Righting wrongdoings (part 2) (R18)

One of the SCP operatives, which Myr presumed to be the leader, shouted "Drop your weapons and lemme see your hands!"

Remembering that she used a not so subtle amount of magic in her arrays, Myr sighed.

"You must be MTF-777, otherwise known as Hecate's Spear, correct?"

The leader of the entourage firmly stated "That's none of your concern. Now lay down your weapons and show us your hands!"

Myr scowled. "I set up 4 complex arrays that would have taken your clowns in the Thaumaturgy Research Department decades to make. What makes you think your little pea shooters will hurt us? Besides, you have bigger problems that my hammer and her daggers."

Whistling a few high pitched notes, one of Myr's Clockwork Yaka Arrows shot up from a holster and zipped towards the leader's helmet, stopping an millimeter from his gas mask.

None of the MTF members saw it move, and only saw the arrow when it stopped a millimeter away from their leader's gas mask.

Feeling cold sweat down their backs and foreheads, all of the MTF members started firing at Myr and Chloe, only to see their bullets hit what appeared to be an invisible wall as they stopped 3 meters from them both.

Sighing, Myr grumbled "I tried being nice. Now that you've not only denied the olive branch I sent you, you burned it as well. Fine then, let's play rough."

Myr started whistling as the arrow zigged, zagged, and zipped all around, piercing the MTF members' heads with lethal accuracy. It even cleanly punched through the APC that was used to get them there, killed the driver, and destroyed the communication equipment.

Whistling once more, Myr called the arrow back to her as she caught it and placed it back into it's holster. Realizing that she should save her fury for her parents, Myr snapped her fingers and teleported all of the victims located within her tormentors' houses to their rightful place, cleaned and dressed, before un-holstering her armor and whistled, causing it to shoot off at high speeds, killing all of the men who tormented her for years.

After a constant 13 minutes of whistling, the arrow came shooting back to Myr, which she caught and holstered once more.

Nodding to Chloe, Chloe gently hugged Myr and asked "Are you sure you're ready for this? I'll handle this myself if you're not."

Myr shook her head. "I'd be ashamed of myself forever if I ran away. I started this cleaning process, and I'm going to finish it."

Chloe nodded as she let go of Myr. Myr then snapped her fingers and teleported her and Chloe to the place of horrors, her old house.

Walking up to the door, Myr placed the same arrays as she did before she got the bright idea to remotely kill the other scum, and brought out her breaching hammer.

Myr loudly knocked on the door 3 times and shouted "Housekeeping!" before slamming her hammer into the door and knocking it off it's hinges.

Walking into the living room, Myr saw her mother and father sitting on the couch, looking at them in fear.

Myr dryly laughed. "It seems you two haven't changed. Still shooting up drugs I see, eh? Tell me, how long did it take for the chunk of money that was allotted to you from my life insurance to turn into drugs, needles, spoons, and lighters? Probably not long huh?"

Her father shakingly spoke "H-Hannah? No, that's-!"

Myr cut him off. "Shut the fuck up! It is me, and yes, I really did die, and yes, I'm not human anymore. The woman you see next to me is my wife, I have 8 children, and someone I can call Mom. You two were not my mother and father, but merely my sperm and egg donor. I have a REAL family now, and I'm so much more happy that I don't have fats pigs of men drugging and raping me on a daily basis."

Myr's biological father got angry. "You ran away from us! It was US who gave YOU the chance to be who you are! You OWE us- AGHHHH!"

Chloe didn't even let Myr's biological father finish before she threw one of her daggers with pinpoint precision and sliced off one of his toes, cauterizing the wound and calling back the dagger.

Flicking the blood off, Chloe snarled "Shut the fuck up! You have no power in this situation! Myr is free to do what she wants, and pieces of shit like you have no place in her life! You may have sired her, but you've long lost any claim to her. Now shut your fucking mouth before cut your dick off and shove it down your throat!"

Chloe was was yelling at the end while emitting a sea of killing intent, pressuring Myr's father and mother into silence.

Myr placed a hand on Chloe's shoulder, causing her to reel in her killing intent and instead just settled for glaring at the two pieces of shit sitting on the couch.

Myr walked up to the table and picked up a spoon with the drugs still in it. "Hmm, heroin, and not the cheap kind either. This looks like a Mexican import. You probably bought it for 300 dollars per ounce, right? Such a shame. All of that money could have been used to better yourselves, and yet it was used to buy life ending drugs to shoot up your arms."

