Rest and Recover

Mouse opened his eyes and looked around him in surprise and shock. "Boy you are finally awake." He looked at the old shadow standing in front of him "How did I get back to the village?"

"I brought you back... I know what happened, and now you have to help her finish her mission... She did tell you what it was?" Mouse nodded. "She told me, but it doesn't make sense." He watched as the old shadow poured him a mug of tea. "Here drink this... you must be thirsty." Mouse nodded and drank the tea, smiling as the fragrance and taste went through his body. He looked at the empty mug. "What was that tea?"

"That is a special tea to help people relax... Look at your body. You have gone on constant missions, not allowing it to rest and heal, only except to bath in the river, and when you were knocked out after what happened with Tofana..." Mouse looked down at his body and its bruises sighing quietly. He looked at the old shadow and felt his body start to tingle. He tried to move his arms and couldn't move. He started to panic and looked at the old shadow.

"Don't worry... As I said this is only to help you rest and relax... When you wake up we will talk about how you are going to complete the mission Tofana gave you and why... So for now. Sleep and dream of past memories." Mouse watched as the old shadow turned away from him and walked outside closing the door behind him. He felt his eyes grow heavy and fell back into the grassy bed instantly asleep.

Mouse looked around in the dark. He touched his throat and looked at his legs in confusion. "Where am I this time? Is the pulsating object thing around here or something?"

"Hahaha... The old guy had to drug you so we could talk." Mouse turned and watched as a figure came out of the darkness and stood in front of him smiling. "It seems I will be bothering you for a bit more Mouse."

His eyes opened wide and his mouth dropped wide open. "Tofana... I saw your body crumble into nothingness, how are you here?" He started to touch his body. "Am I dead now or something?"

"Hahaha... Remember when we had that romantic moment?" Mouse rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yes, I remember... I also remember your body crumbling and ..."

"And what?" He looked at Tofana in confusion. "What do you mean and what?"

"I mean, what happened after that beautiful, romantic kiss?" Mouse shrugged his shoulders. "Pain, and than I woke up here... And than that demon of a shadow drugged me with his tea, and now I am dreaming of you." He took a step back from here looking around in the darkness. "I must be dreaming than... It has to be a dream." Mouse started pinching his arm and kicking his legs.

"STOP IT IDIOT! You need to start listening..."

Mouse looked at her again. "Fine," and sat on the dark ground in confusion. "Where am I?" He stared at Tofana, as she started to giggle at him. "Hahahaha... I was like you when I was your age... Hooo I am actually glad you can see me in this body, and not my old ancient bag of bones..."

Mouse frowned. "So, I kissed a granny... Is that what you wanted to talk about?"

"Hahahaha... Yes you did, but also you didn't." He sighed as she rose her hands causing the darkness to fade around him. He smiled and stood up looking at the intricate forest around him. Flowers, fruits, birds singing. "This place is beautiful... Where are we?"

"This may be hard to explain, but we are inside you. In the place where you draw on your gift to become stronger... As you draw on it, it draws on you also becoming stronger." Mouse scratched his head in confusion. "That doesn't make sense."

"It doesn't have to... How about this... Your body and mind is special... Well your mind is the one that is very special. That brain gave you something by accident that you didn't know about, and triggered it to start growing. Because of its actions, you have this beautiful paradise inside you."

Mouse was a loss for words. He jumped onto a branch and sat swinging his legs on it. He looked at Tofana standing below him in confusion. "Brain? What brain?"

"That green flashing pulsating object you talk to constantly when you try and talk to the trees, or when you make a deal." Mouse looked at her and swung on the branch landing in front of her with a smile. "How do you know about that?"

"Idiot... Didn't you hear what the old bag of bones said... Also myself? You can be thoughtless at times. You need to start thinking..."

"Tap. Tap. Tap." He grabbed her finger as she tapped his forehead. "Stop that... It's annoying." He looked at her hand. "Your not a spirit, I can touch you..." Mouse turned around and sat on a tree with his head in his hands. "Please tell me straight... I don't like all this going around in circles shit."

"Fine." He looked up as Tofana sat across from him and grabbed his hand. "You saved me... For some reason the old shadow knew you had this in you and asked me to talk with you about completing my mission." Mouse nodded. "I can ask him about that later." Tofana nodded. "

"This place in your mind saved me when my spark faded... It brought me in here. I am now a part of this world in your mind Mouse..." He looked at her cocking his head sideways. "I saved you?"

"Yes, you did... Now I live with you, a part of you and a part of this world." Mouse looked at her. "What about the brain thing?"

