Is it wrong to earn money however I can?

Taking in the view from on top of the building she "spawned in" on, Myr takes a deep breath of air into her lungs and sighs with a content expression on her face.

"Ah, the air here is much cleaner than back home. I could get used to this. Looking over my skills I see I have Mana Sense, and since I don't want to attract any attention because of my eyes, let's pull a Gojo."

Looking through her inventory, Myr pulls out a simple looking black cloth strip and ties it over her eyes. "There. Funny enough I feel like I can see even better with Mana Sense, everything is in color and I can even see through buildings and objects if I focus hard enough, interesting."

{Considering you're using Mana Sense yet you use Curse Energy, that already breaks common sense, but you seem to be taking things in stride so who am I to comment? Anyways, I assume you've already fully learned and adapted all of your skills and techniques?}

Grinning like a fool, Myr just chuckles a little bit. "You got that right. Glad I asked to be able to learn and adapt information almost instantly. Who knew that I'd be able to wipe the floor with basically everyone here, minus the veterans of course. Well, enough dallying, I better go make some money."

With that comment, Myr jumps off the roof and lands lightly on the ground and begins to walk towards the dungeon. Along the way, she begins to take in the many sights and sounds, amg generally just enjoying her time like she said she would.

(Time Skip: 20 minutes)

'Well, I'm finally here. That was a mostly fun trip, minus the part where that idiot tried to grab my tail, though I think he learned his lesson.'

{Oh yeah, he SURE learned his lesson alright, so well in fact, that I'd say it's a 50/50 chance that he either remembers your "lesson" for the rest of his life, or he's concussed to the point where he doesn't even remember who he is. Did you really need to slam his head through a wall, and then kick him through another?} Systi asks with a voice laced with sarcasm and ridicule.

Clicking her tongue, Myr frowns. 'He had it coming. You don't just go and grab a girl's tail, that's assault.'

{And what you did to him wasn't?}

'No, it was just.. excessive self defense. Besides, I reserve the right to make sure I'm in good health, umu, that's right, good health.'

{*sigh* Whatever, just don't blow up the dungeon and you'll be fine. Also, I recommend you don't kill anyone unless you have to.} (A/N: Keep this comment in mind for later ;) )

Frowning, Myr scrunches up her nose and lets out a heavy sigh. 'I really don't want to kill anyone, but at this point, I'm not afraid to if my hand is forced. Enough chit chat, time to earn my pay. I can trust that you'll put all of my drops into my inventory Systi?'

{Heh, you can count on me boss!}

On that note, Myr ran full force into the dungeon. Not even halfway into the first floor, she sees. group of 8 weird looking birds that look strikingly similar to fluffy, yellow and green chickens.

'Hey Systi, can I-'

{No, you cannot eat them. Those are called jack birds and judging by their position and posture, I'd say they haven't detected you yet. I'd suggest killing them because their drops are said to be valuable, and make sure not to overdo it, we don't need a destroyed floor to clean up now do we?}

Rolling her eyes, Myr quietly picks up 8 small pebbles and whips them at the birds. Making a resounding cracking noise as they break the sound barrier, all she sees is a giant poof of feathers and surprised clucks from the birds before they dissipates into purple mana, leaving behind 8 golden eggs.


{Way to go boss, your first kills were on a group of monsters that were more elusive than bigfoot in your old world!}

Feeling her left eye twitching, Myr silently walks up to the 8 eggs and stores them in her inventory before spotting a weird dog like creature off in the distance.

{That would be a kobold. Rather weak monsters, but good cannon fodder to practice your moves against. Try that finger snapping move thingy.}

Smirking, Myr displays a wry smile before he face becomes stern and focused. Gathering her cursed energy into her thumb and middle finger, Myr let's loose one of her favorite abilities from the mangas she's read.

'Hollow Purple'


As soon as she snaps her fingers, a small ball of purple, crackling energy shoots out towards the kobold at several times the sound.


Dust is shaken off the ceiling and the entire floor violently vibrates and quakes. After a full minute, the quaking stops and the dungeon is still once more. When the dust settles, and with mana sense fully activated, Myr comes to find that there were no signs of mana on the floor whatsoever.

"Uhh.. oops. Ehe."


Folding her ears down, Myr clicks her tongue and looks away to nowhere in particular. "Tch. I held back plenty. I have an infinite amount of cursed energy, so I limited myself to using 2,000,000 units of it, no need to be angry."

{Wait wait wait, let me do the math. Scaling down the damage to a kobold and then...}

Systi went silent for a moment before finally stating {You needed literally 1 unit of cursed energy to kill that kobold. It'll only take 1 unit of cursed energy to kill just about everything down to the 10th floor. It appears that your cursed energy is a natural hard counter to mana, and if you use enough, it'll forcefully dry out the mana in the given area. In other words, just punch them to death please.}

Snickering a little, Myr happily heads down towards the 2nd floor, unaware that the quake she caused was felt not only on the surface, but down to the 18th floor.


