Suck it up and do it!

1 year has past since Myr finally accepted her past, present, and future, surrounded by her new family at the Hostess of Fertility. In the past year, Myr has went on 2 dates a week with Chloe on a minimum, and has even slept in her room in the living quarters of the famous pub with Chloe, though nothing too intimate. Myr also found out how good it felt to be pet and scratched behind the ears, and have her belly rubbed by Chloe. It could be said that despite the strength difference, Chloe was the alpha of the relationship, and Myr was fine with that.

The progress Myr has made level wise is nothing short of monstrous, as the Loki Familia had quickly became even more famous with Myr constantly spearheading expeditions, and the previous record regarding the 59th floor was crushed, as Myr herself cleared the way through the 59th, 60th, 61st, 62nd, 63rd, and 64th floor, only stopping at the 65th due to Systi's warning.

Myr's constant logic defying feats have given her fame and recognition beyond what she could have dreamed, as was praised as the 2nd most powerful adventurer, earning her the alias at the latetest Denatus, "Empress". People still thought of Ottar being the strongest, though in all reality, Myr and Ottar happened to meet one another by chance and as soon as Myr flared her strength, Ottar knew right then and there that if Myr seriously wanted to kill him, there was nothing he could do to stop her. A mutual respect and eventual friendship formed between them, Ottar respecting Myr's strength, and Myr respecting Ottar's social position.

Myr finally managed to reach near the peak of level 7 during the 1 year, making her the second level 7 to currently reside in Orario. As for her stats, they're as follows:

[Name: Myr Aeternum

-Level: 7

-Soul Tier: 3

-Power: (+700,000)EX94,000

-Endurance: (+700,000)EX95,000

-Dexterity: (+700,000)EX94,000

-Agility: (+700,000)EX92,000

-Magic: (+700,000)EX100,000

Skills: [Stat Acceleration(Innate)], [Omni-Sense(Innate)], [Karmic Killer(Innate)], [Eye of Truth(Innate)], [Cultivation Paragon(Innate)], [Infinity: EX], [All Language Comprehension: EX], [Void Lock: EX], [Stand: EX], [Acrobatics: EX], [Thunderclap Kill: EX], [Ground Pound: EX], [Close Combat: EX], [Dance Of The Moonlit Cat: EX], [Spectral Swords: EX], [Soul Shattering Martial Style: EX], [Martial Empress: EX], [Juggernaut: EX], [Nova Enhancement], [Domain Expansion: EX], [***** **** **************: ???](Locked)(NEW), [Divinity: ???](Locked)(NEW)

Magic: [Hollow Purple], [Cursed Technique Amplification: Blue], [Cursed Technique Reversal: Red], [White Nova], [Fallen Down], [Cosmic Collapse], [13 Ancients Summoning], [Wrath Of The Golden Crow], [Big Bang], [Thousand Palm Rain], [Purgatorium], [9 Lives Petal Storm], [8 Trigram Tribulation Lightning], [Immunity Shield], [Flak Storm], [Gun Barrage(1-1,000,000)], [Field Of Phoenix Tears](NEW), [Field Of The Asura](NEW)]

Myr herself was thrilled at what her stats looked like and wanted to push for level 8. One should note that while her combat prowess was leagues above everyone else's, Myr is, after all, only 17 years old physically, and 13 years old mentally, so her chuuni phase has gone full swing and has caused people, mainly Riveria, who acts like an aunt to Myr, plenty of headaches.

Speaking of Myr...

{Oi, you lazy cat, GET UP!}

'Nyo, 5 more minutes'

{Don't make me start singing dababy songs because I swear I-}

Bolting upright, Myr has sudden flashbacks to when Systi started "singing" to wake her up. Shuddering, she quickly gets out of bed and walks over towards her closet she had set up.

Picking out white sundress with black lining, a pair of open top shoes, thigh high white stockings, and, unlike her usual style, a boating hat with a cats paw ornament and two slots cut out on the top so her ears could stick through.

{Hehh, you're dressing up quite nicely, is it date time already?}

'Yeah, I'm so excited. I'm hoping the shops are open. I want to buy Chloe a nice dress, but I'm not sure what kind of dresses she likes to wear. She's always wearing a skirt and shirt, never full dresses.'

