A meeting with the High Pantheon

"Chloe, pass me the boom boom!"

"On it"

A certain couple of cat girls could be seen wreaking havoc on floor 58, surrounded by fire dragons.

"Eat this!"



A pulse of energy could be seen spreading out across the entire floor, killing any and every monster in it's path.

Myr fist pumped the air. "Hell yeah, it worked!"

Chloe came up behind her and hugged her close. "Mhmm, now we can go back and cuddle."

Chloe started rubbing the inside of Myr's ears, causing her to mewl.

"Ara ara~ those are quite the cute noises you're making. It makes me want to" Chloe leaned in and whispered into Myr's ear, "Devour you~" as she gently bit the tip of Myr's ear while snaking her hand along Myr's abdomen, slowing sinking towards her garden.

Slightly panicking, Myr hurriedly gets out of Chloe's grasp, much to her amusement, blushes and stutters "N-Not right n-now Chloe. Can we wait a few years? I really love you and all, but, I'm not ready yet, I'm sorry..."

Giving Myr a warm smile, Chloe gently rubs Myr's head. "Of course. Anything for my lovely little wife~"

Their sweet moment was interrupted by a chorus of roars as a horde of over 200 fire dragons began to approach them.

Slightly irritated, Myr, without looking, casts a new spell she'd been working on.

"Mince them, [Living Grinder]!"

A huge mass of nanomachines appear from Myr's mana as it quickly took shape.

"Standing" at 20 meters tall and 100 meters long, it resembled a quadrupedal lizard minus the tail, except all 4 of it's claws had 5 sets of stacked saw-like blades that whirred to live, screeched and made sparks as they came in contact with the bedrock. It's entire body was covered in 4 meter thick armor plating, and the most terrifying part was the "head". The "head" was a giant cone shaped machine, that on the inside had rows upon rows of sequential and sharp spinning blades, and at the center of it's "mouth" was a hole that measured 5 meters in diameter that was pitch black. (A/N: Bonus points if you get what I based the Living Grinder off of. On a side note, this piece of work will have A LOT of appearances throughout the novel, so expect to see it again.)

With a metallic screech, an insanely powerful vacuum started sucking all of the dragons into it's mouth. The panicked and fearful roars of the dragons were soon drowned out by screeches and the sound of gore.

Turning to look at her creation, Myr was quite shocked at what she saw. The entirety of it's maw was drenched in monster blood and chunks of dissolving dragon parts were scattered all around.

Turning to look at Myr, the Living Grinder, which Myr decided to name "Tenshi", slowly hobbled towards Chloe and her.

Once at her feet, it made a soft whirring noise that Myr guessed could only mean that her "spell" was indeed sentient. Sighing, Myr decided to confirm her theory.

'Cancel [Living Grinder]'

She then looked at Chloe and smirked. "Chloe my love, it appears we have another child. I've named her "Tenshi". I'm pretty sure Tenshi is a girl. ARE you a girl, Tenshi?"

Nodding it's head, Tenshi gently nudged Myr, who then figured she might as well give Tenshi the option to turn into a human shape.

Snapping her fingers, Tenshi rapidly shrunk down until she was a mere 135cm tall. Her skin was very lightly tanned, her eyes were a gorgeous shade of topaz with flecks of bright green sprinkled in, her hair was platinum blond in color that went down to the middle of her back, and her chest was, well, flat.

Myr then snapped her fingers again and made clothes for her that wouldn't break when she changes forms. They consisted of a headband with a small red bow, a small pair of brown leather boots, shorts, a semi-tight fitting shirt that doubled as extra protection as well as a bralette, an overcoat that closely resembled her own except it was reddish-brown in color, and a necklace that had a tracking spell on it as well as a teleportation enchantment. The necklace piece itself was shaped as two interlocking cogs.

Looking at her get up, Tenshi smiled, ran to Myr and Chloe and hugged them both.

"Hello mom! Hello mommy!"

Both Myr and Chloe's hearts melted at how cute Tenshi was. Chloe picked up Tenshi and lightly booped her nose, which caused Tenshi to giggle.

