Live, Laugh, Don't Piss Off The OP Cat

If you looked at the Loki Familia's mansion and yard space, you'd see a whole host of people bustling about and preparing for the wedding.

"Loki! Hephaestus is here with the metal!"

"Loki! All of the decorations have been set up!"

"Loki! Lefiya had a bad bloody nose and passed out after she saw Ais in her under- AGH! HELP! HEL-" *silence*

Smirking at the last comment, Loki knew the poor sap probably wouldn't be waking up soon. Looking over the final steps of the preparations, Loki couldn't help but chuckle when she imagined Myr's reaction to the wedding dress they picked out for her.


Myr, who was sitting down with Chloe in the Hostess of Fertility, suddenly sneezed. 'Is someone thinking about me? Why do I have a sudden bad feeling?'

"Myr, everything alright? You spaced out for a few seconds?" Chloe asked with a concerned tone.

Nodding her head, Myr scratched the back of her head. "Yeah I'm good, it was probably just me worrying over nothing."


3 hours later...

"Alright Myr, shut off your magic senses or whatever you call them because we all know you can see just perfectly fine with your eyes closed."

Raising her eyebrow, Myr was puzzled but did what Loki asked and shut off her Mana Sense. Leading Myr towards Loki's room, Loki, Tiona, Tione, Riveria, and Ais all directed Myr inside of Loki's room and then said all at once, "Open your eyes now!"

Opening them, Myr is at first puzzled, then shocked, then embarrassment, all in the span of 3 seconds, which the others found more than a little amusing.

Walking up to the dress, Myr delicately brushes her hand against the embroidered cat paws, roses, and swirls on it. It went down to about ankle height, with a silky smooth texture. The dress had a mermaid silhouette (the "style" of the dress), and the sleeves, which were lace and had extremely intricate yet beautiful patterns, went down to her wrist length and cut off at the upper biceps. The train wasn't too long, nor too short, and the waistline highlighted Myr's impeccable and flawless figure. There were gemstones embroidered into her bodice, and the veil looked so delicate, but in reality it was quite strong, and was even soft to boot. Myr then set her eyes on one area in particular. Blushing, Myr becomes fidgety and, after walking around the dress once, gives her verdict.

"W-Well guys, it's extremely beautiful, but.. wouldn't a fair amount of my chest be showing?"

Everyone deadpans and simultaneously thinks 'The overpowered cat can actually have a sense of modesty after all.'

Myr, unsure why everyone has their current expression, suddenly has a feeling of annoyance and blurts out "What? Are you surprised I can have a feeling of modesty?"

Widening their eyes, everyone immediately looks away. Seeing their reaction, Myr just chuckles. "I genuinely do love the dress though. I'll make an exception this time."

Sighing in relief, smiles went around until Loki pipes up, "Oi, we still haven't gotten to the shoes and jewelry yet."

Pulling out 2 boxes from underneath her bed, Loki hands the first one to Myr, who opens it to find a pair beautiful pair of white evening sandals that had small gemstones lining the sides.

The second box contained an ornate and stunningly gorgeous cat's paw shaped hair ornament that had was silver and gold.

Looking at everyone in shock, Myr, to the surprise of all who are present, takes off her blindfold and looks at everyone and breaks out in a goofy grin. "So, who's going to help me put this on? Because I haven't the slightest clue how to properly wear a wedding dress."

For once, Ais volunteers, much to the surprise of everyone, Myr included. With everyone leaving the room except Ais and Myr, Myr takes a look at Ais and couldn't help but ask, "Say, Ais. Do you ever plan on getting married?"

Staring at Myr with her usual stoic expression, Ais simply replies "Mn, when I find the right person." Chuckling to herself, Myr grins at Ais. "You know Ais, given your looks, I imagine you get letters from people wanting to court you, right?"

With slightly widened eyes, Ais was about to ask how Myr knew that, but before she could, Myr interrupts. "Ais, it's plainly obvious. A girl that's as beautiful as you is bound to get at least 1 letter month."

Nodding her head, Ais motioned for Myr to take off her clothes, which she does, and Myr, with the help of Ais, took a full 20 minutes to get dressed. With everything on, Ais walks out and motions for everyone to come inside the room to check out Myr.

Everyone's reactions were basically the same: shock.

