Hidden knowledge

"Harnio... Are you coming?" He stood up and went to walk to the priestess. "Star... If I recall correctly, that's your name?" He looked up and saw the professor floating above them. He scratched his arm. "That's correct professor... But, she's also a priestess."

"Star... You go ahead... The path is clear... I will take my student with me, as we need to talk about what was in here... Please excuse us." Harnio felt his body becoming lighter and started to float towards the professor. He looked around in confusion. "There was no writing or anything... How did he do that?"

He looked down at the priestess. "Don't worry about us... We'll be fine... Go ahead... I'll meet you at the top with the others." He watched as he heard the priestess curse and walk through the opened door. Harnio turned and looked at the professor's hands. "How did you bring me up here? I didn't see any writing or anything... Not even a glow from a battery."

"Hahahaha... Questions, questions and more questions... I enjoy your curiosity student... Maybe I shouldn't call you a student anymore..." Harnio shook his head looking at the ground. "No... I'm always going to be a student... Too much to learn, I think I'll by a student for life."

"That's a good armsguard... There hasn't been a good armsguard in the guard for a very long time... Its nice to see that you're looking after them well. I saw the robes you gave the monk... That's some serious work. I'm impressed at your skill." Harnio felt his face turn red and looked at the destroyed rows of books and parchments. "I feel bad I did that... I remember everything that was written, and can write it all again... This time putting it in a place where only those who learn it... Its very dark and deadly."

"What you did was the right thing student... That knowledge is dangerous... I think its better to keep it in your head for a while longer... Now isn't the time to share that knowledge... As you can see around you, the world isn't enjoying the presence of those beasts... Trolaiths you call them." Harnio nodded in thought. "Yes... They call themselves trolaiths, also we learned their name through Mouse."

He looked at the professor. "Who was the armsguard before?" He looked up at the walls in confusion as he scratched his arm. "It wasn't you... If I'm correct, you would of been the support to the armsguard..."

"Correct... Indeed I was the support to the armsguard. He was a very talented person, but someone the Supreme was able to win over to his side." Hanrio nodded. "It makes sense, all their armor is old and ripped... I'm surprised that they were able to fight outside against all those trolaiths and drones..." He stopped talking and lowered his head. "What is it student?"

"I'm sorryyyy..." He felt a tear fall down his cheek. "We destroyed the forge, and the blacksmith's family were killed by drones... I haven't been back in a long time."

"I heard all about it... You did the right thing back then... Even though I wasn't there, I still wouldn't of been able to do anything... Here, no one can see, but as they say... Even us old ones get old... The tower is fine... The destruction that was caused to the forge has been cleared up, and no one goes to that forge... They all think there was some accident that happened which caused the explosion... But I do admit, the tower has felt empty without you around it."

Harnio shook his head. "I thought when I was accepted into the tower, that I was supposed to be happy and fit in there... I didn't feel that happiness at all... I only found happiness in the forge with the blacksmith, and here with the new guard."

"Guardians... Not guard... Guard is something different... You'll learn more about it later..." Harnio nodded in confusion. "I do have another question..."

"Ask... I can guess the question, but I don't think you'll like the answer." Harnio nodded. "I'll ask anyway since there are no women around us... Your age. It doesn't match for when the last guard was called... The things I read, and statues I saw mentioned the last guard were called at least five hundred years ago, yet you say you are a support to the armsguard."

"Hahaha... I knew you were going to ask about that... I was just thinking as to when you were going to..." Harnio felt his body lower as it landed on top of a case that previously held parchments. He looked down at the damage he'd made and felt a pain hit his heart. He bent down and touched the case. "As I said don't worry... You said the knowledge is in your head... You can give birth to it again, and even as you write make it safe for others to research... However, those soul batterys are a danger to all of Athlos and how they're made shouldn't be shared... Only the complete knowledge in your mind should be passed down to the next armsguard... Do you hear me student?"

Harnio nodded. "Agree... Still you haven't answered the question about age... Am I correct about the date of the last call?"

"You're correct... The guardians and the support after their trial start to age slowly... However, that doesn't mean we're immortal, as we'll one day return to Athlos... You saw all of us... We're old, except for that water watcher support... Have no idea how he looks the way he does... He doesn't tell anyone his secret... To be honest he does his own thing, and only when there's serious trouble does he show up... Very antisocial I think... Hahaha... He makes me think of you student."

Harnio smiled. "Sooo, the guardians, and support live until the next guard is chosen... What happens after they're are new guardians?"

"Good question... At the moment, you don't see us disappearing do you?" Harnio shook his head in thought. "It means that we haven't fully become guardians have we?"

"Clever student... You pick up on things very fast... The trial the others have been on, is just the start of their journey... However, the end of the journey is one of either birth or death... In that we failed... Which means you and the group you're in can't fail... You must make the choice... Its important." Harnio nodded.

