Arrows are my strength

Star hid in a crevice and looked at the dark wall across from her. "Hahaha... You can't find me... I'm faster than you... Human... Weak human."

"Thud... Thud..."

She smiled as the arrows fired hit in random locations. "It seems you can't find me either... Ugly beast."

"You call me an ugly beast... I'm not ugly one here... You ugly one." Star rolled her eyes in the darkness and peaked around the crevice searching in the darkness.


"Found you... See... Not easy to hide from me... Next time you look you dieee."

Star cursed as she heard arrows being fired around her.

"Thud... Thud... Thud... BOOMM!"

She looked up as a piece of the volcano fell towards her position. "Where you go human? I'm watching... Always watching... Weak human." She cursed and looked around. "I need to find a path..." She closed her eyes, taking a long breath, and opened them looking around her. She smiled as she shot her bow and starting running on the side of the volcano. She jumped and shot another arrow, before coming to stop in another crevice.


"Pity... Human dead... I'm the winner here... No more human... I should eat, become strong." She smiled as she heard movement and looked from her hiding spot. She drew her bow waiting until the movement stopped. "There you are... Try this on for size." She fired her bow into the darkness, and went back into hiding waiting."

"AHHH... I got tricked... You won't hit me again... Foul human... You stink... I'm going to eat you as you live... Is better." Star smiled, and fired her bow at the sound of the troliath's voice.

"Thud... Thud... Thud..."

She cursed. "Missed human... I'll find you... Rip you into pieces... Eat you strip by strip... Delicious..."

"Sniff... Sniff... I can smell you humannnn... I'm coming, humannn." Star heard movement around her and cursed. "I can't just sit here and move... I need to keep moving." She looked around and fired her bow into the volcano and ran along the wall. She jumped and fired her bow, at the movement, running around the volcano, before shooting and firing again at the movement.

"Human... Moving... I can find you human... You stink." Star looked around the volcano. "Can't stop moving... I need to hit it, or I'm dead." She looked around at the path her eyes were showing her, and smiled when she saw a light up in the distance. "Found you..." She aimed and fired at the light.

"Ahh... You got me again. How?" She smiled as she shot into the wall again and jumped. She ran along the wall and shot again at the light in the distance. "Ouchhh... Again... How are you doing that?"

Star cursed. "Its not enough... I need to kill it with one shot... This is taking too much time... Why can't I kill it?" She looked at her bow as she ran and jumped. "Its not the bow... Is it me?" She shook her head. "On the mountains I could take people with one shot, why not now?" Star looked at the volcano. "There's a piece that I am missing... What is it?"

"Let gooo... You need to let gooo." She looked up at the volcano, and saw another patch of light. "Let go of what?" Star looked around in confusion, as she ran and shot at the patch of light.

"Ouchh! Again... Stop hitting me!" Star shook her head. "What does the voice mean by letting go?"

She ran again and jumped, firing her bow and to a crevice catching her breath. "Let goo... You'll be able to win this..."

"Where are you humannnnn? You're close... I can smell it..." Star cursed and looked around keeping her breathing low. "Let go?" She looked down. "Let go of what?"

"Your hate and anger to her... Let go of what happened to your family... All that anger and pain is making you weak." Star looked up at the second light above her. "Why is the voice helping me?"

"Not helping you... Just want you to let go..."

"Stop talking... I want to kill the human and eat them... No one stops me from eating..." Star shook her head. "I can't let that go..."

"Than you'll die... Farewell..." She looked up at second light as it faded from her view. She cursed as she jumped and fired her bow running, shooting her bow jumping and shooting the troliath. "Stop hitting me... Weak human... Can't even kill me." She landed in another crevice and sat down in the dark. "I don't want to let go of that... If I don't remember, than no one will know what happened..." She wrapped her arms around her legs.

"I smell... Your... fear... I'm going to eat you... I'll enjoy it... I promise... Not sure about you though... Hahahaha..." Star shook her head, and felt tears fall down her face. "I can't do it... I have too much to remember, and who to take out." She shook her head. "I can't... I mustn't... I won't..." She looked as the light where the troliath is started to fade from her view. She shook her head. "Do I have to?" The light faded and covered her head, tears falling from her eyes. "To win... To live... Must I pay the cost for this small thing?" She nodded. "For the others... I must pay this cost, but this cost is too expensive..." She looked at her hands, and stared at the bow. "He made this for me... If it wasn't for him, and also the queen... I want to protect her." She nodded to herself. "Fine... I'll do it for her... For my queen I'll pay the cost... I'll let it go... I'll stop my hate and anger for them... But I won't forget what they did..." She looked up and felt her eyes starting to burn.

