Monster Feria Shennanigans

Walking along the road leading to the Ganesha Familia home and arena, Myr decided to bring the whole family along to see the the events unfold.

Along the way, Myr, Tenshi, and Nox were munching on some snacks that Myr had made, namely a large picnic basket full of chocolate chip cookies shaped like a cat's head.

Chloe was walking a little behind Myr, and Team Neko was rolling along beside everyone.

"Myr, I've always wondered. How do you not gain any weight despite all that you eat?" Chloe asked with a small smile.

Swallowing her cookie, Myr grinned at Chloe. "It's because I'm always active, and the fact that I have a perfect digestive system, so anything I eat gets converted to raw energy for me to use. In all actuality, I don't even need to eat or drink anything, I just do so because it's fun and tasty."

Sighing, Chloe smiles and rubs the top of Myr's head, while Tenshi leaned over and whispered in Nox's ear, "Mom and Mommy have that lovey dovey feeling between them right now. It's best not to disturb them."

Myr froze for a moment and looked at Tenshi with a rather tight smile and said "Tenshi, I can hear you. If you want to know what this lovey dovey feeling is like then you'll have to wait until you're older. Same goes for you Nox."

Tenshi and Nox both giggled and took two cookies each before they happily start munching on them.

Seeing this, Myr's left eyebrow twitched, while Chloe chuckled quietly at Myr's reaction.

Pretty soon, all 10 of them were in front of the Ganesha Familia's arena, and were greeted by Shakti herself.

Walking up to Shakti, Myr and her gave each other a sisterly hug.

"Been a minute hasn't it? Has Ganesha caused any problems with the Outer Tracker?" Myr asked with a playful smile.

Shakti sighed and shook her head in her hands. "Ganesha-sama hasn't left anyone alone at all in the case where he sees someone who he hasn't told about Tracker. Tracker is completely docile, except for when he saw the Silverback Ape. He nearly took the thing's head off. It took all of us, Ganesha-sama included, along with 4 other adventurers we yelled at on the street to hold him back. Why didn't you tell us that the only word to calm him down was your name?"

Myr had a blank expression on her face and plainly said "That's because there was no such word to begin with. I didn't think to train him in a safe word."

Shakti also had a blank expression on her face and slowly nodded, sighed, and welcomed them in, where Myr was greeted by none other than Tracker himself.

Leaping up into her arms, Tracker's tentacle-like appendages happily vibrated as he purred.

Giggling, Myr played with Tracker for a bit before setting him down and gesturing for him to jump up onto Shakti, who was busy sorting some paperwork, and not paying attention.

Chloe, Tenshi, Nox, and Team Neko all saw her doing this, and had to try their hardest not to laugh.

Putting a finger up to her lips in a "shh" position, Myr gave Tracker a thumbs up, and in less than a second, Tracker had lept up into the air and landed himself perfectly on Shakti's shoulders, causing her to let out an "EEP!" before realizing it was just Tracker.

Hearing Myr loudly laughing behind her, and her family also laughing, a tick mark appeared on Shakti's forehead as she silently grabbed a rolled up paper and whapped Myr on the head with it.

Rubbing the spot where Shakti hit her, Myr tried putting on a serious and angry face, only to fail miserably and started laughing again.

Shakti could only tiredly sigh and resume her paperwork, with Tracker still on her shoulders.



Everyone heard the shout as a set of running footsteps could be heard while loud guffawing could be heard.


Everyone stared blankly as Ganesha came tumbling down the stairs, and once he reached the bottom, jumped up as if his fall never happened as he struck a superhero pose and shouted "HAVE NO FEAR, FOR I AM HERE! FOR I, AM, GANESH-BLERGH!"

Shakti's foot could be seen buried into Ganesha's stomach, causing him to shrimp and also causing everyone present to start laughing while Shakti picked him up by the scruff of his neck and said "Will you stop shouting? Save your shouting for when the Monster Feria is happening."

Ganesha rubbed his stomach and frowned. "Come now Shakti, you're getting more violent by the week. Are you perhaps, you know..."

Shakti had a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Be very careful with your next words Ganesha-sama." she borderline growled.