On the surface you'd find that people were panicking and claiming that the One-Eyed Black Dragon was going to emerge and you'd also find the guild staff scrambling to try and make heads or tails of what could've caused the quake.

"What the HELL was that?! Someone give me a status report! I want all damages accounted for, ASAP!" shouts a disgruntled looking Ouranos.

An elf shouts back "Ouranos sir, should we order a subjugation group formed by the Hephaestus and Loki Familia?!"

Nodding his head with a grim look on his face, Ouranos replies "Do it. Make sure no one under level 4 is allowed into the subjugation group, we don't know what we're dealing with."

Turning around, Ouranos grimaced and muttered "Damn it, this wasn't within my contention plans at all.."


On the 18th floor, you'd find that everyone was scrambling for their weapons and armor. On one end you'd find a group of adventurers fully geared and ready to fend off whatever made the quake, and on the other end, you'd find a darker skinned man with an eyepatch stumbling around with a giant bottle of booze and a sword. "Ah you dun, needa worry, bout' a thing, I gonna-" *BELCH* *snore*

One adventurer looks at the passed out man and asks, "Wait, I don't remember him at the bar, who is he?" Another replies, "Dunno. His clothes are blue and black and look weird, never seen him before."


The one responsible for the chaos and is blissfully ignorant of said chaos is happily on her way to the 13th floor, kicking butt and taking names.

'Yo Systi, how come no more monsters spawned on the past floors besides the first one? Did they become scared of me or something?'

{As hard as it is for me to believe, I think you might have hunted them to extinction for a while. So far you have a total of 5,672 cores, so that'll make quite a bit of money I think. Just keep doing what you're doing, you should be fine.}

No sooner than when Systi said that, Myr noticed a bunch of weird dark spots and movement from said dark spots on the walls.

'Uh Systi, what's up with the walls? I'm sensing a massive surge of mana converging towards the walls around me, is this gonna be a problem?'

{Hmm, looking over the information here, it looks like you're the target of a Monster Party. It almost seems like the floor is actively trying to kill you. On the bright side, given your strength, this should be easier to deal with that hitting a little kid's piñata and stealing their candy!}

Feeling her eye twitch, Myr was about to retort when a cacophony of roars is heard as many minotaur's could be seen clawing their way out of the walls and rushing towards her.

"Aww how cute, they think they're threatening." Myr smirks and casually launches herself at the charging minotaur's and swiftly deals with them with a single punch or kick each. One after another they erupt into purple mist as many cores scatter the ground, yet no matter how many she kills, there seems to be no end to them.

'445, 446, 447, holy crap how many are there?! This is starting to get annoying!' Gritting her teeth, Myr continues her killing spree until she hits 500 killed and finally snaps. "Fine then you overgrown cows, have a taste of this!"

{Wait, what are you.. wait, no, No, NO!}


Holding her palm out, a giant ball of energy consolidates and is shot out with a whirring noise and, upon impact, an utter silence is heard for a split second before a blinding flash of light is emitted, and then,


A deafening blast is heard as the dungeon quakes and the tremors can be felt once again on the surface, as well as down to the 18th floor. When the dust settles, all that's left of the monster party was a gaping, jagged hole roughly 500 meters wide and numerous cores.

"Well then, I feel better, looks like I made bank too, hehehe!" Myr says in a giddy mood.

{I know it's not possible, but I swear that you're going to give me a headache one of these days that won't go away. Be careful, with this much damage to the dungeon then a Juggernaut might spawn, not like that would pose a challenge to you anyways...}

Before Myr could even ask what a Juggernaut was, a beastial roar could be heard as what appeared to be a giant skeleton with the head of a skeletal dragon and a core the size of a person in the middle of it's body, could be seen materializing from mana 50 meters behind her. With another deafening roar, the Juggernaut wastes no time swiping at Myr, only to be surprised when Myr manages to catch the Juggernaut's claw with one hand.

Turning to look completely at the Juggernaut, Myr's face scrunches up in disgust, "You really are one ugly piece of work. Go drink some milk, it's good for your bones." On that note, Myr digs her hand into the Juggernaut's claw and, much to it's utter dismay, begins to slam it against the ceiling, back and forth on the ground like a paddle, and even waving it in circles just because she was bored. She even managed to toss and have it ricochet off of the wall and back into her hand. All the while, if the Juggernaut could cry, it would've for the sheer injustice it was feeling.

It was a creation that had taken the lives of many puny adventurers in the past. It was feared as an extremely dangerous monster that needed super strong adventurers to deal with it, it was a god level being compared to many puny adventurers, yet it was being flailed around like a beaten doll would be thrown around by a 3 year old with ADHD. It just wasn't fair, what had it done to deserve this injustice? Where was the glory of battle, it's pride?!

