Pest removal

A bright flash of light appeared in the Loki Familia mansion, startling everyone present except Chloe. From the bright flash, Myr appeared and ran towards and hugged Chloe, breathing in her scent which greatly comforted her.

A little startled at this, Chloe quickly warmly smiled and started to rub Myr's back and head.

Loki coughed. "*ahem* So Myr, where'd you go this time?"

Turning around while still sitting in Chloe's lap, Myr smiled. "I met a high pantheon of gods that basically asked me to take care of a little problem, and now I shouldn't lose to anyone ever in a fight. The Outer Gods are no more, as I've absorbed all of their power and took it for myself. Remember how I told you all about the omniverse thing? Well it's true, and the entire Outer Realm is now my own to command. Out of the entire multiverse of this world, I' glad I landed on this one, and as such, I will separate this world from the multiverse, and allowing anyone who reaches level 9 to venture into my own realm, though I'm going to have to redecorate it and build a huge city, which should only take a few seconds. Once someone reaches level 10, then they can have a permanent home in my realm. I'll also be randomly adding a few hundred floors to the dungeon, just to make it so it's actually quite possible to reach level 10 without my blessing and Falna. Give me a moment."

Myr snapped her fingers and a giant rumble spread throughout Orario, causing everyone to wonder what happened. She left the explanations to Ourania though, because why not?

Loki looked at Myr, and Myr just gave her a shit eating grin right back.

"I made the dungeon 500 floors deep. Past floor 450 are monsters that require a team of at least 5 level 9's or 2 level 10's to beat. The 499th floor is meant to be nearly impossible, requiring a team of at least 40 level 10's. I could clear the entire thing in under a week if I focused rather that messing around with my gadgets I make. Right now the only people that can beat the entire dungeon is myself, Chloe, and Tenshi. Let's go outside the front gate so I can show off Tenshi."

Snapping her fingers, everyone present is teleported outside of the front gate, where Myr shouted "Alright Tenshi, show them what you're made of!"

"Okay Mom!"

Tenshi let put a deafening roar and turned into a silver colored sphere that quickly started to shape into her true form. First the body formed, then the arms, then finally her head.

Tenshi let out another deafening roar that only Myr and Chloe could understand, and it made them giggle.

"Bow before me mortals, for I am Tenshi the Cute!"

Bete's face looked very ugly at the moment. "What the FUCK Myr! I thought you said her true form was cute!"

Loki looked pale in the face. "Uhh, Myr? That IS Tenshi right? She's still under control, right? For fucks sake, this is worse than the time you used that dark spell."

Finn, Gareth, Ais, Tione, and Tiona all instinctively took out their weapons and getting into stances before realizing that it was Tenshi in front of them, and they quickly put them away, but it wasn't missed by Myr.

She walked up behind them and chuckled. "I saw you pull out your weapons, and let me tell you all right now, that Tenshi has heavily customized nanobots as her body, and her armor is so loaded with enchantments, curses, and booster spells that the amount of mana it took would've bled the entire city dry of it for at least a thousand years if it didn't come from me. In other words, Chloe and I are the only two who can currently damage her, and I myself am the only one who has the capabilities to kill her, as although Chloe is insanely strong, she lacks the strength and magic prowess to slice through her armor. As it stands, her full powered attacks wouldn't get past 1.5 meters out of the 4 meters thick armor."

Everyone pales when they hear that, except for Chloe and Myr, who both chuckled.

Myr claps twice and shouts "Okay Tenshi, you did a great job! Now change back and let's go back home before that old hag Ourania comes here and-"


"Ah, the music has arrived."

Ourania stopped suddenly when she saw Tenshi, who was "looking" right at her. She got the feeling that no matter what sort of attacks she threw at the monstrosity in frony of her, nothing would work. As such, she asked Myr "Is this thing yours? It's not going to break the walls down right?"

Myr felt her left eye twitch. Myr practically growled "I'm going to tell you this once Ourania, call any of my children a "thing" again and you'll get to see firsthand how cruel I can be. You may have been hot shit before I came along, but right now you might as well be weak as a bug in front of Chloe and myself. Hell, even Tenshi could kill you. So before you start running that damn mouth of yours, think VERY carefully if you don't want to end up like Apollo. I normally wouldn't get mad at you for this, but my family is a touchy subject. Tread carefully."

