I'll F*cking Do It Again

Myr stared at the 2 goddesses and her wife who were looking at her. Swallowing her saliva, Myr began to sweat internally before Loki finally broke the silence.

"So Myr, we've picked out a nice dress for you to wear at the Denatus. We also have a few rules you need to follow, hehe."

Chloe piped up at this moment. "Myr, we know how you're a magnet for the abnormal, and how you like to cause people headaches, but you need to keep yourself under control. That means you can't get into a fight unless provoked, got it?"

Ourania, who has been silent this entire time, grumbled "You've given me plenty of headaches Myr, so for the love of all that's holy, don't send any gods or goddesses to heaven unless you're PROPERLY provoked. Also, I'll be sure to let everyone know that you're the one who did this to me, so you can expect a few targets on your back."

Smirking, Myr cheekily replies with a laugh "Ha, I welcome them to try. Besides, I think Apollo looks better now than ever before."

Upon hearing that, Ourania simply got up and left without saying a word. Looking at the door that shut rather forcefully, Myr chuckled while turning her attention back to the other two people inside.

"I'm fine with whatever dress you got me as long as it doesn't look too lewd. Also, I may or may not have also targeted Ishtar, and Thanatos, and maybe a few other people who I didn't like."

Chloe simply raised her left eyebrow while Loki started belly laughing at Myr's revelation.


The time if the Denatus was upon them. Following Loki, Myr climbed up to the 33rd floor of the tower to where the Denatus was being held. (A/N: I forgot where it was held, it's been a while since I've read the manga)

The scene that Myr saw surprised her to say the least. The area was practically bustling with gods and goddesses, most of which she's never seen before.

Upon their arrival, Loki and Myr were greeted by Freya, who was wearing a low cut, slim light blue dress that had a single short train. Walking up to the duo, Freya's eyes immediately locked onto Myr, who was wearing the dress that Loki and Chloe picked out. It was a rather slim fitting dress that was black in color. A semi-low cut showed just a glimpse of the top of her cleavage, much to her embarrassment, two straps that had cat paw ornaments attached to then, an open back that made room for her tail, yet still covered her bottom, and the length went down to her ankles with a slit going up the right side, exposing almost all of Myr's legs. Myr also added a "safety feature" which was a carefully crafted spell that prevented anyone from being able to see her underwear if her dress were to be lifted, and instead just showed an endless black color.

Showing one of her trademark smiles, Freya covered her mouth with her left hand and remarked "My my, I never expected you to wear a dress like this Myr. If I was to guess, Loki and your wife probably picked this out for you, no?"

Nodding her head, Myr chuckled. "Yeah, they picked it out for me. Something about me only needing to look good, not act good."

With the subtle threat left out in the air, Freya smirked and held her hands up in mock defeat. "Come now, even though I might be a bit obsessive, I'm not stupid enough to antagonize you, though I wouldn't be too surprised if Apollo tried."

Loki started giggling at that moment, much to the confusion of Freya. Myr also chuckled a bit before walking up to Freya whispered into her ear "You're right, she might just try to" before walking away laughing with Loki, leaving a very confused Freya behind.

After all the hubbub died down, it was finally time for the official meeting to start. Everyone was seated except for Ourania, which confused everyone, until a silver haired bombshell walked in wearing a clean, grey suit that looked immaculate.

Sitting down in his, now her seat, Ourania raised her hand before stating in a dry tone "To all of you who don't recognize me, I am Ouranos. If you want to test my patience, then please, by all means ridicule me. Just know that will be the last time you see the mortal world."

After saying this, a heavy pressure descended down upon the gods and goddesses, making it clear that the silver haired bombshell was actually Ouranos.

Not missing a beat, a ginger haired beauty abruptly stood up. "You got your gender changed too?! Do you know who did it?!"

This got the other gods and goddesses wondering who the prankster was, and it wasn't long before they got their answer.

"Myr, come out from behind that pillar and show yourself!" Ourania shouted.

Stepping out of the cover of the pillar's shadow, (A/N: That sounded kinda chuuni) Myr waved and gave a cheeky smile. "Aw, come on Ourania, you look gorgeous! Besides, it's not so bad being a girl right?"

Myr had to dodge a fork being thrown at her by Ourania, which was a simple task, and watched it become embedded into the pillar she was standing by.

Whistling, Myr gave another cheeky smile. "Testy today aren't we? Be very careful Ourania, I have more pranks where that came from!~"

Murmuring broke out amongst the gods and goddesses, before Apollo stood up and shouted "Turn me back this instant, or I want Chloe!"

Everyone seemed to freeze and become 3 shades whiter after Apollo said that. Blinking over to where Apollo was, Myr forced Apollo to sit down in her chair and then conjured up adamantine handcuffs, cuffing her to the chair while preventing her from using any mana or her divinity.

Myr then began to drag Apollo towards a window, all while said goddess was still yelling to be released. Getting fairly annoyed with Apollo's yelling, Myr turned towards the obnoxious god, now goddess, and said "I don't care if you insult me, but insulting my wife by saying you want her, well, that's a big no no young lady."

Punching open the window and making it a bit wider, Myr turned and smiled. "I hope you know how to fly Apollo, 33 floors up will most likely kill you. You can avoid this by biting your tongue off, which in turn will probably lead to your avatar's death, but don't worry, in a couple hundred years we can have another date. So, which will it be?"

Everyone sucked a cold breathe in when Myr was finished with her offer. One god even stood up to try and protest before sitting back down instantly when Myr glared at him.

Apollo, for the first time in her life, felt terrified. Turning her head towards Ourania, she said "Please Ouranos, you have to stop her! She's taking this too far!"