After Myr flailed the Juggernaut around and beat up it's body, it finally passed on, and she swore she saw an almost pitifully relieved expression in it's eyes as it turned into purple dust.

"Well that was anticlimactic. Hey Systi, are Juggernauts usually that weak or am I missing something?"

{I'm gonna let you decide that for yourself. It would've been one thing if you had just killed it, but NO, you just HAD to flail the poor thing around like it was a wet noodle and most likely gave it a concussion before it died. No, I don't think you overdid it AT ALL!}

Releasing an exasperated sigh, Myr ignored Systi's sarcastic and biting tone before reluctantly heading back up to the surface to hopefully sell her spoils of war, or rather, one sided slaughter.

Once she got up to the 8th floor, Myr heard a bunch of footsteps, and from the sounds of it, she could tell that they weren't monsters and in a hurry. Not paying it any mind, Myr kept on her way, and once seeing some of the members of said group, all she did was raise her eyebrows but said nothing and went along her way.

Or so she had hoped...

"Hey, you there!"

Hearing his voice, Myr turned around and saw a particular looking Pallum walking towards her. Rolling her eyes, Myr waits for him to reach her before responding. "Why hello there. To what do I owe the pleasure of speaking to Finn, captain of the Loki Familia?"

Raising his his eyebrows slightly, Finn coolly responds, "I'm not gonna question how you know my name, but I have a question to ask you. About an hour ago, there was a pretty decent quake on the surface and about 40 minutes later there was an even larger one. We found evidence of a pretty large attack and crater on the first floor, and we suspect the next cause of the quake to be at most 8 floors down from here. Did you happen to be near any of the first 18 floors at that time and if you were, did you happen to see anything out of the ordinary leaving said floors?"

Deciding to have a little bit of fun, Myr replies with all honesty. "Of course I know the cause of the quakes, the cause was me."

Blanking for a moment, Finn then furrows his brows, but before he could make a comment, Myr beats him to the chase. "Look, before you say something around the lines of "Now isn't the time to tell jokes" or "that's impossible", don't. I said I was the cause of them, and that's that. As long as nobody died then I don't see a problem. Also before you ask, the first attack I did was on a kobold, and I was testing to see how the attack would work on a monster. The second time was because I got hit by an abnormally large Monster Party, and I had to kill off everything quickly."

Myr takes a breath and continues, "Because of the amount of damage I did on the 13th floor, a Juggernaut spawned so I had to quickly kill that stupid thing off because it kept trying to hit me. Don't know why it was so pissed off, but it's dead now. Stingy bastard didn't even leave a drop."

{Just a heads up, Juggernauts never have drops, nor do they drop cores.} 'Will you shut up please? I'm trying to think of ways to talk my way out of this.' {Okay. Just keep in mind that although you could easily kill everyone here, I'd recommend against that. My piece of advice to you would be for you to possibly consider answering any sort of questions they have for you back on the surface.}

Mulling over that thought, Myr decides to ask. "Listen, Finn. I understand that you may or may not believe me, but I'm more than willing to answer any questions you have for me as long as you don't ask me about my skills, secrets, or anything too personal back on the surface. Sounds like a good deal, no?"

Raising his eyebrows slightly again, Finn quickly agrees to meet Myr at the Hostess of Fertility in a little while after they get done dealing with any sort of backlash that might've happened down on the 18th floor.

Once the group left and continued on their way down, Myr quickly ran all the way up to the surface before slowing down and only briskly walking towards the guild to exchange her loot.

Once at the guild, Myr noticed that there was an abundance of people surrounding it and scurrying around. Unfazed, she walks up to the window and is noticed by a familiar half elf.

Looking towards Myr, she gives her a strained smile. "Hello, welcome to the guild. My name is Eina, are you here to exchange items?"

Myr sees Eina looking her over, and guessing what she was thinking, Myr leans in a little closer and confirms her thoughts. "If you were guessing I have spatial storage magic, then you're correct. I have a lot of items I want to sell as well." With that, Myr proceeds to first dump out all of her cores she collected, which earned her more than a few wide-eyed gazes, and then for the cream on top, she pulled out 8 golden eggs.

Already surprised with the sheer number of cores, Eina's eyes seemed to grow into saucers at the sight of the 8 Jack Bird eggs. Quickly collecting the cores, Eina calls over several employees to help her count. After a couple of minutes, she stares wide eyed at Myr and says with a tone of disbelief, "That would be 6,172 cores, and 8 Jack Bird Golden Eggs, totaling 9,240,341 Valis. Please follow me to collect your payment."

Leading Myr inside, Eina quickly gathers the Valis owed and watches as Myr casually swipes her hand and all of the Valis disappear.

With a cheeky grin, all Myr turns towards Eina and simply says, "It's kind of fun earning money in a dungeon." and leaves the dumbfounded Eina to ponder what had just happened.

(A/N: Kind of a long chapter, so sorry if some of you are bored. I'm trying my best to keep things interesting. Thanks for bearing with me!)