New Beginning

Stannir woke to find himself still on the table, but with his entire chest covered up in thick bandages and a hot blanket. He slowly turned his head and looked at the sleeping old man.

"Ahhh! It hurt's to move." He tried to sit up and rolled on his side due to the pain. "Stannir… Don't move around. You need to let your body heal."

He looked at the old man sitting there staring at him. He looked a lot older then before he did the tattoo. "Do you want to know how hard it was to do this tattoo?"

Stannir nodded. "How hard?"

"As I was giving you the tattoo, your body kept healing and pushed the ink out… I had to use a special type of fire ink, and your body seemed to like it. However, I had to work twice as hard and put more energy into it…"

"Thank you, sir." He felt a touch on his shoulder and saw Salina standing next to him. He grabbed her hand and looked at it. "You're warm to touch…"

"This building has strengthened the both of us… Take it easy and relax. Let your body heal and then you can see the work that the old monster did."

Stannir nodded and smiled while looking at Salina. "How does it look?"

"It's amazing. It's something that no one will ever forget… Your name as Fire eater will be known throughout all of Athlos.'

He smiled. "Will people be able to see you soon?"

He saw Salina shake her head. "I'm not strong enough to form my physical body. Now only you can see and touch me, as I can touch you."

He sat staring at the ceiling in silence. He cursed and sat up groaning.

"Can I see the hard work that you've done?"

"Hahahaha… I have to say it's one of my finest pieces, and there won't be a tattoo like this every again… It was worth the cost."

He stood up and let the old warrior walk up to him and start to remove the bandages off his body. Once he finished Stannir stood up and looked at it with a smile on his face.

"A fireball over my heart with a striped beast eating it. It's perfect. Did the fire ink make it red and not black?"

"Yes, that's right. Your tattoo is red, just like your fire, and the energy that you eat…"

He watched as the old man picked up his black cane and leaned on it. "Now with a name, and a tattoo you are now recognized as a warrior of the FireStrike unit… Don't forget what that means."

Stannir nodded at him. "I understand my duties to myself and to my unit. I won't let the unit down."

"That's good… Before you leave, we need to talk a little bit. Sit…"

Stannir sat on a stool and looked at the old man that seemed to grow older the more he looked at him. "Do you know what has been happening in Athlos around you?"

He looked at the old man and Salina shaking his head. "I don't know much of the world, nor what has been happening in it… Has something happened?"

"There is something that has happened yes. Something that you need to be made aware of… My last lesson to you is this. Pay attention and always be aware of what is not just happening around you, but also what is happening in Athlos. That is how you'll survive…"

Stannir looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"Look outside, and you'll see what I mean…"

He stood up and opened the door and watched as the warriors were running around packing items, weapons and standing at the gate. He looked at the old man who was standing next to him.

"While you were unconscious a message was sent out that the Supreme is about to make a broadcast all over Athlos. Those that have vision batterys to set them up." Stannir nodded and stared at the warriors running around. "Does anyone know what the message is going to be about?"

"I don't know exactly, but I can guess. Stannir you need to be ready, no matter what it is. I need to rest before the speech."

Stannir nodded and walked away from the building holding Salina's hand. He looked down at what he was doing and felt his face slightly heat up.

"Something big must of happened… Big enough to cause the Supreme to let everyone know about it." He touched his stomach. "I need something to eat I think."

He walked with Salina into the mess hall where he sat down eating while listening to the warriors around him. "Fire eater… He's here!"

He looked up as the Fire Eater unit sat down around him. He smiled as he looked at them. "When is the speech starting?"

"Not sure, but everyone we've seen has been packing their bags and weapons. They tell us war is coming…"

Stannir looked at them confused as they sat smiling and eating. "Why aren't you all packed and ready to go?"

"The Fire eater unit is always ready for anything."

"Hmmm. That's a good answer. I approve."

"Assemble in parade grounds! The Supreme is about the begin his address!"

Stannir looked at his plate and cursed. He took another bite and rushed out of the mess hall and lined up with the other units staring at a large white wall with a vision box pointed at it. He looked around and saw the old warrior standing next to the scarred Firewarrior and the leader of the FireStrike unit. He sighed. "I hope it isn't too bad."

"We won't know until we hear what he has to say Stannir."

He held Salina's hand tightly. "It's nice to see that I'm in your mind and thoughts."

Stannir heard the vision box being turned on and the Supreme coming into view. He looked at the Supreme. "So, he's the Supreme. I've only heard of the name and not actually seen them."

