A Goddess Has Been Born (1)

Waking up being cuddled yet again by Chloe, Myr yawns and leans into Chloe's embrace. Unfortunately, this wakes Chloe up.

"Good morning my love~" Chloe whispers in Myr's ear. Blushing, Myr whispers back "Good morning Chloe" while looking into Chloe's eyes. A quick kiss later and the couple gets up and dresses themselves, goes through their morning routine which consisted of brushing each other's hair, and putting on their communication jade necklaces.

Walking down the stairs, Myr yawns and does a 2 finger salute while Chloe is right behind. Everyone has gathered around in the main room, and chuckles sounded out when everyone saw the couple come down this late.

Coughing to get their attention, Loki starts the day off by giving her morning talk. "So, it's been decided that Myr and Chloe will take the day off today, and probably for a weeks worth of time." Loki says as she turns and looks at Myr to gauge her reaction.

As she expected, Myr wasn't too thrilled about that. "Wait wait wait, first of all, I don't remember agreeing to this, second of all, how am I supposed to blow off steam now? I haven't caused a juggernaut to spawn for a long time!"

Everyone deadpans, even Chloe, who then rubbed Myr's ears and said "Myr, you caused one to spawn last night when you were in the dungeon gathering cores and other materials for your experiments."

Loki felt a tick mark appear on her temple as she stared pointedly at Myr, who only managed to give a nervous smile and a weak chuckle before Loki chewed her out. Halfway through the scolding, Myr remembers something.

"Wait, before you continue chewing me out, I just remembered something from last night when I caused the Juggernaut to spawn. As soon as it saw me it started to run the other direction. I thought it was kind of weird but I just rolled with it."

Seeing everyone's doubtful looks, Myr pouts a bit before getting an idea. Snapping her fingers once, everyone is suddenly dressed in their adventuring gear, but before any of them could ask what Myr had in mind to do, she snapped her fingers again, causing everyone to teleport through tens of floors of the dungeon before suddenly appearing on the 62nd floor.

Noticing where they currently were, everyone stared wide eyed at Myr. Giving a cheeky smile, Myr, without any warning whatsoever, suddenly turned to face towards the "center" of the floor and stomped down once, and what could only be described as a quake shook the floor as a giant chasm that was 20 meters wide and 2km long appeared on the floor's ground, a large amount of the surface floor caved towards and fell into the giant chasm.

Finn was about to complain that he wanted to go home when a Juggernauts roar could be heard over the aftershocks of the "quake".

To everyone's disbelief, just as Myr said, as soon Juggernaut spotted Myr, everyone could almost see an instinctual fear in it's glowing eyes as it turned tail and began to run away from the giggling cat girl.

Smirking, Myr decided to make a show of it. Clapping once, the Familia members present saw Myr disperse into pitch black smoke with dull glowing red embers in it, and reappear with the same smoke effect in front of the Juggernaut.

Seeing it's worst fear in front of it, the Juggernaut surprised everyone present. With an almost deafening roar, the Juggernaut's body could be seen turning completely pitch black with glowing red "veins" running along it's bones. The eyes went from a bright red to a dark and more sinister feeling red.

Frowning, Myr suddenly feels slightly dizzy, something she hasn't felt in quite a while. 'What the hell? This can't be happening, I'm tougher than this' Myr thinks to herself, trying to force her body to move. Through her daze, she could hear her Familia members shouting to her, though it was as if they were yelling to her while she was underwater. All of a sudden, two notifications that looked like they were from Systi appeared in front of her.

[Attempting to raise Host's soul tier... Comple- Critical Error. Attempting additional soul tier Activating Emergency Soul Restoration... Successful. Host has 5 minutes to reach a safe location.]


She suddenly felt like she was supercharged, power coursing throughout her body. The aura that she released that were somehow still becoming stronger, severely damaged the surrounding terrain while a protective bubble of energy surrounded the rest of the Familia, shielding them from the torrential pressure.

