Crash after the rush

After the Loki Familia reach the surface, Tiona asked Myr "So, how many cores and drops did you get this time?"

Checking her storage space, Myr responds "12,510 cores and 173 item drops. I plan on selling them all to the guild."

Staring at Myr wide eyed, Tiona begins to chuckle and wryly says "I should've expected an answer like that, you are-"

Before she could finish, Myr interrupts her with a smile. "A freak, I know."

Even Bete was in a good mood seeing all of the new equipment that was at the Familia's disposal. "So, Myr, you're treating us all to dinner and drinks tonight right?"

Smirking at Bete's question, Myr just shakes her head and replies "Sure, why not? Go crazy tonight, but if I'm paying, you're carrying Loki if she gets drunk.~"

Clicking his tongue, Bete wryly smiles and mutters "Whatever." Chuckling at his response, The Loki Familia arrive at the guild and Myr sees her favorite guild employee manning the desk again. "Yo, Eina! I'm back!"

Recognizing Myr's voice, Eina looks up and sees the Loki Familia following Myr. Seeing the culprit of her largest headaches, Eina didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the Familia's casual behavior.

Giving off her professional smile, Eina asks "Hello again Myr, how many thousands of cores did you bring us this time?" which catches the attention of quite a few adventurers who didn't think they heard what Eina said quite right.

Giggling, Myr cheekily responds "Only 12,510 cores and 173 item drops, though some of the item drops are busted due to some new toys I was using."

Sighing, Eina just smiles and called over several employees to help her count the cores, drops, and calculate how many Valis they owed Myr this time.

Walking off with the other employees, Eina turns towards the Loki Familia and bluntly asked them "How the hell are you so casual about this? She's in your Familia, right?"

Surprisingly, Ais is the one to answer. "Mn, she's strong. Super strong. She still surprises us sometimes, but we're getting used to it."

Not expecting Ais to say that much, Tiona asks Ais with a smirk "Oh my!~ Ais, is Myr finally getting you to talk more?~" to which Ais only shrugs her shoulders and stays silent.

Shaking his head, Gareth chimes in. "You know Eina, despite still being shocked by all of the new items she had and her abilities and spells, Ais is right, we're slowly getting used to it. Loki is constantly finding her humorous and I have a feeling that Myr is going to level up again."

Feeling shocked, Eina hesitantly asked "What do you mean again? She's been in your Familia for 3 days, what level is she now?"

Riveria, still with her stoic expression, casually answers "She's level 3 right now. If she levels up again tonight, she's going to be level 4, which would mean that if she leveled up tonight, that would be 3 levels in 3 days."

Gobsmacked, Eina drops her glasses she was wiping off in sheer and utter shock. "L-level 4? She's going to become a level 4 in 4 days?! Oh my goodness. She really is a freak isn't she?"

Nodding her head, Riveria was about to respond when Myr came walking out with a smirk. "Yo guys! I made 3,560,925 Valis this time!"

Myr's comment earned her the attention of basically everyone in the guild building, quite a few pairs of eyes were gazing at her with hints of greed and/or lust in them.

Making a mental note of the people responsible for said gazes, Myr ignores everyone and happily walks up to the Loki Familia and asks them "So, how many people called me a freak this time?"

Tione giggles and and just pointed towards Eina with her thumb, to which Myr turns to face Eina and jokingly blows a kiss towards her, to which Eina just rolls her eyes and smiles while shaking her head.


Back in the mansion's living area, Loki, Myr, and the rest of the crew were talking about what the plan of action was next.

Myr chimes in after a while and mentioned that she owed everyone dinner and drinks tonight, to which Loki had a smug grin on her face as she looked towards Myr.

Getting ready to leave, Loki pulls aside Myr. "So, Myr, you gonna go looking like that? You gotta dress to impress ya know?"

Suddenly realizing that she would get a chance to ask Chloe out on a date, Myr rushes off to her room to change. Once inside, she sorts her inventory to search for clothing, and what she sees amazes her.

'Hey Systi, what do you think I should wear? I've never owned this many clothes in my life, I'm not sure what to pick!'

{Well, looking at your inventory, I see a pair of black, flat bottom dress shoes, white and black kneesocks with a cats pawprint on the front of the shins, a cute knee length black and white pleated skirt, a twin set of black lace undergarments, a cute white off-white and black lace georgette blouse, and you have to finish it off with a cat's paw hair ornament!}

Nodding her head, Myr brings out the recommended clothes and quickly changes. Looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but blush. 'In my old life, I think I dressed even more conservatively than this on a regular basis, but.. I guess I do look KIND of cute.. I hope..'