"I have also stood before the brain... A long time ago, and I also made deals with the brain... Same as you." Mouse sighed. "So you knew what I have been doing all this time?" He saw her nod and cursed. "I also have a fair idea of some of the deals you have made... Killing intent not existing anymore, your ability to learn, your inability to stop once you start something, connection to the brain." Mouse nodded and felt his face heating up. "Yes. You are right..."

"I am also glad you have not made further deals with it... I can tell you now it isn't as kind and friendly as you think..." Mouse looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean?" He frowned as she shook her head. "I'm not a person for telling you what to do, or how to do it. In the end it is your choice in what you do, and how you do it... However, this place is where you truly call upon or power. Not through the brain." Mouse pointed to his legs, "the brain gave me the legs, didn't it, and the scars on the hands?"

"No... the legs were taken by the trees, they chose themselves, not the brain... The brain just increased the speed at which they grew. The trees and this place is what gave you those legs. The scars is what triggered this place to start growing... So the brain helped there, but I think this wasn't in its plans." Mouse sat in silence, and stared at the grassy ground growing around them."

"What should I do about the brain then? I am connected to them, and if I turn my back on them the trees will turn against me." He saw Tofana wag her finger at him. "You need to remember... the brain is not the trees... You are connected to the brain... For now, just play along with the brain until you make your own mind and decision about what you will do... But right now we need to talk about something else."

Mouse straightened his back and nodded. "I assume the request you asked me before?"

"That's the one... I have held on that mission for a long time. It needs to be completed before..." Mouse looked at her. "Before what?"

"Before something very bad happens... The Supreme may look nice and friendly to all, but that is not the case. I don't have evidence to show you, but think about it. Who is in the only position to give Borgis orders to create those beasts that he did?" Mouse nodded in agreement. "The only one who could of done that is the Supreme."

"Exactly... The Supreme is calling the guard to fight the bandits and Fireland prisons... But really the Supreme is wanting the guard to do something else." Mouse looked at her. "What is the Supreme really wanting?"

"That, I am not sure... All I remember when I was a guard was needing to go to a location somewhere and opening a door... I know I failed, and my death followed... Still, be careful and please finish my mission."

Mouse nodded and stood up looking around. "When I wake up and walk around, what happens to this place?"

"It is always here in your mind... It has been here hiding for a long time, growing as you grow. Whenever you want you can come here, and you will always find me in here walking around singing..." Mouse looked at her... "Singing?"

"Yes... I like to sing and do gardening. Whats wrong with that?" Mouse shook his head. "Nothing, I was just thinking of an old woman who I met in a garden long ago who would sing and garden... Her voice was beautiful and very calming."

"An old woman... hmm. I wonder who that could of been?" Mouse shook his head and shrugged his shoulders smiling. "No idea. I haven't seen her for a while to be honest."

"Mouse please come and visit often here, the trees are lonely when you don't see them... I will be too, you are the only one I can talk to now." Mouse smiled and nodded. "Now I know this beautiful place is here, I will be visiting every moment that I can... It seems when I sleep I can come here now, more peaceful than dreaming in darkness."

He saw her smile. "Thank you..." Mouse closed his eyes and opened them once again finding himself back in the grassy bed. He sat up and walked outside sitting on a chair next to the old shadow looking over the village with mugs of tea in his hand. Mouse took the mug that was handed to him. "You saw?" Mouse nodded. "Good... Any questions?" Mouse nodded, and turned to the old shadow. "Many, but I also know you are not going to answer the ones I want to know."

"Hohoho... good apprentice. Find the answers yourself... Now the serious thing. What about her mission?" Mouse nodded swallowing the tea inside the mug. "I will finish..."

"Good... Than you need to leave for the Capital now... From my contacts, there are people still looking for someone of your skills and abilities..." Mouse nodded and stood up. "Make sure you cover your legs... People will be asking questions, but if you find someone who can identify the scars on your hands, or if they also have scars that is the team you join... Understand?"

"Clear. I understand..." He handed his mask to the old shadown. "Leaf will have to stay here for a while. Mouse needs to go build his name... When Leaf is needed, I shall return for it."

"I am impressed... My apprentice is all grown up... Fine Leaf, will stay here. Do your best Mouse, and come visit when you are not busy... Don't forget this old man. Hahaha."

Mouse nodded and ran to the edge of the village and looked back at them smiling. He waved and jumped into the branches smiling. He closed his eyes, and saw the forest. He could also feel Tofana looking up at him. "I am on my way... The mission will be finished soon."

"Thank you Mouse... I will be here waiting for the good news... Or at least your next visit." Mouse opened his eyes jumping from branch to branch, heading towards the Capital. He stopped on a branch and looked at it. "A little push would be nice." He smiled as he felt the branch bend and than released sending him further ahead through the forest.