More power! (part 1)


*Groan* 'Can you hold off on that? I want to sleep some more.'

'Thanks. I wanna sleep more with Chloe. Her scent is so comforting. Must have more sleep...'


4 hours later...

"*Yawn* Good morning Myr. You certainly can cuddle quite good~" Chloe said in a soft voice.

Myr blushed and kissed Chloe on the lips, which Chloe reciprocated. Pretty soon, their tongues were pushed into each other's mouths, saliva being swapped.

The kissing continued on for a few minutes until they had to break away to catch their breath. Chloe thought the way Myr's eyes sparkled were simply beautiful, and Myr thought Chloe's eyes had an enchanting gleam to them.

They were about to start kissing when Tenshi suddenly popped into their room and jumped onto the bed and hugged Myr and Chloe, sniffling.

This alerted both Myr and Chloe, as Myr quietly asked "Tenshi, what's the matter? Were you crying?"

Tenshi nodded and sniffled once more. "I.. I had a bad dream where you and Mommy were fighting someone really strong and you both got hurt bad. I was scared."

Both Myr and Chloe hugged Tenshi, comforting her. Chloe softly said "Oh sweetie, don't worry. There's not a single person that can hurt us. Everything is okay, there there."

After a few minutes of hugging, Tenshi had fallen asleep again. Myr picked her up and tucked her into their bed after she removed the saliva and sweat that may have been caught in the sheets.

They both decided to stay by Tenshi's side until she woke up, just in case she had another bad dream. In the mean time, Myr felt her communication jade softly hum, as did Chloe's.

Grasping their jades, they both heard Loki shouting. Clearing her throat, Myr asked "Mom? Is everything alright?"

Loki, who luckily heard her, quickly said "Ah great, Myr, Chloe, we need you at the enterance of the dungeon. Ottar is stuck down on the 89th floor. He triggered the monster rex on that floor and is stuck fighting it!"

Myr and Chloe both sighed at the same time and groaned at the same time as well. Myr grumbled "Freya owes me one for this. He was supposed to be able to make it to the 100th floor no problem, how the fuck is he stuck?"

Loki sighed and replied "I'm not sure. Something about the monster rex not looking like it normally does according to your sketches."

Myr sucked in a cold breath. "Mom, listen to me. I need you to get together whoever you can that's level 6. The monster rex mutated, probably due to Ottar's base foundation of his status board. It recognized Ottar as a battle hardened veteran and adjusted itself to be able to defeat him. He must have blazed through the floors leading up to it. The 89th floor's monster rex is meant to be a hard counter to anyone using physical means to rapidly clear the floors."

Loki could be heard sucking in a cold breathe. "Got it Myr, I'll tell everyone who's level 6 in my Familia and everyone else to grab their shit and to hike down their to save Ottar's ass. I have a feeling Freya would be quite distraught if he were to die."

Myr nodded at Chloe as they both woke up Tenshi and Nox and they all teleported to the enterance of the dungeon, where a group of level 5's and level 6's comprised of mainly the Loki, Freya, and Hephaestus Familia's appeared. With Myr and her Family here, quite a sizeable group of "Elites" were present.

Myr turned towards everyone present. "Alright people listen up! The monster rex on the 89th floor is meant to be a hard counter to physical damage, but only if you try and solo it. Since we're not going solo, it's main protection is going to be null and void.

Keep in mind that even though you all may be considered top tier, compared to a mutated 89th floor monster rex, you might as well be bugs! Chloe, Tenshi, Nox, and myself will not be helping fight, and will only run support as to let all of you gain some exilia. I should also mention that the monster rex will continuously spawn in humanoid creatures that carry crude weapons, and each of these are equal to a peak level 5 adventurer, though their fine motor movement is crap, so you'll easily be able to dispatch one. I want the strongest bunch of level 6's here to assist Ottar. In 30 seconds I will teleport everyone into the same room as Ottar. Keep this in mind, you make the kill, you get the spill. Any questions!?"

Besides the final triple check on their gear, no one said anything.

Myr nodded. "Alright, LET'S GO!"

