What a freak!

Once Myr was back from giving Eina a headache, Myr calmly walked into the mansion, only to find Loki and the rest of the main crew staring at her.

Loki once again had her signature smug grin, while everyone else was watching Myr with a hint of wariness in their eyes.

Breaking the silence with a cough, Myr gives off a cheeky smile and pleasantly asked "Hey everyone, what's up?" to which Riveria responded to after a bit of hesitation. "So, Myr, we were all talking and if you don't mind, we'd like to see your eyes if that's alright with you. None of us have seen them yet and we're all curious."

Caught off guard at the sudden request, Myr quickly regains her composure. "Sure, I can show you them, though you'll have to promise that you won't make fun of me because of them."

After everyone agreed not to make fun of Myr, not that they would ever dream of doing so, Myr slowly untied her blindfold and took it off.

Seeing her two eyes, everyone was mesmerized at the sheer beauty of them. While everyone was staring at her eyes, Myr began to feel a little uncomfortable and nervously fidgeted in place, twiddling her thumbs behind her back.

Riveria was the first one to speak up. "Your right eye is definitely interesting. Does the clock actually work? Or is it stuck in that position forever?"

Nodding her head, Myr responds affirms Riveria's question. "Yes, it does work and move, though only after I use certain skills and abilities."

Writing the information down in her note pad, Riveria then inquires about her left eye. "Now about your left eye, does it always move when you move? I noticed that when you were looking back at us that the patterns in your left eye were starting to change faster and faster. It looked like a swirling sea of stars. Does that eye have any unique features besides what I mentioned?"

Nodding her head, Myr once again confirms what Riveria said. "You're correct when you noticed my left eye moving, as it does do that. The more agitated or worked up I am, the faster it moves and changes. As of right now, I'm not aware of any other features or abilities it might have. Can I put my blindfold back on now?"

Riveria nodded and Myr hurriedly put on her blindfold, almost as if it were her life line. Pondering if her being self-conscious about her eyes and wanting to keep them covered was going to be a problem, Loki's theory quickly snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Now that I got a better look at them Myr, there may be a chance that you could be a demi-god. Not taking into account your origins, which I presume you don't want to speak about, I'm led to believe that your possible divinities may be related to time and space. If you develope any sort of skills or spells related to time and space, let me know."

"Mn, I will" Myr says with a nod. Raising her eyebrow, Loki took notice of how quickly Myr put on her blindfold and asked "Yo, Myr. Are you by any chance insecure about your eyes? You put your blindfold on pretty quickly."

Nodding her head again, Myr confirms Loki's assumption. "I guess you can say that. I don't really like anyone staring at my eyes, except for all of you, I'll.. make an exception. I'll try to keep my blindfold off in the mansion, I just-"

Before she could finish, Loki interrupts her. "Listen Myr, you don't have to force yourself, you're fine the way you are, and if ya' wanna take it off, then take it off. Though your eyes are quite breathtaking, don't feel like you absolutely have to keep the blindfold off. Now enough of that, why don't you tell me what the hell you were doing in the dungeon with the others. Everyone but you came back looking like they were gonna piss themselves shishishi!"

Scratching her head in embarrassment, Myr told Loki everything she did, not skipping out on any part, including how much she earned in just that little excursion.

"Holy shit, 3,274,361 Valis in a single trip?! Looks like you're gonna be able to buy Orario at this rate kukukuku!"

Sobering up fairly quickly, Loki stops laughing and has a serious face. "So, Myr. A question everyone has, including myself, is where did you come from, and how are you so powerful. You don't have to answer, but we'd all like it if you did. We're a family after all, and no matter what, we won't turn you away."

Sighing, Myr takes a seat and takes a deep breath and decides to tell everyone the truth. "As hard as it is to believe, I'm not from here, and before you saying anything, let me clarify. I'm not from this world. Where I come from, there's no such thing as magic, mana, monsters, superpowers, or gods and goddesses. Where I come from, people don't wear armor, they don't carry swords on their waists, and while there are laws in place that are supposed to make the world safer, at times, it didn't matter, as beneath the sunshine, rainbows, and sparkly unicorn shit, the world was a terrible place."

Taking a moment to gauge everyone's reactions, Myr continues. "I.. used to be a normal human. I had a life that didn't involve fighting at all. Then, well, I died. I was reincarnated. Even now, it all seems like a big dream, but I know that I'm not missed back where I came from. An abusive family, I had no friends, I only really had myself. I doubt I was even given a burial. After I died, a man who I presumed to be a god, reincarnated me. I then ended up here. I wasn't supposed to die like I did, but it was for the better, I think. Even now, I'm having troubles remembering more and more of my former life's memories. I'm worried that I'll lose my sense of self. I can't shake the feeling that this has all been a dream."

