Relax, Training, and Building

"Husband... You don't need to worry about them all the time... It shows that you care about them... They may think you're a good person or something like that." Drummen looked at her and cursed. "All of us don't like those things, and when they're near we can feel their disgusting taint... It makes me sick and want to throw up... Its better if there weren't any trolaiths around."

"Sounds like an excuse to me brother." Drummen ignored Cliffhopper as he looked at the tunnel that was made for the Unifier. "This should be big enough for the monster that little brother is making... To think that you actually married the captain... I remember you were out of your mind drunk when she dumped you." Drummen scowled, and looked at Raven. "Wife... Why did you wait for such a long time before you revealed yourself to me?"

"Husband... I told you... Back then you weren't strong enough, and I didn't know if you were strong enough to do what you needed to do." Drummen nodded. "Yes... I know, back then I was quite lazy, and just cared about gold, wine and women."

"Hahahaha... You still care about gold and wine... This time its family, instead of women." Drummen looked at Cliffhopper and hit him over the head.

"Ouch... Brother why did you hit me? I didn't do anything..." Drummen narrowed his eyes at him. "I know you're looking forward to seeing the crew..."

"I'm not brother... Promise... I'm actually starting to worry about my wife back in the capital... We need to bring her here, before they think to use her as a hostage." Drummen nodded in thought. "I can't be seen as a terrible uncle... However, we need to stay here, and keep this place protected."

"What if we go son in law?" He looked at Daikish and his father in law. "If the both of you go, will it take long for your return?" He saw their shaking head. "Not at all... We can do things that you haven't seen, and when you do see them, you'll be begging us to teach you." Drummen frowned, looking at Cliffhopper. "If you can hurry... We'll be able to look after this place... Raven will be here to keep me company."

"Son in law... I'll give you a taste of what you'll be able to learn one day." Drummen nodded, while drinking from his wine skin. "I'm watching..." He watched as the both of them turned into stone, and dropped into the ground. He looked around at the ground cursing. "Wife... Are you saying we can do that?"

"Yes... How do you think mother was able to travel so far and fast?" Drummen nodded. "That's what I want to learn as well... Teach me... Please?"

"Hahahahaha... He's only started on his journey, and wants to learn the fun stuff... Wants all the perks, but not to work for them." Drummen looked at Cliffhopper with a smile. "Hey... I worked hard to be able to split my focus... You have no chance to fight against me now because of all my training."

"We'll see brother... I've also been practicing and training hard... We both have become stronger in our own ways." Drummen saw Cliffhopper turn and look in the distance with a smile. "What is it brother?"

"She's coming... I can feel her..." Drummen frowned. "What do you mean you can feel her?"

"As I said brother... I can feel her... See for yourself." He watched as Cliffhopper took a few steps in front of him in the stone cavern where they were looking at the rising water level, watching as the ground started to grow forming Raven's parents and Cliffhopper's wife. Drummen cursed. "Wife... Happy to see you after all this time."

Drummen turned away from them as Cliffhopper and his wife started to hug and kiis. He smiled at Raven's parents. "You're right... You have to teach me that... Did you hear any news while you were in the capital?"

"There're soldiers everywhere... They're really pushing the crowds, that you are all fighting the pirates, and smugglers, bringing freedom to the island chains." Drummen smiled. "Hahahaha... Yes, we're bringing freedom to Athlos, not just the island chains." He looked at the water. "It seems that this place will be busy soon, since its ready for Harnio and the others... We should head back up to the surface, and enjoy some sun for a bit... I've grown tired of being in the dark for so long."

"Yes... Good idea husband." He took Raven's arm, and walked out of the stone cavern and back out into the sunshine. "This place is really starting to grow on me Raven..." He turned glancing at Cliffhopper touching his wife's stomach and listening to the baby kicking. "Brother... The baby is strong, I can feel it kick... It knows I'm the father..."

"He's kicking you, because you left your wife for a long time... You better not leave her again like that." Drummen looked at him closely with a smile. "Even if we have to fight... Make sure she's always safe, and not far from you... You have to protect her, and my nephew." Drummen turned and walking further into the forest with Raven.

He looked at her and kissed her hands. "Can I see one more time please?"

"Fine... But this is the last time... After this I don't want you to ask me about it anymore." Drummen took a step back and watched as Raven changed her hair and form to look like the red haired captain. He kissed her cheek. "Thank you... I won't ask again..."

"Good... I want you to love me for who I am, not for one of my personalities." Drummen nodded. "I love my wife the way she is, and not who she pretends to be."

"Sweet words my husband... Come lets go walk and enjoy this place before it gets noisy." Drummen followed her as she returned to her normal state and followed Raven through the forest, until they stopped at the waterfall. "You did a great job here, making this... I'm really impressed wife."

