How cliché

On the way to find a place to stay for the night, Myr ponders on which Familia to join. 'Let's see here. The Loki Familia is the top ranked Familia, so they're definitely a contender. I refuse to join the Freya Familia, because fuck Freya, always hated her in the manga and anime. There's the Hephaestus Familia, but I'm not really a forger, though I don't doubt that I've consumed some skill pills or scrolls to enable me to forge. Come to think about it, I have no idea at what point of the storyline I'm in right now. Systi, any ideas?'

{From what I can tell, right now you're 2 years before the arrival of Bell Cranel. That would put a lot of the main side characters like the Loki Familia's Ais at level 5. Just your raw stats alone without any skills would make you a level 10, so don't output any of your aura, otherwise you're gonna have a whole host of problems. Speaking of which, I should probably show you your stat board for this world, that might lessen a few surprises.}


[Name: Myr Aeternum

-Level: 1

-Soul Tier: 3

-Power: EX100,000

-Endurance: EX100,000

-Dexterity: EX100,000

-Agility: EX100,000

-Magic: EX100,000

Skills: [Stat Acceleration(Innate)], [Omni-Sense(Innate)], [Karmic Killer(Innate)], [Eye of Truth(Innate)], [Cultivation Paragon(Innate)], [Infinity: EX], [All Language Comprehension: EX], [Void Lock: EX], [Stand: EX], [Acrobatics: EX], [Thunderclap Kill: EX], [Ground Pound: EX], [Close Combat: EX]

Magic: [Hollow Purple], [Cursed Technique Amplification: Blue], [Cursed Technique Reversal: Red], [White Nova], [Fallen Down], [Cosmic Collapse], [13 Ancients Summoning], [Wrath Of The Golden Crow], [Big Bang], [Thousand Palm Rain], [Purgatorium]]

Staring wide eyed at her status board, Myr felt her eye twitch repeatedly. 'Oi, Systi.. why the hell am I so OP? This is just, well, should be impossible..'

{Hehe, I knew you'd like it! In all reality, you have a TON more abilities and magic available to you, the status board of this record just can't handle it. I know this because I tried to compile all of your skills, abilities, and magic onto your board. Unfortunately, it wouldn't let me, though this board will be what a god or goddess would see when you get their crest, so just be careful.}

Nodding her head, Myr was suddenly jolted out of her conversation when a group of 5 mean looking men blocked her path.

"Hey there hot stuff. Our god took a liking to you, you should come with us to go and meet him, I'm sure he'd have plenty of uses for ya'!"

Clicking her tongue, Myr frowns and thinks 'How cliché. I have a feeling I know which god is behind this, but just to make sure...'

Looking at the lead man, Myr asks in an indifferent tone "Oh really? Which god would have taken an interest in me? I'm quite curious."

Smirking, the lead man laughs and says "Heh, our god is the glorious Apollo! Now what'ya say? How bout' it?"

Shaking her head, Myr frowns and just says "Not interested. I'd rather not become a toy for others to play with. Good day to you gentlemen."

As she tried to walk away, the lead man grabbed the top of her arm and growled "Listen here, that wasn't a request, you're gonna come with us and meet our g-"

Before he could finish, Myr grabbed onto the man's arm and with a twist of her body, throws the man about 5 meters away where he hits the side of a building. Spiderweb cracks appear where he landed as he coughs out a mouthful of blood and passes out.

"You bitch!"

"You're gonna pay for that!"


The other man's lackeys become furious and charge at Myr hoping to cripple or injure her.

Scoffing, Myr darts towards the nearest man and executes a swift knuckle punch to the man's diaphragm, knocking him out of the fight.

The second man manages to raise a knife and attempts to slash at Myr with a snarl on his face.

Catching the blade between two of her fingers, Myr throws out two lightning fast kicks, one hitting his diaphragm, the other landing on his chest and breaking his sternum. Coughing out a mouthful of blood, the man is down and out before he even realized it.

The third man thrusts his short sword with considerable speed towards Myr's head, to which she responds with dashing to the back of the man and sending a concentrated blast of energy through her fist and hitting the man's spine, effectively crippling him for the rest of his life.

The final man manages to swing his mace in an arc that had every ounce of power he had in it in an attempt to kill Myr. Her response was to quickly slap the mace out of the man's hand and follow up with 5 lightning fast punches to the man's chest. The sound of broken ribs fills the air as the final man coughs out several mouthfuls of blood before dropping like a stone.

The whole fight lasted a total of 13 seconds, counting the opening throw.

Having dealt with the problem at hand, Myr pauses to look over the men she'd knocked out before turning to leave. Before she could however...

"Oi, Myr! Hold up a minute!"

Turning around, Myr sees the Loki Familia jogging up to her. Sighing, Myr walks up to meet them with a small smile on her face. While appearing calm, mentally, she was gritting her teeth.

'Those jerks were probably just watching me fight! You're from a rank S Familia, help out you knobheads!'

Once in front of her, Tiona starts off the conversation in her usual way.

"That. Was. AMAZING! You defeated all 5 of those guys super quickly! You were like, "Wacha! Bam bam! and they were all knocked out!"

