Righting wrongdoings (part 1) (R18)

(A/N: WARNING! THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS WILL CONTAIN HEAVY MATERIAL THAT IS NOT SUITED FOR ANYONE UNDER 16! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! Additionally, these few chapters will be the toughest for me to write, as most of it has happened to me when I was younger myself, so bare with me for if they end up being a little shaky)

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

Hammering could be heard from Myr's workshop, along with whirring, buzzing, and the sound of swearing.

"Fucking hell, how many tries is it going to take to make it!" Myr cursed out loud.

Myr was currently only dressed in a light pair of skin tight jogging shorts and a sports bra due to the temperature needed to melt and refine her materials.

With sweat covering her body, Myr gives it one final swing before removing her goggles and examining her work.

With little hope, Myr links up the weapon and binds it to her soul.

'Here goes nothing...' Myr thinks with a grimace on her face.

Taking a deep breath, Myr directs the weapon, which appears to any normal person as just a sharp obsidian black stick, to shoot through a block of adamantite in front of her.


The stick blinks past Myr and flies straight through the block of metal, making a clean hole through the block.

Smiling, Myr begins the process of making 19 more of the sticks.

"My version of the Yaka Arrow is finally a success. These are going to be so much fun to play with~"

Once done with the 20 arrows, Myr begins to work on other projects such as creating her Aeternum Tech, first of which were the shield not unlike the ones you'd find in The Division, except much more advanced.

Chanting numerous spells and working the magi-tech, Myr creates her first portable Bulwark Shield.

With the appearance of a small bracelet that can expand or shrink to fit the user's wrist, Myr flicks her wrist as a massive full body shield clanks out in a split second.

The nice thing about the shield is that even when deployed, it only weighs 5 kilograms, and impervious to any form of attack that could be thrown at it, with Myr, Chloe, Tenshi, and Nox being the only exceptions.

Satisfied, Myr uses Time and Space magic to replicate the shield and makes a batch of 50, with the intention of selling them.

She then proceeds to craft a half shield, and a mini shield that could be used in confined spaces.

Once finished with those, Myr again replicates them exactly as the original and makes batches of 50 each, also with the intention of selling them.

She then gets to working on making grenades for supporters to use as weapons. Using her nanobots as a shell, she first creates a timed fuse, then packs the grenades with solidified and powdered explosive magic. She solidified it by using her Time, Space, and Chaos divinities, making each one powerful enough to kill tens of minotaurs or one full grown fire dragon.

Myr makes a batch of 5,000 grenades and packs them in padded crates of 25 each before packing the crates into a single storage ring.

With that out of the way, she then packs everything up and heads up to her and Chloe's room to take a bath.

What she didn't expect was a frowning Chloe leaning against the wall near her workshop door. Taking a look at Myr, who looked like a deer caught in some headlights, Chloe, still with a frown, asked "Do you know how long you've been down here in your workshop?"

Myr tilted her head in confusion and shook it. Chloe sighed and said in a tired voice "You've been down here for 5 days straight. I'm going to be blunt with you Myr, you look like shit, and I'm kind of upset with you right now. The least you could have done is let all of us know that you'd be down there an extended period of time."

Myr felt extremely guilty that she worried everyone about her and was about to apologize when a wave of pain unlike any other wracked her body.

At first it was manageable, only causing her to slightly wince. Soon though, it was enough for her to start profusely sweating.

Recognizing the familiar demonic energy welling up like a stopped volcano, Myr panicked and pushed Chloe away when she was about to help Myr wipe herself down.

Realizing what kind of situation Myr was in, Chloe's eyes widened as she crushed an code black emergency talisman that when crushed, immediately warned everyone who had one of the needles to teleport to her location.

With the entire Loki Familia including Loki, Mama Mia, and the combat worthy staff of the Hostess of Fertility teleporting out of the blue with the needles in their hands, everyone felt wave after wave of terrifying demonic energy surging outwards.

Seeing that Myr was the cause, everyone's faces turned ghost white as they all brandished the needles in case the worst happened.