{Well, you know her sizes right? If that's the case then wing it. Get your girlfriend something nice to wear, and she'll more than likely love it! Besides, she's already given you a nice dress that cost her 12,000 Valis, about time you got her something.}

'Alright. Do you think-'

{Don't even say it. She won't want a house. Get her jewelry, a dress, and give her some of your talismans and weapons she might like. I know she uses daggers and short swords. Loki already thinks you have a creation divinity along with time and space, so just tell her you created it. There's this cool pair of daggers that disguise themselves as rings. They're called "Mustang and Sally". Mustang has fire attribute laced attacks that can reach up to 2,000 degrees Celsius while Sally has ice attribute laced attacks that can reach 2,000 degrees Celsius below freezing. Here, take a look at them.}

A bright light flashes and what Myr sees awes her. Mustang was a beautiful Kirpan with an inwardly curved point. The handle was a beautiful dark purple sheen while the blade itself was a shining gold color with complex primordial runes that glowed and swirled with orange, yellow, white, and red colors. Just being near Mustang in an inactive state made Myr feel a little warmer. Sally on the other hand still the same type of Kirpan and had a handle that had a dark purple sheen to it, but this time the blade looked a glossy sheet of blue and white ice, with glowing primordial runes that swirled with dark and light blue, white, and purple colors. Being near Sally in it's inactive state made Myr feel as if a cool breeze was blowing past her, which perfectly complimented Mustang's effects.

Since they could both turn into rings, neither of them had sheaths, but they both came in an intricately carved and decorated box together, with a gap to the side of their compartment that was built for a bunch of talismans.

Looking through her talisman collection, Myr found a bunch she would like to give Chloe, from life saving ones, to offensive and defensive ones, some meant for debuffing, and others meant for buffing, and some just for regular use.

Not sure which ones to choose, Systi speaks up when she senses Myr's slight distress.

{Oi, don't worry, I got this! Here's a box that's kind of like the case that the Kirpans came in, except it only has room for a two storage rings. One ring will be strictly for talismans, and the other ring for basically anything else. The silver ring with a black diamond is the ring for talismans, while the gold ring with the black diamond is the one for personal use. They both have the same amount of room, which is a whopping 1 kilometer cubed. I already put 20,000 Lightning Wyrm, Phoenix Blaze, Earth Chasm, Water Swallow Storm, Roaring Wind, Devouring Aberration, Arctic Maelstrom, Soul Crushing, Sun Barrier, Swallowing Darkness, Light Shield, Earth Dome, Magic Up, Hard Armor, 10 Times Haste, Attack Amplifier, All Cure Field, Nidhoggs Saliva, Corrosive Miasma, Minefield, Medusa's Gaze, Solar Flash, and Hypnos' Serenade talismans.}

Taking a break for 5 seconds, Systi continues.

{I've also just added 10,000 Instant Transmission and Beacon/SOS talismans, 5,000 Bountiful Feast and Shelter talismans, 1,000 Silent Night, Eagle Eye, Bloodhound, Notice Me Not, and Noclip talismans, and finally, 100 Resurrection talismans. All Chloe needs to do to use everything in the box is pass just a tiny bit of mana into the weapons, rings, and talismans and they'll activate. Pretty great gift right?}

Outright stunned, Myr cracks a wide smile and chuckles. 'Yeah, that's one hell of a gift. I think she'll love it. Thanks Systi, you're the best.'

{Hehehe, you know it!}

Rolling her eyed with a smile, Myr walked out of the living area and was met with Loki and the crew's gazes and smug grins. Raising her left eyebrow, Myr sat down on the couch next to Riveria and casually asked "So, what's with the smug grins? You didn't pull a prank on me did you?"

Chuckling, Riveria shook her head. "Myr, we've all been talking recently before you came out here, and we've come to a decision."

Not smiling anymore, Myr immediately became wary when Loki started cackling. Noticing Myr tense up, Riveria almost started to panic. "Myr listen, it's nothing bad, it's good even. We've been talking and, although it might be a bit unusual, we've all come to the conclusion that you and Chloe are meant for eachother."

Tilting her head to the right a little, Myr was about to ask what she meant when Riveria toon a deep breathe and asked "Myr, what do you think about marrying Chloe?"

Pausing for a second, everyone thought Myr had started daydreaming again when she suddenly asked a question that made them all speechless. "What's it mean to marry someone? A collective sound of forehead slapping and face palming could be heard as everyone had the same thought. 'I forgot, she's 13 mentally,'

Bete was the first to speak up. Looking at her with a confused look, Bete asked "Wait a minute.. Myr, do you not know what it means to marry someone?"

Shaking her head, Myr gets slightly agitated and fidgety. Seeing her sudden change in behavior, Loki quickly tries to defuse the situation. "Myr, marrying someone means that you and your partner love eachother so much that you decide to share your lives with eachother. You would most likely live here with her and share your room with her. You could also become intimate with her if you two wanted to do so. You do love her, right?"

Nodding her head, Myr says with passion in her eyes "Yes! I love her more than anyone else!" Realizing what she just instinctively said out loud, Myr turns beet red and her ears and tail droop.

The Loki Familia, Hostess of Fertility staff, and Chloe have all come to learn what Myr's unconscious body signs mean. For instance, when Myr's tail starts to stick almost straight up or makes an "S" shape and moves, that means she's happy or content. When her tail is slightly more puffed out than normal and her ears fold back and lay flat against her head, that means she's either startled, scared, or angry. When her ears and tail are drooping and she has a beet red face, that usually means she's embarrassed almost to the point if crying.

