A prankster has risen

Waking up with Chloe cuddling her, Myr decides to just lay there in her lover's embrace, comfortably warm and cozy. As if sensing Myr was awake, Chloe hugged Myr a little tighter, as if she wasn't going to let her go. That is, until a knock on their door sounded.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hey, um, if you two ladies are done canoodling, there's a small problem out here..."

Groaning, Myr slowly gets out of Chloe's embrace as they both get up and get dressed. After dressing, Myr and Chloe walk out to the front yard where they both heard a bunch of shouting.

Walking outside to see what exactly was causing the ruckus, Myr froze as soon as she saw one of her least favorite gods, who unfortunately spotted her and waved at her with a lecherous smile.

"Why hello there! I was wondering when you'd show up my sweet Myr!"

Everyone present, including Chloe, looked at Apollo as if he were the biggest idiot on the planet and in heaven. Looking back at Myr, everyone felt their blood run cold as they saw her cheshire smile on her face with a gleam in her eye.

Feeling a bad premonition, Chloe hurriedly sent a telepathic message to her. 'Myr no!'

'Myr yes!' she thinks back with an evil chuckle before teleporting away in a cloud of black and red glowing smoke.

Seeing Myr disappear, Loki just pinched the bridge of her nose before walking up to Apollo and putting her hand on his shoulder, and then proceeded to kick Apollo right where it hurts the most.

As he was on the ground in pain, Loki kicked him again, this time on the ribs. "Do you have ANY idea how utterly FUCKED you are?! More importantly, if I have to fill out any paperwork from this, I'm going to hang you upside down by your balls and beat you like a fucking piñata! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, YOU POMPOUS SHITHEAD?!"

Once Loki was done with her tirade, she looked up and saw everyone staring at her with looks of shock, except for Chloe, who found the whole situation to be amusing.

Huffing, Loki looked Chloe right in the eyes and bluntly asked "So, how much is the cost of repairs going to be and how many people do you think will die? Also, could you possibly get her to stop whatever she's doing?"

Grinning even wider now, Chloe shakes her head. "I'm sorry Loki, but I'm guessing we might have to fork over quite a bit of money for repairs, and if words are to be believed, I think a fair amount of Apollo's Familia members will soon cease to be. Reason being: I've heard of Apollo's "dungeons" but thankfully have never been able to prove that they exist. If they do, then there'll be one less Familia down here."

Everyone sucked in a cold breath upon hearing that. Chloe wasn't finished however, much to their dismay.

"Before she left, I tried telling her "Myr no" and she just responded with "Myr yes" before disappearing. I could also sense that she was very upset to say the least."

Walking over to Apollo, Chloe took out 15 meters of magically reinforced rope that drained energy, a blindfold, and a ballgag from her spatial magic Myr gifted her.

After tying Apollo up after knocking him out, Chloe hoists Apollo up onto the flagpole that Myr had drunkenly installed, she turned around to see everyone staring at her in either shock or horror.

Raising her eyebrow, Chloe just asked "What?" in a confused tone of voice. Loki then began to cackle. "So Chloe, how the hell did you learn how to do that? That looks more like an art then a restraint kukukuku!"

Smiling, Chloe simply said "I have to fulfill my duties as a good housewife by letting my dearest experience the pleasure of what you call my art~!"

Everyone's face, including Loki's turned pale with Chloe's words, silently vowing to never piss off the second strongest being on this planet.


Appearing in Apollo's mansion, Myr spotted a secret passage into an underground room that was protected by several spells and enchantments.

Not bothering with being sneaky, Myr took out a particular exothermic breaching charge she got from the gacha and planted it on the wall leading to the passage. Pressing the detonator, Myr blanks as she saw nothing happened. After pressing the trigger tens of times in a single second, the whole thing gets smashed to pieces in her hand as she just ends up punching a hole in the wall and walking down to where the room is.

Seeing a metal door that looked rusted, Myr rips the door off it's hinges and becomes wide eyed at what she saw.

In the room, chained and in shackles, were over 100 hug pillows shaped like... her.

Deadpanning, Myr was interrupted by Systi. {You know, I was thinking he was obssessed with you, but not to this degree. I say we burn this room. Or better yet, let's do something funnier.}

Nodding, Myr takes out some wire, duct tape, and 4 of her cluster grenades and begins to walk towards the door when Systi started to panic. {Myr, MYR! Don't set any lethal traps, what if someone innocent comes down here and gets killed instead!}

'Because someone who visits a room with chains and shackles that looks hella sketchy is innocent.'

{... Touché}

Snorting, Myr puts back her cluster grenades and suddenly has a "brilliant" idea.

'Hey Systi, set the categories for my gacha spin to materials for pranks.'

{I can already see where this is going. *sigh* fine, it's done. 1,000 spins?} Systi asked in a tired tone.

