A slice of life

Feeling the sun hitting her face, Myr groans and sits up, waking Chloe in the process.

*yawn~* "Good morning Myr. I have to say, your purring really helped me sleep, I don't know how you're so cute and cuddly when you're asleep~".

Blushing, Myr lays back down and burrows her head into Chloe's chest and snuggles closer while hugging her.

Before long, Chloe could hear Myr purring rhythmically, fast asleep.

Hugging Myr closer, Chloe looks down at Myr sleeping and shows what would be a bone chilling smile with a sharp gleam in her eyes. 'Yes, you're all mine Myr, no one else can have you. We're wives after all, nothing can separate us from now on~'


Waking up once more, Myr finds herself in an empty bed. Sensing where Chloe was, Myr got up, did her daily routine of getting ready, and headed out to meet Chloe in the living room.

{You sure you're doing all right? You usually aren't this tired..}

'Yeah, I'm fine Systi, I'm just a bit exhausted after the Denatus and dealing with everything.'

{Then why don't you just spend some alone time with Chloe? I'm sure she'd love it. Also, you got mail from Messorem. Check the mail function when you have time.}

'Messorem huh? He'd better not ask me for help right now, otherwise I'll slap him, but I'll make sure to read it.'

Seeing Chloe and Loki talking to eachother, Myr walks down and sits next to Chloe while leaning her head against Chloe's shoulder.

Noticing how Myr was still half asleep, Loki chuckled. "Myr, have you been staying up late with Chloe again?"

Myr mumbled back "Yeah, I love sleeping with Chloe. She's warm and gentle and I love her. She knows right where to scratch and rub around my ears and tail."

Raising her eyebrows, Loki looked at Chloe for a answers.

Chloe grinned back. "We haven't done anything too lewd Loki, don't worry. Besides, Myr and I are going to look for a mansion to buy, hopefully close to yours."

Chuckling, Loki looked at Myr, who was still half asleep. "I guess my kitten is moving out. Oi, Chloe, make sure she's satisfied will ya'? I always wondered if I was doing enough for her."

With a light giggle, Chloe looked down at Myr and said "She's quite easy to keep satisfied you know? All I need to do is sleep with her, eat with her, and spend time with her. She's very easy to please. Although, I would like it if she asked for more once in a while, but I'm not going to push her if she's not comfortable with it."

Myr fully woke up a couple minutes later with a big yawn. "So, what am I going to do today?"

"How about explaining to me when you and I are going to go back to work? We've been lazing around for quite some time, and I'm beginning to get an itch from not hunting in a while."

Looking at Chloe, Myr thought for a moment. "Okay, let's go to the dungeon and grind for a while. I still need to check up on how my bank account is looking, though I'm pretty sure I can buy whatever house we want."

Nodding her head, Chloe gets up as does Myr and they both walk off towards the dungeon with their gear on.


"Myr, 20 Valis if you can kill that Minotaur by throwing this rock with your tail."

"I'll take that bet. Alley-oop!"

The rock, which was actually bedrock of the dungeon, created a sonic boom as it was flung by Myr. Upon hitting the Minotaur, the upper half of it's body blew apart in a gory mess before the dungeon claimed it back.

Turning towards Chloe with a wide smile, Myr playfully tapped Chloe's nose and said "C'mon, we got more grinding to do!" while pulling her along.

A while later, Myr herself triggered a monster party, and one that would be considered an impossible fight for any group under level 4. That would've been an issue normally, however...

"Chloe, watch this! [Clockwork Tickers]!"

Upon casting the spell, a horde of exactly 2,000 tickers erupted from multiple spell circles. The tickers looked like, well, a 4 legged tick, with an enlarged maw that showed viscous teeth, two beady black eyes, a silver body and appendages, and a red glowing cannister embedded into them. (A/N: Guess where I based them off of, it's not hard if you like video games.)

With a cacophony of abhorrent screeches, the Tickers rushed the monster party, tearing, stabbing, and biting their way through. When a Ticker was about to die, it screeched even louder than normal and the canister started to glow. After a couple of seconds, the Ticker would blow up, the blast being as powerful as a bomb.