"Can't scream in pain... Must bare with it." She clenched her jaw, groaning in pain. "I'll pay the price... For my queen..." She watched as the path in front of her burned brighter. She looked at her bow, and clenched it tightly. "Its done... I paid the price, and now it dies." She stood and turned and looked at the brighter spot and aimed her bow. "You're dead... Bye bye..." She released the arrow and shot it at the bright light. She jumped and ran shooting at the bright light.

"Thud... Thud... BOOM!"

She smiled as she heard the trolaith fall to the ground. She jumped down onto the path and looked at the body of the troliath. She walked up to the body and kicked it with her foot. "That's what you get you filthy beast... I should thank you, because I know I can protect my queen..."

"About time... Star. Long time no see." She turned around and saw a man standing in front of her. "You're the one from the circus... What are you doing here?"

"I'm the one who watches the water... That's until you take my spot... It seems you have a long way to go before you're ready..." She looked at him with a sour smile. "What are you talking about?"

"I've been watching Athlos for a long time... I'm getting too old, and this place is falling apart... I can't keep watching Athlos forever... Its time for you to start standing up for the people of Athlos, and not just the queen." She looked at him. "How do you know that?" She watched as he looked at the body. "I've been watching... I see everything... This is what the watcher does, we watch and than take action..." Star looked up at the top of the volcano... "Its bright up there... I can see things more clearly."

"That's what happens when you let go of the hurt, anger, pain and all the revenge you've been carrying around." She nodded in thought. "Perhaps, you're right... I let go, and now I can see the things I'm missing."

"Hahaha... You're still have lots to learn, and much more to see Star." She turned and looked at the man. "Why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you be out there fighting or something?"

"I've already finished that... It was boring... Also, I'm watching everything... I can see what's happen below and also what's happening up above us... Pity the young Mouse... That's his name isn't it?" Star turned to the man and nodded. "That's him... Why what is his problem?"

"His trial wasn't something that anyone could do... He paid a very high price..." She turned around. "That was his choice... He chose his path, and he has his own reasons for doing what he did."

"Very mature of you Star... Don't forget the cost you paid today." Star nodded. "How are the others?"

"Don't worry about them... The one you should be worried about is you... You need to get stronger, and keep up with them... Or they'll leave you behind." Star cursed and nodded. "I know I need to get stronger..." She looked at him and smiled. "Since you're already a water watcher, than you must know how to become stronger... So how do I get stronger?"

"Easy... You fight... You watch and become stronger." Star cursed. "That doesn't help at all... Stupid." She looked him in annoyance. "Hahaha... That's what I was told... I learnt from it... When you reach your trial... You'll be ready, and be able to see the world for what it is, until then... Go get stronger." She nodded. "Seems, that you're aware of the situation now, so I'm going now... See you." She watched as the man walked back into the darkness fading from her view. She looked around. "What an ass... This world is full of asses." She looked at the door in front of her. "I better go and see how the others are getting along..." She walked to the door, and opened it staring at the lava on a damaged path. She frowned. "He doesn't seem be around here, I should continue." She looked up at the large hole in the roof. "He must of went up there once he beat whatever was in here." She looked at the next door. "I wonder who is in there?" She went to the door, and stared at it. "No harm... Lets see what's inside." She opened the door, and looked around the place cursing.

She looked at the mess around her, and ran through the mass of books until she saw Harnio laying on the ground. "Harnio..." She ran up to him, and looked at him. "Harnio... Are you okay? Harnio?"

"I'm fine... Just reading the information I just read... Its very interesting." She looked at the place around her. "What do you mean? This place is a mess."

"Yes... I destroyed it." She looked at Harnio in confusion. "Why would you?"

"The knowledge here is dangerous... Its all the information that lead to the growth of the trolaiths... It's something that shouldn't be allowed for people to read." Star looked at Harnio on the ground. "I thought knowledge was to be protected, and not to be destroyed?"

"The knowledge hasn't been erased from the history of Athlos... It'll be stored in a safe place, where the ones who read it, will not do what the master did... It talks about the soul battery, how it was made and how they made them in detail."

Star nodded. "Fine... I'm glad you're not destroying what you seem to protect with all your life... Keep knowledge safe and make sure only those who read it should read it..." She looked at Harnio. "Does that mean you know how they're evolving and how to kill them without them learning from us?"

"No... There's nothing here to stop them from learning... As long as the alphas are alive... They're moving on their own... Remove the alpha, and we'll be able to get rid of them in the future." Star nodded. "Than we search for the alphas, and take them down."

"Yes... You get it priestess... We find them, and we can stop the trolaith invasion."

Star smiled. "Come... We should go see the others... I'm sure they're waiting for us... Come on stand up, we need to get to the top... They're waiting for us."