
Waking up, Myr finds that herself snuggled in close to Chloe, who was staring at her with a gentle expression.

Remembering what she did last night, Myr begins to shiver again, when Chloe suddenly hugs her tightly and whispers "There there, don't get so worked up, I'm here." into her ear.

Hugging Chloe tighter, Myr eventually calms down enough to look Chloe in the eyes. "Thank you Chloe, I just.. I've never killed a person before, I didn't know that I would, I panicked and-"

Before she could continue, Chloe, to Myr's great surprise, leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Myr is shocked, but instantly recovers and savors the moment. Kissing Chloe made her feel warm and complete.

Breaking away, Myr was still in shock that Chloe kissed her, and, while she was laying still, Chloe reached up and slowly removed Myr's blindfold.

Finally realizing that Chloe removed her blindfold, Myr begins to have a minor panic attack, worrying that Chloe would find her eyes revolting.

To Myr's surprise, Chloe immediately said "Myr, your eyes are gorgeous. Why would I think that they were revolting?"

Wondering how Chloe knew her thoughts, she was about to ask when Chloe put her pointer finger to Myr's lips, smiled and said "It was written all over your face."

Nodding her head, Myr finally noticed that she wasn't in her clothes at all, and instead in her undergarments. Turning beet red, Myr was at a loss for words. Finding it fairly amusing, Chloe slowly got up out of the bed and stretched, showing off her lithe and beautiful figure. It was to be noted that Chloe was also only in her undergarments.

Seeing Myr staring at her, Chloe couldn't help but chuckle at her expression and beet red face. Noticing her slight confusion, Chloe smiled. "I took off your clothes and some of the other girls washed them. You were in shock and only semi-responsive, so I decided to accompany you while you slept. Besides, I'm fine with this."

Nodding her head, Myr was hesitant about getting up, but she decided to bite the bullet and do it anyways. Standing up, Myr let the blanket fall down as she looked away in embarrassment as Chloe's eyes widen, then into crescents with a sharp gleam in them.

Walking up to Myr, Chloe then hugs Myr and slowly rubs her back to try and calm her down. After calming Myr down, Chloe gets dressed, as does Myr, and they both walk down to the main floor where they're greeted by the Loki Familia and Mama Mia.

Mama Mia looks at the two, grins, and nods. "Yep, you two will make a nice couple."

Blushing at Mama Mia's comment, Myr turns towards the Loki Familia, which all looked at her in both concern and warmth.

Loki walks up to Myr and gives her a hug. "Myr, you doing okay?" Nodding her head, Myr goes silent contemplating why the events played out as they did.

Not being one to miss the details, Loki flicks Myr's forehead. "Listen, Myr, it's not your fault. You did what you had to do. When it comes down to it, it was either you or him that lived to see another day. I ran a background check on the people you dealt with, and they're all wanted. Most of them for murder, but two of them had ties with an illegal slave ring, and the man you offed had a 500,000 Vali bounty on his head for a whole host of murders, rapes, kidnappings, and ties with several criminal Familias."

Staring at Loki, Myr was at a loss for how to respond to Loki's statement.

Noticing the look on Myr's face, Loki continued. "What I'm trying to say Myr, is that although it doesn't seem like it, you did a good deed. The world is better off without those kinds of people. The man you offed also was a former level 5 adventurer with tons more battle experience than you, it was only natural that you had to resort to killing him. I have no doubt in my mind that what you did brought closure to a lot of people, who would not otherwise have peace. Remember, we're a family, and I'll be damned if I let anything happen to you."

Upon hearing those words, all of the tears that Myr had held back from her former life, and the recent events started spilling. Hugging Loki, all Myr could do was cry from both sadness and happiness, sadness because of the loss, pain, and remorse, and happiness because, although it took a second life, she finally knew what it meant to have a loving and caring family.

After crying for a good 5 minutes, Myr finally stops when she falls asleep in Loki's embrace.


Chloe, still concerned about Myr, asks "I know what she did was traumatizing, but what else could've happened that would've caused her to cry like that?"

Looking towards Chloe, Mama Mia, and the rest of the staff of the Hostess of Fertility, Loki begins to recount all of what Myr told her, which not surprisingly, shocked them.

Looking at her in a new light, Syr, who had been silent up until now, finally chimed in. "So it was because she finally knows what it's like to have a loving family that she was so emotional. Poor girl..."

Agreeing with Syr's sentiments, everyone else nodded their heads. Mama Mia spoke up at this moment. "Myr's a good kid. If she really is 15, and lived a previous life that was that bad, in a world that was supposed to be safer than ours, I'm not surprised that she has problems restraining herself. I'm willing to bet that the reason she shows off so much, is because she's afraid that she's going to go unnoticed again and lose another family."

Nodding her head, Chloe suddenly remembers something. "You know, when I was comforting Myr last night, after she fell asleep, I heard her mumbling in her sleep, and when I paid closer attention, I heard her mumble "Daddy, please don't, that hurts, don't do that thing to me again." Based off what you said Loki, I'm willing to bet that in her past life, she suffered through both physical, mental, and sexual abuse as nothing more than a child."

Everyone's face turned grim at that, all of them wanting nothing more than to kill someone who'd do that to their own child.

Bete actually voiced everyone's thoughts. "That fucking piece of shit. I'll admit that Myr pissed me off to begin with, but she grows on you. If I ever were to see that fucker I'd skin him alive!"