Raising his hands in an "I surrender" position, Ganesha took a couple of steps back. "Okay, okay, I won't say it, but really Shakti, you need to find yourself a man, or a woman. You need someone to share your passion with! Take Myr and Chloe for an example! They're the two most passionate people I know of, and look where they are! The lofty heights of the food chain! Simply glorious I say! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do, come now Tracker, I must show you the Ground Dragon that Myr gave me, you'll love him! HAHAHAHAHA!"

With that, Ganesha sprinted off with Tracker fast on his heels. Shakti on the other hand, looked between Myr and Chloe and silently thought 'They look so happy together. I wonder.. no, it's impossible. I'll never find a spouse at this rate.'

"You'll find a special someone eventually Shakti."

Startled, Shakti looked up and saw both Myr and Chloe grinning at her. When she was about to ask how they knew, Chloe cryptically said "It was written all over your face."

Sighing once more, everyone heard a few knocks on the front door. Looking at each other, everyone shrugged their shoulders as Tenshi opened up the door, and as soon as Myr saw who it was, she was shocked to say the least.

'A Honey Badger? Wait a minute.. oh fuck...'

Shakti looked enamnored by the strange looking creature, and noticed it was even wearing a little backpack.

Practically blinking past the others, Shakti picked up the Honey Badger and hugged it while looking at Myr and asking "Myr-sama, what is this cute looking creature called?"

Flinching, Myr hesitantly replied "That my friend, is called a Honey Badger. They're very strong creatures that shouldn't be here on this continent, and I think I know who this particular Honey Badger is..."

Much to everyone's surprise, except Myr, the Honey Badger spoke in a clearly soft feminine voice, "Of course you know who I am. I'm the only Honey Badger that truly matters! Now could you send me back? I kinda messed up with my project I was working on and accidentally created an isolated tear in reality in my burrow. I don't know how to get back, and I had to claw many people's shins to know where you were at. Also, could you please tell this young lady to put me down? I'm not used to being picked up. Also, you got any meat on you? I'm hungry."

Myr nodded to Shakti who reluctantly set down the Honey Badger. Breathing a sigh of relief, the Honey Badger said "Hmm, you must be Shakti, right? Currently spouseless, but just based on how much I know about you, which is more than anyone in this room, including you, I've already perfectly matched you with a friend of mine who is also spouseless, and no, he's not a Honey Badger, he's a badger demi-human, and his name is Bucky. I helped him out when bricky boy I used to run from Feds, and I gave him the last name of Badger." (A/N: Ten points to whoever can guess the two references I made in this paragraph.)

Just then, a 189cm tall, sculpted, and quite handsome badger demi-human walked in. With chestnut brown eyes, a neatly trimmed head of hair, a very fine goatee, angular jawline, and plently of immacuately shaped and chisled muscles, he was a solid 10/10 in anyone's eyes.

Shakti, upon seeing Bucky, immediately felt her heart beat twice as fast and her face heat up a little.

When Bucky saw this, he became worried and rushed over to Shakti while pressing his hand against her forehead while saying in a soothing baritone voice "Sorry about this, but you look sick. Let's lie you down and get you some water, you're burning up."

Picking her up in a princess carry, Bucky carried a very flushed and stunned Shakti to a nearby couch and with a flick of his wrist, made a glass of water appear and gave it to her, which she gingerly took.

Smiling at her, Bucky said "I apologize, I haven't even introduced myself. Myr name is Bucky, Bucky Badger. What's your name, pretty one?"

Opening and closing her mouth almost like a fish, Shakti managed to squeak out "My name is Shakti. Pleasure to meet you, Bucky."

Nodding his head, Bucky gave an almost blindingly white smile to her and felt her forehead again. Nodding to himself, Bucky said "It appears the fever you had has gone down. It's strange, I've never seen a fever go down that fast. You really are someone special."

When he tried to get up and walk away however, Shakti grabbed his wrist and quietly asked "C-Can you stay with me for a little bit longer? I-I don't think I'm feeling well at.. all..."

Chuckling, Bucky took a seat next to Shakti and nodded his head while smiling. "Of course. If a patient needs help then I have to be there to help her."

Meanwhile, Myr, Chloe, and the Honey Badger were having a talk of their own.

"Honey Badger, do you realize what you've done? You just gave her the love of her life, I mean look at her! I've never seen her blush like that and become all cutesy like that! Thanks a lot friend, I really mean it."

