Dungeon Diving 2: Electric Boogaloo

'Good mornin' Morio- wait a minute, wrong setting.'

{*Sigh* I was having a pleasant time watching your hours long dream. It was getting to the good part too. I didn't know you had those kinds of feelings, for Chloe of all people hehe!}

Remembering her dream, Myr's face turns red as a tomato, and, if you looked closely, you'd see phantom steam coming out the top of her head.

'Now listen here Systi, I don't have those sort of feelings, I don't! I refuse to believe I do! It's impossible that I, the great Myr, like to.. like to.. do indecent stuff. I'm a pure young lady, umu, pure.'

{Pfft, sure sure, I too think someone's pure when she dreams about being pet, scratched behind the ears, then getting all kinky by-}


{Okay, fine, fine. But seriously, you should probably vent your feelings to someone, I'm sure someone would be interested in what you find pleasurable.}

Burying her face into her pillow while hugging it tightly, Myr lightly rocks back and forth while muttering "I'm not a lewd girl. I'm not a lewd girl. I, Myr, am not a lewd girl" with a beet red face and teary eyes.

{H-hey now. It's not so bad. Listen, considering you lived a very pure life before this one, it's only natural for you to feel this way when you encounter, well, this sort of stuff. If you need to talk to someone and you don't know who, I'm always here for you. It's gonna be okay Myr, I promise.}

Lightly nodding her head, Myr calms down after a few minutes, which she then sets her pillow down and puts on her socks, boots, coat, and finally her blindfold.

Heading down to the eating area, Myr finds the main crew already eating. Once they notice her, everyone present, Loki included, has a variety of mixed expressions. Loki has a smug, shit eating grin on her face and was looking at Bete, Bete was glaring daggers at Loki and gritting his teeth, Ais had her usual expressionless face, Tione and Tiona both had wide grins, Finn had a very incredulous expression on his face, Gareth had one eyebrow raised, Riveria had her usual stoic expression with a hint of a blush on her cheeks, and Lefiya, who Myr hadn't seen up until now, had a red face and was covering it with one hand spread out.

Seeing all of their expressions, Myr could only guess what they were looking at her for, and she prayed she was wrong. Unfortunately, she was right in her guess.

"Sup Myr. Had a good time last night? Was it a dream, or did hanky panky happen kukukuku!" Loki asked, still with the smug grin on her face.

Confirming her fears, Myr's face went completely flush again and she stuttered out, "D-did I sleep talk?"

Not being able to hold it in any longer, Loki burst out laughing. "HAHAHA! Bete, you owe me a drink, HAHAHA!"

Thoroughly pissed off at this point, Bete could only grit his teeth and mutter "Fuck this shit!" and storm off.

Finn, stilling looking at Myr in disbelief, nodded his head and confirmed what Myr asked. "Yes, you did sleep talk. Though most of it sounded quite slurred, you were quite loud about it. Everyone was posted outside of your door trying to listen to what you were saying, and it was quite the event it sounded like."

Even more embarrassed, Myr looked at Riveria as if to ask her about it. Noticing her look, Riveria lightly coughed to try and draw attention away from Myr. "Myr, if that's what you're into, then so be it. No one here is going to judge you for who, and what you like. As long as you're happy, then that should be enough."

Lightly nodding her head, Myr grabs an apple and sits down and begins to clear her mind while chewing on her apple.

==== Time skip: 45 minutes ====

Myr and company finally arrive at the dungeon. Along the way, Myr somehow came to terms with what she dreamt about, what she truly liked and wanted, and what she was into, with more than a little help from Riveria and Systi of course.

{You feeling better?}

'Mn. Thanks for helping me Systi.'

{Hey, no problem at all, it's what I'm here for after all! Now, let's go kick some ass and take some names!}

Turning towards the rest of her team members, Myr smirks, and simply says, "Well, you wanted to see what I can do, so let's get cracking."

