A house party and developments

"Myr, We got the house!"

Chloe burst through their room in Loki's mansion, causing her to stare at Myr, who had nothing on but her underwear.

Looking at Chloe, Myr struck a pose and said "Paint me like one of your French girls."

Despite not understanding the joke behind Myr's statement, Chloe burst out laughing at the sheer absurdity of Myr actually posing, in only her underwear at that.

Cracking a grin herself, Myr snapped her fingers and her usual outfit appeared on her. "Well, let's go check out our new home! I'll be cooking a bunch of food so I need to make sure to invite everyone. Give me a moment."

Clasping the communication jade, Myr sends a thought transmission.

"Sup everyone, Chloe and I got the house! Come on over, I'm going to be cooking as well. I need to go invite Hephaestus, Miach, Dan, Freya, their Familias, the guild staff, Ourania, and a few others. Invite whoever you want as well. Trust me, you'll know it's our house from 30 kilometers away."

With that, Myr went teleporting around to invite the guests she chose, as well as the guild staff and Ourania.

Once done, Myr teleported back to where Chloe had gathered Tenshi and Team Neko. Snapping her fingers, they all teleported to their new "house" which was nothing short of an estate.

Two guards were stationed at the gate to the mansion as a precaution, which Myr thought was quite funny. Tossing each of them a spatial bag with 200,000 Valis each, she nodded towards the two guards and they went on their way.

Once she opened the doors, she wasn't phased in the slightest at how dirty the inside was and the damage done to it.

Myr just snapped her fingers and a surge of nanomachines flooded the building, fixing everything and turning the entire structure into nanomachines.

Chanting at a speed that would make an auctioneer insanely jealous, Myr began to layer enchantments, curses, hexes, wards, and hidden sigils to protect and ward off any intruders.

Setting up a multitude of security features and defenses, Myr then began to work on the inside of the mansion, beginning with spatial enhancement, traps, more wards and enchantments, and "painting" the inside and outside, which was nothing more than willing the entire building to change color.

She then added enough hidden turrets, automatons, and spell casters (A/N: When I say spell casters, think of automated spell circles that throw pre-assigned offensive magic, whether it be in the forms of beams, bolts, orbs, everything really) that even if a level 10 other than Chloe were to try and break in, they would be shredded to pieces in an instant.

She then began to add a bunch of furniture to every single room, saving Chloe and her's room for last.

The kitchen was almost as big as a small house, with modern appliances that have never been seen before to anyone besides Myr, and she stored a lot of cooking materials in the various storages she set up.

The entertainment area had an indoor lake, hot tub, and sauna in one part, table games like foozball(spelling?), table tennis, darts with enhancement magic on them to withstand the throw of level 5's who get excited too easily (*cough* Tiona *cough*), billiards, and a whole host of board games in one room, and an arcade filled with well over a hundred arcade games with plenty of other fun activities spread throughout the arcade part.

She then made a massive living area that had several 200cm wide TV's with all of the movies, anime, and shows that you could dream of. There were many couches, lounge chairs, hammocks, and other sort of furniture to keep anyone of any size comfortable.

Next were the guest rooms. Myr made sure to noise proof the inside and outside of each room, and added king sized beds, a single bathroom, wardrobes and closets, and even small kitchenettes in each room.

Moving onto the Familia sections. Each section had a crest of a specified Familia, like Loki's, Hephaestus', and Freya's crests. Connected to the main living area in each section was a kitchen, multiple toilets for men and women, and branching off from that was an excessive amount of rooms in case a lot of people from a Familia came over to stay.

Then came the main rooms. Team Neko's room had large plushy cat beds that automatically repaired any malfunction that might've happened, as well as polishes and cleans them using magic.

They had plenty of toys, games, and resting stations that let them watch what was happening in the mansion. They had a teleportation node inside of their room that would let them teleport straight to Myr in case of an emergency.

Tenshi's room had a large king sized bed, a fridge that had an endless supply of food, games, toys, and video games to keep her occupied for a long time. She also had a teleportation node, but unlike Team Neko's node, Tenshi's enabled her to move anywhere instantly in the mansion, as she was head of the security team. As such, she had several monitors to help her watch over the mansion and the grounds.

Myr then started remodeling Chloe and hers room. Making sure it was grand enough for her tastes, Myr first set out the king sized bed in one section, added dressers, wardrobes, closets, and a few secret compartments to the walls and floor.

After that, she erected a full sized kitchen and dining room, despite only the two of them living in said room. The bathroom was next, with what might as well be a hot tub that could act as a shower in one corner, a toilet in another, with a sink in the middle. There were also cabinets that could store plenty of emergency medicine and pills, first aid supplies, and beauty products.

She then started to decorate it with trophies she took from her first few days in the dungeon, and even a photo she took recently of her taking a selfie while standing on top of what looked to be a depressed Juggernaut. She then hung up various photos of Chloe and her on their first date, their dungeon dives, them getting chewed out by Loki and Mama Mia respectively, and their wedding. She also hung up pictures of her with the Loki Familia, whether it be dungeon dives, tom foolery, or simply messing with them.

