring at the incoming storm, as Granny walked up staring at the incoming storm as well. "Brother that is a big storm. We'll be lost if we're up here… What's the plan? Same as last time?"

Drummen nodded and turned to Sil and Granny. "Get all the transports in a line and everyone in them. I'll do something to keep us safe." He jumped off the transport and stood in front of the transport,

"Everyone in the transports hurry, and form in a line behind me."

Drummen lifted his hand and an earth staff formed in his hand. He cursed as he felt the wind start to pick up. He growled between his teeth. "Hurry up…"

He stood waiting as Cliffhopper joined him. "They need to hurry. Can you use your muscles and push them into line or something?"


He watched as Cliffhopper ran to the transports that were not in line yet and pushed against them causing them to move faster. Drummen smiled as he watched. "Finally, he's using his muscles for something good."

"They're in line… Hurry up brother!"

Drummen nodded and tapped the ground with the staff and closed his eyes. "Underground tunnel to port. Water and room for transports…"

He cursed as he felt the pulse of energy leave his body and he sat on the ground panting heavily. "Don't leave the transports until I say!"

He watched as the transports started sinking below the ground. He smiled as he also sunk below the sands until he stood in a dark tunnel next to the transports with the surprised drivers looking at him.

"Praise be the creator…" Drummen shrugged his shoulders and leaned against the cool wall panting, sweat pouring from his forehead. "That was harder than I thought it would be…"

"Brother… Are you alright?"

Drummen looked up at Cliffhopper and nodded. "Just tired…" He took a step forward and fell onto the ground with his eyes closed.


"You need to be careful when you do something like that…"

Drummen opened his eyes and looked around him. "Who said that?"

He turned and saw Cliffhopper looking at him worried. "Who said what? I've only just carried you into the transport… What did you hear?"

Drummen shook his head and sat up slowly cursing. "Nothing… It seems it was nothing."

"That's not nice, calling me nothing. I'm hurt…"

Drummen's eyes opened wide as he looked around. "Sorry… How are you talking to me?"

"Brother… Did you hit your head when you fell onto the ground? There is no one talking to you except for me…"

Drummen looked around and listened to see if the voice continued talking to him and cursed loudly. He stood up. "Wine… I need a long drink."

"Here drink…"

Drummen took the wine pouch and sat feeling the transport moving in the tunnel. "Where is this tunnel leading us anyway?"

"It ends at the port city…"

"That's why you collapsed. That city is days away… We could of just formed a small tunnel and stayed until the storm passed. That was stupid of you…"

Drummen nodded and sat next to Sil and Granny. "This tunnel will take us to the city…"

"In here, we'll be able to make it to the port faster. Thank you, monk of the dome. The Creator has really blessed you.

Drummen sighed. "Any chance you have something to eat? I need to eat something." He looked at his body in confusion. "What's happened to my body?" He stood up. "It's like I've lost weight, and my body feels weak."

"Get on the ground… and feed, or die... Your choice."

Drummen jumped off the transport and felt his feet touch the ground and the ticklish feeling started to grow within him. He took a deep breath instantly feeling better. He looked at his body and smiled as his muscles and body went back to normal.

He took a swig from the wine pouch and looked at the concerned and worried Cliffhopper. "I'm fine now. I just needed to stretch my legs…"

"You look your normal self. Maybe you just keep walking instead of being in the transport."

Drummen looked at Granny. "I'll walk ahead. The tunnels are safe, can relax and take it easy. No bandits or animals down here." Drummen walked ahead of the travelers and waved his hand at Cliffhopper. "I'm fine really. Go enjoy your female company. I won't be far."

"Fine… Don't make me worry like that again brother, or our deal is off, and I won't be teaching you nothing."

Drummen waved his hand at him and walked into the darkness of the tunnel. "Why did I feel weak when I wasn't standing on the ground?"

"You used too much energy, and your body did not store enough, so it took your life energy… Walking on the ground is restoring what it took from you, through the mouths on your feet."

Drummen cursed and scratched his head. "Who are you?"

"I'm watching over you. You need to become stronger fast… Time is running out."

Drummen looked confused. "What do you mean time is running out?"

"You're not ready to understand. Become stronger and we'll talk again. If you don't become stronger... people will die… including you..."

He felt the voice fade away and he cursed and punched the wall. "This is shit. I said I wanted to be free from being led around by others. Tired of being played with!"

"Get stronger, and you can do whatever you want. To be free is also to be strong."

He punched the wall again in frustration and walked further into the darkness.