Her face turned white as Ourania simply shook her head while saying "Apollo, I recommend you just accept what's coming. I've told you specifically not to antagonize Myr, yet you did it anyways, and you targeted her wife. Besides, if I tried to stop her, it'd only mean my death. You've angered the one being that I would dare call invincible. Rest assured, I'll make sure your Familia members have a place to stay."

A look of despair filled Apollo's face as Myr picked up the goddess up and whispered "I'll see you next fall" before yeeting her out the window.

Cries of astonishment and horror rang out as everyone crowded around the window to see what became of Apollo, only to deadpan at the sight.

A metal contraption that looked like an upside down ceiling fan was hovering in front of them, with the blades spinning, and on one blade, was an unconscious Apollo attached by a piece of chain wrapped around her waist and armpits, making her form a T pose while being spun around.

Turning to look towards Myr, they deadpanned again once they saw her eating more food. Noticing their gazes, Myr just shrugged her shoulders while eating her a bowl of noodles.

Feeling that their gazes haven't let up, Myr takes a break from eating. "What? I'm not gonna have a worthless piece of shit's blood on my hands. Besides, she looks better like this, don't ya' think?"

Loki begins to cackle while Ourania had her head in both of her hands, while the rest of the gods and goddesses had conflicted expressions on their faces.

Myr on the other hand kept eating despite the hubbub.

After she was done eating her noodles, Myr began to get more food as everyone sat down and an awkward silence ensued before Ourania cleared her throat.

"Well, now that the little incident has passed, let's just get on with the nicknames, shall we? First off, there's Myr and her Familia, which as of right now, only has Chloe in it. From what I've heard, she recently hit level 10, correct?"

Murmurs of astonishment could be heard, while Loki and Myr both had shit eating grins, met eachother's eyes, and gave eachother a thumbs up. Ourania catches this and feels her left eye twitch.

Myr then said "If we're choosing Chloe's nickname, keep in mind that I'll kill anyone who tries to give her a nickname she wouldn't like or I don't like, so choose wisely before you say something that'll put your Familia members on welfare."

Multiple gulps could be heard as no one spoke up. After a while, a single god gave a suggestion. "What about "Black Claw"? It sounds cool, I think so at least."

The god shudders as he feels a piercing gaze, and when he looks for the source, he sees Myr staring at him.

He almost apologizes before Myr waved her hand. "That's fine by me. Just for that good suggestion, how would some resources be? If I remember correctly, you're Miach, correct? Do you want me to pay that debt you owe that grouchy old bean counter?"

With wide eyes, Miach nods. "Yes, I am indeed Miach, but I can't let you shoulder that debt-"

Myr cuts him off. "Listen buddy, you're pretty deep in the shitter right now with debt. A full mechanical arm isn't cheap. Besides, I can go into the dungeon and make money whenever I want, and money ain't a problem for me, so stuff a sock in it and let me pay your debt. Besides, I gotta reward you somehow for having balls of adamantine for even daring to suggest a nickname. None of these other blokes had the courage to do so."

Gulping his saliva down, Miach nods once more. "Then I'd be most grateful for you assistance, thank you Myr."

Waving her hand in dismissal, Myr goes back to eating her food after saying "Leave me out of the rest of the meeting, I don't care about nicknames. Besides, I'm a cat, I reserve the right to be lazy."

This earns her a fair amount of chuckles as even Ourania smirks a bit before putting on her more serious face.

The rest of the meeting went as planned, with nicknames being given and even two gods nearly getting into a fist fight over who could drink the most.

Afterwards, Myr flags down Dian Cecht and hands him a pouch saying "Here you go. I promised to pay off the debt Miach had. That's a spatial pouch, and in it you'll find 1.5 billion Valis. I also don't want to hear you troubling the Miach Familia, or we're gonna have problems, got it?" while releasing some mild killing intent.

Flinching, Dian gingerly takes the pouch and reaches his hand inside and feels his hand sink into the money, which in turn makes his eyes go wide.

Smiling, Dian was about to thank Myr for her business, only to find her gone. With a wry smile, Dian mutters to himself "Well, if Myr tells me to get along, I might as well. Besides, this pouch is priceless. I'll make it one of our most prized possessions. 1.5 billion Valis, that's 600 million more than was needed. Guess I owe her a few favors now."


Having done what she wanted to do, Myr makes her way back towards Loki's mansion, which in turn she's greeted by the Loki Familia giving her an odd look and Chloe, who was smirking with a gleam in her eyes.

Waving at them all, Myr walks up and kisses Chloe on the cheek before greeting everyone present. Loki then makes an entrance, laughing while remembering what happened during the Denatus.

Throwing her arm around Myr's shoulder, Loki asked "So Myr, do you think Apollo will trouble you again~?"

Snorting, Myr simply responded "She's stupid beyond measure. Myr guess would be yes, she will, though the result will just be another humiliation."

Finn then walks up and taps Myr's arm. Looking at Finn with her head slightly tilted and ears twitching, Myr had a quizzical look on her face as Finn asked "Myr, you DO realize that you're gonna have a huge target on your back now? Not that it'll matter, but just be careful, okay? None of us want to lose you, you're like a sister to us."

Feeling a warm fuzzy feeling inside her chest at being called family, Myr gives Finn a heartwarming smile. "Of course. I've come to see all of you as family as well. If you ever find yourself in trouble and you're unsure of what to do, I'll try my best to help you. Besides, Dian and Miach both owe me some favors now, so I can always cash those in a pinch."

Looking at Myr with a confused look, Riveria asked "How did you get two gods who have a grudge with eachother to both owe you favors?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Myr said "I paid off the Miach Familia's debt and I overpaid Dian by a huge margin."

Taking a breathe, Myr looks up at an angle and said "You know, it feels good, helping people and having favors owed to me. I just have one thing to sum it up. I'll fucking do it again."