Grabbing her blindfold, she stores it in her inventory before she converged an absurd amount of energy into her right eye as a it started to glow with a brilliant gold and shining white and silver light erupted from it. At the same time, a massive magic circle with primordial runes in the shape of a cog appeared when a boom shook the entire floor.

A giant series of cogs surrounds the Juggernaut and quickly crush it in an instant.






4 cries could be heard as 4 more black and red Juggernauts spawned in front of Myr. Turning towards the closest one, Myr's right arm became enshrouded in a blood colored mist and blood red tattoos as she made a crushing motion with her hand.

Screams, cries, and guttural noises flooded the floor as a giant blood red magic circle appears underneath the Juggernaut. Once formed, a countless number of hellish corpses burst out from the circle and pulled the Juggernaut into itself before sealing itself.

The 2nd Juggernaut was sprinting towards Myr when all of a sudden, her left eye glowed a glossy pitch black glow that seemed to absorb any light that came into contact with it shone out and a giant mass of pitch black, eldritch looking tentacles wrapped around and shredded the Juggernaut until it disbursed into mana.


The last two Juggernauts paused for a brief moment before sprinting even faster towards Myr. Just as they got within 20 meters, Myr raised both of her hands palm out towards the two monsters. On the right side, a giant, ancient looking clock face appeared in front of one Juggernaut while on the left side a giant black ball appeared in front of the other Juggernaut.

Clenching both of her hands, everyone could hear a *DONG* as the clock face shattered and the Juggernaut in front of it eroded into mana, while the black ball made contact with the Juggernaut in front of it and seemed to distort the monster's body before sucking it in and crushing it.


Turning towards everyone, Myr just says, "I'm sorry" before snapping her fingers and teleporting everyone back into the mansion's living room.

Before anyone could question her, Myr held up her left hand in a "stop" gesture before stating "I'm currently in the process of turning into a goddess. I have about 1 minute until I collapse and you folks will have to take care of me. Sorry about this. Someone get Chloe too, I need her near me when I go through this, as I have no idea what's gonna happen."

Loki ran into the room from all the way over at Hephaestus's shop as soon as she felt the first surge of divine energy coming from the dungeon.

Taking one look at Myr, Loki stares at her with fully opened eyes and her jaw dropped.

Waving at her, Myr says with a chuckle "Sup Loki. It's as you guess. I need you to alert every other god and goddess that we can trust about what's happening to me. Otherwise, nothing gets out, I don't need more problems, I have enough as is."


Laying down on the sofa, Myr closes her eyes and gets into a comfortable position just as the timer hits 0.

All she sees before she falls unconscious is a golden glow being emitted


Sprinting over from the ever so famous pub, Chloe only has one thought on her mind.

'I have to get to Myr, I have to make sure she's okay!'

Eventually reaching the mansion gates, the guards posted outside immediately let her through. Opening the doors with enough force to shake the surroundings slightly, Chloe rushes up to her and Myr's room where she finds her beloved wife drenched in sweat while radiating an aura that felt soothing and warm to her, but torrential to everyone else.

Walking up to Myr, Chloe pulls up a chair and sits down, gently wiping away the sweat that was building up on her body while gazing at Myr with tears in the corner of her eyes.

Glancing up at Loki and her Familia, everyone got the unspoken message and quietly left her and Myr's room leaving only the couple of cat girls alone in the room.


7 days later...

Myr slowly opened her eyes after what felt like years, so after sitting up she cracked her back and joints, stretched, and thought back to what exactly happened.

While she was unconscious, Myr was sent into her inner mindscape and displayed in front of her were 5 large glowing orbs of energy, each of them colored differently and were surrounded by countless other small glowing orbs of energy.

One large orb shone with a silver/white glow and had golden cogs within, while another was a glossy black with what appeared to be cracks on it that were glowing a dull red and a crimson fog kept rolling off of it. One of the orbs was weird in the sense that it was discolored, or rather, the colors were changing too fast to keep track of as they all blended together. It also had a giant clock face within.

