Eye opening truth


Tenshi's shout could be heard from her room, prompting Myr to instantly teleport next to Tenshi so she didn't have to shout.

"I'm here, what's the matter?"

Turning towards Myr, Tenshi had a disgusted look on her face. "Mom, look at the cameras. What do you see?"

Looking at the screens, Myr's face was etched with a deep scowl when she saw a figure trying to break the wards around her mansion.

'Cú Chulainn? I see, Zeus, Hera, and Odin must be behind this.'

Myr pats Tenshi on the head. "Good work, I'll take care of this asshat."

Myr snaps her fingers and isolates the heroic figure in a separate dimension, teleporting there as well.

Startled by sudden isolation, Cú Chulainn locks onto Myr and sports a feral grin.

"The All-Father wants you to come over to the Land of the Heroes where you belong. Now come-"

Chulainn didn't even get to finish his sentence before Myr punches him and shatters his jaw, sending a large amount of her Chaos Divinity into it, preventing it from healing. She then shatters his arms and legs before breaking his weapon and letting her Void Divinity erase it.

Leaning in close, Myr whispered "I know who Odin is dumbass, and I don't care. You think I didn't feel your killing intent aimed at my family? Well, I'll go over there, and I'm gonna butcher all of you stupid fucks who dare want to cause harm to my family. I'll bring your head over there as they need something left of you to bury. Goodbye, Cú Chulainn."

With that, Myr severs his head off and burns his body. Snapping her fingers, Myr instantly teleports to where Odin is, startling him and causing him to drop his tea he was drinking.

Seeing Myr holding the still bloody head of Cú Chulainn, Odin's face pales. "M-Myr, this was all a misunderstanding, nobody ordered him to try and attack your family, we-"

"I don't want to hear any of your bullshit Odin. You sent him, period. He attacked with the intent of killing my family, and now you'll all pay the price. You might as well call every "hero" over here so I can butcher them too, because I can't imagine them taking kindly to me killing one of their own." Myr said in an icy tone. Throwing the head onto the desk at which Odin was sitting, she makes a chair out of nanomachines and sits down to wait. Luckily, she didn't have to wait long.

"Well now, I was gonna take a nap but Odin decided to call me here, and now I see why. Odin, I ain't fighting this girl. I might be able to cut just about anything, but she'd kill me before I even have a chance to clear scabbard."

Looking up, Myr saw who spoke and smirked. "Musashi Miyamoto, the one who can cut "just about anything". It's good to see a living legend. After all, your skill with the way of the sword is something even I'm impressed with. You have my respect, don't waste it."

Laughing, Musashi bows to Myr and says "Thank ya' Myr. I appreciate it. Might I ask ya' somethin' though?"

Amused, Myr crossed her legs and leaned forward a bit. "Oh? And what would the great swordsman want to ask me?"

Chuckling, Musashi placed a hand on the hilt of his sword in a casual manner and asked "I know it ain't exactly polite, but ya' think you have some time to spar with me? I wanna know how far I am from the top."

Raising her eyebrow, Myr nods and grins. "Sure. I'd also like to see how I fare against someone who can bisect a person's very ego."

Both of them were practically dripping with battle lust, so much so that the air seemed as if it were made of glass, and could break at any moment, causing Odin to hold his breathe.

Luckily for Odin, help arrived. "Myr, it is good to see you. Hera-sama wants to-"

Turning to look at the newcomer, Myr scowls. "Jean, go tell Hera than she can sit on a dick. Zeus has already gravely offended me by spying on my family with lecherous intent, and seeing as how Hera is close "friends" with him, she's guilty by default. Now scram, because there are several different ways I can kill you despite your passives."

Jean looked genuinely uncomfortable, which greatly amused Myr who had her mood spoiled by the mentioning of Hera's name.

All of a sudden, the roof caves in as a giant hulk of a man comes bursting through.

With over 2 meters in height, Heracles dwarfs our dearest cat girl, yet neither seemed fazed by each other.