To everyone else, Myr almost appeared to be glowing. Nervous, Myr smiles and hesitantly asked "S-So guys, what do you think?"

Tiona was the first to pipe up. "Myr, you, look, Amazing! That whole outfit just makes you look so, so, well just beautiful!"

Riveria chimed in as well. "Indeed, you look gorgeous Myr, you deserve this." At this point Loki was chuckling. With slightly opened eyes, Loki has her trademark "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good" smiles on her face. "shishishi I never thought I'd see the day where our little monster finds love. I'm proud of you Myr, I really am."

Turning beet red, Myr, not thinking, squeaks out "Thanks mom" only to realize what she said, which in turn flusters her even more. Not being ones to miss it, everyone just smiles at Myr, while Loki had her eyes open and a grin on her face. "Sure thing. Now, let's get the final steps ready shall we? Chop chop, let's go!"


Several hours later...

"Hot damn, more people showed up than I thought, then again, this IS Myr's wedding." Loki said with a chuckle.

Spotting someone who might be trouble, Loki grasps the communication jade that Myr gave everyone and sends a thought transmission. 'Alright guys, we probably don't have to worry Hermes, but given who he is, he's gonna manage to piss Myr off sooner or later. Keep an eye on him and don't let him get too close to Myr.'

With that out of the way, Loki walks up to Hermes and taps him on the shoulder. Looking over, Hermes spots Loki with a complicated expression on her face.

Smiling, Hermes gives Loki a slight bow. "Why hello there Loki, thanks for inviting me, I wouldn't want to miss one of the largest and most noteworthy weddings in the history of Orario!"

Waving her hand in a gesture of dismissal, Loki rolls her eyes with a tongue click. "Yeah yeah whatever. Listen here Hermes, I'm only going to tell you once, stay away from Myr and Chloe. If I so much as catch you trying to talk to them then not only will we kick you out of the wedding, But I won't prevent Myr from killing you if you manage to piss her off somehow. She's not someone that you can handle, because right now I'm wanting to say that the One Eyed Black Dragon doesn't hold a candle to her."

Raising his eyebrows, Hermes still hasn't lost his smile. "Come now Loki, I remember what the invitation said, no need for the extra warnings. Besides, I like it down here, no sense in getting sent back up to heaven!"

Clicking her tongue again Loki just grunts "Fine, just don't come crying to me if you fuck up."

Walking away from the messenger god, Loki then walks up to Hephaestus. "Yo." Turning towards Loki, Hephaestus breaks out into a wide smile. "Oh hey Loki, thanks again for this new metal, it's super strong and I've never seen anything like it before!"

Grinning in response, Loki chuckled. "Yeah, I think Myr called it "vibranium", whatever that is. Is the armor for Myr done?"

Nodding her head, Hephaestus replied "Yeah, it's done. I managed to make it a bit better by combining the vibranium with adamantite. I highly doubt I'd be able to ever make something like Myr's weapons though, I can't even recognize the majority of the materials used in them, much less seen weapons like them before, though I do recognize some of the weapons."

Nodding her head, Loki couldn't agree more. "I'm beginning to think Myr may have some hidden divinity that she hasn't unlocked yet. She could single handedly wipe any country off the map with impunity, not like she would without a damn good reason. I really wanna know what divinities she has damn it!"


Inside the changing room...

"Um, Riveria? I might need a little help.."

Myr managed to get dressed only to realize how hard it was to walk in shoes that have heels. With Riveria's help, Myr manages to get a hang of walking in heeled shoes.

With everything ready, Riveria led Myr towards the room near the beginning of the isle. After waiting a couple of minutes, Myr hears the door open behind her and when she looked back, what she saw gave her an indescribable urge. What that urge was, she wasn't sure, but what she was sure about is, at that moment, Chloe was the only thing she saw.

Dressed up in a tuxedo meant for female cat girls, Chloe had an emblem over where her heart was and it consisted of a white cats paw with pink gemstones where the pads on the paw would be. Her shoes were a sharp and pristine pair of dress shoes, and her bowtie was a scarlet red color. On her two pointer fingers were the disguised Mustang and Sally, and on her right middle finger was the spatial ring containing the talismans.

Checking her inventory, Myr made sure that the ring for Chloe was in there at the front in an small yet detailed box.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Myr startled until she looked and saw it was Chloe. Chloe was looking at her with a noticeable blush.