Seeing all of this genuinely scared Myr, as she held down the pain as best as she could, until it was too much.

Letting out a scream, Myr's body was enveloped in a wrathful demonic energy as black lines, almost like tattoos, appeared all over her body, as her hair tuned blood red.

Looking at everyone, Myr smiled, and in a distorted voice, said "Put those toys away, you'll hurt yourselves. Besides, I didn't come here to play. Rather, I'm wanting to surrender my power to the original Myr."

Seeing everyone not moving back or lowering the needles, and instead gripping them more firmly and taking their battle stances, this Myr sighed and waved her hand and created a chair for her to sit on.

Waving her hand again, more chairs appeared as she gestured for them to take a seat.

When no one did, this Myr's eyebrows twitched as she frowned and sighed again.

"Fine then, don't get comfortable. I may not be THE Myr, but I'm a part of her that has always been present, deep inside her."

Glaring at Chloe in particular, this Myr growled out "First of all, it was YOU who triggered my release. I was in a deep slumber and your dumbass woke me up. Do you realize how much guilt she felt when you scolded her like that? It was enough to make even ME feel guilty, and that shouldn't be possible because what you're seeing right now is a part of her that she's been keeping locked away deep inside her soul for a long time."

Looking at everyone, this Myr continued on.

"What I am is simple. I'm the entity that represents all of the sorrow, rage, anger, helplessness, guilt, apathy, and all other manners of negative feelings to the extreme. I'm basically her dark side if you will. Believe it or not, THE Myr is weaker than I am, as the amount of suffering she's endured couldn't ever be stated by just words alone. She's lucky I wasn't pissed off and only slightly annoyed."

Chloe frowned and asked "So if you're who and what you say you are, and with you saying that you'll give her your power, does that mean she'll have to carry that burden by herself?"

This Myr looked at Chloe as if she were looking at someone who just asked a dumb question at Harvard.

"Are you retarded? Fuck no she's not going to have to shoulder it alone. She has all of you. Though, you'll be the only one to accompany her with the little trip I'm going to send you two on. To fully harness her true strength, she's going to have to burn the roots and source of her suffering away. I'm sure you all know what that entails."

Everyone sucked in a cold breath of air. Chloe's mouth trembled as she shakingly asked "She's going to have to go back and visit her old world, isn't she?"

This Myr simply nodded before saying "I've talked enough. Believe it or not, but I hate myself. I've wanted to be absorbed by THE Myr for a long time now. This is the result of your doing, Chloe, so you'd better take great care of her from now on. I trust you will though. With this, I can only hope that THE Myr finds peace. Farewell."

With those final words, this Myr turned into a condensed ball of mana and was promptly absorbed into Myr's glabella.

Sensing the demonic energy disappear, everyone stood around Myr with bated breaths, still clenching the needles.

All of a sudden, Myr's eyes snapped opened as she sat upright, and promptly caused everyone to relax at her first words.

"Mother fucker that hurt! That dumb bitch made me take a seat on the bench while she monologued, how much of a fucking cliché mother fucker could she be!"

Chloe suddenly picked Myr up in a hug as tears started to fall.

"Myr, why? Why didn't you tell us you were hurting that much?! Was it because of something we did?!"

Myr was surprised by Chloe's outburst and gently hugged her back.

"I honestly didn't know that's how much I was suppressing. It shocked me when I found out that what you just saw was the cause of my demonic transformation. I promise not to bottle things up anymore Chloe. I promise that I'll tell you all if I'm feeling down, and if I'm hurting, I'll seek out you guys' help. I may be many things, but I'm not one to break my promises. Let's go Chloe. It's time I pay a visit to my old world."

Chloe let go of Myr, and after wiping away her tears, kissed Myr in front of everyone, promptly embarrassing her, causing her to blush, yet she savored the kiss nonetheless.

After they broke away, Myr and Chloe smiled at eachother.

Loki piped up then. With a shit eating grin on her face, she said "Myr, Chloe, teach those fuckers not to mess with us. I want to hear that they were punished accordingly, got it ladies, and bring some gifts back would ya'? Those chocolates were super tasty- ack!"

