Divine Intervention: Everlasting Consequences

After heading back to her room Myr gets undressed, gets into her sleepwear, takes off her blindfold, and lays down on her bed with her system screen showing.

'Systi, go ahead and pull the gacha 1,000 times please!'


'Yo, Systi, you good?'

{You are...}

{Target acquired.}

Thoroughly concerned now, Myr sits upright and continues to try and speak with Systi. All of a sudden, a holographic symbol that looked like a large, red, roman numeral 1, a skull in the middle with three lings going across the 1, and a halo above the skull with wings that looked like angel wings on it's side.

About to tap the hologram, Loki suddenly bursts open the door and yells "MYR! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PRESSURE FOR?!"

It was only now that Myr realized that she was passively releasing her aura to defend against the effects of the symbol.

Taking note of said symbol, Loki gazed at it and slightly opened her eyes as her face paled, "Myr, don't move. I'm sensing a ton of foreign energy surrounding you, and my divine sense can't discern whatever that thing is."

As soon as she said that, Myr was about to ask her how she could see the hologram, when all of a sudden a glowing box enclosed Myr as shining gold chains wrapped around her wrists and ankles and binding them. The entire inside of the box turned black and then a bright light flashed, bright enough to make Myr close her eyes and shut off her senses.

When she opened her eyes, she found she was upright with her arms and legs bound tight and pulled out so that she resembled a starfish. When she looks up, she sees herself surrounded by 5 men, all the same height at roughly 210cm tall, muscular, wore big suits of armor, carried large scaled weapons, and all had a bald head sporting a stern and cold look. The symbol that the hologram had on it was printed on their armor.


Meanwhile back in Orario...


Loki's shouts could be heard throughout the mansion as well as on the streets surrounding the mansion.

A thrum of footsteps could be heard rushing up towards Myr's room and when everyone arrived, what they saw shocked them.

Myr's room looked like a strong wind blew everything around, as there was nothing even remotely where it should have been.

Noticing Loki kneeling down and crying, everyone peeked over her shoulder and they all went pale, some even throwing up.

There were a pair of white haired catgirl ears lying in a puddle of blood.


'Gah, my head fucking hurts, my ears, I think I lost my ears, I can't move them, GAH FUCK THIS HURTS!'

The middle of the 5 men walk towards Myr and jerks her chip up to where she was looking at him in his eyes.

Feeling indignant, Myr scowls at him and was about to tell him off when, as soon as she opened her mouth, all the air was forced out of her lungs as she felt a throbbing pain near her diaphram as she struggled to get air into her lungs.

After coughing and glaring at the man, the man finally spoke up.

"Do not say a single word Daemon, for we will strike you down for the sake of the heavenly order. We, the Divine Orda Malleus, who serve only the high pantheon, have your life in our hands."

Turning to look at her, the lead man frowned when he saw Myr's scowl. "Listen here Daemon, we would normally leave you be, except for one tiny problem. You're an anomaly. You bring no value in our multiverse by being something that the High Pantheon can't predict or manipulate. We have brought you here to rid you from the healthy multiverse, where you're the cancer."

Not giving up, Myr spat at the man's feet, which he easily sidesteps and backhands her in the face.

While her head was ringing, the man waved towards the other men and nodded. Bringing out 4 evil looking black and red glowing whips that had barbs all over, started whipping them, and screams could be heard through the muffled door.


"Ouranos, listen to me, you have to evacuate the area around my mansion, Myr was attacked and the area where she's trapped is becoming more and more flooded with a foreign and unstable energy."

Nodding his head, Ouranos normally wouldn't have "bought" Loki's act, but seeing as it had to do with Myr, a very famous Adventurer, Ouranos ordered the evacuation of the area 3 blocks surrounding the mansion. Flocks of mages led by Riveria were trying to understand and disable the box where Myr was trapped in, but to no avail.

Bete learned the hard way that if one were to strike at the box, the box would reflect what damage would have been done to it back towards the attacker, but increased 5 fold.


"Are you willing to admit your wrong doings now foul Daemon?"

Coughing out a mouthful of blood, Myr smirks "Listen to me chromedome, fuck you and your fruitcake of an inquisition. I'm not a demon or daemon or whatever you call them, I'm a catgirl that's only 17 years old. If you work for the High Pantheon, then just ask someone named "Messorem" about a lady called "Hanna Shulz", he'll remember."

Widening his eyes, the inquisitor then looked furious as he started beating Myr again for the 3rd time in half an hour.

Just as she was about to pass out, Myr could make out muffled shouting as she suddenly dropped and roughly landed on the floor in a heap because of the injuries she sustained.

"Lord Messorem, what are you doing here?!" the lead man shouts.

"I'm saving someone very important. She's of the utmost importance to the High Pantheon, if you would've killed her, then there'd be no helping you escape their wrath."