Blushing herself, Myr glanced down and just admired the dress she was wearing, then admiring Chloe's outfit.

Unfortunately, they were both interrupted by a cough, which snapped them both back to their senses as they quickly straightened themselves apart.

Chuckling, both Riveria and Mama Mia smiled at the two lovecats. Grabbing hold of her communication jade, Riveria nodded to both Myr and Chloe. "Alright, we have 20 seconds before the doors open."

Myr begins to get nervous, and noticeably so. Suddenly, she feels her hand being gently squeezed. Looking over, she sees Chloe smiling at her. Smiling back, Myr gently squeezes Chloe's hand back just as Riveria gave the green light.

Mama Mia and Riveria both opened the doors as Myr and Chloe took their first steps down the aisle.

Slowly walking down hand in hand, Myr and Chloe both had wide smiles, and could hear plenty of whispered compliments about themselves from the, quite literally, hundreds of people present.

Once at the altar, both of them stand on their corresponding sides. With Loki reading the vows, and both of them affirming in turn, they finally arrived at the fated questions.

"Myr Aeternum, do you take Chloe Rollo to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"Chloe Rollo, do you take Myr Aeternum to be your lawfully wedded wife"

"I do"

"Then by the power invested in me or some shit like that, you can kiss eachother."

Silence pervaded the entire area, it was deafening to the point where you could hear a pin drop on the grass. Noticing everyone looking at her, Loki just asks "What?" before Myr started laughing. After a couple of seconds, Myr leans in as does Chloe, as the red ribbon of fate ties the final knot around the two lovers as their kiss sealed the deal.


Normally, there would be a male group to party with the groom and a female group to commune with the bride. Seeing as how there were two brides however, everyone just communed together, hence the added security.

Myr was sitting on Chloe's lap and resting her head against Chloe while quietly purring, much to Chloe's joy. 'Ah, Myr is now mine! My adorable little wife, all mine! It's so wonderful I could sing, if I was any good at that. Now, how to make our first night as memorable as it can get~?' If you paid close attention, you'd see an almost predatory gleam flit across Chloe's eyes before vanishing.

Myr, completely oblivious to what was running through Chloe's head, sat contentedly on Chloe's lap, purring away. That is, until a glass was caught mid-air by Myr.

Glancing at the champagne glass in great annoyance, Myr notices everyone being dead silent, everyone looking at her in horror, not wanting to be looped into whatever storm they imagined would happen.

Hopping off Chloe's lap, Myr saw everyone clear a path to the person who threw it. Seeing a 187 cm tall man with messy brown hair, green eyes, and a fairly well built body leering at her somehow didn't trigger her anger, but what happened next did, and everyone present would soon learn that everything is fair game regarding Myr, except loved ones.

Still leering at Myr, the man suddenly stated "Absolutely fucking disgusting. Two women marrying, buncha freaks. I'm more worried how the short stack will deal with a far weaker partner. Hey short stack, better keep your f****t wife from the dungeon, otherwise a monster might gobble her up!"

Silence envelopes the area, everyone present turning pale when they caught sight of Myr's neutral expression. Before anyone could say anything however, Myr calmly walks towards a waitress who was serving drinks, and grabs a filled champagne from the quivering waitresses' tray, walked over to the man's table, and sat down, silently sipping her drink.

This continues for a while until Myr finally breaks the silence. "You know, I have a question that I think you might be able to help me with. I'll even make this interesting. How about if you guess correctly, I'll let you take my first time. If you guess wrong, well, let's just say that you'll wish you had died~."

Everyone sucked in a breath when Myr said this while the man laughed. "HAHAHA! I never thought I'd be able to take such a gem's first time. Fine then, you're on!"

Myr then gives one of the most horrifying smiles anyone has ever seen, even Chloe's hair on the back of her neck rose as alarm bells sounded in everyone's heads, though whether out of fear or respect, nobody said anything.

"So then Mr. Man, tell me. What weighs more, the amount of gold needed to make the beginning dagger every new adventurer receives, or the amount of gold needed to make the cheapest of chestplates that beginning adventurers would be able to afford."

Of everyone present, only two people had the answer, and that would be none other than Eina, who stares in horror at Myr, and Hephaestus, who caught on right away. 'Oh my god, she just gave the man a trick question, he's finished!' Eina thinks while slightly quivering.

