Stand Proud

With her new found wealth, Myr was pondering what to do with it when she got a notification from her system.


[Quest - Shopping Spree, has been issued]

[Task: Spend at least 500 Valis on whatever you want]

[Reward: Stand Arrow (single use)]

[Accept? Y/N]

Raising her eyebrows, Myr selects "yes" and could then be seen practically sprinting towards the nearest market. Once there, she buys a bunch of cloth, for no other purpose than fulfilling the requirements to complete the quest she'd been given.


[Quest - Shopping Spree, has been completed]

[Distributing rewards... rewards have been given]

Looking into her inventory, Myr sees the all too familiar stand arrow. Leaping onto the rooftops, Myr summons out the arrow, and without a single bit of hesitation, stabs it into her heart. Surprisingly, she finds it doesn't hurt, and although it first appeared like it, the arrow actually didn't pierce her flesh, but instead, stabbed into her soul.

A blinding light enveloped Myr's vision, and she found herself floating in front of what appeared to be a plain white space, with her soul out in front of her. Feeling a sudden calling, almost as if there was a tiny but firm voice calling out to her, saying a name. Another blinding flash enveloped Myr's vision, but this time, she found herself back on the rooftop, right where she was standing, except this time, there was a head building up in her chest, in her heart, in her soul.

When the heat became unbearable, Myr finally was able to cry out her stand's name.

"『Hail of Bullets』!"

Upon crying out her stand's name, a dark flash appeared behind her as her stand manifested.

With a height of 15 meters, it certainly wasn't small by any means. It's whole body seemed to be made of a metallic substance, as it looked more like a transformer to Myr than an actual person. Both of it's shoulders sported twin M134 Vulcan miniguns, it's knees both had what appeared to be twin, .50 caliber machine guns, the feet of her stand had what appeared to be rocket thrusters, and the same rocket thrusters could be seen on the small part of it's back. On it's waist there were twin, 20mm autocannons. On it's right forearm and hand sported an 8 barrel version of an M202 rocket launcher, while it's left forearm was equipped with a tri-barrel 40mm cannon.

The main weapon that drew Myr's attention however, was the GAU-8 Avenger attached to a platform that was in turn fixed onto the upper back of her stand. It's head was an enlarged Atlyn helmet with a pitch black visor.

Myr stared at and inspected her stand for a full 15 minutes before sighing contentedly. 'It appears my stand is truly powerful. Yo Systi, what level of adventurer would be able to see my stand?'

{According to the information at hand, they would have to be at least level 3 and have a soul tier of at least level 2, and even then they'd only see a vague outline. To fully see your stand, they'd have to be level 5 or higher with a soul tier of level 2 and above. As for damage, your stand should be able to instantly kill anything below level 7 in strength, and would be able to outright suppress anything level 7 and 8. Keep in mind that your stand can operate autonomously as long as you will it to, giving you the ability to fight along side it.}

Letting out a whistle, Myr was contemplating when and how to show off her stand to get the best reaction when she was suddenly interrupted by a sudden thought that jolted her out of the daydream she was in.

"Ah shit, I forgot about meeting the Loki Familia at the Hostess of Fertility! Well, gotta blast!"

Leaping off the rooftops, Myr breaks out into a sprint and speeds towards the Hostess of Fertility. Once there, she's greeted by yet another cat girl. The cat girl in question happened to be someone that Myr had a small crush on back in her former life.

"Welcome to the Hostess of Fertility nya! My name is Chloe! Follow me so I can get you seated!~"

Following Chloe inside, Myr is greeted by the sight of a bustling bar that was decently full of adventurers and staff alike. Once seated, Myr glanced around, and not seeing the Loki Familia, she then realized that she was worried for nothing and actually beat them there.

Sighing while feeling a little annoyed, Chloe helped lighten Myr's mood a bit.

"So, what can I get you today nya?"

Looking at Chloe, Myr ponders for a bit. "I'll have some juice to drink please, and as for the food, surprise me." Myr says with a smile.

Nodding her head, Chloe smiles back. "No problem! Coming right up nya!" before practically prancing off towards the kitchen.

Chuckling at the cat girl's liveliness, Myr finds herself once again stuck waiting and wondering what to do. 'Eh, I wonder if I'll get a chance to prank any of the gods or goddesses in Orario. I hope I do, that'd make things so much more interesting. An added bonus if I pull something on Loki or Freya. Speaking of which, I should probably hide my soul tier from Freya. I'm confident I could take on and beat Ottar, but I'd still rather not be harassed at all by her and her Familia. I've always hated her in the manga AND in the anime.'