'Yep. I wanna test my luck.'

The giant wheel popped up and started spinning. What it landed on almost sent her to heaven.

[1,000 BendMe!(tm.) Gender Bender Smoke Bombs (24 hour)]

Cackling, Myr quickly taped 20 of the smoke bombs all across the room, and tied the wire around the pins and finally ties the end of the wire to the door, afterwards teleporting out, but not after setting up recording magic all around the room.

Appearing in Ouranos' giant room, Myr quickly tapes 2 of the smoke bombs behind his "throne" attached to two wires that will pull the safeties off of the bombs.

Teleporting out of the room, this time Myr appears in Freya's mansion. She quickly started taping and wiring smoke bombs to Freya's bed and in her main Familia members' rooms. After leaving Ottar's room, she cloaked herself in her void divinity and leisurely walked her way past all of the safety measures and surveillance magic and into the armory where there came to be a small dilemma.

'Systi, I'm not gonna have enough time to set these all in place!'

{…Myr, my sweet partner, you're becoming dumb. What does your right eye control?}


The sound of an old bell tower's toll rang out as the world instantly lost it's color palette and turned grey, everything coming to an abrupt halt.

'Thanks Systi. Let's finish this, I wanna see the results.'

{You can me both.}

Taping and wiring the smoke bombs all around the armory, Myr then teleports to Ishtar's palace and begins to set up hundreds of smoke bombs all over the palace and grounds.

By the end of her set up period, Myr was down to 134 smoke bombs out of 1,000. Snapping her fingers, the world instantly regained it's color and time began to flow again.

Teleporting back to Loki's front yard, Myr quickly snaps her fingers again, sending Apollo back to his mansion, much to the surprise of everyone.

Seeing as how Myr returned, Chloe darted over and hugged her. "Myr, what did you do? Do we have to deal with any bodies?"

Looking at Chloe with her mouth agape, Myr silently shook her head before cracking a wide grin and whispering to Chloe what she did, which in turn elicited a peal of laughter from Chloe.

Turning towards everyone present, Myr simply said "Watch the show, it's about to begin." Projecting a multi-screen view of her surveillance spells as one by one, the smoke bombs were set off and the results were shown.

Everyone except Loki, Chloe, Myr, and Ais looked horrified at the effects of the gendee bender smoke bombs.

At this point Myr was on the ground from laughing so much that Chloe had to pick her up, all the while Loki was cackling like mad.

After about 5 minutes, all of the smoke bombs have been set off, and many, many beings were genderbent, much to their dismay.

Loki turns towards Myr, still smiling and asked in a humorous tone "Will they change back? It'd be pretty funny if they didn't, but I don't think anyone is gonna like being stuck the opposite gender for life."

"Yeah, they'll change back in 24 hours. I wonder how Ouranos is doing" Myr replied with a chuckle.


Ouranos' POV:

'Today was a mess. I hope that cat girl can relax her behavior. Bad enough that she's much stronger than I am, on top of wanting to visit the Denatus. For the first time in almost 600 million years, I want to retire. At least I can finally sit down and rela-'

*Insert the sound of a toxic babe in position being set off*

*Cough cough*

"Who dares- wait, why the hell is my voice this high pitched? What happened?!"

Looking down, I see two mounds of flesh covering the view of my feet. Fearing the worst, I reach down and.. it's gone.. my son is gone!



Looking at the screen, Myr couldn't contain her laughter as she clutched her stomach from laughing so much, much to the amusement of Chloe and Loki.

After a few more minutes of spying, Myr disables the screens as she lightly tugged on Chloe's sleeve. Having her full attention, Myr was about to ask Chloe if she wanted to go out for lunch until a very angry Ouranos stormed up to the group and what he, or rather she, looked like shocked many of the people around. Standing at 190cm tall (20cm shorter than his "male form"), silver/white hair that went down to her waist, a rather slim yet firm build with what Myr guessed to be D cups, much to her ire, and the most startling thing would be that the "old" look was replaced by a face and body that resembled someone who was in her late 20's.

As soon as Loki saw Ouranos, she started to howl with laughter, as Myr did the same while Chloe watched with amusement clearly written on her face. The rest of the crew around looked a mixture of shock and horror.

Walking up to Myr, Ouranos grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and lifted her up so that they were facing eye to eye and growled "You had better change me back this instant Myr. I'm not amused whatsoever."

With a smirk, Myr cheekily replied "Even if I could, why would I? You look a lot better in this form than when you were a wrinkly old man~"

Feeling a tick mark appear on his/her forehead, Ouranos dropped Myr and just sighed. "Are you meaning to tell me you used an item that you have no idea how to cure? Why the hell would you do this? What did I do to you damn it..." he/she grumbled.

