
Harnio sat in silence listening to what was happening around him. "Business... What business do you want to discuss?"

"Well, since you know how the Roc tribe are. They could call you back anytime they wanted."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"What if I spoke on your behalf to them and they would leave you alone?"

"What would we have to do to get this freedom?"

"I want your brother Drummen to join in on the ritual as the earth guard and you as his support..."

"No way. I am not in on this brother... Another woman is trying to get what she wants, and we get nothing from it." Harnio looked around the room deep in thought.

"Does she have that level of authority? Who is the tribes-person to them?" He sat there in thought, and scratched his arms. His eyes lit up.

"Clap... I know it now... She is the priestess to the tribes-people." He looked around at the surprised people in the room. He lowered his head. "Sssorry..."

"You're the priestess of them?"

"Yes I am. This shows you how much authority I have there, and how much I can help you gold wise."

"You said gold? How much are you talking about?"

"Think of it as spending as much as you can, and still have so much you don't know what to do with the rest of it..."

"I am in... Come on Cliffhopper accept the deal. Let's join this group... You will have a sense of freedom from where you came from, no need to be worried about the trial and all that if I am a guard."

"Mmmmonkkk. Ggolld made you changeee yourr mind?" Harnio looked at the monk lost in thought. "Yourrr shoess... You have scarrrsss don't youuu?" Harnio closed his eyes in thought. "Firewarrior has scar over his heart... Tribes-person has her eyes... My scar is on my stomach, and yours is on your feet..." He opened his eyes smiling. "He is an earth guardian... Perfect for the earth guard... Now we are missing the shadow guard."

He opened his eyes and looked at Cliffhopper. "I have notes on the history of the Roc tribe and their special abilities... Skin changing... Most fascinating."

Harnio looked around the silent room, and went back to his eating, keeping his head down.

"How does he know all this? Is he always like that?"

"You will get used to him... He has talent monk..."

Harnio nodded and looked at the arm of the firewarrior. "I just likeee readdding. I havee a nice place to readdd wherever I goo."

He started whistling in the tribes-people's language. He watched as Cliffhopper's face turned red.

"Don't you dare tell anyone that..."

"What happened? What did he say? Cliffhopper... Why is your face red?

Harnio shrugged. "I just took a guess... My thoughts were right, and your act as a guide... It makes sense. It is the only possible conclusion. I would like to see that dance..."

"Harnio... I knew you were learning the language, but I didn't know you had already mastered it." Harnio shrugged, and looked at the ground. "Sorry tribes-person, or should I say priestess. Just have a lot to go through in my mind..." He sat in silence.

"Will he tell anyone whatever he thinks in his mind?"

"He is rather forward in his speech, but if he spoke to you in your language, it means it was not for our ears, so we won't ask."

"We will join, your group... As long as we get the coin and freedom as agreed upon."

"Agreed. So what now?"

Harnio opened his eyes. "We have one more to find... Maybe they are already in the Capital, if not than we have other things to do?" He stood up and snapped his fingers, creating two small wind vortexes. Harnio looked at the ground. "We need to know what we can do, and learn how to work together... Myself. I am the armsguard. You want weapons and armor, I am the person."

"Haha... nice. Can you make me some robes, that are comfortable, but won't melt when some green blood lands on it."

"You have fought against Trolaiths?"

"When? Where? What happened?"

"We were on an island in a tavern enjoying our night when they attacked. I sent them flying. Even though they threw green balls of fire at us and the town..."

"Did you just say they were throwing green fireballs at you and the town?

"That's right little know-it-all. I am surprised..."

Harnio floated around the room, ignoring those around him. He stopped and landed on the ground. "Sorryyy... Happenss sometimesss."

"Don't worry about it... What is it?"

"They are evolving, and reproducing quite fast, maybe too fast... We need to really get rid of them before they evolve further."

"Evolving... All I know is that they were talking to us, and I had to remove them quickly so I pushed them into the air, and they all died when they landed."

"Hmm..." Harnio touched his hammer in thought. "Firewarrior..."

"What's the matter Harnio?"

"My guess, is that the reason why they could use fireballs, was because you used them to wipe out a lot of them, walking on two legs, would be how to survive in the forests, and using arms to strike down their foe... or avoid arrows hitting them." Harnio started pacing in thought.

"What's this guy doing now?"

"Relax monk... Let him do his thing. We won't stop you from doing your thing with drinking, or taking coin..."

"Fine... Fine..."

"My prediction for the next evolution, would be a group of Trolaiths that have wings, since the monk shot them into the sky..."

"You mean, that if you are correct, they are going to be flying around attacking and eating whoever soon?" Harnio nodded. "That would be correct Cliffhopper... Only if my hypothesis is correct."

"Hey... You called him by his name, why not me?"

"You are a monk, so I call you monk... I don't see any problem with that?"

"... Fine... do you let him do as he pleases?"

"Do you see us know trying to stop him... We have seem him when he gets angry... Let's just say they end up into tiny pieces of dust... I always thought of turning people to ash was cool, but what he does is worse... Also, if you want those clothes... Let him be."