The man however, just gives a hearty laugh. "Heh, well looks like you owe me your first time. The answer is easy, a chestplate will always need more gold to buy than the beginning dagger! That's my answer."

While feeling smug, the man finally notices something is wrong. Looking around, he sees everyone looking at him with looks of pity.

Suddenly realizing his mistake, the man pales as he looks up at Myr to see her giving him a smile that will forever haunt him in his dreams.

Hephaestus was the first to speak up. "Boy, while I'm quite pissed off at you, I can't help but pity you." Turning towards everyone else, Hephaestus quietly sighs before looking up and addressing the crowd.

"For everyone who doesn't understand, Myr just asked a trick question. No gold is used to MAKE the blades or the cheapest chestplates, only used to buy it."

Before anyone could react, Myr had already appeared in front of the man as she holds her finger in front of his face in between his eyes.

"You will stand still and let me restrain you."

The man's eyes turned into a glowing orange-red color as he says in a dazed tone "I will stand still and let you restrain me."

Standing straight and still as a board, Myr takes his two hands and cuffs them together with some adamantite handcuffs before binding his feet with another pair of cuffs while gagging him with a used belt.

"Alright everyone, I'll be back in just a couple of minutes!" Myr says with a chuckle before teleporting to the now vacant fountain she remembered from the anime and manga.

'Now then, let's look in my inventory, I need...'


"Myr my love, wake up please."

Groaning, Myr tries sitting up before finding a wave of stimulation hit her just about as hard as Truck-kun did to send her here in the first place.

Frowning, Myr taps into her perfect memory and recalled what they, or rather just Chloe, did to Myr while they were alone. Turning beet red with metaphorical steam rising out of her head, Myr looks at Chloe lost, as Chloe just smiles and asks "Looks like you remembered. So which did you like more? My tail or my tongue?~"

Turning even more red somehow, Myr squeaks out, "um, both?" This greatly amuses Chloenas she caresses Myr's cheeks and kisses her. Now fully awake, Myr gets dressed and ready. When she comes downstairs, some of the crew looked at her with complicated expressions, some with amusement, and in Ais' case, well, you know.

Loki cackles for few seconds before giving Myr a cheeky smile. "Myr, I'm not really sure what was going through your head but hot damn was it good kukukuku!" Finn pipes up. "Yeah, um, Myr? Was it really necessary to dress him in a, well.."

Myr then remember what she did to the man last night. "Oh! You mean the lewd bunny girl outfit on it. Yeah that was pretty good right?"

Loki begins to cackles for a full 10 seconds before she finally calms herself again. "Myr, that spinning wheel and horrible music just added to the absurdity of it. How the hell did you come up with that?



'Man, I couldn't hold my alcohol worth a damn in my previous life, I'm even more of a lightweight here. 1 and a half glasses of champagne and I'm already drunk. Wonderful..'

Shaking her head to clear it, Myr hiccups and begins to undress the man who was still under the influence of Myr's hypnosis, making him stiff as board unless Myr herself moved him.

Pulling out a very lewd bunny girl outfit and putting it on the man, Myr hiccups again and drunkenly pulls out a circus' "wheel of death" and straps the man in spread eagle. Myr then takes out a very large make-up kit and proceeds to absolutely butcher any sort of attempt at making him look "girly" and instead he looked, in Myr's words, "fugly".

Setting up some gears and pulleys, Myr sets up the wheel to continually spin at a varying rate in-between 80 RPM and 160 RPM, and it changes constantly.

She momentarily stops the wheel, hiccups again, and fumbles around her inventory (A/N: Should that even be possible..?) until she takes out an iPod, headphones, and set the music to be a shuffle between the awesome face song, Thomas the tank engine, the wonderpets theme song, MLP intro, Rebecca black's Friday, and Nyan Cat, all sung by a duet of the voice of Marge Simpson and the Sorting Hat.

She then hiccups, plugs the headphones in, straps the headset onto the man's head, blasts the music, and tucks the iPod in-between the breast cups of the outfit.

She then decides to go the extra mile and set up area defense talismans that will prevent anyone weaker than her from passing them.


Recap end...

Myr smiles and giggles cutely. "A little bird told me to do it."

At that, everyone just sighs and smiles.