The first 12 floors could be equated to the Loki Familia, namely Myr, to be a metaphorical professional MMA fighter strolling up to a preschool playground with the mission of knocking kids out. In other words, the monsters were killed before they even knew where they were.


"Wow, she just killed a Minotaur with a single slap! That's kinda cool!~"

Looking at her sister, Tione rolled her eyes. "That's nothing new. Every single monster we've encountered so far has been killed by her with only 1 strike. I'm waiting to see when she gets serious."

A resounding chorus of "Same here" could be heard from the other members of the Familia as well.

At that moment, everyone saw the walls suddenly begin to sport numerous dark patches on itsef. A couple of seconds later, a steady stream of Minotaur's could be seeing pouring out of the walls and roaring as they charged at Myr, completely ignoring the rest of the Familia.

Seeing the monster party taking place, Riveria and Finn both mutter at the same time, "I wonder how she's going to handle this."

No sooner as they finished that question, they could hear "Thousand Palm Rain!" as a giant golden Buddha statue with 1,000 arms and palms could be seen standing behind Myr. As soon as it finished manifesting, the statue burst to life. It's eyes started to glow with a shining white light and it's arms and hands spread apart from their usual praying stance.



Tens of golden palm strikes per second rained down upon the Minotaurs like an assault from the heavens themselves, every palm strike brutally ending the lives of several monsters.

After several minutes, the golden Buddha statue retracted all of it's arms and palms and went back into it's praying stance before instantly dissipating in a flash. Sweeping her hand, Myr instantly collected her spoils and turned to look at the rest of her team.

"So, did you like the performance? Because I'm just getting warmed up!" Myr says with a smirk. Tiona was clapping, while Ais' eyes were shining. Riveria was taking notes on a notepad she brought along, while the rest of them were looking at her with wide eyes.

Satisfied with their reactions, Myr continues on while humming to herself. Catching up with her, Riveria cautiously asked "So, Myr, mind if I ask you some questions?"

Raising her left eyebrow, Myr shrugged her shoulders. "Sure, as long as the questions aren't too personal, I'll answer them. I trust that the answers will stay in the Familia."

Giving a curt nod, Riveria gets her note pad ready. "So, how old are you exactly? Your status sheet didn't say. What's your strongest spell you can use? Why do you wear that blindfold when you can obviously still function just fine? How did you get so powerful?"

'Oi, Systi, how old is my body, and what's my strongest spell?'

{Your body is a whopping 15 years old, and judging from what the information tells me, your strongest spell against 99% of living beings is your [Cosmic Collapse] spell. Against people who are Grade Black beings, which includes but isn't limited to rapists, serial killers, and murderers, your strongest spell is your [Purgatorium] spell. Your [Cosmic Collapse] spell is considered a top tier tactical class spell that has a nearly unlimited range, provided you know where your target(s) are. It basically rains down countless balls of unstable energy in the shape of stars that, upon impact, explode with the force of a mini-nova in a 1,200 meter radius. Your [Purgatorium] spell can be used on up to 1,000 people at once, and, if they're Grade Black beings, will open a crack in reality and shoot out black chains and drag the target(s) into a blazing hell to their deaths. It also has the added effect of never missing it's target.}

Smiling towards Riveria, Myr decides to not hide anything. "Well, I'm 15 believe it or not. As for my most powerful spell? It's a tie between two depending on the circumstances. For most situations, it's a spell called [Cosmic Collapse]. What it does is continuously summon energy in the shape of stars that explode and annihilate anything and everything in a 1,200 meter sphere. I'm able to cast it and hit my targets from wherever I want and no matter how far away, granted I know where they're located. Against people that I called Grade Black, like rapists and serial killers, a spell called [Purgatorium] is my strongest. That spell opens a crack in the fabric of reality and ties up my targets in unbreakable chains while dragging them to a blazing hell to their deaths. [Purgatorium], when casted, has a 100% chance to hit my targets. The downside to it is that it won't work on people who aren't Grade Black. It also won't work on the dungeon monsters, as my targets need to have a soul. As for my eyes, I wear this blindfold because I don't want attention drawn to my eyes, and one of my passive skills allows me to see a lot better than anyone or anything even with something covering my eyes completely."