Feeling her smile twitch at Tiona's comment, Myr just lightly chuckles for a bit before looking at Finn in the eyes. "So, did you like the show? I had to fight them all by myself, and I'm sure if the members of a rank S Familia saw a single level 1 adventurer facing off against 5 armed men, that they'd immediately help out, right?"

Finn, upon hearing Myr's comment, lightly frowns. "Listen, Miss. Myr. Yes we did watch your fight, however, did you really need our help? From what it looked like to me, you held back quite a bit. You even left them alive, though that guy you hit in the spine will probably never be able to walk again."

Raising her eyebrow, Myr asks "Oh really? You have a keen eye there Mr. Finn. I did indeed cripple that man, and I don't feel sorry about it. After all, he tried to kidnap me, I did it in self defense. Anyways, due to this little incident, I've decided to join the Loki Familia, if you'll have me!~"

Sighing, Finn nods and gives off a light smile. "Sure. We can take you back to Loki-sama, though it'll be completely up to her though."

Giving off a dazzling smile that could throw nations into war, Myr nods as well. "Thanks! Well then, shall we head out Mr. Finn?"

Externally, Finn was smiling and leading the way. Internally, he was more than a little worried. 'Dear Loki-sama, please forgive me for what I'm about to do.' Finn thought.


Once at the Loki Familia mansion, Myr and the Loki Familia head on in, to where they're greeted by the one and only red haired goddess of trickery.

"Yo everyone! You came back in one piece huh? Hahaha!" Finally noticing Myr, Loki raises her right eyebrow and gives off a smile laced with mischief. "Oh? What do we have here? Finn, care to tell me who your companion is?"

Taking a deep breathe, Finn tells Loki everything that happened, when the first met Myr, what they found, and the events that led up to Myr being led to the mansion.

"Ehh? So our friend here is level 1, yet completely trashed some level 2 and 3 members from the Apollo Familia, and also is suspected to have caused the two quakes? Hahaha! Interesting, interesting! So then, Miss Myr, how bout' it? Wanna join the Familia?"

Smiling, Myr nods and lightly bows. "It'd be my pleasure, Loki-sama!"

After giving off a devilish grin and cackling a little, Loki leads Myr into an unused bedroom and brings a chair out.

"Alright then Myr, you're gonna have to take off your coat and shirt, and your bra if you're wearing one, cause' I have to draw my crest on your back. I'd warn you about the mild discomfort it might cause, but I'm pretty sure you won't be hurt by it."

Snickering a little, Myr just nods and takes off her coat, then her shirt.

Taking note of Myr's body, Loki lets out a whistle. "My my, you're quite good looking if I do say so myself! A toned body, but not overly muscular, and your milk tanks are a lot bigger than I first thought. You're not wearing a push-up are you?"

Momentarily taken aback by Loki's words, Myr cracks a grin and chuckles a bit. "Thanks Loki, I'll take that as a compliment. Also, if you touch my breasts without asking, I'll clobber you."

Freezing for a moment, Loki just cackles when she realizes that Myr wasn't against her grabbing them. "I'll hold ya' to it then. Now, let's get this done shall we?"

Sitting down in another chair behind her, Loki begins to draw her crest on Myr's back. After about 30 minutes, Loki finishes and takes a look at Myr's stats, and what she saw almost sent her back to heaven.

"What the fuck is this?! What sort of a freak are you?! No wonder you claimed to have caused the two quakes and trashed the Apollo Familia members! This is absolutely nuts!"

Taking a deep breathe, Loki asked "So, do you wanna level up? I can't see you gaining any more stats with your numbers this high. I also don't recognize ANY of your skills or spells. Let me write this down quick."

Nodding her head, Myr agrees to leveling up. After the process is over and Loki wrote everything down, Myr puts her bra, shirt, and coat back on.

Not being able to hold back any longer, Loki asks "So, Myr. Who, and what are you, and why dob't you take your blindfold off?"

Turning to face her goddess, Myr gives a light smile and shakes her head. "Loki, to answer your first two questions, I'm myself of course. As for what I am, I'm not entirely sure. I believe I'm a cat person, but I'm not completely sure either. As for my blindfold, it's to cover up my eyes. I'll only take it off when I'm alone, though I'll make an exception for you and my family."

Slowly taking off her blindfold, Myr slowly opens her eyes and stares at Loki. Meanwhile, Loki is staring at Myr's eyes, while being wide eyed herself. "Well hot damn, now I can see why you'd keep a blindfold on. Your eyes are beautiful. My godly sense can detect some sort of unidentifiable power exuding off of them as well. This just gets more and more interesting. If ya' don't mind, I'd like it if you could show the others. Just on a side note, you CAN see out of them, right?"

Nodding her head, Myr confirms what Loki said. "Yes, I can indeed see out of them perfectly fine, though I'd rather not use them as one of my passive skills allows me to completely sense my surroundings, leaving quite literally nothing hidden. I can arguably "see" even better when I cover my eyes, though I will show them when I use certain skills."

With that, Loki guides Myr back out towards the rest of the main members who were waiting out in the living area.

