So I'm in trouble? So what?

"Hey Chloe, Look what I made!"

Myr's excited shout could be heard throughout the mansion. (A/N: They got sidetracked and forgot to look for a house. They're still in Loki's mansion.)

Walking over to where Myr was, Chloe took one look at the objects on Myr's desk and burst out laughing.

"Myr my love, you DO realize how many people you're going to piss off now, right~?"

The objects in question you might ask? A seeker mine that will follow it's target and upon activation, will release sticky glitter that can not be cleaned or washed off for 10 days. It also has the ability to cloak itself using a power similar to Myr's Void divinity, rendering it completely unnoticeable by anyone, even gods and goddesses. It's top speed is currently 450kmp/h, and is virtually silent to boot. Each of them has different code names that they will recognize, as they are fully sentient and will only listen to Myr.

Grinning ear to ear, Myr proudly announces them. "Yep, they're fully sentient too. I gave all 6 of them names. From left to right, there's Chocola, Vanilla, Maple, Coconut, Cinnamon, and Azuki. Say hello girls!"

All of the seeker mines, affectionately called "Team Neko" by Myr, all lit up, hopped once, and rolled over to Chloe and lit up while they introduced themselves.

"Hi mom! I'm Chocola!" "Hello, my name is Vanilla." "Greetings, my name is Maple." "Why hello there. The names Coconut, nice to meet 'cha!" "Oh hello there mom! My name is Cinnamon." "Sup, I'm Azuki."

Chloe was truly touched by how they acted and gave a warm smile. "Nice to meet you girls. I'm sure you know this already, but I am one of your mothers, along with your creator, who is my lovely wife. I hope you're ready to pull some pranks for your mothers~!"

All of them cried out "YEAH!" and started rolling around at high speeds. Laughing at their cute behavior, Myr smiled and hugged Chloe. Looking up in her eyes, Myr quietly said "I guess we're now mothers dear. A little unconventional, but good nonetheless."

Blushing, Chloe gently caressed Myr's head and started to lightly rub her ears. "I know, and I love them already. When you're ready however, we can give them sisters~" she whispered sensually into Myr's ear.

Heavily blushing, Myr looked up at Chloe before quickly leaning into her to hide her face. Chuckling, Chloe continued to hold and pet Myr until she heard her rhythmically purring and fast asleep.

'She must've been working on them for 2 days straight. No wonder they're sentient. It's alright though, Myr's sleeping face is cute, and besides, we now have daughters. I'm looking forward to when Myr is ready, but that time will come when it comes~' "

(A/N: I'm not going to have them "do the hanky panky" as Loki calls it, until quite a bit later. Sorry to disappoint)

Team Neko rolled up to Chloe once they saw Myr being held as Chocola asked "Mommy, is Mom asleep?"

Looking down at Chocola, Chloe smiled. "Yes, your mom is very sleepy after making all of you. She worked for a long time without resting, but don't feel bad, she did it because she loves you all, as do I."

Team Neko, especially Chocola, all shouted "Yay! Mom and Mommy love us!" and started zipping around the room. In process of zipping around, Coconut accidentally knocked over the wardrobe that held Myr's clothes, breaking it and causing a loud crashing sound.

Everyone froze when they saw the broken wardrobe, and Coconut scaredly asked "Mommy, is Mom going to be mad? I don't want her to get mad at me! I'm sorry!"

Sighing, Chloe laid Myr down on their bed, crouched down, and patted Coconut. "My dear Coconut, it was an accident, and accidents happen. I know I'm not mad, and I'm sure Myr won't be either."

Coconut just said "Mn" and and rolled around Chloe's feet for a bit before joining the rest of Team Neko.

Just at that moment, Loki burst through the door. "Chloe, what the hell was-" She paused when she saw Myr's broken wardrobe, and instantly honed in on her underwear. Choking on her saliva, Loki burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHA! I never expected Myr to be a fan of cutesy underwear, ah this is rich! HAHAHAHA!"

After she was done laughing, Loki finally noticed Team Neko. "What are they? Did Myr make them? They look kinda cute with their colors and everything."

All 6 of them suddenly zipped towards Loki, startling her when they started introducing themselves.

After the introductions, Loki started laughing again. "HAHA! You and Myr became mothers, HAHAHA-ACK!"

Chloe lightly flicked Loki's forehead while pointing at Myr, who was somehow still asleep. Seeing her daughter sleeping while still wearing her outfit, Loki's eyebrows furrowed. "Did Myr work multiple days in a row without resting, eating, or sleeping again? I'm starting to wonder if this is what they call a "mad genius phase" is happening to her right now."

Nodding her head, Chloe smirked and said "Yeah, she's making new gadgets left and right with her divinities. Recently she made something she calls a "gun". This so called "gun" spits flames, makes a loud noise, and shoots out a metal "bullet" as she calls them at a speed which even I have trouble seeing. They can punch through bedrock like it's wet paper, and she recently killed 6 Juggernauts with her "gun" and "bullets", and I must say, it was eye opening to say the least. I should also mention that she said she wouldn't ever make them with the intention of selling them, as they could allow an average citizen to kill a level 6 adventurer with relative ease."