With a grim a expression, the lead man said "Lord Messorem, I ordered by men to lash her 100 times with Godsbane bramble thorn whips. If she's a mortal than she's more than likely to die within the next few minutes, or even worse, if she's killed before, she might undergo a demonic transformation of some sorts."

Staring in horror at the Inquisition leader, Messorem hurriedly takes something out of his pants and puts it into Myr's mouth and told her to start sucking.

Not understanding why Messorem shoved a slim vape pen into her mouth and told her to start sucking, Myr did so anyways, and a stench that reminded her of skunks that used to get run over.

Gagging, Myr couldn't even cough out whatever it was that she had just inhaled.

Moments later, Myr begins to feel super dizzy, her vision started to move, and she had a very dry mouth. She only saw a bit if green in the vape before she couldn't even think straight anymore.

Nodding at the tripping and nearly passed out Myr, Messorem mutters to himself, "Well, at least smoking catnip helps calm her down, I guess she really is a cat."

Carrying Myr in a princess carry, Messorem walks past the now worried Divine Orda Malleus members and disappears in a cloud of smoke.


"Loki, it's been 2 months, we don't even know if she's alive anymore. It's best we seal the area surrounding Myr's room. We'll list her as MIA and help keep watch over here." Hephaestus said softly to Loki.

Sniffling, Loki reluctantly gets up and leaves so the room can be sealed off.


'Ugh, my head. Myr head hurts. Wait, where am I? What is this place?'

Myr takes a look around and finds herself where she first arrived after she had died, Messorem's reincarnation room.

Sitting up, Myr feels more powerful than ever before, like liquid strength was pumping through her veins.

Focusing, Myr hesitantly asked 'Hey, Systi? Are you there...?'

A few tense seconds of silence pass when a quiet response could be heard.

{I'm here Myr. Are you feeling better now?}

Nodding her head, Myr decided to reach into her inventory and pull out a set of her casual adventuring outfit. Getting dressed, Myr sits on the pristine white bed and tries to recall what happened.

Remembering something, Myr reaches up to where her ears were and gingerly started touching them. Relieved that they were fully healed, Myr notices the door opening and turns to look at who just entered.

Seeing Messorem looking haggard and worn out, Myr rushes over to him and asked "Messorem! What happened to you, and why the hell am I here? Last thing I remember was getting my ass kicked by a bunch of metal chromedomes that called themselves Order Malpractice or some shit like that."

Surprised at Myr up and talking again, Messorem has a relieved expression on his face as he chuckles. "My dear, you certainly have quite the luck to have drawn the attention of the Divine Orda Malleus. Looking over you now, I do realize that you are indeed an anomaly. I guess it helps now that I'm the new High God of Death."

Widening her eyes, Myr asked "Wait, so I died? Those chromedomes killed me? I'll fucking butcher those pigs!"

Towards the end of her threat, her tone becomes icy and an unfathomable amount of slaughter intent rushed out of her like a beaver dam trying to hold back a tsunami.

Even Messorem wasn't spared from the sheer blood freezing slaughter intent Myr was emitting. Hurriedly, Messorem calms down Myr and explains that thought she isn't dead, she has to stay here for another month before she can go back.

She also found out the reason why she was feeling so strong is because she underwent a Class Omega Demonic Transformation, or CODT that was the most powerful ever seen. During that time, she clashed head to head with the entire High Pantheon while gaining the upper hand, and only stopped when he mentioned Chloe back home, after which she undid her transformation and promptly collapsed. She heavily injured 2 of the 8 high gods, and injured the other 6, which included Messorem.

Looking distraught, Messorem hurries and calms Myr down while explaining what kind of transformation she went through.

"A Class Omega Demon Transformation means that you underwent the rarest form of demonic transformation, and it only has a chance of happening with people who have suffered enough trauma to last 10,000 lifetimes. You are the rarest of the rare, I dare say unique, because not only did you transform into a demonic being that could eventually overpower the entire High Pantheon, but you regained your senses and pulled yourself out from the influence of the state you were in."

Feeling a little better, Myr fully calms down and took a deep breath, "Messorem, does that mean I have to die? I remember the Malleus guys mentioned that they hunted demons and-"

Before she could finish, Messorem placed his hand on her shoulder before quietly but firmly saying "If those jokers ever touch you again their entire order will be erased. The High Pantheon has taken a great interest in you. In due time, I hope we could make use of your power for the betterment of the multiverse. With you being able to push back the 8 of us in the High Pantheon, then you'd be our best companion and most likely highest earning bounty hunter as well, that is, if you agree. You don't have to answer right now, as that's still a long ways away."

Taking a moment for Myr to digest the information, Messorem continues.

