
Star looked up at the clouds as rain fell on her face. "Its been a long time... I thought I would be happier, if I came back here... Seems not this time." She turned to Stannir. "Make sure they're drones first... Don't do anything stupid."

"Don't worry about me... If they're drones, they'll be turned to ash... I'll give them a chance don't worry." She nodded. "Good... Than this is where you get off." She waved at him as he fell through the cloud into the rivers below. "He'll be fine..." She smiled as she heard him curse. "I can't swim..." She looked down at him. "Its not deep... Just float and you'll be fine..."

"How do I float?" She cursed and looked at him in the river treading water. "You're fine... Just do what you're doing now, and you'll get to the riverbank, and then climb out... Everyone is wet here, so go have fun... Ass." She turned on her cloud and continued her way towards the large stone done in the center of Eternia. She landed on one of the bridges, staring at the large building, with banners of different circus members all over it. She looked at its new name and cursed when she saw claw marks ripped into it. "She's really trying to make me lose my temper... I can't fall to her tricks like this..."

She stepped off the bridge and stood in front of the main entrance to the circus. "Its quiet... Even now... If I know Agnia, she has definitely planned this." She looked around, and saw nobody. "I hope that the ass finds some people at least, that she didn't turn into drones." She walked through the empty gates into the circus, frowning. She touched the stone walls around her. "Memories of this place... Happy and sad... Now I'm going to make some new memories, for a better Athlos."



She looked ahead in confusion. "That's coming from the main arena... What's she doing?" She drew her bow and walked along the tunnels until she stood watching the main arena in front of her with her eyes wide open. She cursed as she saw Agnia walking over the bodies of people she knew in the circus, and people who lived in the city. "She's turned them all into drones... She's too proud of herself." Star took a step back and looked at the side tunnel. "I'm going to get a better view from up there."

She started to walk towards the side tunnel, listening to the cries coming from the main arena. "Myyyy queennn... Step on me... I want your feeet alll over meee." She shook her head, as she turned watching a small group of clowns fighting over the chance to be stood on by her. "Who was she? Why does she do this?"

"My beautiful servants... I'm glad you all came when I called for you." Star turned and watched as Agnia sat down on a chair made up of drones smiling happily. She cursed as Agnia pushed her heels into the drone that was her foot rest, and shook her head as they cried out in pleasure. "You called us... There's nothing we would be happier to do, and that is to do your every wish and desire."

"Sooo, kind of you all. I thank you, and those who please me, get the greatest gifts of all." Star started to climb the stairs in the side tunnel. "I called you here, because I need your help... I was hurt... Someone hurt me, and caused one of my beautiful wings to fall from my beautiful body... I need to heal and grow a new wing."

"We'll help you my queen... Tell us what to do, and we'll do it." Star clenched the railing as she heard the cries and screams from the arena. "Thank you... I need you all to help me... For me to heal, I need to gather energy, and all of you here have lots of energy... Please give it to me." Star stopped walking mid step. "What's she going to do to them?"

"We'll give you all of it... All for our queen..." Star started to run up the steps until she got to the top and crawled across the platform, until she was able to peek over its side. She felt the color leave her face, as she watched a line of people collapse on the ground after shaking. "Its like what Stannir mentioned back then... How does she gain healing from this?" She watched as all of the drones around her except for those she was using as a throne and the crowds in the seats died.

"Thank you... Now come and be a part of your queen." She watched as a strong breeze seemed to be centered on Agnia caused all the dead bodies to fly in the air towards her, and once they got close to her they vanished. "What's she doing?"

"Thank you... I need more... I need more servants... Give me more." She looked down, watching Agnia turn into her dragon shape frowning. "She doesn't look like she's from the monk's family, but she does look similar to them... I'll have to ask them further about it... Raven already said she was a part of their family, but died..." She shook her head. "Still, she looks very different to them..." She cursed. "What am I doing? I'm not here to figure out who Agnia is... I'm here to get rid of her..." She stood up and drew her bow, instantly calming her heart, and aimed at Agnia.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you?" She turned and looked at a gymnast walking towards her. "You wouldn't be using that to hurt our queen... Would you Star?" Star shook her head, and aimed the bow at the gymnast. "Why would you then target your own family? Star what has happened to you? We grew up together... Why would you turn against the circus?"

Star felt tears fall on her cheeks as she let the arrow loose, causing the drone to fall to the ground lifeless. "Star! You're finally here... I was getting bored of waiting... Come down and let me see your face." Star frowned at the drone in front of her and jumped off the top using her bow and ropes around her to slow her fall. She tapped the ground with her foot as she landed in front of Agnia.

"Nice to see you again... What do you think of the circus? I worked really hard... Especially to make sure that there would be a crowd here to see us together... The sisters once again competing against each other as before..." Star watched as Agnia stood up and faced the crowds. "What do you think? Would you love to see Star and I challenge each other once more?"

"YEEESSSSSSSSS! Anything for my queen!"

Star drew her bow and pointed it at Agnia. "Return them to who they were..."