Loki was whapped on the back of the head by Ais who sternly said "Loki-sama, not now. Let them make peace first, then as for candy."

Mama Mia snorted at this and grinned at Myr. "Kid, know this. We'll all help you shoulder your sorrows. Besides, that pill you gave me really did the trick. I've lost quite a bit of weight and I've had several guys already ask me out. Makes me feel young again hahaha!"

Taking a good look at Mama Mia, Myr's eyes widened as she asked without thinking, "Holy crap, Mama Mia, is that really you?! I never knew this is how you looked in your mid twenties!"

This caused Mama Mia to laugh. "Haha, well what can I say? You're a miracle worker Myr. Now go out there and kick some ass. Bury those fuckers 6 feet under!"

Everyone voiced their encouragement and warm words of support, which made Myr have to wipe a tear away that fell down.

Smiling at everyone, Myr nodded and grinned. "Alright, thumbs up, let's do this."


A chorus of voices could be heard coming from behind the group. Parting ways, everyone saw Tenshi, Nox, and Team Neko all looking at Myr with grins on their faces.

Myr burst out laughing, and laughed so hard she started tearing up. Going up to them, she gave each of them a kiss on the head and hugged them.

With that, Myr held out her hand to Chloe, and with a smile, she asked "Shall we head out?"

Taking her hand, Chloe warmly smiled and replied "Of course. Let's go."

A bright flash and the two were gone.


Another bright flash and both Chloe and Myr appeared at the enterance to a subburb deep in the heart of Wisconsin. Recognizing the particular place they teleported to, Myr's smile was replaced first to a frown, then to a borderline feral expression.

"I know this place. Chloe, we're in the area of 5 of the men who raped me when I was a kid. They were my parent's first "customers". The closest one I can sense is one of the worst humans you can find. I wasn't the first little girl he raped either. According to him, he's "claimed" 20 other children before me. That's what he said before he raped me."

Chloe scowled. "Well then, I think it's about time we take out the trash. I'm gonna gut this monster like a pig if you don't mind."

Myr grinned. "Sure, just make sure I get my fill first. After all, if the meat isn't tenderized first, it'll turn out bad."

Chloe nodded as they quickly made their way to the house not even a minute's walk away.

Once there, Myr set up a jamming array which blocked all communication to and from the house, a silencing array that prevented anyone from hearing what was going on inside of it, an illusion array which made the house look like normal to everyone outside of the array itself, and a compulsion array, which made people feel an irresistible compulsion to steer clear of the array and the house.

Once done with the arrays, Myr summoned out a nanomachine breaching hammer while Chloe took out two daggers.

Nodding to each other, Myr muttered "Knock knock open up the door it's real" before slamming the hammer into the lock of the door and busting it open.

A startled yell sounded out as Myr flicked her wrist and brought out an oversized bulwark shield. Not even a second later, the sound of gunfire came from a room 10 meters away as the bullets were deflected by Myr's shield.

Moving up, Myr's shield kept deflecting the bullets as they leisurely walked up to the door. One in front of it and the sound of gunfire stopped, Myr retracted the shield as she once again hit down the door, only to find a fat, naked man with everything to see, with a tied up little girl that was naked lying on his bed crying.

Feeling her vision turn red, Myr had to take a few deep breathes to calm herself. Looking at him, she asked "Do you know who I am? Do you remember me, Fatty Joe?"

The man's eyes widened as a look of fear ran across his face. "I-Impossible, you died! This can't be, this.. this is impossible!"

Myr snorted. "I also thought it was impossible for parents to not love their child, but look at what my parents let you do to me. Don't worry though, I did die, but now I'm back and stronger than ever. Did you know there are worlds out there that are much more powerful than earth? The weapons I use are made from one such world. I'm also not human anymore, and I'm so thankful for that. You reap what you sow, Fatty Joe." Myr motioned Chloe to take the girl and get her somewhere safe. Chloe blinked over to the girl and teleported her outside the house with a blanket, as Myr readied her hammer.