Looking through her available skills, Myr sees a suitable skill and activates it without hesitation. '[Veil of the Traveler] huh. Seems fairly similar to something I've read about before...'

Shrugging her shoulders, Myr goes back to perusing her inventory. 'Oh cool, a sword that looks like the master sword from legend of zelda! Here we have a... swimsuit that looks more like something a nudist would wear, gross... 2, 50 pound bags of in-shell peanuts, why the hell would it give me a Jell-O mold in the shape of an actual heart..? Oh this is interesting, a crate of 50 M24 Stielhandgranates! Lots and lots of gold, silver, and platinum bars, orichalcum, adamantine, adamantite, mithril, 10kg of uranium for some ungodly reason, is that...'

Clicking on the item to enlarge the image, Myr first stares at it in confusion, and then with a flushed face. 'OI! SYSTI! WHY, THE, HELL, is there a dakimakura pillow of ME?! I don't even have breasts that are HALF that big, and I certainly would NEVER pose like that! Only poses I would ever do involve a certain batch of crusaders!'

{I don't know! I only run the gacha, I have no idea every item that's in there!}

Sighing, Myr manages to calm herself down just as Chloe comes back with her food.

"Here ya' go! Hope you enjoy it nyahaha!"

Seeing the food before her and smelling the mouth watering scent, Myr hurries and takes her first bite.

'Oh my gods, this is AMAZING! I never knew fish could be this good! It's so tender and juicy, yet the skin is crunchy and salty, and the seasoning is lavish! Ah, if I could live off of this for the rest of my life I could be more than content!'

{You're a cat, if course you'd like fish.}

Blissfully ignoring Systi's comment, Myr, due to savoring the fish as much as she could, was only about halfway done with it when she looks up and sees the Loki Familia all sitting around her, and all of them were giving her weird looks.

Swallowing the bite of fish, Myr looks at them with surprise. "When did you get here?"

Finn, still sporting a complicated expression, slowly says "We've been sitting around you trying to get your attention for about 5 minutes now, and nothing we did could get you to acknowledge us. You just kept on eating your fish, and purring very loudly..."

Taking a second to register what Finn said, Myr immediately turns red in the face and was about to say something that would not have put her in good graces with anyone, when Tiona spoke up.

"You know, it was pretty cute when you were purring, I really wanted to start petting you!~"

Speechless, Myr lightly coughs to clear out the awkward atmosphere.

"So, you all wanted to know more about what I did in the dungeon, right? Well, I'll tell you."

Having gained the party's rapt attention, Myr clears her throat. "*Ahem*. So first, I was minding my own business-"

Slamming his fist down on the table, Myr's least favorite member of the Loki Familia, Bete, growls out and exclaims "Bullshit!"

Feigning a look of dismay, Myr replies back, "But I was!"

Shaking his head, Finn motions for Myr to continue and says, "Okay, what exactly were you doing whilst minding your own business?"

Taking a few bites of fish, Myr continues and leans back in her chair. "So I was just taking a walk through the floors and committing mass genocide to monster-kind, when all of a sudden a bunch of shmucks came out of the walls. They all roared at me, and I was like "Back the fuck off!, and they took exception to that." Pausing to eat a couple more bites of fish, Myr continues once again. "After I killed them all with an attack, a giant skeleton appeared and tried to hit me, but it was extremely weak and I thrashed it with no problem. Then on my way up from my little stroll, I happened to run into you folks, and now here I am, trying to eat my delicious food while being interrupted by a Familia and a dog." Myr says the last part while looking Bete right in the eyes, which almost caused him to go berserk.

After calming Bete down a little, Finn sighs and restates what Myr said. "So let me get this straight, you first killed a bunch of Jack Birds, then caused a small quake after you launched an attack at a kobold, then you encountered a large monster party and caused an even bigger quake by wiping them all out, then due to whatever, a Juggernaut spawned and you had to kill it. Am I correct?"

Nodding her head, all Myr said was "Yep" with strain on the "P".

Sighing once again, Finn looks Myr in the eyes and states "So, what Familia are you from? If what you said is true, then you must come from a pretty well off one."