Cutely tilting her head, Myr simply said "I'm not sure, I just thought it would be funny" to which Loki loudly said "You're god damn right it is! HAHAHAHA!"

Sighing again, Ouranos asked with his/her eye twitching "How long until I change back? The Denatus is in 4 days." Using her Energy Sense, the evolved version of her Mana Sense, Myr quickly looked at the internal, external, and energy structure, and what she found almost caused her to laugh again.

'Systi, if I'm a betting woman, Ouranos' internal and magical structure are completely fused, this means the effect are permanent right?'

{Yeah, he, or rather she, is stuck like that until you find a way to reverse the effects of the smoke bombs. Keep in mind, you can't just use another to change her back, you need to study the composition of the smoke bomb to basically reverse engineer it, though you could probably use your Clockwork divinity to instantly analyze it, though I'm sure you aren't going to do that. You seem to be having too much fun with this...}

Keeping a straight face, Myr "solemnly" replied "Ouranos, due to your status as a god, the effects won't disappear at all unless I find a way to cure you. I can't even analyze the compositon of my product. I suggest you find some better clothes and change your name to Ourania, you look cute though, definitely date-able material."

Hearing this, Ouranos, now Ourania, simply closed her eyes, and suddenly opened them and basically blinked in front of Myr and slugged her in the gut.

Though she could have easily dodged, Myr let Ourania hit her as it didn't even make her budge from her spot.

Looking at the now depressed goddess, Myr gently patted her back and said "Now now, it ain't so bad being a girl. Besides, I'm in the process of finding a way for goddesses to start a family, so maybe you could find some hot guy and strike it up with him and have a few kids. A demigod coming from you would surely be strong right?"

Loki instantly perked up. "Myr, are you serious? It's common knowledge that goddesses can't become pregnant-"

"Mom, when have I ever followed common sense?" Myr asked with a shit eating grin.

Feeling her heart warm from Myr calling her mom, Loki replied with a shit eating grin of her own and said "True, very true. Well if you're able to make it, lemme know first, I'll spread the news of what you're trying to do to a select few goddesses that're on good terms with us, they'll be happy to know that you're the one working on this problem."

Nodding her head, Myr quickly asked Systi 'Yo partner, do I have any more spins left' to which Myr received a mental image of the word "bruh" as Systi replied.

{The spin limit was removed for your gacha and about 98% of all available search tags have been unlocked, with only a little portion of them locked until you hit a higher soul tier. Lemme guess, you wanna spin for something like Enkidu?}

'Something like that, except let's not pull for Enkidu, that's just bad writing.'

Entering in the search criteria, Myr spent 50,000 pulls and much to her ire, received mainly pills that were called "Inanna's Union Pills" which basically just made infertile women become able to bare children. "Losing hope", Myr finally stumbled across a huge crate of a suspicious looking item that looked like a candy. The description read as such:

An image of a particular candy store owner popped into her head before she pulled out one of the candies and looked it over.

Tossing the candy to Loki, Myr said "Well I just came up with something. Eating that candy will let me steal your divinity, and I'm able to give it back whenever I want. Find someone you wanna have a kid with and I'll help you out."

With shocked faces, Ourania and Loki both looked at the candy as Myr just simply gave everyone a shit eating grin and said "I told you, I don't follow common sense."


After the whole ordeal with the candy and whatnot, Myr suddenly excused herself and teleported away to try and find some more clothes for her and Chloe's upcoming trip.

Wearing a mask and putting on a casual shirt and pants, Myr headed down towards the market where she bought what was most likely an unneeded amount of clothing and stored it in her inventory, making an excuse that it was the ring on her right pointer finger that allowed her to store items. Everything was going great, as she bought many snacks, treats, drinks, and different food items, clothes, small weapons, arrows, basically everything needed to go on an adventure.

Walking towards the nearby fountain to take a break, Myr spots someone who seemed very familiar.

'Is that Apollo?' Myr wondered with a smirk.

{Yeah, that's Apollo. Her energy signature is the same as when she was a male. Looks like the same thing happened to.. her, as it did Ourania. I have to say though, you kinda did her a justice, and she's just standing there waiting for whatever.}

Cracking an evil grin, Myr cloaks herself in her void divinity, hiding herself from view and senses, and begins to creep towards Apollo. Once behind her, Myr clasped her hands together, leaving both of her pointer and middle fingers pointing straight.


Myr then jabbed upwards and hit Apollo right in the butt, causing her to yelp and get knocked into the fountain.

Completing her prank, Myr then teleported back to her and Chloe's room where she was surprised to see Chloe, Loki, and Ourania waiting for her, with the first two snickering and the latter completely red in the face.

Feeling a bad premonition, Myr just said "I'm in trouble, aren't I?" to which she only received 3 stares back.