Myr frowned and snapped her fingers, teleporting every hero into an arena in Nekopara. Not worried about the arena breaking due to everything being made by her nanomachines, Myr flicks her wrist and a transparent barrier separates everyone from Myr and Heracles.

Still frowning, Myr pointedly asked "You do realize that you were about to kill everyone but me in your little instigation, right?"

Heracles snorted and a reddish aura flared around him. "I don't care about those weaklings, I just want to fight. If they die, they die."

Myr scowled and said in an icy tone, "I know about your 12 lives. I know about the detonation of energy when one of your lives is taken. But that's all useless in front of me. I could stand in this spot for billions of epochs and you wouldn't be able to scratch me. Furthermore, you had quite a bit of killing intent aimed towards me, enough to warrant your death. You're not the reasonable type, and if I let you go now, then it'll only mean more trouble later on, so, on that note, any final prayers you want to say?"

Heracles started laughing madly, and with a crazed look in his eyes, shouted "It's been a while since I could go all out. Very well then, let's see how tough you really- BLEGH!"

Myr blinked over to Heracles and threw a simple side kick, and upon contact, flooded Heracles' wound with Chaos energy, destabilizing Heracles' internal energy, making it run rampant, which ended up taking his first life.

True to Myr's previous words, a burst of golden energy erupted from him as his once shattered spine and liquified internal organs immediately righted themselves.

Glaring at Myr, Heracles was about to shout when Myr blinked behind him and kicked his jaw so hard his head spun fast enough to complete 5 full rotations before coming to a stop. This resulted in his vertebrae being shattered and his brain turned to sludge.

Once more, a burst of golden energy erupted out, and Heracles' wounds healed themselves.

Now wary, Heracles didn't even get a moment's respite before Myr repeatedly teleported and violently punched his body over and over again, until the entire inside of his body was turned to paste, and his bones beat into dust.

Life after life was taken from Heracles until he was on his final one. It should be noted that Myr hadn't even worked up a sweat, while Heracles was looking at her in disbelief, anger, and a little fear.

Myr took off her blindfold, revealing her eyes to everyone around. Gazing at Heracles with an impartial expression and unblinking gaze, she asked him in a neutral tone "How do you wish to die? Painfully, or peacefully? I can grant you either, the choice is yours. You have 10 seconds."

Heracles grit his teeth, then bitterly laughed while saying "I was told long ago that I would fight the wrong person one day. I was told that no matter what I try, I'd never be able to win. I want to see her again. I'd like to go peacefully if you'd allow that. End this hell I call life."

Myr gave Heracles a curt nod and snapped her fingers. Using a mix of elements, divinities, and energies, Myr forcefully made Heracles recall all of the happy moments in his life, where he didn't have to constantly fight for his life, and where he could just live happily. She made him remember his mother's meals, the stories she told him, the songs she sang him, and most of all, her smile that to him, she never dropped.

Everyone was shocked when they Heracles collapse seiza style and saw a peaceful smile on his face, and even more so when they saw a small stream of tears flowing from his eyes.

Myr walked up to him and hugged him, to which he gently hugged her back, as instead of Myr, he saw his mother, whom he didn't even remember the name of, but still yearned for.

Looking up at her, Heracles started to lightly cry. "Mother, why did you have to go? I get to be with you now forever, right?"

Myr nodded and warmly smiled at him. "Of course, my dear little Heracles. Come, be at peace, you're safe. Now lay your head down and rest, Mother will take care of you from now on."

Nodding his head, Heracles laid his head down on her lap, facing up, and with a smile, closed his eyes as he finally passed away.

All the while, Myr was busy talking with Systi.

'Systi, send an urgent message to Messorem. Tell him to send Heracles' soul from my timeline into a dream where he lives out his life peacefully, and also tell him that I'll beat every single one of them if someone stops him from showing preferential treatment.'

{I'll do just that. You know, it amazes me that the only reason Heracles went mad was because of his desire to die and be reunited with his mother. Myr, you did the right thing, giving him a peaceful end}

'I know partner. Systi, can you help me understand something?'

