The plot is here!

Waking up next to Chloe is one of Myr's favorite things to do. Taking note of it, Myr, still half asleep, nestles closer to Chloe, waking her up. Looking down at Myr's sleeping face, Chloe couldn't help but chuckle once she saw yet again how adorable she is when she sleeps.

Their rest was interrupted however when Tenshi used her teleportation node to teleport right into Myr and Chloe's room. Shaking Myr away, Tenshi hurriedly explained the situation.

"Mom, there's a group of 6 armed men trying to break past the wards. One of them was able to use some sort of magic to throw a small explosive past the wards, though the 2nd layer nullified it. What would you like me to do?"

Frowning, Myr got up, still in her underwear, popped her back and neck, and snapped her fingers to get dressed. Chloe also did the same, minus the popping her back and neck. Forming a desert eagle with her nanomachines, Myr teleported to the edge of her property, and promptly held the gun up to the rear most man.

"What the fuck do you clowns think you're doing interrupting my sleep? Answer me, or your head goes bye bye" Myr growled.

All 6 of the men turn around to see Myr holding up her gun to the guy's head, still scowling. Seeing whose house they were trying to rob, the men's faces paled as one of them tried to run.

Turning towards him, Myr shot him in the back of the knee, blowing out his kneecap and crippling him. Amidst his screams, Chloe appeared right next to Myr, and with a nod from her, Chloe walked over to the man, bound his wrists, and gagged him to prevent him from biting his tongue off.

Seeing this, the men were even more afraid than they were before. Turning back to look at Myr, each of them kneeled and pressed their forehead to the ground.

"W-We're sorry for trying to break into your home. Please, surely you could have mercy on lowly ones such as ourselves."

Their blood ran cold when they heard Myr icily state "You tried breaking into my home, interrupted my sleep, and you even used some sort of bullshit to throw an explosive past my first barrier. Nope, not gonna happen."

All of the men suddenly heard 5 loud pops and felt their entire body tense up and convulse as they could do nothing about it. A loud crackling noise could be heard as the men, one by one, lost consciousness.

Tying all of them together, Myr teleported to the guild's office where she unceremoniously threw them against the wall and promptly teleported out, slightly scaring the guild employees.

With the little problem already solved, Myr didn't feel tired anymore, and having to shoot 1 and taser the rest killed any mood she had to cuddle with Chloe, which greatly annoyed her. Sensing Myr's mood worsening, Chloe blinked to Myr and hugged her while rubbing the top of her head around her ears. Sinking into Chloe's arms, Myr hugged Chloe and just savored the feeling of being pet by her wife.

After a few minutes, Myr decided to go back inside and cook breakfast for her family. The kitchen itself was huge, and with the addition of Tenshi, Myr had to make a lot of food.

Firing up the stove tops, Myr gets to cooking breakfast.

'Hmm, how about Dutch apple pancakes, blueberry waffles, bacon, sausage links, juice, water, how about I add some strawberry and chocolate chip crêpes, hash browns, and maybe a few steaks, sirloin should be good.'

Using magic, Myr begins to cook, all while thinking about a question she's had on her mind for a while.

'Hey Systi, how long until Bell arrives?'

{Um, as long as nothing major happens, it should be tomorrow. You really changed the time line of this record, though you're lucky Hestia descended while you and Chloe were, well, hehe~}

Blushing, Myr remained silent while recalling everything Chloe and her did while she was in heat.

'Well, I wouldn't have wanted to lose this life's virginity any other way. By the gods though I was sore afterwards. It did feel good though, I kinda want to have another round, but I'd rather wait a bit before having sex again.'


After breakfast, Myr, Chloe, Tenshi, and Team Neko went out for a stroll around Orario. Having nothing better to do, Myr decided to pop in and say hi to Loki.

Walking up to the guards manning the gate, Myr waved at both of them and gave them each a pouch with 2,000 Valis inside while saying "Thanks for the hard work."

Opening the front door, Myr was surprised to see Loki passed out in a rather compromising position on the couch.

Raising her eyebrow, Myr walked up, tapped her shoulder, and said "Mom, Mom, I've brought Chloe and the children over."