"Good... I'm happy my husband approves." He looked around him, admiring the new birds that were starting to build nests in the trees. "Its becoming a home for all."

"Husband... I have a question for you..." He turned and looked at her with a smile. "Anything for you my dear... What do you want to know?"

"I also want to have a child... A miniature version of you, that I can carry around all the time, and someone to carry on our blood." Drummen felt his face turn red, and looked at the ground. "What? You don't want that?" Drummen shook his head. "Its not that... I've never thought of that question before... Before marrying you, I didn't think I would ever have a child... However, after being with you, there's no one else that I want to be with for the rest of my life.... I would love to have a child with you."

"Good... Husband does say sweet words at times." Drummen hugged Raven, and looked at the complex. "It sounds like we have some guests... I think the Unifier, has finally reached dock..." He grabbed her hand as they walked back towards the complex and stood waiting at the stone cavern doors.

"Home... Finally... Its good to see this place again." Drummen smiled as he saw Stannir open the doors, and walk out ahead of the others. He nodded at the priestess, and looked inside at the top of the Unifier.

"Pttthhhhhhhhhhh. Harnio... You really turned the Nebi into something amazing..."

"Thanks... The professor also helped me."

"What do you mean I helped you? I did nothing monk... Really... He did all the work... Also we have some questions about Raven." Drummen nodded and waved his hand at the professor as he walked into the space, now with the Unifier sitting in the water. "Hello again..." He looked at the crew, smiling. "Hello there... If you're looking for her she's over there... If you're looking for Cliffhopper, he's with his wife."

"No, we want to see you... The husband of the captain... If we hear you break her heart, we'll cut your special part off, so that you can never hurt anyone again." Drummen smiled, and lifted his hands in the air. "Don't worry... I won't be going anywhere without her... She's my world..." He let out a breath, when he saw them smile. "Good... We'll be working the Unifier, for her, she can give the orders, but we'll do the piloting." Drummen nodded. "Good... She also wanted it to be that way."

"Do you like the name?" Drummen nodded as he stared at it. "Its perfect... It really brings people together."

"That's why I chose it husband... It brought us together" Drummen stood, smiling and enjoying the feeling of Raven's arm as she wrapped them around his shoulder. "Captain... We've already warned him... He'll behave, and we'll be keeping an eye on him."

"Hahaha... Don't worry... I've got my big, orange eyes on him, he won't be any trouble at all."

"Also captain... The professors you sent to us, were able to not just build the Unifier, but also they defended us from being attacked by those beasts... However on the way back, we didn't come into touch, or even sense the thing that attacked us." He looked at Raven and nodded. "I see you're still out searching for that thing as well."

"The short professor, also told us by the marks on the Nebi... He was able to identify the size and shape of the trolaith that attacked us... That's what he called it I think... A trolaith... Captain do you know what that is?" Drummen nodded his head. "We both know what they are... If you see them in the future, they have to die."

"We listen to the captain... Not the captain's husband..." Drummen rolled his eyes, and looked at Raven smirking at him. "As my husband said... If you can kill one of them, without losing any of your own crew... Than kill it."

"Yes. Captain."

"Come follow us, and have a look at Paradise... This is where we'll be based while also running the trade here." Drummen walked out of the cavern and stepped outside shielding his eyes from the light of the sun. "No clouds... Bright, but not hot... Maybe we should go for a swim later my wife?"

He saw her face redden instantly, and looked at her in confusion. "Are you okay? I just wanted to go for a swim with you later."

"At the waterfall?" Drummen nodded. "We were there before, and its a beautiful place..."

"Crew... Inside the complex is food, rooms, and also a place to bathe, and rest... Enjoy it, when we have missions and tasks they'll be told by the firewarrior... Go enjoy your time to rest... I'm going to go swimming with my husband..."

Drummen smiled and waved them off, and followed Raven through the forest, until they were once again at the waterfall. He smiled as he jumped into the river feeling the water fall over his body, when he stood in the waterfall. "Impatient I see... Well, I'm coming too." He looked up and watched as Raven walked into the river, and swam up to him. "People with our blood, can only have children at certain times in their life... There are also important things that are needed." Drummen looked at her with a smile. "What are needed? I'll do all I can to make it so."

"You've already done everything... And this water is very clean and fresh... Lets just enjoy this moment, my husband." Drummen felt her fingers play with his hair, and nodded kissing Raven in return. "I love you Raven..."

"I love you my husband..."

He looked up as a cloud covered the sun and a cool breeze covered the lake. He smiled as a fog started to form around them. "Little brother... He's at it again."

"Don't be mean to him husband... He also knows how difficult it is for us, and is giving us a helping hand." Drummen nodded, as he played with her hair."