He looked at the body of the dead trolaith on the ground. "Professor, you know who made that don't you?" He glanced up at the professor before quickly looking away from his nod. "By your sad face, it was someone you knew and cared about... Could it possibly be someone by the name of Marcule?"

"How do you know that name?"

"Reading... I read everything in here, and also there're a few large books in the library with that name as well... If I guess correctly, he was the previous armsguard?"

"Correct again student... But with that information, what changes?" Harnio shook his head. "Its only information... I can't make choices based on this... However, I do have a theory about what possibly happened to him..."

"What's your theory? I've missed your theories, no matter how strange and weird they are... They've been fun to think about and ponder." Harnio look down at the body again and scratched his arm. "Do you know much about the ritual?"

"No... As a support, we're not allowed in the ritual... I just remember the others talking about waking up, and the Supreme said something about failure and success." Harnio nodded. "When we went to our ritual, we also fell asleep, however when we woke, the Supreme was talking about all failure... The monk's wife mentioned about pushing something out of his body during that time... I also don't remember much, but there was a voice asking me something I think?"

"So you're saying Marcule died at that moment of the ritual, and that's when he went to the Surpemes' side?" Harnio nodded in thought. "As I said its just a theory, but at the moment, without more evidence and proof, that theory is the only thing I have to follow and build my understanding on, until I have a true answer."

"How long have you had that theory for?" Harnio looked around. "Not too long, just pieces fitting together... Also the things you've said, and you being here... Especially wanting to talk to me about this knowledge here... Its the only conclusion possible, with my current understanding."

"Good thinking and analyzing... Very impressed. You're starting to sound like the old shadow... Just that you don't talk as much as he does, nor do you have a fascination with tea... You do have your pipe after all." Harnio pulled it out of his robes and held it in his hands. "It has helped whenever I've needed it." He went to hand it back.

"No... That is yours... I gave it to you as a gift. Keep it, and keep using it..." Harnio nodded and put it back in his robes. "So, if your theory is correct, than we lost Marcule long ago, and he isn't the person we knew way back then." Harnio looked at the professor, as he felt his body starting to float again, towards the dead troliath. "I have another question..."

"The previous guardians died... Are you all just their support?"

"Correct... We were given similar gifts to the guardians, but we were never true guardians... The true guardians were caught and tortured one by one, except for Marcule... Rumors said he was the one doing the torturing, but also there were rumors of his own death after." Harnio nodded, and raised his hand towards the body, causing sharp blades of wind causing the body to turn into a puddle of mush. "That won't be learning anything anymore..." He turned to the professor. "Were they strong?"

"Yes... They were very strong, yet they weren't able to complete their trials... Something about unable to open something or unable to complete a task of some sort... Hence their capture and torture... However, the support were able to carry on their name in secret, at the annoyance of the Supreme... Than we went into hiding... Waiting for the next call to the guard... We all hope you can do what the last guard couldn't do." Harnio looked around the empty room as they floated up higher. "What's that?"

"To free Athlos... We want you all to free Athlos... Do you have the strength to do that?" Harnio nodded. "We may not have the strength to do that now, but there'll be a time, when it will come to pass, and Athlos will be free."

"Harnio... Do you even know what I mean by making Athlos free?" Harnio scratched his arm nodding. "If you're referring to saving the people from the Supreme, and whatever else is pulling the strings than yes."

"No... That is only part of freeing Athlos... One day when you see the full picture, remember this conversation and the words you said... Don't shy away from what you said you'll do... Anyway, I have questions to ask you now student."

Harnio nodded. "Your eyes... Can you see them now?" Harnio nodded. "I can see things yes, those who are trapped, and if caught will become the fuel for soul batterys, and those who were forced to become sparks and weapons." Harnio touched his hammer tied to his robes.

"Don't let Marcule see your eyes... Also, if you feel pain or the discomfort of what you see, I suggest you be near to the apprentice of the old shadow... He has an calming aura, and it will keep their emotions away..." Harnio nodded. "I do that already... He's a good friend, and I do feel relaxed when I'm around him..."

"That's good student... He has a big role to play in the future, as do you... Make sure the decisions your group make are for Athlos, and not for themselves..." Harnio nodded as they landed on the top of the building. He looked around and saw Mouse, and the others standing on a root. He looked around frowning. "Where's the monk?"

"He's still downstairs... Don't worry about him little brother. His in laws and wife are down there watching... They'll bring him up once he's done." Harnio nodded and touched the ground. "Good to see you Cliffhopper... I hope you killed many?"

"I did little brother." He walked up to Mouse. "Don't worry... If he got away, we'll get him next time." He looked at Mouse's arms in thought. "I'll have to make something for you, so that others don't see what has happened to you, my friend." He looked around at the others. "It also seems you all are in need of some repairs as well... Let me see what I can do, with the materials here."