Yet another one of the large orbs appeared to be made out of the entire universe, with sparkling stars and shining galaxies.

The last orb was pitch black in color and appeared to absorb any sort of light that hit it. It had black mist flowing off of the orb, and if you looked closely, you could see it move every now and then, as if there was something moving around within the orb.

All of the orbs suddenly shot towards and entered Myr's body, pain unlike any other overcoming all of her senses. She couldn't even move or make a single sound there was so much pain wracking her body.

After what seemed like an eternity later, Myr felt a cooling sensation that soothed her body which still felt like it was on fire. Before she could read any of the notifications that popped up however, sleep overcame her.

Regaining her senses, Myr suddenly realizes that she felt impossibly strong, as if there was nothing that could stop her. Remembering her partner, Myr hesitantly asks 'Systi, you there? You doing okay?'

A few seconds go by before she could hear Systi's voice groan, which immediately brought a smile to her face.

{About damn time you woke up. You were unresponsive for 7 days. I also have a ton of new features that were unlocked upon you reaching godhood. Take a look at your stats!~}

Smirking, Myr decides to hold off on that before she waves her hand and her adventurer's outfit appears on her. Getting a general feel of her new power, she spends the next few minutes just walking around her room and doing small movements in order to adjust. After she was done, she takes a deep breath and mentally prepares herself.

Opening her door, Myr begins to quietly walk down the stairs towards the living area where she overheard Loki talking to Ouranos, and could sense the rest of the main crew along with Chloe, Hephaestus, and a few other gods and goddesses she didn't recognize.

"Listen Ouranos, if Myr really does turn into a goddess, could she register her own Familia?"

"*sigh* If Myr becomes a goddess then she can do whatever she wants, it's not like any of us could stop her in the first place."

Loki's cackling could be heard along with chuckles from everyone else present. Even the usually stoic and expressionless Ais giggled for a little bit.

Deciding now was the moment, Myr silently walked down and leaned against the wall, waiting for someone to notice her. She didn't have to wait long until Chloe's ears twitched and she turned around, and the moment she saw Myr standing there with a goofy grin, Chloe burst into tears as she leapt over the couch and smothered Myr in a hug, all while petting her head and silently shedding tears of joy.

Everyone followed Chloe with their eyes and it's safe to say that everyone was shocked beyond belief before storming over to where Myr was still being hugged by Chloe and started asking questions all at once.

This continued until Loki shouted "Oi! Settle the fuck down! Let Myr speak damn it all!"

This snapped everyone out of their disbelief and they quickly spaced themselves out while looking a little ashamed.

The only one "exempt" from this was obviously Chloe, who they failed to notice was giving everyone the death glare. The Familia members all looked back at Chloe with the intent to apologize, only to pause in shock once they focused on Chloe's face and body.

Her usually emerald colored iris' were now a dark blend of purple and red, there were lines which were glowing a dull red that made the shapes reminiscent thorny vines lining her face, just enough to make her look impossibly sexier, as the same exact lines that looked like thorny vines ran along her entire body. The aura that was beginning to seep out felt like the aura of slaughter.

Sensing the change in Chloe, Myr gently flicked her forehead which snapped her out of the state she was in. Blinking in confusion, Chloe glanced at Myr and then looked at the crowd around them.

Myr spoke up as soon as it was silent. "I know you might be wondering why Chloe was just like that, and I can explain. When I became a goddess, I chose Chloe as my partner, which in turn "blessed" her with a sliver of my demonic powers."

Everyone stares at Myr with an incredulous look on their faces as Myr just lightly blushes and looks away.

Hugging Myr a little tighter, Chloe had already cleared her mind. "Myr, I'll shoulder anything with you. We're a couple after all. I'm sure your other family here will support you as well."

Support came around once more as Myr gently extricated herself from Chloe's grasp as she motions for everyone to sit down with her in the living area, which they all do.

Chloe ended up lifting Myr onto her lap and cuddled her while Myr began to explain what had happened. Taking a deep breath, she began.

"Let's start from the beginning"...