Finding the Nebi

Harnio walked through the wind with the professor admiring the scenery around him. "This place is a beautiful place professor... Everything fits together, and nothing seems out of the ordinary..."

"You're forgetting about the troliaths... They're out of the ordinary, and a cause of corruption in this world." Harnio nodded and kept walking with his hands behind his back. "Looking at the map the priestess gave us, we should be near to the location of the Nebi... We should set down and see what we can find around here."

Harnio nodded and followed the professor as they started to walk on the beach sands of an island hidden amongst mountains and volcanoes. "Just the area itself, is a great place for hiding, but to gather materials, I don't think they'll be able to find many in a short time." He nodded and stopped walking. He pulled out his pipe and started to smoke. Harnio looked at his feet as he saw shadows surround them.

"Who are you?" He waved at the professor, and took a step back. "Ladies... We're from the tower... We've been sent here, to help with the repairs..."

"What repairs... What is the old one talking about? Have they seen the captain?

"Not sure, but they say they're here to help with the repairs... Both from the tower."

He looked at the professor, nodding at him. "I have more information for you... We haven't seen the captain... We don't even know who the captain is, but we do know that the vessel's name is the Nebi... And that its very special, and in desperate need of people from the tower, who have the ability to fix her... Will you let us work on her or not?"

"What's in it for you?"

"We want you to join our force in the firelands... A tunnel is being made for the Nebi, so that those in the firelands can trade and start doing business in the area."

Harnio looked at the feet of those surrounding them. "Women... All women..." He turned to the professor. "It seems we've met the crew of the Nebi... Cliffhopper told us all about you..."

"You know Cliffhopper?" Harnio nodded. "Yes... We know him well... He's a friend of ours... At the moment he's in the firelands with the monk and his family."

"Are you talking about the one captain called hers?" Harnio shrugged his shoulders. "All I know is that the captain dumped him, and than he went off and got married into a rather strong family... He's happy there."

"Scholars... What's the name of the monk's wife?" Harnio looked at their feet in confusion. "Raven... Why do you ask?"

"The captain's name is also Raven... Hmm, it seems that we've found her... We need to get Nebi moving so we can see her again... This way... Follow us." Harnio looked at the professor's hands in confusion. "It seems there's more to this Raven, than we know... We'll see when they get to the firelands."

"Scholars... What are your names? Or do you prefer us just calling you both that?" Harnio shrugged his shoulders, looking at the large cavern they were walking into off the beach. "Just call us professors... It'll be easier."

"Why doesn't he look at us? Is he scared of our beauty of something? Did Cliffhopper tell him something about us?" Harnio shook his head, waving his hands. "No... I know nothing about what you and Cliffhopper did... I just don't like talking much... That's all."

"That's fine with us... We're the crew of the Nebi as you mentioned... It was attacked and destroyed underwater by something large, and weird... Never seen it before." Harnio cursed under his breath. "Trolaith..."

"What's a trolaith?"

"That's the thing that destroyed Nebi... I'll be able to confirm it, once we see the scars of the battle on Nebi."

"Well... Here it is. Welcome to the body of Nebi..." Harnio's mouth fell open as he stared at the large metallic vessel. He took a step, touching it with his hands. He looked at the giant scars on its side. "Yes... It was attacked by a large swimming trolaith..."

"Well it killed many of the crew, and also pissed off the captain... She was yelling and screaming." Harnio looked at the professor's belt. "I'm confused, if the captain was Raven, why wouldn't she be able to fix this?"

"Her abilities are not like the monks... He's the only one who can fix it, and when she saw him, he probably wasn't able to help her, so she dumped him, and kicked him out, with the map... This is the only explanation in how they got the map in the first place." Harnio nodded. "It does make sense... I'm sure once we get to Paradise, we'll be able to sort things out."

Harnio looked over the large wounds on the Nebi. "Professors are you able to repair this?" Harnio nodded, while staring at the large scars. "We can... Just need materials... There's only one person who can provide the materials for something this large."

"What do you mean? We've got the materials already here. The captain had them here waiting for us, when we got here with the Nebi... They're over there." Harnio looked in the direction, where they pointed. Harnio smiled. "That's the monk's work... I can smell it." He took a step and touched the materials with his hands. "So, this proves that the captain and Raven are the same." Harnio nodded, and looked at the Nebi. "We're going to make some changes to it, but we'll get this Nebi looking even better, and become a strong power of the seas."

"Thank you professors... How long will it take?" Harnio looked over the damaged skeleton of the Nebi... It shouldn't take too long... Go guard this place, we might have company in the future... If we get Nebi back in the water, than the Supreme will have more troubles to worry about and deal with."

"You heard them crew... Move out... Double patrols... Keep this place safe." Harnio smiled as he sat in a chair and stared at the damaged Nebi. He heard the professor sit behind him. "What are you thinking? We don't have a forge that size, and the skeleton has been severely damaged... We have to redo the skeleton in those damaged places... To me this will take months, possibly years to fix." Harnio smiled. "This here, isn't going to take long, not when you have an artificer... Also... I plan to make some changes to it, and will scrap most of the Nebi..."