Staring at Myr with her eyes wide open and jaw dropped, Riveria quickly snaps out of her stupor and quickly looks at Myr for any indication of deceit, only to find none at all. Shaking her head, Riveria looks Myr in the eyes and says "You're an absolute freak, you know that?"

"Oh, I'm aware. Thanks for the compliment!" Myr says with a giggle.

Shaking her head, Riveria gives a small smile before returning to her usual stoic expression.

Myr once again spearheaded the little excursion, and before too long, they managed to make their way down to the 25th floor without an incident occurring.

Noticing the water, and mainly the waterfall, Myr was gazing at the surface of the water intently. "Say, Riveria, could I-"

Before she could finish her question, Riveria interrupted her. "No, I would highly recommend not jumping into the water, there are plenty of monsters that will try to drag you down to your death if you jump in, mainly Raider Fish and Aqua Serpents."

Nodding her head, Myr passively scans her surroundings for any mana signs that indicate monsters. Sensing a school of what she presumed to be Raider Fish, 30 meters from their position, she cracks a goofy grin and nudges Riveria's arm and whispers to her "Hey, watch this."

Turning towards Myr, Riveria was just about to ask what Myr meant when she sees Myr making a complicated gesture with both of her hands.

"White Nova!" Myr shouts, getting the attention of the others. As they turn to look at her, they see a little white glowing ball no bigger than 20 centimeters across slowly float down towards the waters surface.

Still making the complicated hand sign, Myr manages to warn everyone. "Brace yourselves, and don't fall into the water!"

Heeding her warning, everyone braces themselves just as the little ball of light touches the surface of the water. All everyone heard was a faint *ping* and then silence for the next 2 seconds, and then...


A near blindingly white light encompasses everyone's vision as they could faintly make out a pure white cone of energy tearing through the water, instantly boiling it to superheated temperatures exceeding 5,000 degrees Celsius.

Interesting enough, the surrounding air temperature remained the same. Once the light died down, everyone immediately opened their eyes and stared in horror at what they saw.

A giant gap in the water about 1 kilometer at it's widest point and 2.5 kilometers long was being slowly filled back in with the water, all while the water itself was visibly boiling non-stop and appeared to be almost seething and roiling in a faint white light.

With everyone turning to look at her, Myr just holds up her pointer and middle finger in a "V for victory" sign and smiles.

The unanimous thought between everyone besides the culprit was "What an absolute freak."

Seeing Tiona bending down to try and touch the water, Myr hurriedly stops her. "Tiona! Don't touch the water! Right now it's clocking in at around 5,000 degrees Celsius! No matter what kind of heat resistance you have, even your bones will instantly be boiled and burned to nothing!"

Flinching, Tiona quickly stands up and stared warily at the water. Finn, still staring at the water with a look of terror in his eyes, turns towards Myr and pointedly asked "What the hell was that magic?!"

Cracking a wry smile, Myr explains what her spell was. "The spell I used is called [White Nova]. It's a unique spell in the case that the more energy I put into the hand sign I used before casting it, the stronger and hotter it becomes. If I had to use units, I only used 4,000,000 unites of mana into the hand sign before I casted the spell. Though that one was far from the temperature of a dying star, I'm fairly confident that if I "charged" the spell up enough, I could make the entire blast area several hundred kilometers wide and long and reach temperatures of well over 10,000,000 degrees Celsius, which is more hot than most stars burn."

Everyone besides Myr visibly pales at the thought of an attack of that scale, all while silently making an oath to never, under and circumstances, piss her off.

Waving her hand, Myr attempts to collect her spoils and is surprised to receive over 30,000 cores. Wondering how she managed that, Myr inquires the question to Systi, before receiving a wry response from the spunky system.

