
"It's off now Supreme."

"Ahh, that's good, I didn't think I could do anymore than that."

He looked up at a shadow in the back of the room."That was very impressive, I think there was nothing more you could have done to make people thirstier for blood."

He smiled."That's nice coming from you, known as the best orator in all the lands."

"Hehehehe… He's right"

The Supreme turned and looked at another dark shadow to the side. He turned and sat on his throne."You did perfectly… I'm sure there will be lots of fights breaking out soon, but I do have a question, who exactly are our enemies?"

He shook his head and sighed."That would be the people themselves, what we want are the guards."

He turned and smiled at the voice as she walked into the room. 'It's nice to see you awake… You're beautiful as always."

"She's right, but we need the guards to open the doors��� I really hope that they do complete their duty. Staring at those closed doors is rather tiring."

"If they don't want to open them, we can provide them with the incentive to open the doors." The Supreme smiled. "That's why I've kept you around all these years. Pity my attendants aren't as knowledgeable as you are."

He watched as a shadow flew around the throne room. "Give me Borgis…"

The Supreme waved his hand ignoring the black shadow as the side door opened and three attendants entered the throne room bowing before him.

"Wise choice of calling the guard Supreme, but don't you think it is too early to call them since the pirates have only just started their movements?"

"Borgis… Borgis, Borgis. You see. The pirates are the only ones who can release those stuck in the Firelands. If the Firelands is opened, then we have a big problem, don't we?"

"Give me himmm. You know I can do better…" The Supreme ignored the hiding shadow.

"Borgis. I��ve been told there has been a delay on your research?"

"Yes Supreme. That would be correct."

"What has happened?"

"I can do better than he is… His work is flawed, which is why it failed… Please give himmm to meeee.?"

"My creations were recently returned to me dead… on my desk…"

The Supreme cursed and shook his head.

"Give himm to mee. I'll make those into an army for you. You know I can do a better job than he has."

"Borgis, you've disappointed me many times. You say you're intelligent, but you haven't showed me any of that. I've had to deal with your mess several times."

The Supreme looked at the other attendants. "You two can go. I need to talk with Borgis privately for a bit."

"Yes… Yes… Give himmm to meeee."

The Supreme sat on his stone throne and wrapped his hand around the jewel on his necklace. "Sorry Borgis, I expected more from you… Marcule he's yours."

"Hahahahahahaha. Yes. Finally it's my turn.

The Supreme turned his head away from Borgis.


He heard Borgis' body fall to the ground and started to roll around the room screaming. He sighed when the screaming stopped, and Borgis stood up again. He looked at Borgis.

"I'll begin making the army immediately for you."

The Supreme nodded. "You have my permission."

He watched as Borgis opened his eyes and stared into his yellow eyes.

"Supreme. I'll begin now." The Supreme nodded at Borgis and watched as Borgis melted into the stone.


He sighed as he heard Borgis' laughter in the walls. "I hope he isn't going to be as noisy as he was last time. He's already giving me a headache."