
Earth, a place where magic has been long forgotten, and everything is in constant anew. With new technology being produced in a very rapid pace there was no time for anything else. With all that's changing in the world, there were more and more people becoming aggravated by the constant change, and sought to change the changing. One man had stood at the top of all of this, and his name was Anne Whydah Fancy. He was the man that was behind the movement to combatant the constant change.

This man had black hair that had strands of white, his eyes were a nice shining emerald green, he is six feet tall, and he was not physically fit so he's kinda big. He has a sideways scar on his right cheek that he got from a fight with a robber. He wasn't very smart when it comes to intelligence, but when it comes to common sense it was off the charts. He has a wife, two kids a boy and girl, a dog, and a cat. He had everything that anybody needs to have a happy life in modern times: a home, two cars a family car and his, he has a job that he makes six figures a year, and many more things.

One day he had gotten up late for work, and had to rush out of the door. He had managed to say his I love you's to his wife and kids, and also said goodnight since he works graveyard hours. He had to rush a little to work, and wasn't happy about it cause he couldn't afford to get pulled over because his wife would come unglued if he did. The air around him started to become foggy, and he felt a presence that he had never felt before that sent shivers down his spine. A car had pulled out behind him from an ominous looking side street. He managed to start crossing the bridge that he crosses every night to go to work on time so he started to go only five over the speed limit.

He had crossed the bridge and was about to be at his work when he noticed the car was still behind him. What caught his attention more was the fact that there wasn't a single car in the parking lot of his work, and it had put him in a little bit of a panic since he worked at a grocery store. He had turned into the lot and realized the car behind him wasn't there. He parked his car, grabbed his belongings, and got out of his car.

He started walking towards the employee door when he heard a loud crash right behind him. He turned around to see what was there, but there wasn't anything. He then turned back around, and what he didn't realize that there was a man standing in front of him. He saw the man and it made him jump out of his skin since he gets scared easily.

The man told Anne to give him all of his money and expensive accessories, and he will let him live. For some reason Anne couldn't move or speak. He tried and tried to say something or do something, but he was frozen in place. The man told Anne once again to do as he said, but the man was also getting agitated. A fear arose in Anne, and he couldn't help it. The man getting aggravated put his finger on the trigger not realizing he was shacking. The man was about to say something, but his finger had accidentally pulled the trigger.

The man had ran away in freight since he wasn't actually going to kill Anne. Anne had been shot on his left side of his belly, and the bullet had managed to go right through leaving an exit wound. He had fallen to his knees, and had managed to grab his phone out of his pocket. He tried to call 911, but it wouldn't go through. He thought that it was weird that it didn't go through because he always has reception at his work place. So he decided to call his wife thinking it might be his last time he got to talk to her. It managed to go through, and he had told her that he had been shot by a burglar. He had also told her that once they get off the phone to call for an ambulance.

They had said their I love you, and that had made his wife cry. He had told her to not cry, and that he would make it out alive. He had ended the call, and his wife immediately phoned 911. "An ambulance was on its way," was the message he had gotten from his wife. He had told her I love you, and waited for the help to arrive. He waited and waited, but help didn't show. He had slipped into a sleep without realizing it. Help had showed up, but they were to late. Anne Whydah Fancy had died.

When he drifted to sleep he had heard a voice that was majestic sounding, but creepy at the same time. It had said "He will live again, He will help save all, He will become a hero." When he had heard this it made him aggravated because he didn't really care for people telling him what he has to do. But he paid no attention to what the voice was saying. He had slipped into a deeper sleep, and what he saw was light. He was moving towards the light, but he wasn't moving himself. It felt like a great force was pushing him towards the bright light. The closer he got to the light the more it surrounded him obstructing his vision. The light was so bright that it felt like he was at the source of it, but then it vanished. All of a sudden he had woken up.