Joining the Team

Drummen sat and stared at the know-it-all in shock and surprise. He turned to the priestess and firewarrior. "What in all known is he doing now?"

He watched as the firewarrior took a long drink from his mug, wiped his mouth and shrugged his shoulders. "No idea..." He looked at the priestess who shook her head. "Not sure."

He cursed. "He is a strange one at that... He even knew things about Cliffhopper, that I didn't, and I have been around him for nearly two years." He looked at Cliffhopper. "I think you and I need to go and have a little chat... Brother."

He stood up and walked through the door with Cliffhopper walking behind him. Once he closed the door behind him and looked up and down the empty hallway he turned to Cliffhopper. "Talk... What is going on here? A Priestess, tribe, and how that little know-it-all knew more about you than I thought." Drummen cursed at Cliffhopper and lowered his voice. "I thought we had a deal about doing what we wanted, when we wanted and how we wanted... What changed when you saw her, and her eyes?"

He saw Cliffhopper drop his head. "Brother... There are many things I didn't tell you, because it wasn't important, since you didn't want to do the trial or anything... If you did want to do that..."

"I don't give a shit about any trial... I only agreed to it when she mentioned gold... Now spill..."

"Fine... I will tell you. I am from a tribe in the Stormy mountain range. There we follow our tribe chiefs. Even though they are boring and old we still follow their will..." Drummen nodded. "Not bad so far... How does the priestess come into this?"

"The priestess is the highest position, and there hasn't been one for a long time... Now there is one sitting in that room. She is like a goddess to the tribes... Anything she says will happen." Drummen nodded. "So when she says she can tell the tribe to leave you alone, she really means it?" He saw Cliffhopper nod, and scratched his chin. "The gold thing as well?" He smiled as he watched Cliffhopper nod. "Good... good."

"What did he say to you in that language?" He saw Cliffhopper's face turn red. "Uhh... He guessed the reason why I left to be a guide for you..."

"The reason wasss?"

"The tribe elders decided to call the dance for me?" Drummen looked at him in confusion. "Dance? What are you talking about? I see you let girls dance around you all the time?"

"Hahahaha... not that type of dance brother... Around here, we would call it a wedding." Drummen's eyes opened wide. "A wedding?" He smiled when Cliffhopper nodded. "What's wrong with telling me that? That is great news for you."

"It isn't like that brother. Men have no say or choice over who dances for us. It is something forced on us, and I couldn't agree to it, so I left. I don't want to go back to the tribe..." Drummen nodded in thought. "I understand, which is why that night when we met, all you wanted to do was meet women and drink the night away." He nodded as Cliffhopper nodded.

Drummen stared at the door in thought. "Well, if we join and become guards, you will not have to go back to the tribe, and deal with that dance, and the result is the priestess will tell the tribe to leave you the hell alone... So, in my eyes... This is a good deal." He narrowed his eyes and stared at Cliffhopper. "Oh, yeah there was another thing... What did you ask him to make for you?"

He watched as Cliffhopper scratched his head, and his face turned red. "Really brother, you want me to tell you what he is going to make for me?" Drummen nodded. "Yes. We are brothers, so there are no secrets between us... Understood?"

"Hahaha... Brother you have secrets coming out of your ears, you don't tell me everything, so why do you expect me to do the same for you?" Drummen took a step back and paced in the hallway. He stopped and looked at Cliffhopper who had crossed his arms. "You're right brother... I am sorry. There have been things I have not told you, but that will change from this point forward... I won't hide anything from you... Promise."

"Really, you will not hide anything from me?" Drummen nodded. "Fine. Than what I asked him was to make me a set of armor that can fit to my shape when I am in my bear form... And a weapon too." Drummen smiled. "That was it? Nothing else?" Cliffhopper nodded. "Yep, that was it. Armor and a weapon... For people like me, it is hard to get some armor that can fit when I am in human form, and when I change it breaks... So if he says he can make something that can alter while I am in my different forms, than that is great news indeed."

Drummen leaned against the opposite wall and nodded. "True... That does make sense. So why were you nervous and shy about asking or even telling me about it?"

"How would you react, if I went to you and said, can you ask him to make some armor, that covers my furry butt when I am a bear?"

"Hahahahahaha..." Drummen wiped a tear from his eye, looking at the pissed Cliffhopper. "See what I mean?" Drummen nodded and waved his hand at him. "Sorry brother... Just in how you said it..." Drummen stood up and scratched his short hair. "I miss my long hair... I really must look like a monk now because of it."

"Hahaha... Brother. Now it is my turn to ask. "In the desert, you left me with the horses, and to go back alone, because you wanted to check something... What was it?" Drummen looked down the hallway. "I saw the person of the voice you can hear."