Snorting once, Loki looked up and saw 3 of everything. Rubbing her eyes, Loki would've ended up on the floor had Myr not caught her.

Now greatly concerned, Myr began to think what could've caused Loki to be like this.

'Systi, run a full body scan and ping anything that she could've inhaled, ingested, or came into contact with that could be considered a poison.'

{Gimme a moment, and.. oh dear..}

'Systi... what's the matter...?'

{*sigh* Besides the alcohol in her stomach, there's a fair amount of a chemical similar to your previous world's Roypnol.}


'Someone roofied Loki's drink...?'

{Err.. that's what appears to be the case. At most though it's just making her dizzy and sleepy. She should be fine in about an hour. Her divinity is rapidly flushing it out of her system.}

'Ugh, looks like I'll have to investigate sometime. Anyways, let's wake her up.'

Sending a jolt of electricity to Loki's nervous system and clearing out the drug from Loki's body, Loki suddenly punched at Myr, only to have her fist caught.

Blinking twice, Loki saw who it was and could think clearly again.

Panicking, Loki started talking fast.

"Myr I was drugged. Someone slipped something into my drink when I was at the bar and then I felt dizzy and couldn't think straight. Myr, we've gotten multiple letter addressed to you. There are people out for your head Myr and they're nor afraid to use us or your family as hostages or worse."

Patting Loki on the shoulder, Myr nodded once. "I know Loki. Just this morning I had to cripple one person and knock out 5 others who were trying to break into my mansion. I'm going to set up a few wards and enchantments around here for safety, and I'm also going to give you some extra protection measure, seeing as how you're currently one of the weakest in here, no offense intended."

Nodding her head, Loki suddenly remembered something. With a cheeky grin, Loki asked "I heard you and Chloe consummated your marriage last night. Was it fun~?"

Turning beet red, Myr turned to look at her family and was about to ask who tattled on her when Tenshi slowly walked forward.

"Um, Mom, I was the one who told Grandma Loki. She asked me what you and Mommy were doing that you didn't answer your communication jades, and I told her you were making funny noises and I heard the bed shaking. I'm sorry."

Looking at Tenshi's teary eyes, Myr couldn't bring herself to be mad at her newest daughter.

Walking up to her, Myr hugged Tenshi and just said "Aww sweetie, you did nothing wrong. Grandma Loki is just a little bit perverted, that's all."

Loki looked like she took critical damage. "Oi! Don't go spreading rumo- well, I guess I am a bit of a pervert, but that's only with Ais!"

Chloe snorted, which caused both Myr and Loki to chuckle.

Once back to her mansion after greeting everyone, Myr decided to relax and cuddle with Chloe. Chloe was rubbing Myr's ears and abdomen, which was causing her to purr quite loud. All of a sudden, Chloe heard knocking on the front door.

Looking at Chloe quizzically, Chloe also had a confused face.

"Myr, how did the person who is knocking get past the wards?"

"Mmm, I set them so only those who have no malicious intent towards us can get past them. Another restriction is that the person must have a pure heart and clear mind. There are quite a few more, but they can all be bypassed if the person is someone I let through or is a.. child of fate... FUCK!"

Bolting up, Myr briskly walked towards the door, and when she opened it, sure enough, there stood Bell.

"Goddess-sama! Please let me join your Familia!" Bell borderline shouted while doing a deep bow.

With as warm a smile as she could muster, Myr simply replied "I'm sorry kid, but my Familia is for, quite literally, my family. My wife and children are the only ones allowed in, however, I do know a certain goddess who will gladly take you under her wing. Follow me, I'll show you to her."

With widened eyes and a big smile, Bell thanked Myr and followed her through Orario to where a certain goddess was manning a food cart.

"Yo Hestia! I found a kid who wants to join a Familia, and I figured you'd want to take a look."

Looking up, Hestia took one look at Bell and Myr's immediate thought was 'One of the 3 biggest virgins in heaven just fell in love at first sight.'