{Sure, ask away and I'll see if I can help}

'Why is this world so messed up? Why is there so much ugly in the world, yet no one pays attention to anything other than the surface that's all sparkles, rainbows and sugar? I'm starting to realize that no matter what world I may go to, this will never change.'

{That's a tough, yet easy question to answer. It stems from a few things, one being willful ignorance. People think that if they ignore a problem, it'll go away. Another would be greed. Greed has been the cause of an untold amount of deaths across the omniverse, and among other omniverses as well. People want what they don't have, and when they have what they want, they just end up wanting more. This is something no one will ever be able to change, unless they plan to rule over all omniverses and every single plane of existence}

'I figured as much. Thanks Systi, you're the best.'

{No problem partner. We're stuck together whether we like it or not, hehe~}

{Oh, Messorem agreed to do what you told him to do. He also said that the others agree that you didn't need to threaten them like that because none of them were stupid enough to ignore a message that YOU sent that was labeled as urgent. Very wise of them}

'Mn, very wise indeed. Send him my thanks for me, I have some more shit to deal with.'

After Heracles' body disappeared, Myr stood up, and snapped her fingers, creating a cemetery in the castle's back yard. She included her first tombstone, which read "Here lies Heracles. A broken man who was made whole."

Myr then waved her hand and the barrier surrounding the portion where she killed Heracles faded out, which prompted everyone to gather somewhat close to her, yet everyone stood a solid 30 paces away.

Odin walked up to her first. "Myr, why did you kill him? All you needed to do was-"

Odin didn't get a chance to finish his question before he was punched in the stomach and sent flying into Gilgamesh, who was floating nearby.

With a borderline murderous gleam in her eyes, Myr growled out "Zip it retard. I'm sick and tired of old fucks telling me what to do when all they do is see people and think "How can I use this person to further my agenda" and not "This person is in pain, how can I help them?" It's bullshit how you couldn't see that he was in pain, it's bullshit how you didn't have a care in the world when he needed help the most. I hate creatures like you, Odin. I hate creatures like you with all my heart. You promise heroes land and prosperity, but never give them peace. You disgust me, Odin. You and your little group of dipshits that include Hera and Zeus, and many more gods and goddesses that I'm convinced exist only to piss people off."

With that, Myr teleported away and back into her room, leaving an very uneasy group of heroes looking at Odin.

Musashi, who greatly respected Myr, grumbled "Odin, there somethin' you wanna tell us? Did ya' really know the so called "strongest being alive" was in so much pain? Cus' if ya' did..."

Odin coughed out a mouthful of blood before sighing and sitting down. Looking at everyone, he closed his eyes and nodded his head.

"It's as Myr said. I knew he was in pain, yet I did nothing to help him. Zeus, Hera and I all decided to gather heroes into this land in case we needed you all. To us, you were nothing more than tools, though later on I tried reasoning that we should start actually caring about you all. If you want to kill me then do so, I've more than earned it."

Musashi made a look of disgust. "Yer' a real piece of shit, ya' know that? If it weren't for the fact that Myr left you alive for a reason, I'd have cut ya' so many times ya' wouldn't even be able to go back to heaven. I'll leave it up to our resident powerhouse to kill ya' if the time comes". With that, Musashi sauntered off, as before Myr teleported away, she teleported everyone back to the Land of the Heroes.


Seeing Myr pop back into their room, Chloe rushed over to Myr and grabbed her shoulders while borderline growling "Whole story, now."

Myr nodded and recalled everything that happened, which greatly saddened her that Myr now fully understood what laid underneath the surface of everything good.

Chloe hugged Myr, and quietly said "Myr, I love you. I'll never stop doing so. The last star will be extinguished before my love for you fades. If you're ever feeling down, please talk to me. I hate it when you try to tackle everything on your own. We're married, so it's only natural to share a burden with eachother."

Myr nodded, and promptly fell asleep, still hugging Chloe.

This caused Chloe to sigh, strip them both and put on their respective nightgowns, and tucked them both into bed, all while Myr slept with a content smile on her face in Chloe's arms.