The Speech God

He had awoken from his deep sleep. When he did he noticed he was laying on his back. He was looking up at nothing but darkness. He had managed to turn his head to look around, but all he saw was darkness. A heavy weight came over him because he was getting scared. He had thought to himself "Did I die?" When he thought of this all he could think of was his wife, what she was going through. Since they had been together, the promise they made was for his wife to pass away first. They had promised each other because his wife didn't want to be alone.

The more he thought of his wife the more saddened he became. He wasn't happy with himself since he knew he had broken that promise to his wife, but he couldn't dwell on it. He was wondering why he was alive, but couldn't think of a reason why. He just laid there trying to muster up the courage to get up. For some reason he felt at ease even though he hated laying on his back.

He started to stand up, but it felt like a heavy weight was on him. So he decided to lay there a little more. He remembered that he had been shot, so he felt his belly. All he felt was a hole in his shirt from the bullet passing through him. He had the same feeling he had when the fog had rolled in.

When he felt like the presence had faded a little he tried to stand up. He had manage to get on his knees, and what he saw when he looked up was jaw dropping. He had noticed a tall, muscular, man sitting in a throne. "This man had to be over twenty feet tall," Anne had thought to himself. When he thought this the man started to laugh, Anne stood there with his eyes widening. "Did he just hear my thoughts, and thought it was funny?" Anne thought.

The man had stood up, and started walking toward Anne. Anne felt the same heavy presence he felt back then, but didn't pay any attention to it. The man spoke "I am the God of Speech. I am to embodiment of silence and sound. I will be the god that grants you the will to become a hero. If you do not wish to do this your soul will be reincarnated in your actual new life. This life that you will enter if you choose to will be a sub life. This sub life will be temporary, so you'll be reincarnated into your next life afterwards whether you die or succeed. You will retain all of your memories for your sub life. You'll need to train daily to become the hero that you need to become. The Demon King and his subordinates, the demon lords and demons, have been killing humans in the world that you'll be in. This world is different from the world that you come from since here magic is a constant thing, and everything is revolved around magic."

The god had continued his speech, "You will be given things to help you in your travels. You will be given an ability and an item. The ability you gain will be from this list in my left hand, and the item you will choose will be in this list in my right hand. You will also be given armor and a sword to defend yourself. Since the Gods don't know what you'll choose for your item, we give the armor and sword just in case the hero spawns in a demon infested area. The ability and item can range from a common to divine. Us Gods are not allowed to help you in your choosing so choose well."

"I will tell you a little bit about this world before I let you choose your ability and item. In this world Angels and Demons exist, and Demons are more powerful then Angels. The only other species that lives here are humans. You will either become a hero for the people or die and live anew. The reason why us Gods sends someone to help the humans is because the angels cannot defeat the demons since they don't have the power to."

The God had kept on telling Anne about this world, and Anne was getting more intrigued by it. Since he had a fondness of magic, and always wanted to try magic out. Unfortunately where he is from magic was long gone. Anne wanted to know more, but the God had stopped talking about it and went to saying "So will you help out this world and become their hero, or will you decline and start a new life in your world?"

When he heard those words he couldn't help but chuckle a little. He thought to himself about how he missed his wife, but knew he couldn't go back to her. He knew that he couldn't see his kids again, and it made him want to decline. He knew that if he did that he would become a baby, and he didn't want to go through that again. He was happy that he has a chance to become a powerful being. He had always wanted that to happen, but when he was faced with that question he froze.

He happened to build up the courage to say something. He had told the God of Speech that he'll become the hero the this new world needs. The Speech God said "Thank you, this world has been in constant war since the beginning of time. The people of this land will be grateful for the help that you'll provide. Now since you agreed, I will give you the two lists for you to choose your ability and item. Choose wisely for your life could very well depend on your choice."

The God gave Anne the two lists and Anne started looking over the list with the abilities. He had saw abilities ranging from attacks, resistances, and much more. He had finished looking though the first list, but couldn't figure out what he wanted. So he looked over the list of items. He saw items ranging from weapons, artifacts, and many more. Still he couldn't figure out what he wanted from that list.

Three days had passed, but he still couldn't make his mind up. He had thought of a good combo, but wanted to think some more since it could affect whether he lives or dies in this sub life. The God getting aggravated about how long it was taking him. He had thought to himself, "He hasn't thought of anything since he started looking. Is he even looking?" The God spoke, "Hurry, or I will have to listen to Her. And I would very well not have to do that."

Anne got very aggravated by the Gods selfishness, and chose his ability and item. The God had said that what Anne had chose was a good choice. The God had gotten up from his throne and walked to Anne. The God spoke "Like I told you before, you will be sent to a location that might be infested with demons so be prepared. Now I will send you off. Best of luck on your journey!"

Anne was suddenly sprung into the air, and was moving at a very fast pace. All he saw was fragments passing him by, but he couldn't make out what they were. He started to move faster and faster till he had passed out.