Bounding over to Bell, Hestia wrapped her arms around him and looked towards Myr and thanked her with a wide smile. Bell also thanked her as Myr started to walk off. Remembering a key point though, Myr turned back around and stood before Hestia. Both Hestia and Bell felt a little nervous, thinking they might have done something wrong, only to look at her in confusion when she handed Hestia a pair of keys.

"These are the keys to Apollo's mansion. I, ehem, "liberated" it from her when I had to put her down like the rabid dog she was. Long story short kid, as long as you don't mess with my family, you've got nothing to worry about from me. Apollo didn't take my warnings seriously, and now she's in heaven. Let me know if anyone bothers you at all, I need to protect a future hero. Also, chibi, come on over to my place once in a while. With you two the way you are, you're always welcome if you need help. Also, take this box. It has 2 billion Valis to get you some respectable gear, food, and supplies. I'll let Hephaestus know to make you some custom armor and a couple of weapons free of charge. She owes me a few favors so I'll cash a couple in. Take care."

With that, Myr walked off. Once Myr was out of sight, Bell turned towards Hestia who was looking at Myr with appreciation and gratitude.

"Hestia-sama, why did Goddess Myr have that blindfold on. Is she really blind? Also, why did I feel like she could squash me like a bug?"

Hestia looked at Bell quite shocked until she remembered that Bell had recently arrived. Shaking her head, Hestia looked around and finally put both of her hands on Bell's shoulders and said in a serious tone, "Bell-kun, promise me something. Never, EVER get on Myr-sama's bad side. She singlehandedly wiped out Apollo's Familia once they gravely offended her, and she destroyed all 3 of the major noble families because they kidnapped her children. She could quite easily kill any god or goddess with impunity, she's that strong, and no, she's not blind at all. From what I know, or at least heard about, she keeps that blindfold on to limit her power, and because her eyes look.. different. Remember Bell-kun, Myr-sama is not someone anyone or anything can afford to offend. Her wife is the strongest level 10 in Orario, and most likely the planet. There's word that one of her children has the power to absolutely destroy anyone under level 10. Don't worry though. As long as you make the right choices, she can be a wonderful ally to have."

With wide eyes, Bell nodded quickly.

'I wonder why Goddess Myr said she needed to protect a hero. Was she talking about me? No, impossible.'


'Systi, did you sense what I sensed in Bell?'

{Yeah, I did. Who would've thought that he'd get a blessing from Fate herself. I have a bad feeling about it though. Fate likes to mess with people, and in, erm, "strange" ways. I can't give you any more details, but know this. As you are right now, all she would need is a flick from her fingers and you'd die, in the most absolute way. If you want to travel between omniverses, you're gonna need to be at least soul tier 9 to contend against any monsters out there, be they mortal or divine.}

Nodding her head, Myr knew that she was still insanely weak compared to some of the beings in her omniverse. The worst part being that her demonic transformation was only soul tier 9, and she had no confidence she'd be able to maintain her sanity if she used it's full power.

Her overall strength was tier 9 as well, but that didn't mean squat if her enemy could use soul attacks. If someone with a soul tier of 8 or higher used a soul attack, Myr had no hopes of being able to live through that. She needed strength if she was going to travel to different omniverses.


With the motivation to get stronger, Myr decided to pull from her gacha machine that she had been neglecting for a while.

'Systi, use 50,000,000 pulls. Set the categories for items that can increase soul tiers, items that can be used for cultivation, and items that can increase physical and non-physical attacks and defenses.'

{Will do! Aaaand.. here we go!}


'What the hell? What Honey Badger? Hmm, maybe my gacha machine is on the fritz...'




'Well okay then.. Systi, you have any idea what that was about?'

{Not a clue my friend, not a clue...}


'Not again...'

'Look, whatever I said to offend you, I'm sorry. Can we at least chill?'


Myr's face immediately went a dark shade of red. 'I, uhh, I have a feeling Chloe's gonna want to have the necklace. Ah, I wouldn't mind it really. Having child with Chloe, ahhh...'

{Myr? Myr? Oi, Myr! Snap out of it!}

Upon Systi shouting at her, Myr snapped out of her daze, and with a slight blush on her cheeks, headed home.