Ourania shivered and felt a chill go down her spine. She quickly lightly bowed to Myr. "I'm sorry for insulting your child, but with all due respect, would you blame anyone for not knowing your child is a living being and not a, ah what did you call them? Ah right, machine?"

Myr crossed her arms over her chest and just grunted and turned away from Ourania.

Seeing Myr like this, Ourania just sighed and turned towards Chloe, who also turned away from her and gave her the cold shoulder.

Now feeling helpless, Ourania turned towards Loki and her Familia, only to see them all take a step away from her, much to her dismay.

Now sulking, Ourania just sighed and teleported back to the guild building.

By now, Tenshi was back in her human form. Walking up to Myr, she said "Mom, up!" to which Myr giggled, picked her up, and sat Tenshi on her shoulder.

Snapping her fingers, Myr teleported everyone back to the mansion, where Myr called for Team Neko, only to wait 3 minutes and no voices of any of the living seeker mines could be heard anywhere.

Now panicking, Myr immediately set down Tenshi, and in front of everyone, slammed her open hand down on the ground. Unbeknownst to them, an invisible magic pulse of energy raced outward in an effort to find Team Neko.

Sensing 6 pings, Myr located them. They were, for some reason, in a noble's house, trapped in a room. Knowing that they're actually pretty weak, Myr snapped her fingers and teleported all of them right in front of her.

As soon as they saw Myr, they all zipped over to her, just happy to be home.

Chocola, the ever so active one, practically shouted "Mom! A strange woman that had a creepy smile on her face broke into our home and took us all away! It was scary!"

Upon hearing this, Loki's face immediately formed a snarl. "The Smiling Reaper. A high class assassin, nobody has seen what she really looks like, as all you can see is her twisted smile that reportedly never leaves her face. Her weapons of choice can range from pocket sized knives, to swords, daggers, scythes, wires, even blunt objects. With her record, I'm not surprised that she was able to break into here and escape unnoticed, I'm just happy nobody died. Myr-"

Everyone's blood ran cold when they saw Myr's smile. Her smile alone froze everyone. Chloe, however, felt an indescribable hunger when she saw Myr's smile, as if she were resonating with her in a sense.

"Chloe my love, how about you show this Smiling Reaper assassin wannabe how a REAL assassin does business."

Placing a hand to partially cover her face, Chloe licks her lips and grins, she herself radiating killing intent that was strong enough to almost feel.

Chloe flicked her wrists and two blades appeared, each one blacker than the darkest night, and dripped a viscous black liquid that sizzled when it touched the floor. Sinking into her own shadow, Chloe disappeared from sight.

Myr started to laugh, though instead of a happy tone to it, this laugh was dripping with mirth, and a bit of madness.

"Hehehe. I thought my little date with Apollo would've scared off anyone thinking of messing with my family, but it appears I was wrong. Oh, I'm going to enjoy razing their little home to the ground."

Teleporting to said noble's mansion, Myr snaps her fingers and teleports the innocent people out of the mansion, and gathers cursed energy into her palm.

Raising her pointer finger, a small orb of pitch black energy formed at the tip of her fingernail. With one final chuckle, Myr flicks her finger at the mansion and the ball of energy shoots towards the mansion, passing through the walls and enchantments as if they didn't exist.

A second later, pure silences descends upon the entire city. Another second later, and a pillar of pitch black energy erupts from deep underneath the mansion and the land it was built on.


A sonic boom unlike any other shakes the city's foundation, causing panic through out the city, and more than a few for Ourania as well.

When the black pillar disappeared, all that was left was a 20 meter deep crater.

Finished with her message, Myr teleported to Ourania and looked at her, which made Ourania shiver a bit.

"I take it you're the one that caused that black pillar of energy, Myr? For what reason did you have to cause it?"

Myr waved her hand and a chair made out of nanomachines was created. Sitting down, Myr decided to use some pulls since she's been neglecting it.

'Systi, use 50,000 pulls for sweet snacks, candy, soda, juice, the works. Use another 100,000 for savory foods, like burgers, fish, tacos, fish, steak, more fish, the good stuff.'

{Man, you must be pretty pissed right now. You're gonna get sick if you eat all of this, but sure, I'll pull them now.}


Feeling her eye twitch, Systi's laughter didn't help her mood at all. Sighing, Myr took out a chocolate bar and began to eat it, which began to annoy Ourania. Out of respect, and fear of Myr lashing out, Ourania kept silent. Once Myr was finished with the chocolate, she sighed.