Myr smiled and felt warm. "Welcome to the family Tenshi. You have 6 sisters back home you get to meet. You can't change forms up there unless I tell you, okay sweetie?"

"Okay!" Tenshi said with a wide smile.

Chloe looked at Myr and grinned. "What do you think the others will think when we bring our new daughter up to the surface, and what do you think their reactions will be when they see her change forms for the first time?"

Myr just chuckled and said "I'm not sure, but we can find out~"


"So let me get this straight. You went down to the 58th floor, right?"


"You encountered a horde of over 200 fire dragons, correct?"


"Then you cast a spell to summon a creature, and then your spell turned sentient and is now that kid in Chloe's arms."

"For the record, her name is Tenshi, and her other form is quite cute. You should gather everyone and meet Chloe, Tenshi and I outside of the front gate, it'll be fun!"

"*sigh* I temper my sense of decency in expectation."

Myr and Loki's "field report" was the cause of many grins and smiles, as it was far from the first time it has happened.

Tenshi then got down from Chloe's embrace and walked up to Loki, pulling her arm gently.

"You are grandma Loki, right?" she asked cutely with a slight head tilt.

Loki felt her heart warm when she was called "grandma" by Tenshi, though she would've hit anyone else who called her that. Kneeling down slightly so she was eye level with Tenshi, Loki smiled and rubbed her head.

"That's right, I'm your grandma Loki. You're very cute Tenshi, did your mom make those clothes for you?"

Nodding her head, Tenshi did a little twirl, much to the amusement of everyone present. She then sat down on the couch and promptly fell asleep, causing everyone present, save Myr and Chloe, to form blank expressions. Turning to look at Myr, Finn asked in a confused tone, "Is she supposed to sleep like that? I thought your machines as you call them, never tire out or sleep?" only to be whacked on the back of the head by Tione.

"Myr said that she was sentient, and that means she's basically alive, I think. Us fleshy beings need rest and sleep, so why wouldn't she?"

Bete chuckled. "Well, I can see things getting very lively from now on. Oi Myr, could I bother you to make me a sword and some greaves? I broke them fighting in the dungeon, again."

Sighing, Myr just snapped her fingers and a tailored sword and greaves appeared on Bete. Giving her a wolfish grin (see what I did there? hehe) Bete thanked Myr and went to his room.

Shaking her head, Myr suddenly got a notification from her system.

'Systi, how do I accept the invitation?'

{I'll do it for you, give me a moment}

A bright flash and Myr was gone. Everyone present was confused, except for Chloe, whom Myr told where she was going using telepathy.


In a giant meeting hall...

"Ah, welcome Myr! It's been a while hasn't it?" Messorem greeted Myr with a jolly voice.

Smiling in return, Myr lightly bowed and greeted him back. "It certainly has been a while, hasn't it? It's good to see you again Messorem."

A set of doors opened up and 10 men and women entered that exuded powerful auras. Messorem took a seat at the round table, as did everyone else present, including Myr.

Seeing Myr taking a seat, the other 10 gods and goddesses present tensed slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by Myr.

"No need to be tense folks. Unless you threaten my loved ones or try to kill me, then you have nothing to worry about."

Nodding, one god spoke up. "We're, glad, you could make it here, goddess Myr. I'm sure you're wondering-"

"Let me guess, you want me to either join the High Pantheon so you can shove a bunch of metaphorical paperwork onto my desk, you want me to work for you, or you want me to create my own faction and/or my own pantheon. Am I right?"

Another god laughed. "HAHA, she's good in my books!"

A goddess turned towards the god who had just spoken. "Creol, can you please shut up? The poor girl just got here and you're already shouting."

Creol turned toward the goddess and snorted. "Listen Parsenia, I shout because I want to, and it's GODLY!"

Another goddess threw what appeared to be a rock at Creol, which hit him on the side of the head.

Annoyed, Creol just glances at the goddess who threw the rock at him. "Ymir, why'd you just throw a moon at me? That could've had life on it."

Ymir huffed and crisply spoke. "That moon was devoid of any biological activity, just like the inside of that void of a skull you have."