"You met her?" Drummen nodded. "She and a few others, but I have only seen her. I first met her when I drank from that stone cup in the ruins when I fainted."

"There were others?" Drummen nodded. "It was dark, and I had no idea who I was talking too, but I can tell you I screamed and cursed like a drunk sailor." He smiled. "It was incredible..."

"What happened when you almost died when we were with the travelers on the transport, but when you stood on the ground, you were fine?" Drummen nodded. "Yes, well from what I understand, my body was not touching the earth, and I asked it to move... That caused a lot of pressure and energy from my body, that I didn't have any energy to even beat my own heart. However, I heard her voice and stood on the ground." He looked at his bare feet. "The moment, I touched the ground, I felt back to normal again, all the energy came back to me." He looked up at Cliffhopper's dark look staring at him. "Don't you do something that stupid again... If you want to play hero like that, stand on the ground, or don't involve me in it."

Drummen nodded. "Is there anything else you want to know?" He sighed when Cliffhopper shook his head. "That's all I want to know for now... So are you fine with joining them and listening to the priestess and the others for a bit?" Drummen nodded. "The firewarrior seems interesting, and could be a bit of fun. He does drink quite a lot, and still doesn't get drunk... I will have to ask him how he does it?"

"Then lets go back inside, and rejoin our new team... Remember he said we are missing one person... I hope they are beautiful."

Drummen shook his head at him and smiled. "We can only hope, but if she is hot I take first dibs since, you are already engaged... Hahahaha."

"Brother..." He smiled and pushed the door open. "I know... I know. We will be free and done with that." Drummen walked up to the table, ignoring the one they called Harnio, sitting on the floor with his eyes closed, and stared at the priestess. "After talking with my brother, and already agreeing with your request. We hope that you fulfill your side." He sat down and poured himself a drink, drinking it all in one go.

"Yes. That I can do... Cliffhopper you should also know that now the tribes are starting to unite. They are moving to the place... I am sure you know what I am talking about... Also, my skills in the language are not as good as Harnio, but I know what I heard... Are you sure you don't want part of it?" Drummen turned and looked at Cliffhopper. "I am very sure. I don't want anything to do with it, and if the tribes are uniting, I really don't want any part of it." He looked at the priestess nodding. "So be it. I can let them know when I meet them again."

Drummen let out a long breath with a smile on his face and poured out more mugs. "Here is to the start of a good relationship... Here..." He looked at the priestess. "I am sure you don't like being called that, so what shall I call you?"

"Call me Star, the firewarrior is Stannir, but he can be an ass sometimes, and that is Harnio... He may be different, but he is very strong and talented." Drummen nodded. "You know Cliffhopper, I am Drummen... If you have the coin, I am your man."

"A mercenary I see." Drummen smiled at Stannir and shook his head. "No, not a mercenary, just someone who likes to have a consistent stream of income... See wine and company doesn't come cheap in this world." He drank from the mug, and used it to point at Stannir. "How about you, you seem like you can hold your wine?"

"That I can, The only stuff that gets to me is firewine, but it has to be a lot... This stuff here is weak." Drummen nodded, "I agree..." He placed his wine pouch on the table pouring a mug and handing it to him. "Have a try of this... It will put some hair on your chest... I promise you that."

He smiled as Stannir drank it all from the mug, and followed him putting the empty mug upside down on the table. He felt his head start to spin and looked at Stannir. "Howsss that?"

"Itsss ssstrong... I like itt." Drummen poured another handing it to him and Cliffhopper. "Lets celebrate and drink the night away!"

"Hmph... Men and their wine... I am going to go have a bath, and some needed time away from you lot." Drummen waved the mug at her and watched as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. "Now, the bosssss issss away, the meennn can play."

"Play what?" Drummen looked at Stannir and smiled. He pointed to Cliffhopper. "Do itttt. Show him what you can dooo?"

"Fine... Watch thiss." Drummen tapped Stannir on the shoulder. "You gota watcchhh thiss. Itss awessomme."

Drummen wrapped his arm around Stannir and they watched as Cliffhopper changed form to a bear. He took a long drink... "Howsss that?"

"Thatss amazing... What else can he do?" Drummen leaned to Stannir's ear. "Tell him an animal. If he can turn to it we drink... If he can't he drinksss. It isss lots of funnn."

"I like thisss game... Letss play." Drummen looked at Cliffhopper. "Hahahaha... Letss play, and have fun... Who cares about tomorrow, lets enjoy the now..."

"Firsst one... Icceeee Dragoonn."

Drummen turned to Stannir. "Iccce Dragoon? Are you sure?"

"Yesss sssure. Do it Cliffhopper..."