Chapter 20

"Once upon a time, there was a Queen who had 8 different daughters. She loved and cared for them the way any mother would. They all technically had a right to be on the throne the next after their mother, but only one, the oldest, could be.

"It's not fair, Mom! I want to be Queen!" The youngest daughter fought and argued and threw tantrums constantly as she watched the eldest sister get everything. This went on for 10 years, when it was time for the eldest daughter to take the throne. The mother a year later...she had a stroke. Her body started to fade and her eyes along with her hair started to grey.

"Listen to me," she said as she laid in her bed, sick and frail. "Take care of each other. Love is what will hold all of you together. Lead with power and dignity. Do what your heart tells you to do. Never. Ever. Back down. You are all strong. You are all beautiful. I love you all...I love you all." These were her dying words.

Some years passed and the girls didn't listen to their mom. They fought and argued amongst each other as they slowly started to tear each other apart. The eldest daughter was consumed with pride and guilt and Mistreated everyone else.

"I am Queen. NOT YOU. You do as I SAY. You do WHAT I say and ask no questions." That was a rule she shouted and enforced on her sisters.

"No." The youngest said. "I will not listen to you or be your dog. I refuse."

"Then you will be thrown in a dungeon and chained until you listen." She said as she ordered her guards to drag her own sister away to the lowest level of her castle. She was stripped naked and chained to the cold brick wall. Days passed and those days turned into weeks. But she kept hope. "My sisters will come visit me! They have to. They will. They love me. They love me." She thought. Those weeks turned into months and months. All she thought about was being Queen and why it should be her.

"It should be me! Me, not her me me me me me-" she sat in her own sorrow and filth, forgotten and cold. Until one day, the oldest came to look upon her.

"Have you grown out of your foolish ways? Are you ready to listen to your Queen?" She looked down at her with disgust.

"Yes...your highness." The sister was unchained immediately and bathed until she was clean. She got fresh clothes and proper food before reuniting with her sisters. They never even came to see her. They didn't love her, they didn't care about her. Nothing felt right. "I still want to be Queen. It should've been ME!" Her mind got cluttered and foggy with this thought. She couldn't escape it. She hated everyone, every single one.

Nightfall came. The stars glowed bright and the wind blew cold onto everyone's skin. After dinner the girls went into their individual rooms where they slept blissfully, except the youngest. This was her time! She could finally do what she wanted. She had to do it right then and there.

That same night...the youngest daughter snuck into each sister's room and killed them in their sleep. She saved the oldest for last as she made eye contact with her as she covered her mouth and slit her throat. She watched as she choked on her own blood. She felt relieved of all the pain she felt in those months, she felt free! Now she can be the Queen! And that's exactly what happened. Morning came and the youngest daughter was finally Queen.

My point is Riley, do what you feel is right. No matter what."

No matter what.