""""YES MA'AM!""""

Snapping her fingers, Myr teleports the rescue party directly into the room where Ottar was locked in combat. Seeing the blood trickle from his numerous wounds, broken armor, and cracked greatsword, Myr knew that Ottar took one hell of a beating.

Everyone gave a war cry as they charged into the onslaught of Whiteys, the humanoid monsters that were shaped like grossly unproportionate humans with no faces and completely white body that lacked genitalia. some carried crude weapons, while others just used their super long arms to try and bash and slash at their prey.

Myr and Chloe both used area healing and support magic, while Nox and Tenshi were having a blast throwing grenades into large groups of Whiteys.

The first adventurer to get hurt was from the Hephaestus Familia, as he accidentally swung his hammer too hard and dislocated his shoulder.

Tripping due to the pain, a Whitey was about to swing an axe at his head when a great axe suddenly cleaved the Whitey in two and a dwarf stomped on it's body, making it disperse into mana particles.

Seeing Gareth was the one who saved him, the adventurer popped his shoulder back in with a grimace and was helped up by Gareth.

"You okay to still fight boy!?"

The man nodded. "Fine and dandy sir!"

"Then get your ass back in there! There's more of these freaks by the minute!" Gareth shouted as he started to cleave his way towards Ottar, where several level 6's were already assisting him.

Myr spotted the man and casted a full heal spell, instantly healing his wounds and repairing the damaged tissue that was torn when the man swung too hard.

Feeling the pain instantly go away, the man spots Myr and gives her a curt nod as he goes back to join the battle.

Myr spotted Lefiya and Riveria rapidly casting wide scale magic in an attempt to stymie the flow of Whiteys, only for Lefiya to nearly run out of mana mid-chant.

Sensing her mana reaching dangerously low levels, Myr quickly casts a new spell called [Mana Up], which sends a surge of mana towards a target that instantly and constantly replenishes the target's mana pool and keeps it full for 10 minutes.

She cast this on both Lefiya and Riveria, and when they felt the sudden feeling of unlimited mana at their disposal, they both turn and smile at her, to which she gave them a thumbs up.

Spell after spell was then launched from the two magic prodigies, laying waste to the seemingly endless amount of Whiteys.

Ryuu could be seen flitting around and slicing the heads off of the Whiteys, as several dozen Whiteys died every minute from her.

Myr then started to cast "de-buff" spells and throw jinxes, hexes, and curses in an AOE type of fashion at the further back group of Whiteys, all while casting buffing magic and healing magic on every adventurer present.

Surprisingly, nobody has died at all during the skirmish, and everyone was laying waste to the Whiteys, with tens of thousands dead after only a mere half an hour.

Myr then directed Chloe to cast healing and buffing magic on the cream of the crop adventurers who were assisting Ottar fight the monster rex.

The monster rex itself was a respectable 10 meters in height, that looked like a humanoid figure with black skin and 18 arms coming out of it's side and back, each holding a different weapon. There were purple tattoos all over it's body, and it also lacked any sort of genitalia and facial features.

The normal color was supposed to be completely white with no tattoos, and it only should have had 6 arms.

Myr scanned the monster rex and sure enough, it equaled a low level 9 adventurer, though it was more like 18 since each arm was half of it's body length and able to strike at many different adventurers at once. Against one person, they might as well be fighting 18 low level 9 adventurers.

Myr then scanned Ottar and was surprised to see he was already low-mid level 8 in stats. Even so, Ottar had been pretty beat up and probably would have died if not for the rescue effort.

Chloe cast an AOE spell called [Complete Restore] that repaired any damage done to any and all equipment, and healed any and all wounds as well as clearing out any and all negative status effects. It also had the bonus of granting a base stat boost to the peak of their level for 10 minutes.

Chloe saw Ais use some weird skill that enveloped her body in a greenish aura as she suddenly dashed towards an arm that was attacking her at Mach 3, severing it instantly as if she was trying to cut butter with a hot knife.