"I'm sorry Star... I don't know what you're talking about... I just asked them to follow me, and that's what they do... I didn't do anything to them... I'm not as mad as Marcule... I have elegance, and poise... Why should I have to do something to them, to make them love me?"

Star let loose an arrow, causing it to land in front of Agnia's feet. "I told you to set them free..." Star clenched her jaw, staring into Agnia's eyes. "Partial opening I see... So, that's how you knew where I was... Anyhow... I'm a queen, so I ask to be treated as a queen... THAT'S ALL I ASK FROM YOU... WORSHIP MEEEEE!" Star shook her head. "No chance... Not after what you did on the mountain..."

"If you don't bow in front of me, and call me by my true position, you'll never see these people again... They all want to die for me, they serve me with all their heart, mind and body... Even more if I ask it of them, but no one has been able to satisfy that hunger I have..." Star shook her head. "I'm not going to do that..."

"I'm not asking you... I'm giving you a choice... Either get on your knees and serve this queen... Or the people you see around you, and call family... They'll turn against you and you'll have to kill them all... By that time. I'll have already found another group of people who'll will want to serve me..." Star pointed her bow at Agnia once again. "I'm not a simple person... I'm the priestess here, people bow to me, and listen to my judgement... I'm here to bring judgement to you, for the crimes you've committed against my people."


"NOOOOOO! They serve me... See look at my beautiful chair... Do you see a chair made for you? Or even a vessel? No... There isn't any love for you... No one cares for you here... If they did, why would you be here on your own?" Star smiled. "Who said I'm alone?"


Star watched as the large doors were wrapped in fire, and the crowd around them turned into dust. She looked as the firewarrior took a step into the circus. "I figured they'd be here... Seems I was correct... I'll be outside waiting, so hurry up... I'm not enjoying the rain too much... Also I haven't forgot you dropped me into a river."

"Serve me..." Star ignored Agnia, and looked at Stannir. "You were being an ass... So, that's what you get... I'm not a transport for anyone... Just friends." She saw Stannir smile. "Nice... Well see you... I'll make sure this place is quiet, with no interruptions..." She saw his back. "Fight well... Kill better... Live forever... Glory to Paradise... Glory to Athlos."

"Glory to Athlos..." She nodded at Stannir's shadow, turning facing Agnia. She drew her bow and shot Agnia in the shoulder. "Ouuch... Why did you do that? We're sisters... Family..." Star shook her head, and fired again in silence. "Say something Star... Curse you and your eyes... I'll take them now, even before they've opened..."

Star rolled out of the way of her claw attack as she turned into her true self. Star shot into the wall of the arena, and jumped to a platform. "That's not going to work... I taught you those tricks, and I know them all." Star looked at Agnia with a sad smile. "Yes. You did teach me many things, but so did many other people... Many people have taught me things, and I've become this person. I'm... A priestess, because of all these people... Not just you."

Star jumped off the platform, firing her bow at Agnia, rolling in the air as claws and a tail headed in her direction. She fired into the wall, using that to run along the wall, while shooting her. "You're nothing Star... Don't forget it was us who found you..." Star jumped above her large jaw and fired her bow into the beast's mouth. "I've always been someone... I don't need people to praise me, or tell me how beautiful I am... I've always thought that I'm in someone shadow, but in fact I've been making my own shadow, and walking on my own path ever since I was young..."

"Thud... Thud..."

"AHHHHHH... My beautiful eyes... You shot my eyes... You're dead... You and all your people you call friends and family... I'm going to find them, and turn them all into people who love and serve me... I'm going to take everything from you... I'm the queen of this place... I'm the queen of Athlos."


"What are you laughing about Star? I haven't said anything false... I'm also the one who gave you that name... It's better than your name, that was given to you on the mountains." Star stopped firing her bow and stood standing. "What was the name?"

"Tallulah... That's the ugly name they gave you... I gave you a better name, it shows how graceful, and strong I am..."

"My name is Tallulah?" She smiled... "If that's the name I was called back then... You can have the name back Agnia... I want nothing to do with it, as each time someone calls me Star, it's in reference to you..." She drew her bow as far as she could, and fired repeatedly into the body of Agnia.

"You can't take anything from me anymore... I'm my own person..." She jumped down and stood over the body of Agnia, as it turned back into its human form. "Why? How could a lowly mountain insect kill me, a lovable and beautiful queen?" Star shook her head as she drew her final arrow. "I'm not an insect from the mountains... I'm priestess Tallulah, the one who watches the water..."

"Fine... shoot me... Kill me, I'll be back, and I'll take everything of yours, bending them to my will... He's still alive by the way." Tallulah looked at her. "Who?"



Tallulah looked at the lifeless body in front of her, and around her. "No reaction... Just the silence of the rain and wind... That's what you deserve." She turned and walked down the path towards the outside of the circus, where she saw Stannir waiting for her.

"Is it done?" She nodded. "That's good Star." She shook her head. "That's not my name... It was a name given to me by her... I gave it back to her." She saw his nod. "What should I call you then?"

"You can call me priestess Tallulha... Come we should go to Harnio and the Nebi..."