Widening her eyes, Loki adopted a serious expression. "If what you say is true, which I have no doubt it is, you must make sure that absolutely under no circumstances that her "guns" ever end up in anyone's hands but yours and hers. I AM proud of her though. HAH... My little kitten is growing up."


12 days later:

*groan* "Chloe, my head hurts."

Sitting up, Myr realizes that she's in her underwear with Chloe sitting next to the head of their bed gently petting the top of her head.

"Maybe that's because you went on a mad inventor streak of several days in a row without sleep. I have to say though, your "guns" as you call them are quite powerful. They have some kick to them as well."

Smirking, Myr held up her signature V for Victory hand sign and laughed.

Amused by her antics, Chloe, much to Myr's surprise and delight, picked her up and sat her down in her lap while cuddling her.

"You've been asleep for 12 days. Try not to overwork yourself, Team Neko has been worried sick, yet they always are chipper whenever they're out causing mischief. While you were asleep, they glitter bombed the entire Apollo mansion, tripped numerous men in the red light district and even caused one to become paralyzed as he tried to capture them, they rolled around blaring a trumpet horn sound waking people up before dawn. They even managed to bribe Ourania into letting them do as they please by saying you would make her a gun for herself."

Myr tried keeping a stern look on her face, but failed miserably. She started belly laughing, and a few seconds later she heard a chorus of "Mom!" as Team Neko burst through the door and hopped up onto Myr's lap and started talking about all of their "adventures".

"Mom, guess what the girls and I did!" Chocola shouts excitedly.

"What did you do Chocola?" Myr asked with a smile.

"We glitter bombed the ginger pervert lady's house!"

Myr nearly choked on her saliva. Giggling, Myr patted Chocola's body. "I'm very proud of you Chocola, and all of Team Neko. Also, you're right about her being a pervert, but where did you hear that word?"

Coconut spoke up just then. "We learned lots of new language from grandma Loki! She was really upset about the ginger pervert lady demanding to have us as compensation."

Suddenly, the entire mansion and the surrounding area around the mansion was flooded with slaughter intent so potent that even the hardened adventurers almost peed their pants. The slaughter intent was so thick that a red colored fog appeared and started to spread out, with Myr being the epicenter.

Chloe quickly hugged Myr close and tried soothing Myr, which luckily for everyone around, worked. Myr became like putty in Chloe's hands and soon became a purring mess.

The door slammed open with Loki being the first one in.

"What the FUCK was that for?! Myr, what happened?!" Loki shouted, still in half a daze from the pure slaughter intent that was being emitted earlier.

Chloe took it upon herself to explain. "She was just upset that Apollo tried to basically kidnap her children, or rather, Team Neko. Don't worry, I've calmed her down. Right now she's half asleep anyways, though when I stop petting her she'll probably wake up immediately."

Tiona, ever cheerful, piped up. "Though that was scary, it was so cool! All of us felt like we were looking death in the eyes! What was that magic?!"

Riveria, who was much wiser than Tiona, shook her head. "Tiona, that wasn't magic, that was slaughter intent. Killing intent is, well, caused by having the intention of killing someone. Slaughter intent is a step above that, though I've never actually felt it until now."

"Myr, please don't do that again, we were near the guild and we felt as if we were standing right next to you." Finn said with an tired look.

"Eh, who gives a shit, it woke me up from all that boring guild crap we had to deal with." Bete said with a semi-annoyed face.

"Mn, it was scary. Please don't release that again." Ais herself looked impartial but deep down, she was a little scared.

Frowning, Myr snapped back "Well maybe if you'd let me just kill Apollo then these sort of things would happen less often. I'm getting super pissed off at that dumb ginger whore. She can go fuck whoever she wants up in heaven. The dumb bitch keeps pushing my buttons and one of these days I'm going to snap. So either you let me take that cunt's head and mount it on a pike, or we're going to keep having problems like these!"

Dead silence filled the room. Not even Loki knew what to say in this situation. "Listen Myr, I get it, Apollo is super annoying, but you can't just-"

"I CAN and I WILL if she isn't going to stop all of the bullshit she's been pulling ever since I came here! Don't even try to stop me mom, I'll lock you in a separate dimension if I have to until she's dead. I know my way around souls as well. I'm giving her ONE more chance, and if she blows this, then she won't go to heaven, I'll keep her soul and feed it to the dogs."

With that, Myr teleported away into the forest outside of Orario to cool off.


'My my, Myr really IS mad, though I can't really blame her' Chloe thinks with a gleam in her eyes and a grin that screamed "I'll slit your throat and laugh about it".

"fufufu, Say everyone, I wonder how much longer Apollo has to live. I can't wait to see~"

Everyone turns to looks towards her and feel a chill down their spine.

Loki sighs and puts her head in her hands. "Chloe, give it to us straight, what are the odds that Myr kills Apollo anyways, and what are the chances of her getting in trouble while doing so?"