Chuckling, the Honey badger gave the best smirk she could. "Hehe, I knew they'd be a good match. Trust me, not only does he look out of this world, but he has a heart of gold, and he even vowed in the name of his anscestors, which basically means an unbreakable vow, that once he found a spouse, he would never take another. In the off chance that something happens to Shakti, he'll most likely remain single for the rest of his life. I asked him about it, and he told me that if his spouse wanted multiple lovers, then he'd gladly accept it if it made her happy. He's also the best doctor around, save for anyone heavily specialized in healing. He's a bonafide level 8 adventurer as well, a peak one at that, so you don't need to worry about anything happening to her while he's around."

Chloe chuckled. "I must say Miss Honey Badger, you're quite the quirky one."

The Honey Badger looks at Chloe and simply retorts "That's rich coming from the one who wanted to practice shibari on Myr."

Chloe's tail went ram rod straight as a gleam entered her eyes. Before she could strike at the Honey Badger however, they both heard Myr's breathing pick up slightly.

"Chloe, if that's what you want, then.. then I'll let you.. tie me up next time.." Myr said in a quiet voice.

Smiling with a possessive gleam in her eyes, Chloe hugged Myr and whispered into her ear "I'd love to do that to you, and so, much, more. All you need to do is ask~"

Feeling her heartbeat quicken, Myr silently nodded and buried her face into Chloe's chest.

The Honey Badger sighed and turned towards the children in the room, pulled them aside, and said "Listen kids. What the lovebirds over there are doing is for adults. Wait until you're older until you try some of this stuff. Oh, by the way, sing to "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down" to Myr if she asks you what you want to do. Trust me, it'll be hilarious. Don't sell me out though."

With that, the Honey Badger managed to open a portal, and silently trotted away to her home world.

Tenshi turned to Nox and Team Neko and said with a giggle, "Mom and Mommy will probably make funny noises in the bedroom together after this. Let's work together to make them breakfast in bed after they make the funny noises."

Nox and Team Neko agreed to do so with happy smiles, though Team Neko could only display their moods using their eyes.



Bucky quickly got up and approached Ganesha. Saluting him, Bucky firmly says "Ganesha sir. I understand that you're something of a father figure to Shakti, and as such I figured I better ask you first. Would you allow me to date Shakti? I daresay it was love at first sight. Also, I think I should show you my left arm, as the Honey Badger that brought me here made it for me."

Flexing his left arm for a moment, Bucky's left arm shimmers, and is then shown to be a mechanical one, something that would cost a fortune to even an S ranked Familia, assuming that there was anyone who could even make such a masterpiece.

Ganesha beamed at Bucky and put his arm around Bucky's shoulders while laughing. "HAHAHA! OF COURSE YOU CAN DATE SHAKTI! I CAN ALLOW IT, FOR I, AM, GANESHA!"

Smiling, Bucky bro hugged Ganesha and walked up to Shakti and gently asked her "Shakti. We've only known each other for a few mere minutes, and I'm not quite sure about this general location, but if you wouldn't mind, would you like to show me around?"

Shakti blushed and gently held Bucky's left hand. Looking up at him, she smiled a smile that could melt icebergs. "Of course. I would love to show you around. How about after the Monster Feria? Trust me, you'll love it!"

Bucky smiled and gently hugged Shakti and said "Then I'll have to take you up on your offer."

On the side, Ganesha was crying tears of joy that his usually stoic and cold captain finally found herself a wonderful man.


Up in the guest of honor seats...

"Myr, there's quite a crowd this year. You think it was because Ganesha said that you'd be attending?"

Myr looked at Chloe with a defeated expression on her face.

"I'm pretty sure that's the case. I'm positive that he also said that I'd be helping judge the tamed monsters. I know he didn't think it through, but this is going to give me such a headache."

Tenshi and Nox giggled. "Mom, what do you think is going to appear? The Ground Dragon? I kind of want to see it!" Tenshi said with an excited voice.

Nox nodded her head in agreement. "I also think that they should show off the Ground Dragon that Mother brought them. I'm interested in seeing what my distant relative looks like."

Myr nods her head while cryptically saying "Yes, the events will indeed be fun. Who knows, maybe there really will be a dragon."

'A dragon amongst rabbits, heh.'