Needless to say, the Tickers overwhelmed the monster party in under 10 minutes. The remaining Tickers screeched once and then promptly vanished in a series of sparks.

All the while, Myr pulled out a table, two chairs, and a few non-alcoholic drinks and sat with Chloe while the Tickers did their job.

"You know, I'm looking forward to whatever crazy spells and magic you come up with next. Got any more surprises love?" Chloe asked with a warm smile.

Showing a wolfish grin, Myr gave her a thumbs up. "Yeah, I got a lot of unique spells that I'm already formulating. We're gonna have to trigger another monster party though. That was my Clockwork magic. Next I'll try Void magic, and I think I have just the spell, but take these glasses. I'm sure you're strong enough to resist the, ahem, "tricky" side effects, but I'd rather not lose you to insanity."

Genuinely surprised, Chloe narrowed her eyes at Myr while taking the glasses and asked while putting them on, "Well, that sounds a bit extreme. I'm guessing this skill would cripple anyone weaker than us?"

Nodding her head, Myr and Chloe got up and struck at the wall at the same time. Chloe used a brand new Void Charge talisman while Myr simply punched the air and the sheer shockwave of said punch obliterated a massive chuck of the bedrock.

An all too familiar roar could be heard, and sure enough, a Juggernaut spawned.

{You sure about this Myr? This spell you cooked up has a 23.7% chance to backfire...}

'And I'm 100% confident this will work. Trust me partner, I got this.'

Channeling her Void divinity, Myr converged an astronomical amount of cursed energy in front of her and started to chant.

"The Void is the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end."

"The song of sorrow and cries of pain shall cover your ears in a blanket of doom."

"Let the madness descend unto my enemy."

"Come forth, [Nyarlathotep]!"

A giant pitch black magic circle appeared while black lightning fell, the air became silent, and the surrounding light dimmed.

Suddenly, a giant orb of pitch black matter appeared and morphed into a giant being, 25 meters tall, with 3 arms that ended in viscious looking claws, a giant tentacle-ish head that sported 13 eyes, a huge maw filled with sharp teeth on the side of it's head, and 2 huge legs. It's entire body was a motley of dark gray, olive green, and black.

As soon as it appeared, it screeched, which in turn drove the Juggernaut insane, causing it to bash it's head into the dungeon repeatedly and wail while clutching itself. It then proceeded to rip itself apart, eventually dying and dispersing into mana.

With the Juggernaut dead, Nyarlathotep turned towards Myr and Chloe, bowed, and dispersed into a black mist.

Turning towards Myr, Chloe had a stern expression plastered on her face. "Myr, don't ever use that again unless you absolutely have to. I had no problems withstanding that with the help of your glasses, but even then I felt an overwhelming sense of dread just from looking at that.. thing. The other's wouldn't be able to hold out."

Nodding, Myr had a frown on her face. "I agree. Though I was fine, it looked super creepy, and if it can drive a Juggernaut, a monster made purely out of mana, insane, I think it's best not to use it."

'Well, it didn't backfire, but holy shit that thing was insane.'

{*sigh* I admit I was wrong, but seriously, must you always go overboard? You almost perfectly copied THE Nyarlathotep, and before you ask, yes, you are stronger than it. The only Outer God that could evenly match you is Azathoth, and he's a primal god, a being which you shouldn't even be able to match!}

'I fail to see how that's a problem-'

{WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU "FAIL TO SEE THE PROBLEM"?! UGH! You must know by now that you're being watched by the more powerful gods, right? I can tell you right now, THE Zeus is drooling over you, as is Aphrodite, Gilgamesh, Musashi Miyamoto, even Inanna wants to court you for some reason.}

Feeling sick at the mention of Zeus "drooling over her", Myr stumbles and clutches her stomach, and is caught and held up by a very concerned Chloe.

"Myr dear, are you alright? What happened?" Chloe asked with a worried face.