Chloe shows a toothy grin. "I'm 100% certain that Apollo will die, and that Myr will get in trouble, though, I wouldn't mind offing Apollo myself. I've seen the way she looks at Myr, and it really pisses me off, so if I had it MY way, I'd treat Apollo to a session of bonding time, just the two of us, for free~."

Everyone unconsciously takes a step back away from Chloe while thinking 'These two are nuts!'



"Tch, still not fast enough. Never thought making throwing knives was going to be this difficult. The gyro equalizer and propulsion enchantments are tricky as well. Hmm, let's try this."



"Ah, much better. Finally, Mach 20. This should help quite a bit when I gut Apollo like a pig."

Myr was currently relieving some stress by throwing some throwing knives made out of nanomachines into trees, becoming slightly more happy for each success.

"It's been 4 hours, I better head back and kill that bitch."

Teleporting to Apollo, Myr silently stands behind the ginger haired goddess while completely nullifying her presence.

"Gah, sooner or late Myr and Chloe will be mine. I can't wait to get my hands on them. I'll make them squeal and beg for mercy, and I'll give it to them, right up their-"

"Will you now? How bold of you."

Whipping around, Apollo tries reaching for her weapon, when all of a sudden she didn't feel her hand. Looking at it, it takes her a few seconds to realize that it was on the floor instead of attached to her arm.

Apollo's screams could only be heard by her and Myr however.

Myr snorts. "If you're gonna cry about this then you can just kill yourself, because we're just getting started my friend."

Apollo, through her tear stained face, looks at Myr in horror and tries to scoot herself away, only to suddenly find herself chained to a table that manifested out of nowhere.

Walking up the the restrained Apollo, Myr opens up her palms and a mass of dark liquid solidifies and forms a centipede that scuttles across her hand as she slowly walks up to Apollo.

"W-What are you doing? Y-Y c-can't do this! You can't!"

Myr axe kicks her diaphragm, making Apollo cough and sputter. Leaning down, Myr takes off her blindfold and glares at Apollo straight into her eyes.

"I'm usually above making sentient beings suffer, but you've pissed me off FAR too many times. It's time for some much needed stress relief, and my little friend here will help me with that. I have to give thanks to Jason for giving me this idea. This is, however, only the side dish, the main course is yet to come."

With that, Myr lifts her hand and puts it right next to Apollo's ear, and speaks in reverse, "Ni og". The centipede screeches once and dives into Apollo's ear, and the screaming begins.


Teleporting back into her room, Myr is met with the sight of Loki, Hephaestus, Ourania, and her former Familia members.

Scowling, Myr pointedly asked "To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you all? This had better be important, as I had a little vacation that didn't end up how I wanted it to go. My mood is foul, I'm pissed off, so make it snappy. Chop chop, I'm waiting."

Everyone flinches and has a sudden urge to leave the room. Ourania was the first to speak up.

"Myr, what have you done with Apollo? I don't feel her presence down here anymore."

Snorting, Myr leans against the wall and crosses her arms under her chest. "I gave that bitch what she wanted, some alone time to get to know eachother better. She talked quite a bit, but for some reason she kept screaming "Help" or "Please no more". You'd think she'd be grateful that I took time out of my day to play with her and not spend time with my family. Ungrateful lout."

Before anyone could respond, Myr projected her memories of the entire event through a mirror, and everyone paled seeing what Myr did. By the end of it, only Loki, Ourania, and Chloe were left, as she came up when she felt that Myr was back.

"Myr, you DO know that you didn't destroy her soul, right? She'll be back eventually. If you want, I could help you relieve some stress~" Chloe said while sitting Myr down onto her lap and petting near her ears.

Ourania sighed. "Well, this was bound to happen sooner or later, and technically no laws were broken since it was a god and goddess settling a dispute, but there will be some consequences, I'm just not sure of what."

This time, Loki snorted. "And just how exactly do you plan to punish Myr? In case you haven't noticed, we can't do anything to her, she's stronger than all of us. Plus, there are plenty of gods and goddesses that would throw themselves in harms way just to get in her good book, so unless you intend to start a divine war, you'd better be very careful with your words."

Chloe giggled while Myr smirked. Loki had her usual shit eating grin, and Ourania's shoulders slumped. "I agree, there's not much we can do. Therefore, I'll have Myr pay a 2 million Vali fine, since that's basically getting off clean for her. With that, I'll take my leave."

Ourania then hurries out of the mansion and could be seen sprinting towards the guild. Chuckling, Myr snaps her fingers, and if you were in Ourania's throne room, you'd see a pouch with Valis appear, as well as an unnoticeable whoopee cushion appear on her throne.

Loki and Chloe both look at Myr in confusion while Myr just grins, snaps her fingers again, and a holographic display of Ourania's room appears just as the goddess in question barges in and sees the pouch.

"Damn it, I knew she'd beat me here. Well, now I can at least sit down and take a nap-"