Another god spoke up. "I don't see why we're arguing when Myr over there has been waiting to speak herself."

Creol snorted again while crossing his arms. "Adrieth, she's sitting over there with a case of juice boxes and biscuits, she's obviously known we argue like this, so why not just let her be. You're supposed to be the smart one here, you should've figured out by now that she's going to make an absolutely overpowered Pantheon with her as the leader, am I right Myr?"

Nodding her head, Myr casually sat back and started sipping on some juice.

Seeing this, another god chimed in. "Well if brainless over there could figure it out then I say we let her. I mean come on, she could absolutely destroy all of us in a fight without using her demonic transformation. She's a few steps away from hitting a soul tier of 7. We're all only early tier 6, and most of us have never fought before. I myself have only killed a few mortals, and that was only because they tried to kill me first."

This time, Ymir snorted. "Yes yes, we've all heard about that Baruth. Don't go boring Myr to sleep over that stupid story."

The last goddess who hasn't spoken up yet did so. "Ymir, no need to be harsh. We all know Baruth can be a little impulsive sometimes."

Adrieth spoke up with a chuckle. "Hehehe, you're one to talk Miscalia. You yourself killed several mortal men because they flirted with you."

Another god spoke up with a grunt. "Adrieth, you know damn well that Miscalia is a lesbian."

Rolling his eyes, Adrieth grumbled "Well at least she's aware of her orientation Granat, you don't even know if you wanna do a man or a woman, or maybe even a tree."

Granat recoiled, visibly irked but he just grunted as if he silently agreed.

Myr piped up. "Well, I'm pretty sure I know a dryad in my world I'm currently in, and I'm pretty sure I can convince her to marry you."

Another god spoke up. "HAHA! I can see it already! The mighty Granat fucking a living tree, HAHAHAHA!"

Now very annoyed, Granat turns toward the god who had just laughed at him and growled "Well at least I'd be having sex in the first place virgin boy Virgil."

One of the last gods to speak did so. "Granat, he's not a virgin anymore, he was dominated by a lower goddess of love and beauty, it was quite funny."

Virgil choked on his tea he was drinking. "HEY! You promised you weren't going to tell anyone! Besides Klarius, didn't you have almost have sex with a gorilla once?"

This time Virgil choked on his tea. "I was drunk that time, and besides, I never actually did, I just flirted a bit."

The final god to speak tried doing so. "I think that's kind of cute.."

All of the gods and goddesses turned towards him and shouted in unison "Shut up Bob!"

Bob shut up immediately and looked down at the table and mumbled to himself. Myr thought that the whole table was full of interesting beings.

Messorem clapped his hands once and loudly stated "Alright everyone, let's get this meeting started! First off, I'd like to welcome Myr to the realm of godhood, and second, I think it's high time that we address an issue at hand that I believe only Myr herself can solve."

A heavy atmosphere descended into the room as each god and goddess turned to look at Myr, who was frowning.

"I'm assuming it has to do with the true outer gods and goddesses? Perhaps they want to make a deal, correct?"

Every god and goddess present, including Messorem, looked shocked. "Myr, how-"

"It's simple. I feel their intent. Azathoth is awake, and he's wanting to meet me I believe. Nyarlathotep himself allowed me to draw out an aspect of himself in a summoning spell, and I believe he wants to meet me as well. Worry not, I'll handle this. I'm 100 percent confident that I can trash Nyarlathotep, but I'm absolutely positive that Azathoth would eventually beat me if I were to fight him."

'Systi, what are the chances of me being able to kill Azathoth if he becomes enraged?'

{If you really want to know, you have a 0.47 percent chance to kill Azathoth if he was asleep. You have a solid 0 percent chance of killing him now that he's awake.}

'Ah, so in other words, don't piss him off, got it..'

Nodding towards the other gods and goddesses present, Myr discusses with them the "plan" that they have to deal with whatever it is the out gods want.

After a while, Myr finally says "Alright, here goes nothing."

'Beam me up Systi!'

{Pfft, sure thing, I hope you're ready.}

With a bright flash of light, Myr was gone.


