
Chapter 3

13 years later

Alessandre is sitting in his home office and reading a file about his nightclub

A knock on his office door seek his attention

"Entra" Aless said

"Capo you called me," Dante said as he enter in the office

"Yes I want to know why there is so much loss in the moonlight " Aless said

"We're having a lot of competition these days Aless so we've to come up with something new," Dante said

"Hmm so have you think about anything," Aless asked

"Yes how about we arrange some girls like hooker or something," Dante said

"You know im against of S*x workers still you're giving such ideas I hate when people sell their body for some money " Aless said angrily

"I know but if they're doing such

Things willingly then it's okay think logically," Dante said

"Fine do whatever you want but I don't want any problems you know I respect women very much," Aless said more like warn

"Yes capo," Dante said and leave

Alessandra grab a fat cigar and lit it he sucks a long stroke and release some smoke

Aless phones ring and he checks the caller ID

"Sh!t" Aless mumbled

"Did you forget we've a date tonight," Diana said on the other line of the phone

"No " Aless said

"Then where are you," Diana said

"I got stuck in some work I'll meet you tonight at mothers place she invites us for dinner" Aless said and cut the call

"shit now I've to tolerate mother too" Aless said to himself


Marina is playing the piano and  little children are listening to her

"So that's it for today," Marina said and everyone claps

Marina grab her white cane and went out of the music school

She reaches her house a little late today

"Mama im home," Marina said

"Where have you been Marina I got worried," Teresa said

"Relax mama I've to buy medicines for you that's why I got late," Marina said and sit on the couch

"Darling you know this world is not a safe place," Teresa said

"Mama you're saying this because im blind" Marina said

"Don't talk like this Marina" Teresa said

"Okay okay," Marina said and stand up

"Mama don't worry nothing will happen to me,"  Marina said and hug Teresa

"Oh my baby girl," Teresa said and pat her head

"Now go fresh up I've made your favorite trimasu," Teresa said and Marina smile

"Alright Mama," Marina said and went to her room

"Only if you know this world is full of bad people you're not safe my love," Teresa said to herself


"Alessandre have you  think about marriage," Valentino asked as all of them are having dinner together

"Father im not going to marry anytime soon," Aless said

"But we need someone to rule after us," Irene said

"Mother im not some kind of King and im only 27 plus I want a suitable girl for marriage," Aless said and Diana choke on air

"What do you mean by suitable girl aren't you going to marry Diana," Irene said

"Mother I don't know Diana that much " Aless said

"Oh cmon aless we're dating from a whole year you know me so much," Diana said

"Knowing that you liked Gucci bags and Thai food is not knowing you Diana " Aless said

Diana look at Irene and Irene gives her a reassuring look

"Yes you'll marry me only me," Diana said in her mind


At night Aless is in his room lying on the bed

'Mom always wants me to marry her best friend's daughter Diana but for me, Diana is just a good friend who accompanies me in different events I don't have any feelings for her neither I've ever try to touch her but I know what Diana feels for me she has confess her love for me many times but I made that clear that I'm not interested in her

I don't usually have relationships since teenage every girlfriend of mine stick till three days

I very well know the reason behind all of this but I'll never accept it I still crave for my tiny butterfly my lafarfalla

I know she is not little anymore she would be so gorgeous and beautiful now I wonder how will she react after seeing me now with her beautiful brown eyes

Where are you I'm craving for you my sweetheart ' Aless thought and grab the locket with Marina's childhood picture and hug it

He fell asleep while hugging the locket on the other hand Marina is wondering about her future

'We never know what tomorrow feels like what faith has stored for us My life was never simple I lost my father at a very young age I always wonder why Mumma didn't remarry she was beautiful and young she is still very beautiful but the situation drain all her glooming skin she looks sick.

I still remember once I ask her why she didn't remarry she smiled at me and said "when we love someone purely that person always stay in your heart and your father is still alive in my heart" I think this is the reason of my sleepless nights there is someone in my heart my protector my Aless I know I'll never be able to see him again but I wonder how he looks like now I'm sure he is handsome he must have so many girlfriends now what if he is already married well I wish him good luck for his future ' Marina thought with tears in her eyes she went to play piano to soothe her aching heart.

Tears are still flowing from her eyes and landing on piano keys she can feel the wetness of her salty liquid on her soft fingertips while pushing the keys.

In his dream, Aless can feel the music which Marina is playing it is his favorite tune he smiled in his sleep and mumbled"my tiny butterfly".