Adding a few vases and decorative pieces around the room, Myr clapped her hands once and finalized everything.

Walking back out to her wife and children, Myr smiled and said "Operation extreme makeover is a success. I may or may not have went overboard, but eh, it'll be fine!"

Chuckling, Chloe hugged and started to pet Myr's ears. Feeling her breathing start to quicken and body start to heat up, Myr quickly but quietly said "Chloe, not right now. Please wait until after the party. If you start now, I'm not sure if..."

Understanding immediately, Chloe, unbeknownst to anyone, looked up into the sky and smiled while a possessive gleam entered her eyes. 'Ah, I might finally get my wish. After the party, I just have to wait until after the party~'


1 hour later...

"Chloe! Tenshi! I need you two to carry out this batch of food! It's 1 hour until the Mom and the other guests arrive!"

Tenshi of course came sprinting in with stars in her eyes at the thought of finally being able to eat her mom's cooking. Granted, this is the same girl who would eat a rock if it looked tasty.

Chloe came sauntering in shortly after with a wide smile on her face.

"Myr, you're not stressing yourself out too much right?"

Flinching a minute amount, Chloe doesn't miss a beat. Narrowing her eyes, she said "You are, aren't you? Myr, you need to relax a bit. Even if you feel like you're not doing enough, I can assure you that it'll be fine. Besides, Mama Mia is bringing a whole bunch of food, as is anyone else who can cook. Most of the staff at the Hostess of Fertility can make at least 3 dishes, so you don't have to do everything yourself. Besides, I've already gotten the cakes ready. I have to say though, you're abnormally good at cooking."

Blushing a bit, Myr was about to respond when all of a sudden, an intense heat spread throughout her body. Not knowing what was happening to her, Myr, without thinking, shut down her nervous system to prevent the almost burning sensation from happening.

Not one to miss the little details, Chloe narrowed her eyes again. "Myr, you look extremely flushed, you're not sick are you?" she asked, despite knowing what was happening to her. 'She's going into heat? Mmm, this'll be fun~'

Frowning, Myr shook her head. "I have no idea. It's like I suddenly got hit with a fever, except over my whole body. I think I've suppressed it now though, so I should be good."

Starting up her nervous system, Myr heaved a sigh of relief when she noticed the burning feeling was gone.

'What the hell was that? Hmm, I'll have to ask Chloe after the party.'

Smelling a smoky scent, Myr got snapped out of her thoughts. "Crap! The oven!"

Seeing Myr scramble to the oven, Chloe just cupped one of her cheeks with her hand and grinned, another almost predatory gleam flickering across her eyes.


1 hour later...

"Yo! Sup Myr!"

Turning to look at the all too familiar voice, Myr exclaimed "Mom!" and ran over and hugged her, slightly startling her, but causing her to grin nonetheless.

Rubbing the top of her head, Loki grinned. "Glad to see you're finally settling in with Chloe and your kids. I've always known you were going to spread your wings sooner or later. Remember though, you'll always have a place to stay at the mansion. Also, be sure to visit sometime, preferably unannounced. It's getting way too quiet without something blowing up every other hour in your workshop or Team Neko rolling around the place and knocking things over."

Seeing Myr's tail go ramrod straight, Loki started belly laughing. "HAHAHAHA! You didn't know they kept knocking stuff over?! HAHAHA, the look on your face is so worth it!"

Flushing red, Myr quietly pouted. 'I can't believe they've been breaking stuff and I didn't know about it.'

"Oi, don't be like that, they're just kids."

Startled, Myr quickly looked at Loki only to see her smiling. "It was written all over your face."

Sighing, Myr just nodded her head and smiled, and then went off to greet the others as they arrived.

Once everyone arrived, Myr led everyone into her mansion, where jaws were dropping everywhere.

Riveria was especially shocked. "M-Myr, is this non-personal spatial magic?! This is... incredible!"

Riveria's sentiment was shared by everyone present, which greatly amused Myr.

Once everyone was situated, Myr snapped her fingers and tables, with the food already on them, appeared in the dining area, shocking everyone who hasn't seen Myr's bad habit of showing off when she's excited.

Clapping her hands twice, a few dozen holes opened up from the walls as a multitude of what were essentially drink trays on wheels with different drinks like soda, milk, water, tea, coffee, and many different choices of alcohol, all wheeled around the place handing out drinks, and when they were empty, they would basically go back towards the wall and stand at attention until they noticed someone had an empty glass or cup, and wheeled themselves over to said person to collect glass or cup.

Snapping her fingers once more, plates, silverware, napkins, and paper towels appeared at the beginning of the many, MANY tables of food. When Myr shouted "Foods ready!", Tenshi practically vanished and reappeared next to Myr with a plate and utensils, almost drooling onto the floor.

This caused the entire Loki Familia to start chuckling, and those who haven't seen Tenshi before to stare wide eyed at the sheer speed of what they saw to be a little girl.

Everyone started getting food after that, happily munching away. Meanwhile, Myr was going around to each god and goddess that attended and conversing with them.