"I'll have to put you in a stasis for the final part of the seal on your soul and aura to try and prevent your demonic transformation from destroying everything. The seals will alert us to your location and forcefully teleport you to the place where we fought you previously if they're in immediate danger of breaking. That being said however, it WILL allow you to use up to 1 percent of the total power your demonic transformation had. There will be blood red lines that appear on your body that give off the stench of blood, gore, and slaughter. Only use it if you or someone you love is in immediate danger of losing their life and you don't have any other options left. This power is meant to be your final ace in the hole for those kinds of situations only, so don't abuse it."

Nodding, Myr rests her head back and was both excited and terrified of returning, but before she could fully understand what exactly her feelings meant and why, Messorem tapped his finger on her forehead and she was put to sleep.


Half opening her eyes, Myr sees that she was encased in some sort of rainbow crystal, and only her eyed could currently move. She also saw she was in her room at Loki's mansion.

Or so she thought.

With wide eyes, Myr watches as numerous guild employees bustled about and guards were posted on either side of the crystal.

Feeling annoyed that her room was a mess, Myr tried to crack the crystal, only to have it shatter into a million pieces.

Jumping down, Myr approaches the gobsmacked guild employees when a worker, none other than Eina, slowly walks up to her. "Myr, is that you? It's you right? I'm not dreaming am I?"

Feeling her eye twitch, Myr huffed and did was anyone else would do in her situation.

Greet and comfort.

"Of course it's me! Also, even though I think I know the knobhead who authorized this whole thing, Why the FUCK is my room gone?! Now where am I supposed to sleep damn it!"

Stunned at Myr's outburst, Eina goes to her knees and hugs herself crying while saying "Oh my god you're alive! You're alive!", much to Myr's vexation. Remembering about how long Myr had been in the crystal, Eina says "Myr, your Familia, the staff at the Hostess of Fertility, and most importantly Chloe, have all been meeting together around this time to go out for drinks in remembrance of you. If we hurry, we might be able to-"

Eina then opened her eyes wide. Myr, who heard what Eina said, dropped the poor guard she was terrorizing and ran straight through the wall, through 2 meters of magically reinforced stone and metal, and rushed towards where she already sensed Chloe was.

Looking at the giant hole and panicking guild staff trying to confirm what made the hole, Eina smiled and chuckled "I guess some things never change. Welcome home Myr."


Approaching her Familia, the Hostess of Fertility staff, and her fiancé Chloe, Myr decided to cause a small scene, because why not?

Taking out and putting on full coverage ballistic mask with one way black bullet resistant glass on the eyeholes, a black fedora that had two ear slots for her ears, and a newspaper for Orario, Myr quickly tied her hair in a braid and hid it under her shirt and jacket, walked up to the table where the group was sitting at and pulled out a chair and sat down without pulling down her paper.

A dead silence pervaded the room, quiet enough to hear a pin drop, when Myr heard Loki ask, "Oi, who the hell are you?"

Staying silent, Myr was cracking a grin underneath her mask but didn't put down the paper or make even a bit of sound.

Tiona then spoke up. "Can you please leave? We're mourning the loss of our friend."

Still staying silent, Mia then chimes in. "Listen here kid, make yourself useful and scram, or I'll move you myself."

After a few seconds of silence, the group watched as Myr finally made movement, but simply just flipped the page of the paper she was holding.

Now thoroughly pissed off, Bete roars "Didn't you just hear us?! Fuck off! Better yet, how about you put that paper down and face us so we know what to put down on your gravestone!"

Turning her body to face Bete, Myr holds up her middle finger then does the okay sign. Myr then put down the paper, and took off her hat.

Chloe, who had stayed silent up until now, glanced over and saw the snow white hair on the person's head. Being reminded of Myr, Chloe lets out a sad sigh and goes back to drinking Myr's favorite juice.

Sighing herself, Myr shakes her head in her hand in mock exasperation. "You people need to learn how to recognize others by their aura." and flings off her mask, and accidentally threw it through the side of the adjacent building, going into the great beyond.

Looking over with a panic, Myr hurriedly asked "I'm not gonna have to pay for that am I? Loki, I don't have to pay for that will I?"

Noticing everyone's stunned looks, Myr remembers her original comment after she threw her mask off. "Sup everyone, your favorite migraine producer has come back and is ready for-"

Myr was interrupted when a black haired flash practically vaulted over the table and kissed her.

Being able to kiss Chloe again, Myr didn't hesitate to savor the moment.

Hearing an awkward cough, Myr and Chloe finally released eachother and saw that they were being watched by everyone else present.

Seeing Myr, who had been recently considered dead, appear before them nearly fried everyone's brain. Loki was the first to bounce back.

Smiling, laughing, and tearing up, Loki hugged Myr firmly, as if to never let her go.

"Welcome home, Myr."

With tears trickling down her face, Myr smiles at everyone.

"Everyone, I'm home."