Now lightly crying, Myr continues. "If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up. Right now, you guys and gals are the closest thing I've ever had to a caring family. I don't want this to be a dream damn it! I'm scared that, if it is, and I wake up, I won't remember this. I'd rather forget my past life than lose this one. I know this sounds far fetched, and I'm not going to blame you if you don't believe me, but I just want you to know that if you'll let me, I'd like to stay here."

Silence pervaded the room as everyone took time to digest what Myr had said. Finally, Loki was the first one to speak up. "Oi, Myr. So what if you came from another world. So what if you think this is a dream. Even if it was, then stop worrying about the past, and live in the now. Make the most of your second life, live like there's no tomorrow. Do you think I was talking out of my ass when I said we're a family? Do you think that we're so shallow that we'd abandon you just because of your origins or character? I meant it when I said we're a family, and until I die, it's gonna stay that way. So wipe your tears off your face, pull up your big girl panties, and live your life how you want to! Take Riveria for example. She came from the Elven forest and constantly gets letters from her daddy telling her to come home, yet she's still here. She's living her life like how she wants to, orders be damned. You said your past family was abusive? Well they can go fuck themselves with a hot iron rod. You have us now, and although it's not gonna happen, we're all prepared to die for eachother. So quit dwelling on the past and live your fucking life!"

Stunned by Loki's pep talk, Myr wipes away her tears and smiles. "Mn, you're right. The past is the past. I have you guys now. Thanks Loki, and thanks everyone for having me."

With grins all around, Finn chimes in. "Loki's right, we're here for you. Besides, as much as you make me question what the heck I've been doing with my life with how freakishly strong you are, that doesn't change the fact that despite the short amount of time we've known you, I can confidently say that we've all accepted you."

Tiona was the next to chime in. "Yeah, that's right! Besides, you haven't even asked Chloe out yet! You don't get to leave us until you do!~"

Opening her mouth in shock at Tiona's words, Myr begins to daydream on the spot about what Chloe and her would look like as a couple.

With her face turning red and steam coming out of the top of her head, Myr becomes frozen on the spot.

Bete, now looking at Tiona, smirks and said "Nice work Tiona! You broke her! Now we for sure know how to deal with her!"

Ais, who has been quiet until now, finally chimes in. "Mn, I still want to spar against her."

Loki, after she was done cackling, walks up to Myr and taps her on the forehead. "Yoo-hoo, Loki to Myr, snap out of it! I still need to check your status!"

Snapping out of her daydreams, Myr quickly calms down and agrees to have her status board checked.

Once in her bedroom, Myr takes off her coat, shirt, and bra and lays on her bed while Loki checks her progress, and what she sees almost sends her to heaven a second time.

[Name: Myr Aeternum

-Level: 2

-Soul Tier: 3

-Power: (+100,000)EX100,000

-Endurance: (+100,000)EX100,000

-Dexterity: (+100,000)EX100,000

-Agility: (+100,000)EX100,000

-Magic: (+100,000)EX100,000

Skills: [Stat Acceleration(Innate)], [Omni-Sense(Innate)], [Karmic Killer(Innate)], [Eye of Truth(Innate)], [Cultivation Paragon(Innate)], [Infinity: EX], [All Language Comprehension: EX], [Void Lock: EX], [Stand: EX], [Acrobatics: EX], [Thunderclap Kill: EX], [Ground Pound: EX], [Close Combat: EX], [Dance Of The Moonlit Cat: EX](NEW), [Spectral Swords: EX](NEW)

Magic: [Hollow Purple], [Cursed Technique Amplification: Blue], [Cursed Technique Reversal: Red], [White Nova], [Fallen Down], [Cosmic Collapse], [13 Ancients Summoning], [Wrath Of The Golden Crow], [Big Bang], [Thousand Palm Rain], [Purgatorium], [9 Lives Petal Storm](NEW), [8 Trigram Tribulation Lightning](NEW), [Immunity Shield](NEW)]

Staring wide eyed at Myr's stats, Loki has but one thought. 'What an absolute freak!'

Loki smirks and asked Myr if she wanted to level up, and, already guessing that she hit her stat cap, agreed. Writing down her stats on a sheet of paper, and as soon as Myr got dressed, Loki practically ran out to where the others were waiting with a smug grin on her face.

Seeing said smug grin, everyone present besides Loki and the owner of said stats had a collective sigh when Finn asked "So, how much did she grow this time?"

Cackling, Loki handed Finn the sheet of paper, to which he was once again blown away at how strong Myr had become. Once everyone saw the stat sheet, they all turned towards Myr at the same time and said in unison "What a freak!" to which Myr only giggled.


The Next Day...