"Fine than firewarrior. If that know-it-all can call you that, I will as well."

"Stubborn mule... Ignore him priestess. He is my brother after all."

"Harnio... Harnio?"

He opened his eyes, as he heard Cliffhopper whistle and talk with him. He turned and nodded. "I can do that... Not a problem. I will make some clothes for the monk, and that for you."

"Rrrrealy?" Harnio nodded. "That isn't a problem... Won't take too long as well. I just need a forge..."

"Brother go and show them what you can do..."

"I don't do party tricks, if that is what you mean."

Harnio looked at the ground as the monk stood up, and raised his hands. "It is fine... I know what he does I see it already."

"You see what already?"

Harnio lowered his head. "Your body takes earth elements or metal from whatever you are standing on or touching, and lets you move them at your will... Quite an exhaustive thing to do, which means you need to have a very strong will and stamina."

"How did he.,,"

"Don't worry... He does that a lot. When he saw us, he also knew what we were capable of."

"Fine than... No party tricks needed."

Harnio smiled. "We are just missing the final piece, but it seems like we should start preparing or training to work together for this team to work together."

"Training... uhhh Harnio or whatever your name is, I am a monk... I have done enough of that in my lifetime already..."

Harnio nodded. "Yes, the both of you fight well together, but how do you know to fight when you are standing next to a giant ball of fire, or someone firing hundreds of arrows. What would you do if a giant hand of wind just squashed the enemy to the ground? Who do you target? What would you do in the team? You and your brother would be bored out of your heads, with nothing to do..."

"Fine... Know-it-all, what should we do?"

"Well, the bear, can be up front with the firewarrior dealing the major blow to the enemy, while our priestess takes down targets from range. Myself, I can lower their speed and abilities, but we don't have anyone who can defend our side, or take out high value targets."

"... I don't like letting people die around me... I would prefer making sure they are still alive... Especially when I know of certain people who like to make stupid decisions at times..."

"Hey brother that isn't fair... I haven't done anything like that in a long time."

"Hahahaha... We have one of those as well."

"Hey. That isn't nice. I thought that we had decided to no longer talk about that since it is done and finished."

"Knock... Knock.,,"


"Hello sirs, and miss. Here is more food and drink to have to your hearts content."

"Thank you owner." Harnio watched as plates of food and mugs of drink were carried into the room and looked around the room while scratching his arm. He took a step towards the firewarrior and the priestess. "He doesn't like being around a lot of people... Especially those he doesn't know."

"Ahh. I understand... To be honest, I don't like male company all that much. I prefer female company, but if there is gold here I can bend my rule slightly."

Harnio frowned at the food and looked at the cups as the door closed behind them. "Why is there so much food and drink? How come after you gave the owner that token and coin, we were taken here?"

"Know-it-all doesn't know everything it seems..." He watched the arms of the monk stretch and wrap around his head. Harnio smiled and scratched his arm. "I have never said I know everything, but when I don't know something I usually try and pull apart figure it out."

"Did... did he just threaten him?"

"I think he did..."

"Hahahahaha... Harnio, you have been spending to much time with the firewarrior." Harnio shook his head. "No, I learnt it from the priestess. She always gives threats, especially when she wants something to go her way..."

"You little ...."

"Hahahaha... This guy, I like him a lot brother."

"The reason is because of the dome..."

Harnio nodded and pulled a plate of food before sitting on the ground looking at it. "Yes, the dome... But why? Did you ever think about why they give you this, especially when monks are not supposed to be a certain type of person?"

"That's because... hmm. He has a point. Why do they let people from the dome?" He heard the monk curse and sighed heavily. "It must do with something in the past... Anyway why don't we go pay a visit to the dome."

"Phtoooooooo.. Ahh, I am not going anywhere near that place..."

"Hey, you just spat your drink all over me..."

"Sorry priestess..."

Harnio looked up at the roof in confusion ignoring what was happening at the table. "Why not?"

"When an apprentice is given a trial, they are kicked out of the dome, never to return until the trial has been completed... A blasted person sent me on a trial that is impossible to complete, but I was told that if I give the coins and let them know where I am from, they will have a private place for me in a tavern."

"I see... Still it doesn't answer my question in the first place... One day I will get an answer."

"Hey brother... I have been thinking, because we are in the Capital, and about to take part in the trials... Do you think she will be here?"

"Who? Ahh, you mean Daikish the devil woman... Hmm. I don't know where the Supreme asked her to be... It's possible, anything is possible."

"Who is this devil woman?"

Harnio ignored their conversation and closed his eyes. He floated in his mind palace admiring all the books, and knowledge in there. He bent and touched one of the books at random, and felt the knowledge come alive in front of him. "This place is amazing... I wonder what do I do if I want to add information to the palace." He turned and looked at a desk with parchments and quills on it. He sat at the chair admiring its comfort and picked up a quill.

"Trolaith... Lets add what I know to the palace... So, I don't forget about it, and can think of how to find the alphas quickly."