"I have to say Myr, the quality of your kitchen and entire mansion for that matter is astoundingly good. I don't think I'd be able to make half the items in here as good as these, well done!" Hephaestus praised Myr.

Chuckling, Myr took a glass of juice from a WaiterBot as Myr called them, and casually lounged back. "Yeah, I tried to copy them from my past life, and unless you can control my clockwork divinity, there's no way you'd be able to recreate these. All of my stuff is cutting edge, as I don't aim small. I'd be willing to give you a few things for free though, like one of my ovens, sinks, AC machines, even a microwave. It'd be for free because quite frankly, I like you Hephaestus. You've helped me plenty of times when I was looking for weapons, and I still have the first weapon you gave me. I hung it up in Chloe and I's room."

Hephaestus' heart warmed when she heard that, and much to Myr's surprise, leaned over and hugged her.

"Thank you Myr, that truly means a lot to me that you kept it after all this time. You're like a daughter to Loki, and like a niece to me, never forget that."

Nodding her head and giving Hephaestus a heart warming smile, Myr then walked over to where Freya was sitting and sat down next to her with her juice.

Noticing Myr, Freya gave her a warm smile.

"I have to say Myr, you really outdid yourself this time. Color me impressed."

Myr took a sip of her juice and smiled. "You know Freya, I used to hate you. Selfishness, borderline sadistic personality, I thought you were the worst. It wasn't until I figured out that it's your divinites making you gods and goddesses act the way you do. I just wanted to apologize to you, so I'm sorry."

Widening her eyes, Freya then covered half her mouth with her hand and giggled. "Myr, I accept your apology. I know I can go overboard sometimes though, and I'm sure you know that I'm far from clean, but I thank you nonetheless."

Giving Freya one last smile, Myr went over to where, surprisingly, Miach and Dan were sitting side by side, drinking and laughing. Walking over to them, she takes a seat in front of them on another couch. Noticing her, they both greeted the star of the show.

Smiling, Myr asked "I thought you two would be at eachother's throats by now."

Dan laughed. "With the warning you gave me all that time ago? I'd be a fool to try and not make amends. I still owe you that favor though, so let me know if anything pops up!"

Miach smiled as well. "While at first I was skeptical of you Myr, you've proven time and time again that although you're a troublemaker, you also help more people than you want others to know. I know about the blankets, coats, shirts, and other clothes you've been secretly leaving at any orphanages doorsteps. I also know about how you're wiping out criminal groups on the weekly, so I want to thank you for that. We've needed someone like you for a long time. Thank you."

Shaking her head, Myr grinned at Miach. "Miach, I do those things because I want to. I help others because if I were in their position, I'd want help as well. If you want, I can hire you for helping me make some potions. I found out making potions is... well... I just suck at it. Last time I tried I got chewed out by Loki because I accidentally set my room on fire haha!"

Chuckling, Miach smiled. "Of course. I'll bring some others that I know that are good with potioneering. As long as you pay for the materials, we'll whip up as many potions as you want."

Nodding her head, Myr thanked them and made it about halfway to the food table when she heard, "MYR, I AM GANESHA!"

Chuckling and shaking her head, Myr walked over to the elephant mask wearing god and gave him a firm handshake.

"I'm glad you could make it Ganesha. Say, how's Shakti doing?"

Ganesha loudly guffawed. "BAHAHA! Shakti is doing wonderful, though, I wonder when she'll meet a man she loves. I worry about her sometimes. But, I believe she will eventually! I wonder if she likes- BWAGTH!"

Ganesha suddenly doubles over, and Myr looked over and saw Shakti scowling. Giggling, Myr looked at Shakti and gave her a sisterly hug, which Shakti returned.

"Nice to see you Myr. How's Chloe doing? You go on your honeymoon yet?"

Cracking a grin, Myr nodded. "Yeah, we went to this awesome spot in the forest and stargazed. I believe I saw a small ground dragon, but I couldn't be sure. It looked like a baby one, though it could've been an exceptionally fat lizard."

Widening her eyes, Shakti suddenly grabbed Myr's shoulders with a fervent look in her eyes. "Can you teleport it here? I need to see it!"

Slightly startled, Myr quickly recovered and snapped her fingers. A popping noise followed and a fat but small tan lizard appeared in Shakti's arms. Looking up at Shakti, it softly growled and nestled into her arms.

With starry eyes Myr didn't know Shakti could have, she thanked Myr and ran off with the baby ground dragon.

With a wry smile, Myr shook her head and went to mingle with the other guests.


After the last guest had departed, Myr snapped her fingers and the nanobots quickly "consumed" the waste and promptly withdrew into the floor and walls.

Heaving a sigh, Myr jumped slightly when she felt Chloe's arms wrapped around her, but quickly relaxed and leaned into her embrace.

All of a sudden, a burning sensation like no other erupted throughout her entire body, making her seem feverish, yet she clearly wasn't in pain.

Myr shakingly asked "Chloe, what's happening to me?! I-I don't know what-"

Feeling a finger held up against her lips, Chloe whispered, "Myr, you're in heat."