Myr woke up eventually late in the morning, still feeling a bit groggy. She began to wonder if becoming a cat girl had begun to affect her psyche and bodily functions.

{Yo! The sleeping cat wakes up! How did you like your dream?}

Recalling the dream where Chloe and her strolled around Earth, taking in the sights, taking naps together, cuddling under the sun in a cottage style home, and being getting married, Myr had a warm smile and slight blush. 'It was amazing.'

Getting changed out of her sleepwear and after getting dressed, Myr heads down to the living area where everyone was looking at her with grins on their faces.

Puzzled, Myr inquired what they were grinning at her for, to which Finn chuckled and said "When you didn't wake up for breakfast, we had Riveria go into your room and try to wake you up, only to find you hugging your pillow and purring. We then sent Ais, Tione, Tiona, and even Lefiya to try and wake you up. You even grabbed Lefiya in your sleep and pulled her onto your bed and started petting. Right now she's still recovering."

With her face flushed, Myr apologizes before quickly calming down.

With a cheeky grin, Myr asked "So, who's ready to see me use some toys on the 37th floor, because they work best on humanoid monsters."

Everyone, even Bete, had a wry smile on their face and agreed to accompany her down to the 37th floor.

Just then, Loki walked in and looked at Myr and began to cackle. "Kukukuku, looks like the sleeping cat is awake! You know, you gave Lefiya some good petting, so much so that Ais had to carry her out of your room. The poor girl's heart was probably in turmoil because of your little petting session!"

Scratching her head in embarrassment, Myr only chuckled and told Loki to apologize to Lefiya for her, which Loki agreed to with a laugh. With the smirk on her face still there, Loki wished everyone a safe travel as they headed down to the dungeon once more.

=== Time Skip: 2.5 hours ===

With everyone finally making it to the 37th floor in a record shattering time, the crew was finally met with their first Spartoi.

Grinning like a cheshire cat (A/N: See what I did there? hehe!~) Myr pulled out a Stielhandgranate and pulled the pin. "Everyone back away and cover your ears!"

Heeding her advice, everyone backed away from Myr and covered their ears. She then threw the grenade directly at the Spartoi.


An explosion rang out, and when the dust settled, nothing remained of the Spartoi.

Seeing the results, everyone was staring at Myr as if she was some sort of anomaly, which in a way, she was.

Smirking, Myr begins to head deeper into the floor when all of a sudden, a massive horde of dark purple spots appear on the walls, and a second later, Spartoi begin the pour out of the spots in the tens, then hundreds.

An even bigger grin breaks out on Myr's face as she brings out a giant box full of the MIRV grenades she got from the gacha as the Spartoi horde comes closer and closer.

Taking 4 grenades at a time, Myr swings the grenades as the pins were pulled and she repeats the action 5 times before the first set of grenades go off.


A cacophony of other explosions ring out as more and more explosions ring out around where the main grenades went off, tearing through the Spartoi as if they were paper.


The deafening sounds of the explosions grow more and more, as the Spartoi don't stop pouring out of the dark spots on the walls until a full 5 minutes later.

Gathering all of her drops, mainly being cores and a few weapons to her surprise, Myr checks over how many grenades she used.

'1 Stielhandgranates and 239 MIRV grenades, not bad.'

Turning around to look at the rest of the crew, she sees everyone looking at her in shock and awe. Riveria immediately asks, "Myr, what were those things that caused the explosions? I didn't sense any mana coming from them. Was that an ability of yours?"

Myr shakes her head and smiles as she responds. "No my dear Riveria, those were called grenades. They don't require any mana or energy to use, meaning that during the expedition, the supporters will be able to gain exillia even on the deeper floors, leading to everyone benefitting. Before you ask, I have enough grenades to last us over 20 expeditions if they're used liberally. My best guess is that they'll be able to kill any humanoid monster up to level 5, and heavily injure a level 6 rated monster, provided that they don't throw the grenade back or dodge the blast. Depending on your strength, you have about 5 seconds to throw the grenade before it blows up. There's something called "shrapnel" that the grenades use which is basically sharp bits of metal being flung out at extremely fast speeds that shreds anything near it. The ones I used have a kill radius of 5-15 meter radius, and an injure radius of twice that if used in an open area."

With their jaws dropped, Finn hurriedly began to discuss with Riveria how they were going to go about distributing the grenades to supporters on the next expedition.

After coming to an agreement, Finn asks "How many of these grenades do you have?" to which Myr responds with a cheeky grin "I have more than enough to give every supporter and Familia member up to 10 each per expedition."

Sighing, Finn sports a wry smile and while shaking his head, says "You're an absolute freak you know that, right?" to which Myr laughs and just throws up the V for victory hand sign.