Nodding, everyone wholeheartedly agrees, but Chloe wasn't done revealing everything Myr mumbled. With gritted teeth, Chloe reveals the next bit of info. "That wasn't all. About 5 minutes later, she started crying, and I heard her mutter "Mommy, don't lock me in the room again with brother, I've been a good girl, please don't let brother hit me." "

Taking a breathe, Chloe continues. "About 10 minutes later, she mumbled "No, I don't want to be touched by those mean people again they hit and hurt me. Please don't let make me lay down with them."

At this point, everyone present had an expression that could freeze over hell, even the mostly amicable Syr. Loki finally breaks the silence. "It would appear that Myr didn't tell us everything about what she went through in her childhood, though at this point I don't blame her. I don't know what sort of childhood she had, but it seems like hers was a cut below the average, by a lot. She's powerful, and she's smart, but she's mentally about 10 years old with the ability to use a full range of language. That would probably explain her showing off so much, like Mia said earlier."

At this moment, Myr stirred awake. Still a little groggy, Myr notices everyone staring at her with concern and pity.

Genuinely confused as to why their expressions were so severe, Myr was about to ask what was going on, when Loki beat her to the punch.

"Myr, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"Your childhood, everything, and before you try to deny it, you talked in your sleep when you were being comforted by Chloe, we know about what your mother, father, and brother put you through. You still gonna try to deny it?"

Paling, Myr tensed up and was ready to bolt when suddenly, Chloe hugged her from behind.

"Myr, it's better if you talk about everything with all of us present, it would help heal you."

Sighing, Myr got up and sat down in a chair with her head hanging down.

"Alright, fine, I'll tell you everything." She then went on to recount how her father constantly raped her starting when she was only 6, her mother locked her into a closet with her brother when she misbehaved and let him pummel her as long as he didn't break any bones, how her parents let people pay them to have sex with her and fulfill their degenerate desires, how they would tie bind her arms and legs and throw her in a closet if she questioned anything at all, how they only let her eat just enough so she wasn't just skin and bones, how they would lock her in the house and took away any means of communicating for help whenever they went on trips, and how she was constantly bullied through out her life, yet how she kept trying to look on the bright side despite her horrible life.

(A/N: That little bit was a bit rough for me to write, as it very closely resembled my own childhood...)

Silence pervaded the room as everyone present was horrified at what they just heard, all of them wishing what Myr said wasn't true. Tiona was outright quietly crying, Bete looked seriously pissed off, Gareth, Riveria, Finn, and Loki had extremely grim faces, Mama Mia and the crew had expressions that read "what the hell has this girl gone through?!", Tione was holding back tears, and Ais had a look of worry on her face.

Looking up at them, Myr had a sad smile on her face. "I told you it wasn't going to be pretty. I'm aware that I may not be the cleanest person in the room, but I try my best every day, I always have, and always will. Besides, I'm most likely not missed back home, hell, they probably don't even know I died, not like it matters" Myr said with another bitter smile.

Before anyone could speak, Myr continued. "To be completely honest, if I have any sort of nightmares, I tend to clam up about them, and more often than not, I become extremely depressed and sometimes have suicidal thoughts. Every time I have to relive those time, I'd honestly rather-"


Startled, Myr turns around and looks at Chloe, who to her surprise, is on the verge of tears.

"Don't you DARE say you're going to kill yourself! You have how many people here that are willing to support you, are you just going to throw that away?! Hell no! If you can't live on for yourself, do it for us! You have so many support pillars in your life now. I refuse to see you let them go to waste!"

Shocked by Chloe's outburst, Myr quickly collects herself. "I know, that's why I wasn't finished. I was going to say that though I'm not familiar with the concept or feelings of having a family, I'd like to think that what I have right now is what I've always dreamed of having. I'm not going to throw this chance away, I promise."


Later that night...


A collective cheer went out at the Hostess of Fertility. What's the cause of such a festive celebration despite the events that happened earlier today? It just so happened that today was Myr's birthday, according to Systi that is.

{Did you really not know when your birthday was?}

'That's correct. I've never celebrated my birthday before, so I just never kept track.'

{Jeez, you're a chore you know that? No matter, at least you have the awesome me to help you out! I'm rooting for ya you crazy cat!}

'Heh, I'll be counting on you.'

"Yo, Myr. Loki to Myr. HELLLOOOOOOOO!"

Turning towards Loki, Myr was about to ask what the matter was before a cake was presented to her.

"So then birthday girl, what do you think of the cake?"

Looking at said cake, despite it looking plain, it had a very sweet scent to it.

Smiling, Myr said that it looked and smelled great, which elicited a host of cheers from everyone present.

A loud crash was then heard downstairs, causing an abrupt halt to the festivities.

All of a sudden, Syr comes up the stairs and does a slight bow. "I apologize for the racket. An overly drunk man just pulled on Chloe's tail-"

At that moment, an unmistakable feeling of killing intent radiated from Myr, causing everyone to have chills run up their spines.

With a cold glint in her eyes, Myr icily asked "If that's what happened, where is this overly drunken man? I'd like to have a chat with him."

Feeling a little numb, Syr manages to say with faux confidence "Don't worry Myr, calm down. Mia personally threw the man out of the pub. It's all taken care of."

Huffing, Myr manages to calm herself down, to which everyone exhales heavily. Back to her signature smile, Myr cheerfully said "Well that's wonderful! Now then, who here has a knife that I can cut the cake with?"

A collective sigh could be heard from the entire group, all of them having the same thought,

'Well, she's back to normal.'