Myr set down the spoon and picked up a bag that had white powder in it. "This is some strong stuff, I can smell it through the bag. Premium Columbian Snow, the rich boy's nose candy. This stuff isn't cheap either. I personally like smelling my wife's scent first thing in the morning when I wake up beside her, but you do you I guess."

Setting the bag down, Myr picks up a small dime bag that contained 6 multi-colored tablets. "MDMA, the raver's delight. Just looking at these I can tell they're of fine quality. Premium amphetamines that will land you 20 years behind bars if you're caught with 3 tablets or more."

tossing the dime bag away, Myr picked up what looked to be a sheet of thin, solid cardboard with pictures of a various collection of fruits in perforated squares. "LSD tabs. This whole sheet will run someone about 1½ G's."

Myr then picked up a bottle full of clear liquid that had a numbing scent that she could smell even outside the bottle. "Fentanyl. An extremely potent opioid used in sedation, anesthesia, and in some cases, cutting drugs. This other bottle has ketamine in it. Both illegal to own by the general public."

Setting down the two bottles, Myr looks at her mother and father with a sneer. "It's pathetic that you two dipshits have to resort to hard drugs to feel happy, only for the crash to make you realize that you're two nobodies that'll never amount to anything. I love my new family, and playing, eating with, and sharing time with them is more powerful than any drug, though I wouldn't mind the occasional catnip pie."

Chuckling at her own joke, Myr continued on. "I want to ask you if there's any remorse from you two for never caring about your own flesh and blood, but the truth of the matter is that you never did love me. You never thought of me as anything other than a means to get some quick cash to shoot up, snort, and consume in the form of life ruining substances. Like I said before, you're both pathetic."

Myr's mother spoke up for the first time since they arrived. "Hannah, we never meant you any harm-"

"Oh stuff a sock in it you old hag, you DID mean me harm by knowingly letting greasy old men drug and rape me. I was tortured daily. I had so many cuts, bruises, and burns that I had to spend all of my money on make up just to cover the marks, all, because, of YOU!" Myr shouted while scowling.

Neither her mother or father said anything, and that caused Myr to scowl even more. "Nothing to say to that? Nothing you want to try and hide? Don't worry, we can take our sweet time. The police won't be here, nobody will answer your calls that I know you've been trying to make, and no one will hear anything that happens in here, all because I'm stronger than you, and I want to catch up on what I missed while I was happily living my life after death. So, where to start. Chloe my love, do you have any suggestions?"

Chloe sported an almost crazed grin. "I saw we start with cutting their fingers and toes off after we peel the skin from them."

Myr nodded and smiled and was about to agree, when a thought came to her mind.

'If I follow through with this, then.. I'll be no different than the ones who tortured me on a daily basis, I'll be no different than these monsters in human skin. Fucking hell...'

Sighing, Myr threw her hammer to the ground. "As good as that sounds Chloe, I think.. I think I'll have to pass. I know what this is. This is a test. If I forgive them, I fail. If I follow through with this, I fail. If I try to alter anything, I fail. I know what I have to do. If you want to make them suffer, then go for it."

With that, Myr walked out the door after she picked up her hammer, leaving Chloe with Myr's mother and father. Her father sneered. "Hah, little bitch doesn't have the guts to follow through, what a coward."

Myr's father's comment was rewarded by Chloe kicking his jaw and breaking it. Giving them both a smile that would make even the most hardened of killers cower in fear, Chloe said "Trust me, it's not that she doesn't have the guts to follow through, but rather has the will to simply let go of her past. I, however, am going to give you so much pain and suffering that you'll wish she had killed you herself, because unlike her, I don't let go of problems as big as this. Just like what I do to monsters, I kill them."

Throughout the night, screams and howls of pain could be heard in the Shulz household until 5 in the morning.

With the sun rising, Chloe came out clean as a whistle and walked to and sat down beside Myr.

Hugging her, Chloe asked "Did you manage to let go?" Myr nodded her head with a smile on her face. "Mn, I did. I feel so much lighter, like instead of carrying a million kilograms, I'm now carrying nothing. I have to say though, hearing their screams and wails did put me in a good mood. Thank you Chloe, I truly love you with all of my heart and soul."

Kissing Chloe on the lips, Myr and Chloe watched the sun rise as they sat in each other's embrace.