The feeling of being pulled through the walls of the normal reality and the outer realm was unnerving to say the least. Just as a precaution, Myr activated her demonic transformation at 1 percent power, hopefully to ease some of the passive effects of being around the bodies of the Outer Gods.

Suddenly, Myr found herself in a giant, as in larger than a planet, sized castle, with multiple grotesque, eldritch looking beings that she knew were the Outer Gods.

"Welcome, Inner Goddess Myr. We are pleased you decided to visit us." Said the largest mass of, well, something that Myr's ever seen. Just the strength of his words let Myr know who he was.

Bowing slightly, Myr smiled and said "I thank you for the warm welcome, Outer God Azathoth. I must say, you all don't look nearly as hideous as the stories I've heard about you. I presume the one of your left is Nyarlathotep, and the one on your right is The Nameless Mist."

Myr proceeded to name each and every being present in the room, which shocked them all to say the least that, though younger than an infant compared to them, the goddess in front of them knew each and every Outer God and their respective powers.

Once done listing them off, Myr smiled. "So I'm sure by now you know that I have somewhat of an idea of why you wanted to see me. My guess is that you all want to give up your powers and pass on to the cycle of reincarnation, as you've been stuck in the Outer Realm since time immemorial. This would in turn boost my own strength so much that I'd be as powerful stat wise as a tier 9 entity, am I correct?"

Nyarlathotep bellowed with laughter. "HAHA! The young goddess has more brains than all of us combined, how rich!"

Azathoth simply said "Yes, that is correct. In turn you would have access to all of our powers, and strengths. We will all give you our blessings, and furthermore, you won't be trapped in this cursed realm. Rather, it would be yours to build or destroy. We all want to know what it feels like to be mortal, we all yearn for lives that aren't bound by this realm. We simply want to live a full life, not just simply exist. For that, I, Azathoth, hereby state that Young Goddess Myr will be the sole inheritor of the Outer Pantheon's might. I give you our blessings, and ask that you release us from our existence, and let us enter the cycle of reincarnation."

A massive amount of power flooded into Myr, specifically her left eye, which looked even more dazzling than before. Myr smiled and stretched out her hand and said "I, Myr Aeternum, hereby release you, the Outer Pantheon, from your duties. By my power, I end your life, so that you may start anew."

One by one, the entire pantheon faded away, with Azathoth being the last. Before he faded away, he gently said "Thank you child. Now, I can be.. at peace..." With that, Azathoth faded away, and began his life anew, finally able to live a full life, just like he had dreamt.


Myr froze the entire Outer Realm, which she now named Nekopara (A/N: I'm sorry, I had to) and teleported directly back to where the High Pantheon were, startling them all.

Messorem quickly rushed over to Myr. "Myr, are you okay? Your aura feels, well, far more powerful, yet pure. Did they do anything to you?"

Myr chuckled, sat down and said with a smirk "Aside from blessing me, giving me all of their power and the entire Outer Realm, and being sent to the cycle of reincarnation, nothing. Don't worry, I made sure they'd lose their memories upon death. You'd be surprised on how amiable they were. As of right now, only us who are present are able to reach the Outer Realm, but only I myself am able to freely traverse between the two."

Looks of shock appeared on everyone's faces, which greatly amused Myr.

Bob spoke up first. "Wait, so does that mean you're an abomination no-"


Myr slugged Bob in the gut and sent him flying, eventually becoming embedded into the wall headfirst.

With a look of extreme annoyance, Myr grumbled "I can't believe you thought I'd turn into one. I'm an acasual entity, and as such I can freely choose my form. I'd never look like any of them though, my wife would kill me. Besides, I don't want to look like something not even a mother could love."

Creol guffawed. "HAHAHA! Ah this is wonderful! Say, kid, how about we spar later on? I know I'm gonna get my ass beat, but I just can't help but think you could help me get stronger, after all, MUSCLES ARE KING! SIDE.. CHEST!!"

With that, Creol clasped both of his hands together and posed, causing his clothes to rip as he expanded to a ridiculous size, bulging with muscles, and only wearing a speedo.

Everyone sighed as Myr laughed and thought 'Ah, this is gonna be a fun time~'