Not wanting to trigger Chloe's ire, Myr gave a small smile to Chloe and rubbed her back. "I'm fine Chloe, I was just informed that Zeus is wanting to bed me. Not this Zeus however, but the real Zeus, the one above this reality. Our Zeus is too scared to even try and peep at us, much less declaring he wants to bed me. Don't worry, when the time comes, I'll end him."

Myr was surprised when Chloe suddenly pulled her into a hug, and turned beet red when she whispered "Don't worry, I'll help you. After all, you're mine, and mine alone" into her ear.


"So Myr, what the hell happened down there? Everyone heard an unholy screech and almost half the city panicked thinking that there was a new giant monster or something."

Myr rubbed the back of her head and replied "Yeahhh, I may or may not have summoned an Outer God's avatar."

Loki paled and whisper shouted "Are you out of your fucking mind?! The Outer Gods are beings that can induce incurable madness simply by looking at them! What the hell were you thinking?! Even Ouranos can't deal with all of them!"

Chloe chimed in. "Indeed, the Outer God she summoned looked.. grotesque to say the least. Myr gave me special glasses to block the effects, but even as a peak level 10, I couldn't help but feel an almost crippling amount of dread when that thing screeched. The Juggernaut went mad and killed itself as well. I made Myr promise me she'd never use that spell again except as a last resort option."

Loki just sighed and slouched in her chair. "Well, whatever. At least no one died. Seriously Myr, everything you do is over the top. Take some time to do other things than causing mass panic and hysteria, like, I don't know, annoy Ourania or something, pull some pranks, shop with Chloe, just do something other than going overboard. Can you do that for me at least?"

With a flushed face, Myr looked down as if embarrassed. "Okay, sorry mom."

Loki reached out and gently rubbed the top of Myr's head. "It's fine Myr, you just had me worried there, that's all. I'm not mad at you, I'd just rather you not use that magic again."

Loki hugs the sulking Myr while Chloe gently rubs her back.

'Systi, is this was regret feels like? I feel.. bad, for causing more trouble for mom..'

{*sigh* Listen Myr, I don't know much about this mushy stuff, but yeah, it kinda is like regret, but your mom said she wasn't mad at you, so leave it at that. Just don't use that magic again and you'll be fine.}


The next day...


Loki's yell could be heard out on the street, where a large crowd was gathered around Loki's mansion, looking at the front yard. As for that reason..

"Love, what did you do this time?" Chloe asked with a yawn.

Looking into her eyes, Myr snickered, got up and stretched and said "I may or may not have made several Clockwork Golems that are split between playing the Cantina Band, swing dancing, and one of them should be using a stripper's pole. C'mon, you have to see it!"

After they both got dressed, the couple went downstairs where they saw everyone staring at Myr with looks of amusement. Even Ais was grinning.

Loki walked up to Myr and hugged her. Noticing the tears in Loki's eyes, Myr got worried for a moment before she saw Loki grinning.

"Myr, THIS is the type of magic I like to see. How the hell do you come up with this stuff HAHAHAHA!

Rubbing the back of her head, Myr suddenly got an idea. Whispering it into Loki's ears, Loki's eyes widened before she started howling with laughter. "That'll be amazing if she comes over here! Please, do it now!"

Everyone watches in anticipation as Myr smirks and snaps her fingers. Seeing nothing happen, Tiona was about to ask what she did when Myr suddenly pointed towards the window.

Crowding around it, everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing. A colored Clockwork Golem that looked exactly like Ourania holding a microphone while wearing a white hoodie, blue jeans, and sneakers (all made by nanomachines) leaning slightly forward as if she were singing something.

Opening the window, besides the Cantina Band, everyone heard lyrics they've never heard before:

"Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speeds (JJ Fad) Uh, summa lumma dooma lumma you assuming I'm a human. What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman-"

Looking at Myr, everyone noticed her cheeky grin and signature "V for victory" pose, and couldn't help but laugh.


Myr snickered and said "Ah, the music is here~!"