{Well, the temperature of the water, although cooling down, is still boiling at about 2,000 degrees Celsius, and any monster that lives underwater on this floor that spawns is instantly killed. Strangely enough, their cores don't melt down and burn like I thought they would. At this rate, the water will be cooled down to it's normal temperature in about 12 minutes, and will stop instantly killing monsters in about 10 minutes, so keep collecting the cores, you're bound to get lots and lots of money after this! Also, be careful of the water fall. I'm sensing a TON of mana signatures staring at you and your fellow Familia members. They're probably Iguazu, or the kamikaze pigeons. Call them that in front of everyone, it should be pretty funny!~}

Snickering a bit, Myr turns and faces the rest of the group. "So right now my mana sense is picking up quite literally a ton of mana signatures coming from around the waterfall. My guess is that the signatures are coming from those kamikaze pigeons. If we go anywhere near the waterfall, which is also somehow still boiling, we're bound to be attacked, which is perfect, because I have a skill I want to show you!"

Starting to get used to Myr's freakish strength, Finn just sighs and motions for Myr to lead the way. 10 minutes later, they venture near the waterfall, and sure enough, Myr detects the Iguazu streaking towards her and the rest of the Familia, though to Myr, they were moving almost jokingly slow.

Striking a pose that a certain overly buff Japanese teenager was known for, Myr shouts out her stand's name.

"『Hail of Bullets』!"

With a bright flash and metallic sounding roar, Myr's stand quickly locks onto the incoming Iguazu and immediately opens fire with all of it's armaments.





7.62, 20mm, rockets, 40mm cannon shells, and 30mm armor piercing rounds erupt from Myr's stand in a cacophony of noise. The airspace was almost darkened with the amount of bullets being thrown out, and every singly shot hitting at least 1 Iguazu.

Myr keeps her stand steadily killing more and more Iguazu while she could be seen just casually waving her hand and instantly storing all of her spoils.

The massacre continues on for a total of 6 minutes before her stand finally stops shooting, with no more Iguazu coming out from the waterfall.

Recalling her stand, Myr gets up from her seat, as does everyone else. (A/N: She pulled out 8 chairs from her inventory, mainly because she didn't want everyone to stand and wait. It should also be noted that she handed everyone ear plugs to make sure no one went deaf, while she herself was immune to the decibel levels. How considerate of our little murder machine!~)

Pulling out their ear plugs, Finn pointedly asked Myr "Are you done with your little monster massacre? Because if you are, I'd like to go back to the mansion and contemplate what I've been doing with my life."

A chorus of "Same here" could be heard from everyone, Myr included. Stowing away the chairs and earplugs, Myr shows off a cheeky grin and gathers everyone around her, after which she crushes a talisman and instantly teleports everyone up to the surface.

Noticing the party's shocked expressions, Myr quickly explains that she placed a teleportation talisman on the surface before they went down, and just now crushed another teleportation talisman to bring then back to the first one, much to their astonishment.

Bidding farewell to the rest of her Familia members, Myr lightly jogs over to the guild, where she sees Eina yet again.

Noticing Myr, Eina pales a little before quickly regaining her composure. Before she could ask Myr what she wanted to turn in, Myr interrupted her. "Sup Eina! This time I have 54,902 cores and plenty of drops to turn in! I kinda went a little crazy and may or may not have caused more than a few monster parties. I think the dungeon hates me now haha!"

Taking a moment to register what Myr had just said, Eina, at this point accepting that Myr would be the cause of more than a couple headaches from now on, weakly nods her head and motions for several tens of guild employees to help Myr count her cores and drops.

=== Time skip: 40 minutes ===

Walking away from the guild at last, Myr was content with her her earnings from her casual massacre of monster kind.

'3,274,361 Valis earned today, Not bad!'

{Heh, you really raked in the dough this time. You should go one more massacres to earn even more money!}

Nodding her head, Myr just lets out a soft "En" as she makes her way back towards the mansion, her new home.