Shaking her head, Myr firmly denies what Finn said. "You've got that all wrong. I'm a freelance adventurer, and I'm not part of a Familia. I just happen to have a strong background that I'd appreciate you not try and question me about, and before you ask, I'm a level 1 adventurer. If you want proof, then I'd be more than happy to join yours in a few days, as I need to make money by dungeon diving."

Noticing the gaze Riveria was giving her, Myr smiles at her, causing Riveria to lightly frown. Before she could get a chance to speak however, Myr beats her to the punch.

"Riveria, the reason why you don't see anything on me is because I have a unique storage magic, and I keep everything in it. As for the amount of space available, I haven't found an end to it yet. No, I have not used it to steal anything, and yes, I am willing to use it for any sort of expeditions if I join the Loki Familia."

Quickly finishing her meal, Myr lets out a contented sigh. Glancing around, Myr notices that the Familia is still looking at her, so she just raises her eyebrows. "What are you all giving me that look for? I'm not gonna cause another quake on purpose, or at least I'll try not to."

Seeing all of them looking unconvinced, Myr hurriedly says "Look, I get that you don't trust my word, so how about this. Tomorrow, I'll meet up with however many of you want to stalk me in the dungeon or whatever and monitor me to make sure I don't cause another quake on purpose. Does that sound good? I'll even make sure to try my very hardest not to kill any of you, even if you start to piss me off. Sounds like a pretty good deal right? Though make sure that anyone you send to tag along with me is a woman, I don't wanna go dungeon diving with any horn dogs. Send any with me and they'll end up castrated, deal?"

{Ah yes, the negotiator.}

Feeling her eye twitch at Systi's snarky comment, Myr was just about to reprimand Systi when Finn lets out yet another sigh and just waves his hand nonchalantly and says with a tired voice, "Fine fine, we'll agree to that. I'll have Ais, Riveria, Tiona, and Tione with you. Is that okay? By the way, what should we call you?"

Pretending to ponder over it, Myr finally agrees after a few tense seconds. "Sure, why not? You can call me Myr. I should warn you ahead of time, those weren't my strongest attacks. Also, because I'll be revealing some secrets, I get the all of the drops tomorrow, and I won't take "no" for an answer for that, because I gotta make money somehow."

Getting up to leave, Myr gives them one last look before leaving.

While Myr was wandering off doing whatever she felt like, the Loki Familia was having a heated discussion in the Hostess of Fertility.

"Riveria, do YOU think that cat girl was telling the truth? She looked pretty damn weak to me, and useless!"

Before Riveria could respond, Ais interrupted her, "She was strong. Probably stronger than all of us."

Raising his eyebrow, Finn glanced at Ais, and then turned towards Riveria. "Riveria, what's your take on this situation? Do you think she'll cooperate?"

Turning to look at him, Riveria had a complicated expression on her face. "Though she did indeed look somewhat weak, we have no reason to not believe, yet no reason to believe her either if all we have to go by is just her word. I'm curious though, did any of you notice how she moved and ate just fine even though she was wearing that blindfold?"

Not being able to hold her tongue any longer, Tiona chimed in. "I know right! That blindfold must've had some purpose to her, but what the heck could that be? Maybe she has some magic eyes or something like that!" Little did Tiona know, she was right.

Bete, still angry over Myr's comment, grits his teeth almost hard enough to draw blood. "I don't give a rats ass what she says! She's obviously lying about her strength! There's NO WAY a level 1 trash adventurer could cause that much damage, it's just not possible! If it were up to me, we'd drop this whole farce entirely!"

Frowning at Bete's words, Gareth, despite being silent the entire time, finally chimes in as well. "Bete, stay your thoughts. Though I too find it hard to believe what she says, there's no point in immediately throwing away her words. We should instead prove whether or not she speaks the truth, or lies. If it were my choice alone, I'd choose to accompany her into the dungeon tomorrow."

Nodding his head, Fin gestures towards Tione. "Tione, any thoughts?"

Shaking her head, Tione simply says "no" and goes back to pondering over Myr.

Sighing one last time, Finn abruptly stands up and looks at everyone present. "Alright then, we all know the plan. Ais, Riveria, Tione, and Tiona will accompany Miss. Myr into the dungeon tomorrow and make sure to keep her from causing too much trouble. While you're at it, Riveria, try to glean as much information about her as you can, as that might help us in the future. I'll authorize the use of Valis if need be to try and coax her into spilling some of her information because from what she said, she needs money for whatever, and for the love of everything holy, please don't make her mad."