Ottar then roared and swung at a greatsword the monster rex was attacking him with and upon contact, ended up shattering it's greatsword with his own. He then yelled again and cleanly severed that particular arm.

Tione and Tiona were using teamwork to tackle 2 arms at once. Tione vaulted off of Tione and used the momentum to land a devastating kick to another one of it's weapon, shattering it worse than if an MLB player hit a vase with a metal bat.

The other arm that held a club however, slammed into Tione, causing her to cough up blood. Tione's eyes began to glow as a red aura enveloped her body as her skill, [Backdraft] activated and gave Tione an insane surge of power, enabling her to easily rip the arm that struck her clean off, though it took everything she had even after [Backdraft] was activated.

Tione tagged out with Tiona as Tiona immediately used [Berserk] and cleaved downwards with her weapon of choice, Urga.

Urga ended up completely severing the arm and rendering it useless with a single strike, though it could be attributed to Tione shattering it's weapon first.

Gareth could be seen fighting two arms at once, both of which had clubs in their grasp. Gareth deflected two swings before casting [Earth Raid] to distract the arms as he lept up and cleanly severs the two arms right at the joints, rendering two more arms useless.

Allen Fromel could be seen darting around and avoiding attacks, though about half still connected, only to be blocked by his spear. Allen let out a war cry and blitzed the arm he was fighting and with hundreds of stabs in a few seconds, the arm was sheared off, weapon and all.

Mama Mia, rather than wearing her usual Hostess of Fertility outfit, donned an upgraded version of her old armor, except much more durable and layered with protective enchantments. She wielded a broadsword that was as tall as she was, plus a few centimeters. With a smirk, she expertly deflected 2 broadsword strikes from two arms and countered with a skill Myr would later know as [Adaptive Counter], which allowed her to instantly counter any physical attack, no matter what kind of weapon was used, and send the attack back through her broadsword with 5 times the force of her enemy's strike and her strike combined. Needless to say, the two arms were obliterated.

Hogni and Hedin were working together for once to take down 2 arms. Hogni kept casting fire spells while Hedin was casting protective spells that Myr had given both of them. Soon, two extra crispy arms could be seen crumbling to ash.

Finn was seen nimbly dealing with another arm. Wielding an ornate spear, Chloe recognized his skill [Spearman], and using said skill, Finn eventually slices off the arm.

Bete could be seen slicing at the arm that was fighting him, as well as using his custom made boots, "Flosvirt", to channel the magic Myr was channeling to him to kick and fry the arm. After a mere minute, Bete finally destroys the arm, as it falls down with hundreds if cuts and burns.

Tsubaki could be seen taking on 1 arm as well, as the pill that she gave Tsubaki allowed her to reach level 6. She was using a large hammer and her very own sword that she made herself, "Benishigure", which she used in tandem with a larger version of her smithing hammer. She parried a swing of the arm that she was fighting and slammed her hammer into the knuckles of the hand, crushing them. She then followed that blow with a swift Iaidō cut with her sword, severing it.

With only 4 arms remaining, the monster rex, which would later be known as "Rakshasa", let out a terrible scream as it grew to 20 meters in height and now sported 36 arms, each with different weapons that were larger than even the tallest adventurer present.

Chloe and Myr were both alarmed and cursed at the same time.

'Fucking hell! It mutated again! Chloe, Rakshasa is now equal to a mid level 10, get everyone out of there now! Have Tenshi and Nox handle this fucker, nobody present besides us 4 can kill it now!'

'On it! Don't worry, they got this, just keep making sure no one dies!'

Chloe and Myr exchanged telepathic messages as Chloe used one of her new skills, [Command Howl] to shout at the level 6 adventurers and Ottar.


Everyone's faces paled at those words as they quickly backed off. Tenshi and Nox both nodded to eachother and took their true forms, scaring just about everyone present.

Tenshi made a loud mechanical screeching sound as her maw whirred to life, as Nox let out a beastial roar and snorted black flames.

With Raksasha on one side, and Tenshi and Nox on the other, neither side moved until all 3 of them cried out as the two sides charged each other, aiming to kill.