Once there, everyone present basically pounces on Loki and Myr and asked what Myr's stats were, to which Loki handed Riveria Myr's status sheet.

Staring at it wide eyed, Riveria shoots a questioning look at Loki, to which Loki only smirked and nodded her head. Understanding that Loki wasn't pulling a prank, Riveria took a deep breath.

"Well, now I understand why you said you were the one who caused the quakes, you're a freak. Finn, I suggest letting Myr join us on our next expedition. She might very well enable us to make it down past the 59th floor."

Handing Finn Myr's status sheet, he looks it over and his eyes practically bulged out of his sockets. Looking at Myr as if she were an undiscovered monster, Finn nods his head and passes the stat sheet around. Everyone else's reactions were just about the same.

Meanwhile, Myr was complaining to Systi. 'Systi, I feel like I'm some sort of exhibit at a zoo.'

{Well, you're a one of a kind freak of nature, so it's no wonder they'd be amazed.}

Myr's left eyelid twitched upon hearing Systi's remark as she silently refrained from complaining any more.

Once the hubbub over Myr's stat sheet died down, Myr heads to her room after answering everyone's questions.

Once on her bed, Myr takes off her blindfold and coat and lays down face up while pondering about everything that has happened so far.

Deciding to use her 1,000 pulls from her gacha machine, Myr sees the familiar screen pop up and begin to spin. After spitting out a bunch of capsules, the screen winked out of existence as she studies what she got.

'Hey, this is kind cool. 28 tokens that can be redeemed for 10 million Valis each. Let's do that right now. Now I have roughly 289 million Valis, though I'll just be using them to mainly buy food, and maybe do a little shopping. Let's see here.. Oh! Well this is cool! 5,000 crates of 50 MIRV grenades. Those could come in handy! Wow.. more explosives. This time it's a pouch of.. wait a damn minute.. is that Klee's bomb pouch? Awesome! Says here it can supply an infinite amount of bombs, but has a 5 second cooldown between uses. More explosives. Are these...?'

Selecting the icon, Myr is greeted with a Jolly Chimp that has a wind up key connected to kilos of explosives. 'Huh, says here that once wound up, the chimp will bang its cymbals, screech, hop around, and cackle at 150 decibels for 15 seconds before detonating in a 3 stage, multi-explosion blast with a radius of exactly 24 meters. While active, it's.. immune to any sort of damage excluding divine.. Can kill any monster or human that's level 5 or lower?! What the hell!'

Taking a deep breath, Myr puts away the Jolly Chimp and continues browsing what she got from the gacha machine.

'Oh, this is interesting. Wait a minute, a "Boogie Bomb"? What the hell is this? Well, I'll save it for later.'

Yawning, Myr decided to go to sleep. After all, a girl needs her sleep.


In the living area of the mansion...

"Alright, so, now that we know the plan, if she agrees to it, we might be able to see how exactly Myr caused those quakes. Any questions?"

Tiona, still excited from the prospect of seeing Myr in action again, hurriedly replied "I can't wait to see what kind of attack or magic she used! On the way here she mentioned to me she had some special "toys" that she'd be willing to show us tomorrow as well!"

Bete, still grumpy over Myr calling him a dog, was brooding on the end of a couch. "As much as I hate to admit it, Loki-sama wouldn't lie about a stat sheet, so she's probably stronger than us, probably even stronger than Ottar. Even so, if she tries to pull any sort of janky shit I'll beat her ass."

Glaring at Bete, Gareth scoffed at Bete's comment. "Bete, as much as I understand your sentiments, all of us are far from her match. With her stats, she could kill any one of us with a simple flick of her finger. I suggest you don't pick a fight with her if you aren't even able to damage her. Even with my stats leaning towards attack and strength, I'm extremely doubtful of me being able to even scratch her."

Riveria, who has been keeping mostly quiet for now, finally chimes in. "I agree with Gareth. Though I may be considered the strongest mage in Orario, I'm doubtful of even my strongest spells being able to damage her. Her magic stat and the number of spells she has at her disposal is simply insane to the 10th degree. I'd reckon at least 3 of them are tactical class spells as well."

Ais, though not much of a talker kept her words short. "Mn, she's strong. Maybe we can spar tomorrow."

Raising her eyebrows, Tione looks at Ais as if she'd lost her mind. "Oi, Ais, are you sure you want to spar with that monster? One accident in a sparring match could easily lead to your death!"

Not fazed by Tione's words, Ais simply glanced at the amazon and said "That is true. I still want to spar with her though."

Tiona, ever so cheerful, quickly agrees with Ais. "I'm with Ais, I wanna fight her too! Imagine all of the new things she could teach us! I mean, think about it. She's super strong so she's gotta be able to teach us some new techniques and spells right?"

Staring at her sister, Tione cracks a smile. "Oh my, that might've been the wisest thing Tiona has said in a long time!"

Standing up abruptly from her seat, Tiona bites back. "Hey, take that back! I've said plenty of smart things you know?!"

Finn, seeing the two sister's bickering, silently smiles and thinks 'Heh, they're at it again. How cliché.'