Realizing this, Loki hurries over and hugs Myr firmly while saying "Look, I'm sorry Myr, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that."

After calming down, Myr stays silent for a few moments while everyone holds their breath, not wanting to interrupt her thoughts.

After a while, Myr finally looks at everyone and says "While I do love her, more than anything else, I'm not sure if I'm ready for this. I just don't feel confident that I'd make a good wife. Maybe in a couple of years I'd be ready, but I'm not totally sure if-"

Before she could finish, Loki looks at and interrupts her.

"Bullshit Myr. We all know that's a lie. Even if you truly weren't comfortable, we'd all help you out. We're a family after all, it's what we do. Besides, I'm sure you've just created something just a few minutes ago to gift her, right?"

Stunned, Myr was about to ask how Loki knew but before she could ask, Tiona was actually the one to interject this time.

"Even myself who has a 0 for a magic stat could feel the fluctuations in energy coming from your room."

Raising her eyebrows, Riveria asked "So, what did you make her?" Myr is a bit bashful and hurriedly explains about the daggers, the storage rings, and the dress and jewelry Myr's going to buy Chloe.

Widening her eyes, Loki and Riveria were both shocked. "Wait, Myr, you're saying you made her two storage rings and both of the daggers turn into rings as well?"

Myr nods her head and Loki sighs. "That's awful sweet of you Myr but equipment like that is bound to cause a stir and people might come after her to get those items."

Myr cracks a smile that would freeze even the most hardened criminal's heart. "They can try to go after Chloe, but they won't succeed."

Shuddering slightly, Loki waved her hand. "Okay, okay, bad choice of words on my part, but still, you get what I mean."

Nodding her head, Myr quickly looked in her inventory and found an exquisite gold ring layered with 24 carat diamonds of a whole assortment of colors in the shape of a cats paw. Sensing no power coming from it, Myr could tell that it was a wedding ring.

Taking it out, Myr saw it as set in a small box that could fit in her pockets or a purse if she wanted.

Seeing the ring, Loki and the others breathed out in relief and grinned to eachother. Finn smiles and said "Good luck Myr, you deserve to be happy, we're all with you." This got her a chorus of good luck and well wishes from everyone. Blushing, Myr waves goodbye and heads out to find Chloe near the Hostess of Fertility.

After finding Chloe, Myr and her went out on their usual date which usually involved sitting in a shady spot under a tree just watching everything go by while they ate lunch and Chloe scratched and rubbed Myr's ears.

When their time together was almost up, Myr decided to bite the bullet and ask the fated question.

Getting on one knee in front of Chloe like Loki told her to do, Myr presented the ring to Chloe and asked, "Chloe, will you marry me?"

Stunned, Chloe didn't respond for several seconds as she wasn't expecting Myr to do this. After a few seconds, Chloe starts to tear up and envelopes Myr in a warm hug. She looks into Myr's eyes and said "Myr, I'd love to marry you!"

With a wide grin and giddy heart, Myr and Chloe kissed right as the sun was in a perfect position.

All of a sudden, Myr heard movement all around her. Puzzled, Myr was about to send out an invisible pulse of her aura when the Loki Familia and the Hostess of Fertility popped up from behind the trees and bushes around them.

Turning beet red, Myr realized that everyone probably saw Chloe and her kissing and her being pet and scratched behind the ears by Chloe as well.

A chorus of congratulations went around as everyone was genuinely happy for the couple of love cats.

Smiling, Mama Mia looked at Myr and said "Congratulations Myr, you deserve this happiness." Turning towards Chloe, Mama Mia smirks. "Chloe, take good care of Myr, you hear me? I'm happy for you kids."

Agreeing with Mama Mia, Loki chimed in. "Now that this is settled, what'ya say we head down to the pub and have a drink shall we?"

With everyone sporting warm smiles, they all head back to the pub and celebrated Myr and Chloe's soon to be union.

Once the festivities were over, with both Loki and Bete passed out from the booze, Gareth picked up Bete and slung him over hid shoulder and carried him back to the mansion, while Tiona carried Loki. During the celebration, Myr pulled out a barrel of fire wine and strawberry sweet mead, both of which were stronger than all of the liquor in the Hostess of Fertility. Myr of course didn't drink, as she didn't like the smell of alcohol.

When it was just Chloe and Myr left, Chloe turns towards Myr, and with a loving smile, said "Thank you for choosing me Myr. I know there are plenty of people out there you could have chosen, so thank you."

Blushing, Myr looked back at Chloe, and with her goofy smile, Myr simply said "Chloe, you're the only one for me. Even if the most beautiful woman or man appeared to court me, I'd reject them in a heartbeat if it meant I could be with you forever."

With that, the night ended with a passionate kiss between the couple.