A cat in heat (R18)

Blanking for a moment, Myr suddenly feels an urge like no other that she can't quite understand.

Suddenly spinning around, Myr hugs Chloe and starts "pawing" at her back. Taking this as a sign of it getting worse, Chloe gazes up and smiles, while a predatory gleam entered her eyes. 'Ah, my sweet Myr. Thank you for this. Now, you'll truly be mine forever~!'

Meeting Myr's gaze, Chloe leaned down a bit as she passionately kissed her, all while taking her to their bedroom

The entire time, Myr's thoughts became more and more muddled, which honestly scared her a little, causing her to hug Chloe tighter.

Once in their bedroom, Myr started to passionately kiss Chloe, and Chloe reciprocated.

Before she knew it, Myr's clothes were strewn about on the floor, as were Chloe's, leaving them in their underwear. Seeing Chloe like this, Myr felt a strong surge of heat spreading throughout her body, almost becoming unbearable.

Chloe's hand gently made her way up Myr's sides, and ended up cupping one of her breasts, causing Myr to issue a slight squeaking noise. With her breath quickening, Myr started to squirm a little underneath Chloe, panting as she did so.

Cupping the left side of Myr's face with her right hand, Chloe slowly leaned down and French kissed Myr, saliva being swapped, all while her left hand caressing Myr's stomach.

Breaking away with a string of saliva in between them, Chloe wipes Myr's face as she gently nudged Myr's garden with her knee, causing Myr to issue a moan and buck slightly.

Chloe leaned in and whispered "Be a good girl Myr and hold still~" while Myr nodded and did her best to lay still. Chloe leaned in a little further and gently nibbled on Myr's ear, causing her to moan and quicken her breathing.

Chloe then snaked her hand around to Myr's backside and slowly began to rub the base of Myr's tail, causing her to twitch in pleasure.

Chloe then began to line kisses down Myr's body, from her lips, to her neck, across her chest, and down near her abdomen.

Lightly squeezing Myr's butt, Chloe slowly undid Myr's bra strap, as she herself undid hers.

Noticing Myr looking away with a flushed face, Chloe gently guided Myr's head to look at her as she began to kiss Myr, pushing her body closer until their breasts were touching.

Not familiar with the sensation she was feeling, Myr began to savor it. Kissing Chloe some more, Myr wrapped her arms around Chloe's back as she leaned in more as Chloe began to kiss her neck.

Chloe then started to rub around Myr's breasts, eliciting more moans and panting breaths. Myr arched her back as mewled as Chloe pinched her nipple, slowly and gently twisting it between her fingers.

Turned on even more, Chloe began to stroke the edges around her garden, causing Myr to gasp and squirm even more.

Placing both of her legs over Myr's, Chloe smiles at Myr and French kisses her again, this time while rubbing her areole.

Once she lets up, Chloe snapped her fingers as she took off her and Myr's panties and a strap on appeared. Attaching it to herself, Chloe smiled again at Myr who was still recovering from Chloe attacking her breasts and nipples.

Finally seeing Chloe, Myr's eyes widen as she manages to stutter out "C-Chloe! I.. I'm not...!"

Chloe held up a finger to Myr's lips and whispered "I believe you are ready. I can feel your desire after all. Are you telling me that my instincts are wrong~?"

Quickly shaking her head, Myr bit her bottom lip and practically whimpered "Please be gentle..."

Chloe kissed Myr and said "Of course. Now, spread your legs and try to relax. Otherwise, this might be uncomfortable."

With her breathing becoming quicker and quicker the slower Chloe inched the tip of the strap on to her garden, Myr tightly gripped the sheets as the tip touched, and slowly pushed against her hymen. With tears starting to build up in her eyes, Myr hugged Chloe tight as Chloe broke her hymen. A small amount of blood leaked out, just as Myr felt a wave of pleasurable pain hit her vagina.

Almost clawing at Chloe's back, Myr whimpered "C-Chloe, i-it hurts, it hurts!"

Gently caressing Myr's head, Chloe gently nibbled on Myr's ears and whispered "Come now, be a good girl, okay? It'll only hurt for a few moments~"

Pushing it in further and further, Myr gasped, whether in pain, pleasure, or both.

"Chloe, my insides, they're full. It feels weird, but.. good.."

Chloe gave Myr a cheshire grin and whispered "That's good. I'm glad you like it~" into her ear as she began to slowly thrust her hips, causing Myr to moan and exclaim a chorus of "Ah!'s" while panting.

All the while, Chloe kept kissing Myr, fondling her breasts, or attacking the base of her tail.

Eventually, she started working on Myr's clit, which elicited more moaning and a few tears.

Seeing the tears, Chloe became worried for a second until she saw Myr, through teary eyes, smiling at her while panting.

This encouraged Chloe even more to begin getting a little rougher with Myr, thrusting her hips a little more forcefully, causing Myr to cry out and moan, all the while their sweaty bodies mingling with eachother, their arms locked together as Chloe kept working Myr's clit, breasts, and kissing her.

Myr suddenly felt an a wave of pleasure unlike any other as she arched her back and borderline shouted "Cumming!" as she genuinely couldn't breathe at all during her climax.

Shortly after, Chloe withdrew the strap on, panting herself, and spooned Myr, hugging the twitching cat girl who had passed out shortly after climaxing.


With her eyes fluttering open, Myr tries to get up only to wince at how sore her nether regions were. This feeling caused her to barely be able to sit up.

A few seconds later, Chloe woke up and hugged Myr from behind. "You were amazing last night, my love, let's do that again some other time~."

Nodding her head, Myr surprised Chloe by kissing her and snuggling back into her embrace, falling back asleep but purring this time.

Laying back down with the sleeping Myr, Chloe had almost a fanatical smile on her face. 'We did it. We had sex. Ah, I'm so happy right now I could almost sing~. Whatever fate decided to do that let me marry Myr, thank you. I pray that you yourself find this sort of happiness some day.'


Several million worlds away...

A honey badger was trotting around a bunch of people at the capital of Wisconsin, strangely carrying a mini backpack that had snake meat, water, and space for a phone, which oddly enough, the honey badger was using to type.

All of a sudden, the honey badger heard what appeared to be a prayer. "Whatever fate decided to do that let me marry Myr, thank you. I pray that you yourself find this sort of happiness some day."

With as questioning a look as a honey badger could give, she wondered 'What the heck was that? Eh, probably nothing.'

Looking up, she sees people taking pictures of her again.

"Gods damn it..." she grumbled.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to release a full length one today as well. I'm not that good at writing hanky panky scenes so let me know what I could improve on please!)