"I'm gonna enjoy this." she said with a feral grin. Swinging the hammer, she crushes his kneecap to dust as bone breaks the skin and the man screamed.

Casting a consciousness spell on the Fatty Joe, Myr takes another swing and smashes his other kneecap to dust, as the man screams again.

Leaning in a little bit, Myr asked "Do you want me to continue?"

Fatty Joe shakes his head with tears in his eyes. "N-No! Please stop!"

Myr dryly chuckled. "I remember saying those exact words to you when you raped me. I guess Karma really is a bitch, ain't it?"

6 more swings later and both of his feet, hands, and arms were crippled as well. Blood was splattered across the room as the man was still awake during all of this.

Kneeling down so she could look him in the eyes, Myr whispered "I have to leave you for my wife to finish, so I'll part ways with this little gift. You like little girls, right? Well now you can be one."

Myr swung her hammer once more and crushed the Fatty Joe's manhood, as a noise that sounded like a mix of eggs cracking and jello flopping sounded out as the man screamed without actually making any sound.

Walking out, Myr flicked her hand as all of the blood magically was wiped off of her clothes, skin, and hair. Walking out to Chloe, Myr nodded her head towards Chloe, which caused Chloe to sport a sinister smile as she practically bolted indoors.

Myr knelt down so she was eye level with the little girl.

"Hey there sweetie, what's your name?"

The girl looked at her, namely her ears and tail, and said quietly "My name is Jenna, pretty cat lady."

Myr chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Jenna is a pretty name. Don't worry, everything is going to be just fine now. Let's get you some clothes, okay? Be a good girl and close your eyes, and when I say "open" open them and take a look at yourself."

The girl mutely nodded and closed her eyes tight. Snapping her fingers, Myr dressed her up in a pink princess dress that fit her size just right, cleaning her up in the process and even adding a tiara in her hair.

"Okay Jenna, now, open!"

Jenna opened her eyes and looked down, and when she saw the princess dress, she squealed in delight.

Looking at Myr with a happy smile, Jenna asked Myr "Will the bad man ever touch me again?"

Myr smiled and hugged her. "Absolutely not. The bad man will be punished for touching you. Let's get you home, okay? Now, close your eyes and think of your home, and when you open them, we'll be there."

Jenna excitedly nodded and closed her eyes. Myr scanned Jenna's memories and teleported them to her parents' house.

Jenna opened her eyes and squealed again in excitement when she saw her house again.

Knocking on the door, a woman who was sobbing opened it, and when she saw Jenna, she burst into tears once more.

"Jenna, Jenna is that really you?!"

"Yes Mommy, it's me! The pretty cat lady rescued me!"

The mother looked at Myr and, surprisingly, hugged her like only a mother could.

"I don't know who you are, and I don't care. Thank you for bringing my baby home, thank you so much!"

Myr hugged her back. "Ma'am, it warms my heart to see a mother love her child as much as you do. I never had that growing up. I hope you find peace now. Here, I brought this briefcase with me. It contains one million dollars to help pay for any fees the missing person's posters might have costed as well as therapy sessions for your child, you, and your husband. Take care ma'am."

With that, Myr snapped her fingers and switched places with a briefcase filled up with one million dollars in it.

The mother looked at the briefcase in shock.

Jenna asked her mother "Mommy, where did the pretty cat lady go?"

The mother looked at Jenna and smiled. "The pretty cat lady was an angel. She went back to heaven now that she brought you home. Come on in sweetie, daddy is almost home from work. He'll be so happy to see you."


Myr teleported back to the house and saw Fatty Joe's head on a stick, still dripping blood in the front yard.

Chloe walked to Myr and hugged her. "That man was horrible. He had photos of all the little girls he raped under his bed. I set them on top of his computer for the police to see."

Myr nodded. Alright, let's go tidy up another house."

With a snap of her fingers, Myr undid the arrays and the sight she saw in front of her made me curse.

A bunch of heavily armed men wearing black combat gear all pointed their weapons at Chloe and Myr, and the symbol that was attached to their vests, helmets, and vehicles caused Myr to curse again.

"Fucking SCP Foundation, they were real?!"