"Power is not about how someone looks. Power is about the strength that holds it. He is very strong and dangerous."

"People of Athlos… I wish to speak of happy things, but alas I can't this time. It seems the only times a Supreme talks like this is at times of dire need, and this need is dire." Stannir watched as the Supreme leaned on the podium and let out a tired sigh.

"Our enemies in the prison Firelands and surrounding areas are starting their marches of war. We too must sound the horns of war to protect our peaceful happy way of life."

Stannir looked around listening to the gasps and looks on the faces of the warriors around him and could feel the killing intent starting to show in their eyes. He sighed.

"People of Athlos. We need leaders for our armies to fight back against our enemies. That is why today I'm calling on the ancient and traditional rite of the guard. One year from now on this day the rite shall begin. Those that feel they are worthy of being in the guard must be in the capital for the rite to begin. Be safe and may the Creator watch over you all."

The vision box went blank and Stannir looked around in shock at the surprised faces. "This is what the old man meant…"

"Warrior's listen up!" He looked at the leader of the FireStrike unit standing on the raised platform. "You've heard the Supreme. We need to prepare for battle. Those who wish to apply for the guard also must prepare well. Defend your name and honor and keep the person next to you alive. Make the FireStrike unit proud and feared!"

"Sir. Yes Sir!"

Stannir turned and looked at the old man shaking his head. "Salina. The old monster doesn't look happy about this at all."

"People against people. Blood being spilt because someone ranked higher says that they're the enemy."

Stannir nodded and sighed. "Yes, you're right. So what should I do? Stay here and train with the others, or take my leave and apply for the guard?"

"Let me answer that for you…"

Stannir turned and jumped back in surprise. "How did you move so fast sir? I didn't even see you move, nor know your presence was behind me."

"Stannir, how I move isn't important right now. What I want you to do is look around at all these warriors here filled with intent to kill…"

He looked around at their faces and nodded towards the old man. "Stannir you must become the Fireguard. You must find people who aren't like these people here. Last time, too much blood was shed. This time you must lead them and prevent the same from happening again."

Stannir looked at the old man. "What happened last time?"

"The guard failed in their duty and were lost…"

Stannir nodded. "I'll do as you say. Where should I start my search?"

"No idea, but you need to leave the unit and start your journey as soon as possible. Athlos is huge, and the right people you need, might not be in easily accessible places."

He watched as the old man looked at the warriors around them. "If one of these here become the Fireguard, then the guard will be full of people who want to bathe in the blood of their enemies, and then they'll fall forgotten. Do you understand? If they become a guard, then all is lost, and darkness will fall on Athlos."

"This is your mission I give to you. Become the Fireguard. Find the members who fit the duty of the guard. Lead the armies and prevent…"

Stannir looked at the old warrior in confusion. "Prevent what?"

"You'll figure it out… You don't need an old man like me telling you what to do."

He watched as the old warrior turned and walked away from him pushing the black cane deep into the grounds with every step.

"He's really not happy… But he's given us a mission."

Stannir nodded. He turned towards the bunks and started packing his gear.

"Fire Eater!"

He stopped and looked at the unit around him smiling. "What is it?"

"I knew you would be trying for the guard. We'll stay here and become stronger, so that when you call for your forces, we'll be the ones there standing with you."

Stannir looked at them all with a serious face. "When I'm the Fireguard. I only want the best in the unit. True fire eaters. Those that eat fear and doubt for breakfast, lunch and dinner."

"Yes, squad leader! We'll be the best, and the strongest out of all the units here. You'll want us, and only us to serve as the Fireguard's units.���

"Good to hear. Then if that is the case. In a year I should see all of you wearing this tattoo."

He took off his shirt revealing the striped beast eating the fireball.

"Yes, squad leader. That shall be our sign. True eaters of fire."

"We must part now, but I'll be seeing you soon."

Stannir saluted his unit and walked out of the dorm and headed towards the gate. As he stood at the gate to leave, he turned and looked at the old man staring at him. He saluted and walked through the gate into the snowstorms of the north.

"Salina… Where should we go first?"

"Let's head south and hear out for rumors of the people we want in the guard."

"South it is…"

He jumped and moved the pack on his back and walked with his head up, leaving melted footsteps behind him."Stannir, you better find strong people, or I'm going to beat you for the rest of your life."

Stannir smiled. "That I will… That I will."