Taking a deep breathe, Myr slowly walks out to where the others were waiting and find them all chatting with eachother. It wasn't until Loki turned around and, after a moment of pure shock, bursts out in a cackle.


At that moment, everyone present turned to look at Myr and, as expected, were all stunned by how good she looked.

Even Bete wasn't spared the shock, and he was the second one who smiled, except it was more of a smirk. "Heh, guess the little kitty actually can appear more like a lady than a brat after-"

Before Bete could finish his taunt, Tiona hit him in the back of the head and scolded him. "Bete! Don't you dare make fun of Myr, this is probably the first time she's ever dressed up in her life, I mean, just look at her fidget!"

Turning towards Myr, Tiona sports a huge grin. Giving her a thumbs up, Tiona then commented "Don't listen to that jackass Myr, you look both cute and beautiful at the same time!~"

Riveria chimed in at this moment. "You know, I wasn't expecting you to go all out in your sense of fashion before you went all out in your strength. I have to say though, you do look quite good."

Nodding his head, Finn also sported a grin. "I agree, you do look nice, and I'm sure Chloe will think so as well."

Ais, with her usual expressionless face, simply nods. "Mn, you look great."

Gareth has one of his eyebrows raised and is sporting a wide smile. "Haha! I never thought I'd see our little record smasher all dressed to impress!"

Tione, after getting over her initial shock, simply grins and adds her two cents of input. "You look fantastic Myr, go get em'!"

Thoroughly beet red now, Myr manages to squeak out a "Thank you" before she clams shut. 'Systi, you chose well and all, but do you really-'

{OI! Don't second guess yourself Myr, you look fabulous, and anyone who doesn't think so can go sit in the corner of their room and think about their life! Now go out there and ask Chloe out!}

Now smiling, Myr nods her head and asked "Well then, should we head out?" to which everyone agrees.

Before they left however, Loki pulled everyone aside for a moment. "Alright folks, I think it'd be best if we kind of hid Myr in the center of all you. I'm not saying that she can't handle her own in a fight, but I don't think she wants to be seen by everyone. Am I correct with that assumption Myr?"

Nodding her head, Myr thanked everyone as they headed towards the Hostess of Fertility.


Upon arriving at the Hostess of Fertility, they were greeted by none other than Chloe herself.

"Hello! I see you've all come back for some more food! Come on in and follow me nyahaha!~"

Following her in, Myr decides to bite the bullet and shoot her shot.

Walking up to her, Chloe turns around and sees Myr, and her eyes widen at first, then turn into crescents with a sharp gleam to them.

Giving off her best smile, Myr asked the fated question. "H-hey Chloe. I was wondering if you were free tomorrow around noon? I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go shopping and stroll around with me?"

Surprised at how straightforward Myr was, Chloe gave off a cheshire grin and giggled. "I'd have to ask Mama Mia-nya but I'm confident that she'd allow me a day off to spend with you!"

Leaning in, Chloe whispers into Myr's ear "Perhaps even the night too~".

Hearing that, Myr sports a healthy blush as she can't help but feel a rush of foreign feelings that made her feel warm and excited.

Nodding her head, Myr quickly hugs Chloe, to her surprise, and hurries back to her seat to order with a beet red face.

Once seated, everyone congratulated Myr much to her embarrassment, and everyone gets their orders and drinks in.

Meanwhile, Chloe went up to Mama Mia and was about to ask her when Mia interrupted her. "Before ya' ask, the answer is yes. You two lovebirds go have fun tomorrow, and make sure to bring back some souvenirs from your date."

Thanking Mama Mia, Chloe brings back the Loki Familia's food and drinks, and sets down Myr's fish in front of her while smiling warmly at her.

Blushing a bit and smiling back, Myr takes a bite of her fish and was instantly in bliss. Not paying attention to anything else, Myr, who was too busy daydreaming about her and Chloe's date, was only brought back to reality when Tiona started shaking her shoulder.

"Oi, Myr! Your purring is kinda loud!"

Snapping back to attention, Myr instantly flushes and apologizes to everyone while they all laughed.

Suddenly, Myr felt 1 ping about 30 meters away, staring straight where she was at. Then 2, then 3, and eventually reached 20 pings using her mana sense, and all of them had killing intent aimed towards her.

Frowning, Myr's change in aura and facial expression instantly alerted the Familia.

Riveria hesitantly asked, "Myr, what's wrong, aren't you enjoying this time?"

Not even looking at her, Myr responds "I WAS having fun, but it appears I have guests I need to entertain."

