
Chapter 4

Marina is sitting with her mother and talking when Teresa starts to cough

"Mumma are you okay," Marina asked

"Yes sweety don't worry I'm perfectly alright," Teresa said and wipe some blood that flows from her mouth but Marina couldn't see it obviously

"Don't lie we're going to see the doctor today and I'm not listening to any argument" Marina said

"Oh my girl I'm really fine," Teresa said

"Please let's see the doctor for my sake," Marina said

"Okay I will you're so stubborn just like your father," Teresa said

"Oh really," Marina said and laugh


"You should spend more time with him otherwise you'll lose him," Irene said

"I am trying but he'll always ignore me," Diana said

"Oh cmon Diana stop whining like a little girl " Irene said

"You've to follow my lead if you want to become the queen of his heart," Irene said

"Im ready to do anything to gain Alessandre's love," Diana said and Irene smirk

Next Day

Teresa come to see a doctor as per Marina's wish

"Mrs. Di Milano I'm sorry to inform you but you got neoplasm, " Doctor said

The floor gets snatched under Teresa's feet she isn't scared for herself but for Marina how can she leave Marina all alone on her own

"Is there any cure doctor " Teresa asked

"Mrs.De Milano we'll do our best but we don't want to give you false hopes it's a dangerous disease chance of your recovery is fifty-fifty but we'll try our best, " Doctor said

"Thank you, doctor," Teresa said and leave the hospital

Marina is already home when Teresa come back

"Ciao Mumma what did the doctor said " Marina ask

"Nothing serious I just got some infection in my throat," Teresa said

"Are you telling me the truth mother" Marina said

"Why would I lie darling," Teresa said

"I wish I could check your reports," Marina said

"Marina" Teresa said and Marina apologize


"Capo we've to go to Rome for the meeting of our new project" Dante said

"Alright make all the preparation I don't want any chaos " Aless said

"Yes capo," Dante said

Next day

It's Sunday so marina don't have to go to the music school but every Sunday she works in a café as an entertainer she plays piano their and get good money

Marina reach the cafe at 8 in the morning they already have a lot of customers as it's one of the most famous cafes in Rome 


Alessandre and Dante reach Rome for their meeting both of them is sitting on the back seat of the car

Dante got a call and he immediately receives it

"What! How can you make such a huge mistake" Dante said on the line and cut the call

"Boss there is a problem," Dante said

"What it is" Aless asked

"Our clients didn't reach the city yet it would take them 2 more hours to reach Rome," Dante said

"S**t what we are supposed to do till then" Aless said

"There is a very good cafe nearby want to stop and have some Mocca, " Dante said

"Fine we don't have an option either " Aless said

"Marcus take us to the café Auroma," Dante said

"Yes sir," Marcus said and takes a U-turn

Aless come out of the car and straighten the  jacket of his navy blue Brioni Vanquish II suit he is wearing blue shades and looking intimating

Dante and Aless sit in a corner table it is a beautiful café representing ancient Rome the paintings and structure are all pure Italian and the aroma of coffee and pastry is making the surroundings more pleasant.

A young waitress comes to there table and said "hello sir im Dakota your waitress for today what would you like to order"

"I'll just have a Latte " Aless said

"Same" Dante said and Dakota note it down in her notepad

"Your order will be served soon thank you," Dakota said and Aless just nods his head

There is a stage in the middle of the cafe but it's covered with a curtain to restrain everyone to see who is inside.

Suddenly the music of piano seek Aless's attention he can recognize this tune anywhere

"Who is playing" Aless asked Dakota whos right now putting coffee mugs on their table

"Sorry sir it is forbidden to tell, " Dakota said and Aless just hummed

"What happened," Dante asked

"Nothing " Aless replied

It is very tough for Aless to stop himself after hearing that specific piano tune

"I'll just come back from the restroom" Aless said and get up

He goes to the backside of the cafe to find the performer but there is no one on the stage now, so he went inside to the staff area and search for her

"Maybe it was someone else" Aless mumbled

Aless return to his table and after finishing there coffee they left leaving a tip of 200euros note.

Aless is talking on the phone while walking towards his car when he hit someone

The girl fell down on the road

"Oh im sorry" Aless said

"It's okay it is not your fault," She said

Aless noticed the cane beside her and it rings the bell

"Let me help you," Aless said and help her to get up

"Your wrist is bleeding" Aless said and grab his handkerchief from his pocket

While removing the handkerchief from his pocket the locket with Marina's childhood picture fell from his pocket near marinas feet but the bad luck is she is totally unaware about it.

Aless pick up the locket and kiss it before putting it back in his pocket

"Here" Aless said and wrap his handkerchief on Marinas wrist

"Thank you," Marina said

"It's fine," Aless said

"I should go now," Marina said and walk away

"Capo" Dante scream and wave his hand

"Coming" Aless said

Marina touch the cloth wrapped around her wrist and smile

"Humanity is not dead yet " she mumbled


what Destiny wants from two innocent souls who would know that falling for someone can become so painful.