"You want to build a new Nebi?" Harnio nodded. "The pride of Nebi... Or Nebi's daughter?"

"They're bad names..." Harnio stood up and turned around staring at Raven's feet. "I'm sure you guessed my role in all this?" Harnio smiled and nodded. "Yes... I can see the monk's hands all over the materials... Does he know?"

"Yes... He knows, and he understands... We're all working on the tunnel now... This isn't really me, just an image." Harnio nodded. "We're going to rebuild it... Make Nebi better..."

"I heard... However, I have a name for the new vessel... I want it to be called Unifier... It brought my husband and I together... Though I won't be the captain of it anymore... They'll be able to pilot it... Give me your map... I'll show you the tunnel entrance." Harnio watched as the professor handed the map to Raven, and Raven drawing a line on it. "I'm going now... We're working hard here, so I hope to see the Unifier at Paradise soon... Farewell Harnio, and professor."

Harnio watched as the image of Raven turned into a pile of dirt and stone, turning around, and stared at the Nebi. "We better get to work... Harnio?" He ignored the professor, and started to write in the air. "The Unifier needs to be strong, powerful, and have a tough defense just like them..." He pulled out a fire battery with one hand, and with his other he selected a piece of metal from the pile, and lifted it with the wind.

He could feel his heart race, and a large smile formed on his face as he started to work. Harnio ignored the professor, and focused on putting the body of the Unifier together.

"We're under attack." Harnio stopped his work and turned around. "What's the problem?"

"You heard them... Trolaiths have landed on the beach... They must be searching for the Nebi, and they got lucky..." Harnio shook his head. "They can't take the Unifier away, when I've only just started to work on it."

"You've been working on it for weeks Harnio... Even the firewarrior and the priestess have arrived... You were too busy here, you didn't even notice them." Harnio frowned at the professor. "You can deal with them... I'm sure with the firewarrior, priestess and yourself... This work here will go well."

"That's what I'm here to tell you... We're about to block the entrance... It's a large invasion... You'll be on your own, so if any come through you need to deal with them..." Harnio nodded. "I'll make sure they regret coming in here if they make it this far."

"They won't... Just making the Unifier safe." Harnio looked up at the chest of the firewarrior, and the priestess walking behind him. "Firewarrior and priestess... I assume your tasks have been completed?"

"Yes... Tallulah did well... She's the one who finished it." Harnio looked at the priestess in confusion. "Tallulah?"

"Its my name... I'm called priestess Tallulah watcher of water." Harnio nodded. "I think I'll stick with just priestess... Your name is too long for me to remember." He looked at the Unifer's skeleton, smiling. "I'll get this moving as fast as possible."

"That's good to hear... We're going to buy you all the time you need... Lets go professor, we'll need your strength..." Harnio watched as their backs left the cave, and turned to the Unifier. "Its just you and me now... I can do my little trick."


He turned watching the cavern turn into darkness, and blinked his eyes. "Come, come... Don't worry... They'll be fine outside... You're the Unifier after all... You bring people together... A very important role." He watched the world around him slow down, as he started to work on her. He felt his smile as he wrote on the materials, with his fingers, watching the Unifier slowly taking shape.


Harnio stop working, turning around to see a trolaith crawl out of the ground. "I'm sorry, but I don't have time to deal with you, so you'll have to die quickly." He turned away from the small group crawling out of the hole, waving his hand at it.


He ignored the sound of a large hand print squashing the trolaiths into a paste. He continued writing with his other hand attaching another piece to the Unifier. He sat down panting heavily, staring at the almost completed Unifier. He turned and saw Raven, and the monk staring at him. "He's been working hard husband... You've been worrying about nothing."

"What do you mean? They've clearly been attacked... You can also sense the trolaiths here... Harnio... Do we need to help you there?" He shook his head panting. "I'm just been working here... The firewarrior and the priestess are outside with the crew and professor... This place is safe... I'll be moving us back as soon as I can."

"See stop worrying husband... If they need help, we would know about it... Now come back to the tunnel... I think father wants to do some more training with you." Harnio watched as the figures once again turned into piles of dirt and stone.


He looked up at the cavern entrance as it was broken open, and saw the others standing there in the sunlight. He looked them over. "You seem to have done well..."

"Harnio... Did they get in?" He shrugged his shoulders and pointed to the Unifier. "Ignore them... They interrupted me when I was working, and you know my feeling when I am interrupted at work."

"The reason I ask Harnio... Is that you've killed a few hundred at least, and also two of the larger tunneler ones." Harnio waved his hand at them. "Not my problem... But what you should be looking at is the Unifier... I've got her up and running... All parts and all materials are there... It just needs the Raven's crew, and we can leave this place, and head home."

Harnio's head felt dizzy and he sat on the ground. "Are you okay?" Harnio nodded panting. "Just tired... I'm going to nap..." He closed his eyes ignoring the sounds of movement around him.