After a while, they both got up, brushed themselves off, and teleported to each and every victim's house with briefcases that contained one million dollars in them and laid one on each doorstep after ringing the doorbell or knocking on the door. Inside the briefcases, there was money, and also a note that explained to them what they should do with the money.

This caused all of the victims' families to burst into tears of joy, knowing that someone was looking out for them. Some thanked God, some thanked their ancestors, and some thanked Lady Luck for giving them their children back and leaving the money.

Little did Myr know that she would be the spark that ignited a raging inferno of an anti-pedophilia movement that would cause so much positive change in the prevention of child related sexual crimes, prosecution of predators and pedophiles, and a monstrous decline of child trafficking rings and crime syndicates.


After picking up many snacks, drinks, clothes, snacks, video game consoles, movies, snacks, more drinks, tools, furniture, and snacks, Myr teleported her and Chloe back to her home, where everyone could be seen sleeping in various parts of the living room in her mansion.

Deciding to pull a quick prank, Myr brings out an air horn that she bought from a hardware store and presses the button, scaring everyone present awake.

Seeing everyone jolt upright, Myr loses it and starts to laugh so hard she started tearing up, much to the amusement of Chloe, and helplessness of everyone else.

Loki walked up to Myr and whapped her on the back of the head with a rolled up newspaper that she had bought to pass the time.

She then hugged Myr and stayed like that for a few seconds before asking "So, how did it go Myr? Are you okay?"

Myr looked at Loki and gave her a warm smile. "Yeah, everything's fine now. I've let go of my past, as they're not an important part of me anymore. Thanks for putting up with me and my bullshit all this time, Mom."

Loki's heart felt warm and fuzzy when Myr called her Mom, like every time she does so.

Mama Mia then walked up to Myr and gave her a firm hug as well. Looking at Myr, she gave her a thumbs up. "We're glad to hear you're doing okay kid. You were gone for a week and a half. Those fuckers are 6 feet under right?"

"Some of them are 6 feet under, the rest are garden décor." Myr said with a cheeky smile.

Mama Mia heartily laughed and gave Myr one last hug before Riveria came up to her and gently hugged Myr.

"We're all proud of you Myr. We're glad you're back. While you were gone, we fended off another invasion from Rakia, and we all flew a banner with your Familia's crest on it in spirit of you, all because we knew you'd be the first to respond to the call of duty."

Myr was honestly touched by this and giggled a little. "Well, you're certainly right that I'd be on the front lines. Please tell me you kicked Ares' teeth in."

Ourania popped up from underneath a kotatsu, the sight of which made Myr spit out the water she was drinking. "I personally did that Myr. Ares needed to be taught a lesson. It.. It's not because I like you or anything!"

Tenshi walked up to Ourania and lightly bopped her head. "Great grandma Ourania, it's bad to lie to Mom. You even shouted "Myr could do better, but you'll have to settle being slapped around by me! For Myr!" before you lead the charge against their forces. Everyone even cried out "For Myr!" after you shouted your line" Tenshi said innocently.

Ourania's face turned beet red and stayed like that for a few seconds until she sighed and gave a wry smile.

"Fine, I admit, you've grown on me Myr. You're the cause of most of my headaches now Myr, but you're a good kid. A trouble maker, but a good kid nonetheless. I'm happy you're back. Also, could you, erm, make me one of these? It's so comfy."

Myr laughed and with a gleam in her eye, Myr said "You can keep that one. All I want in return is 1 free pass for a single prank where I don't get chewed out."

Ourania sighed and gave a dry chuckle. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but sure, consider it done."

Hephaestus walked up to Myr and gave her a fist bump. "Good job Myr, I- no, WE are all proud of you, more than words can show. I did what you asked me to and I made Bell some custom armor and shield, though he somehow managed to break his shield not even a day after he went into the dungeon with it. The shield got broken because he used it to break his fall when he fell down a steep incline, which shouldn't be possible, so if you have some spare Vibranium, I'd appreciate that. The damn rabbit has broken so many bones in his body from that fall that I'm surprised he isn't dead. I'm not sure whether he's unlucky, or lucky."

Myr raised her left eyebrow. "Broke one of YOUR custom made shields, and it was made out of Vibranium? That damn rabbit."

This caused everyone to laugh, and as the day went on, so did the celebrations. Little did Myr know that the real reward has yet to come.