"Ourania, did my little date with Apollo not scare anyone? I thought I made it very clear that

my family was not to be messed with. And what happens? Some dipshits kidnapped my children and tried holding them hostage. Yes it was me who caused that pillar of energy to appear, and yes, the family responsible had their entire property turn into a wasteland and their members dead. I regret nothing, as I was simply removing some pests that were sullying the city."

Ourania flinched when she heard Myr's words, only to curse when Chloe appeared next to Myr with a severely beaten and bloodied woman with a creepy smile in her hand.

"Myr, I found the bitch. No matter how many times I beat her, she never lost her smile. It's quite irritating if I'm going to be honest."

Raising her eyebrow, Myr chuckled. "Well if you wanted to get rid if her smile, then you should've asked. I know plenty of ways to break a girl, most of them had been done to me in my past life. Let's take a trip to the red light district and-"

"MYR, THAT'S TOO FAR!" Ourania shouted while abruptly standing up.

Unfortunately for her, Myr wasn't in the mood to play around. Turning to look at Ourania, Myr growled "Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. She kidnapped my children, and has killed more people than I'd like to share. Her hands are stained with far more lives than my own by over a hundred fold. So many lives lost because dipshits like you couldn't bring yourself to off a cancer to this city. You have no right to lecture me about going too far, as she went WAY to far herself. I'm not going to take her to the red light district, but that doesn't mean I'm going to forgive her."

With a flick of her wrist, Myr produced a knife and promptly went to the Smiling Reaper and proceeded to cut off her thumbs, then burning the wounds to prevent her from bleeding out.

Burning the two thumbs, Myr decided to just teleport the reaper back to where the mansion used to be and leave her there.

Ourania then sighed and slumped back into her chair. "Myr, can I ask a favor from you?"

With her ears twitching, Myr looked at Ourania with a judgmental gaze. "What could I possibly do for you?"

Ourania took a deep breath. "I need you to wipe out the other two noble families. Before you decline, let me explain."

Taking another deep breath Ourania looked straight where Myr's eyes would be.

"The other two noble families have been a thorn in everyone's side. I have no control over the taxes they impose, and they're all involved in illegal slave-"

Bloodlust filled the room. Myr quietly said "Slave rings you said? I don't have time to waste then. I expect to be compensated, but I'll leave Chloe to deal with that."

Teleporting out, Myr appeared right above the 2nd noble family's mansion and once again teleported all of the slaves and innocent lives outside onto the street and used the same attack that she used on the first mansion. The process repeated once more, and in less than 5 minutes, the 3 largest and wealthiest families in Orario ceased to exist.

Snapping her fingers, Myr undid the damage that had been done and the land and mansions were instantly erected as she used telepathy to give a message to the remaining families.

"If you are hearing this message, then take heed. I've killed off the the ones in your house that are guilty of engaging in illegal slavery among other heinous crimes. You will be allowed to move back into your homes, but be warned. I'll know if you try something like that again, and I'll keep killing if it means the end of slavery in this city. You don't need to be afraid as long as your hands are clean of any heinous crimes. You all are no longer nobles, as from now on, you're all common citizens of Orario. I hope you take me seriously."

With her little speech done, Myr teleported to Chloe and promptly collapsed into her arms.


Waking up, Myr found herself being given a lap pillow by Chloe.

"You certainly caused quite a ruckus, though I'm glad those pests are gone. Now we can finally relax, or rather, I can relax, as I know you'll be cooking up some grand scheme. Always a busybody, rarely resting, and yet you still manage to find your way into my arms. I love that about you Myr, but please, don't ever strain yourself that much ever again."

Looking at Chloe with confusion, Chloe saw the look Myr was giving her and chuckled.

"You were asleep for a month this time. You don't like telling people you're stressed do you?"

Myr mumbled "I don't like talking about my health-" only to be flicked on the forehead by Chloe. Looking up, Myr's heart cracked when she saw tears threatening to spill out.

Chloe then said "Damn it all Myr, you need to stop this! You always bottle things up inside, then you act out, and then you collapse! I'm here for a reason, and that reason is that I love you! If you need someone to lean on, I'm here! Quit trying to act all tough and then pay the price later on. Promise me this, okay?"

Myr nodded. "Mn, I promise Chloe."