Quickly gaining the meaning behind her words, Finn asked in a low voice "How many?"

"20, all at least level 3. I'll go deal with them."

Snapping her fingers, Myr's outfit instantly changed to her usual attire, much to the surprise of everyone.

Walking out, Myr got about 6 meters away from the front doors of the Hostess of Fertility when she heard an arrow being shot at her.

She easily tilted her head and glared towards where the archer was hidden.

Dashing up towards the archer, Myr catches him by surprise, and before he could cry out or pull out his knife, Myr roundhouse kicked him in the diaphragm, knocking him out instantly.

Dashing over towards another archer, this one was more prepared, but still was unable to retaliate before a glowing corporeal palm hit his chest and sent him flying like an arrow being shot out of a bow.

A flurry of arrows pelted her previous location, but by then Myr had already disabled 2 other archers, and made quick work of the level 4 archer.

Jumping down, Myr almost lands directly on top of a burly looking man with a greatsword. Chopping him on the back of his neck, Myr knocks the man out in an instant. By the time the man hit the ground, Myr had already dashed towards a group of 3 humans, one female, the other two male.

Grabbing the female's face with her hand, Myr slams her into the wall right next to her as a giant spiderweb crack appears and the female is knocked out immediately. Turning around, Myr ducks as one of the men takes a swing at her with what appeared to be a poisoned dagger.

Breaking his wrist with a jab, Myr then throws out a successive 5 kicks that all land on the man's ribs and one that hit him on his kneecap, shattering it.

Not giving the other man any time to react, Myr palm strikes the man in the chest, blood spurting out of his mouth as he is sent flying away at a frightening speed, landing about 9 meters away.

Myr makes quick work of over half the total group's numbers, which left the supposed leader of the bandits awake. Rushing towards the last man, Myr was about to throw our a strike when the man suddenly disappears.

Startled, Myr drops her guard for a split second, though that's all it took for the man, who shifted behind Myr, to get within an inch of plunging a dagger into her spine.

Sensing the man at the last moment, Myr panics, and without thinking, whips around and throws a lightning fast jab that, when connected to the mans head, completely turns the mans head into a blood mist.

Unaware of how much blood was on her, Myr just stared at the mans headless body, not sure how to process that she had just took someone's life.

Myr walks back into the Hostess of Fertility, and once inside, all eyes turned towards her. Most gazes were filled with shock as soon as they saw how much blood was on Myr's body and hair. There was so much that the top half of Myr's snow white hair looked like she had dyed it, and specks of blood coated her face from when she blew apart the man's head.

With a light smile, Myr walked up to Chloe and did a light bow. "I'm sorry about that Chloe, I didn't want to ditch you like that. I promise I'll treat you to lunch and dinner tomorrow if you're still up to it."

Turning towards Mama Mia, Myr asked "So, Mia, how much is the bill? I'd like to order a couple dishes of fish if that's okay, I just-"

Before she could finish, Myr suddenly feels lightheaded and becomes unsteady. Not wanting to trouble anyone, Myr was about to say that she was fine when a sudden bout of sickness overtook her and she fell onto her knees and sat seiza style.

It was at this moment that she fully realized that she had just took another person's life, that there was no redo button, that every death is final.

Suddenly feeling very cold, Myr starts shivering and staring straight ahead with an expressionless face, not noticing that Loki, the Familia, Chloe, and Mama Mia all rushing towards and crowding around her.

Recognizing the symptoms, Chloe's expression was grim. "She's in shock right now. Judging from the amount of blood on her, I'd say that she just killed her first person. For her to react this way though, I highly doubt that she's ever been exposed to death this up close and personal."

Mama Mia's expression was grim as well. "The poor kid. The people she dealt with were probably either after her body, or money. She's outstandingly beautiful, and judging from what you were telling me Loki, she's made a fortune so far."

Nodding her head, Loki had a serious look on her face as she replied "Yeah, she's made more in 3 days than an entire B ranked Familia makes in an entire month. She's drop dead beautiful as well. The question now is who the hell were they."

With everyone staying silent, Myr, unbeknownst to her, turns towards Chloe and slowly hugs her. Hugging her back, Chloe notices how hard Myr was shivering, as, with a single look to Mama Mia and Loki, Chloe carried Myr upstairs to a spare room and crawls under a blanket with her as Myr, only semi-conscious, snuggles closer.

(A/N: I plan on making the Danmachi arc about 50 chapters long, maybe longer. Sorry if the story is kinda jumbled right now, I lost my notebook that I keep my novel ideas and plans so I'm writing it down according to memory)